Nella Viv Thomas - Ten Ridiculous Rules About Pink Velvet Viv Thomas

by GraigRosenberger posted Oct 16, 2015


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Kelly’s Out

Alex was sitting in the passenger seat, anxious and excited at the same time, fumbling awkwardly as Kelly drove her purple Honda toward Bourbon Street. All the endless planning, the teasing talk, the fantasies—all of it had somehow led to that long drive to the tourist part of town, where the game would finally begin, and it all felt real right then. Tonight it would finally happen.

Of course, Kelly looked incredible in her outfit, which she modeled for him earlier in the afternoon. For months, she had been preparing for this night— all the squats and stretching to tone her body, all to enhance her stamina and flexibility, tightening up and streamlining her already gorgeous figure— and the effect was stunning. She was looking her best, absolutely, and even though Alex had asked for all of this, he couldn’t help but feel jealous and small.

"Look, are you sure you’re okay with this?" he asked.

Kelly didn’t take her eyes off the road. "You know I would rather not do this," she said, with a weariness that reminded him they had gone over this plenty of times before. "But if it’s something you think you can’t do without—" she paused, changing lanes, and seemed to skip ahead in her thoughts. "I just want to never have to talk about this again."

Alex winced, mostly because Kelly was right. He couldn’t live without this. The whole idea had been a splinter in his mind, growing larger and more detailed over time, and now it was far too conspicuous to cast aside. It needed to happen. Part of him also thought he was out of his mind. After all, what normal guy would want this? What kind of a man would allow this to happen? He imagined that most men would fear a night like this one, a worst case scenario for any relationship—an absolute nightmare for almost anyone. But his excitement betrayed his better sensibilities. He didn’t have to wonder if he wanted it.

"You’ll take care of me afterwards, right?" Alex asked, sounding weaker than he wanted. Part of him still thought none of this would happen, like this was all a dress rehearsal for a viv thomas tumblr larger performance further down the road, but just knowing that they were hurtling toward something filled him with worry. Kelly kept driving, eyes forward, without any hesitation—she seemed resigned to the process now, and she carried them both forward. She didn’t try to pull over to talk about this. She was even driving a little over the speed limit, as though rushing toward the inevitable. All of this filled Alex with a strange sense of dread.

"You’ll tell me everything? How it felt? What you thought about? Right?"

Kelly sighed, and viv thomas trailer kept driving. Silence filled the car for only a moment, but peaches viv thomas to Alex it felt much longer. "We’ll see what happens, okay?" she finally replied, still sounding weary and cold. Alex began to speak again, but she silenced him with a fierce gaze that softened almost immediately. Then she smiled, and Alex was disarmed. "I love you," she said, and now her voice felt warmer and more alive, "and all of this is because of that fact. I really do love you." But then she turned back to the road.

"I love you too, and you’re right baby," Alex said, but he couldn’t leave it at that. He stuttered, then kept speaking nervously. "Remember though, I want to pick out whoever you think—"

He tried to get this all out, but Kelly brusquely cut him off in mid-sentence.

Yes, I know every detail, believe me." Kelly clicked the turn signal, finally exiting the freeway, so close now. "I just hope you won’t regret this," she said, and not without a touch of spiteful insolence, which excited Alex even more. By that point, she could push his buttons like an expert. She finally turned back to him, still smiling. "But will it be worth it for you?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow and looking sexier than ever. More than sexy, really– she looked ready.

"Absolutely baby."

Kelly parked the car and got out, brushing back her long blonde hair and straightening her skirt in the cool night air. She surveyed the scene, the exterior of the bar bustling with patrons sneaking smokes between pitchers of beer. Standing erect in the parking lot at that moment fired a nervous spike through her body that she stifled immediately. She turned to him, trumped up with a blind assuredness and hopeful confidence that he seemed to lack. Kelly missed the old Alex—the one that spun her around and kissed her whimsically that first night, when everything was so perfect. Everything had changed so much since then, and now it had come to this. Perversion. A part of her hated him for it.

"I’ll go in first," she said, "since it might be easier that way."

Before Alex could agree, Kelly walked on toward the bar, her heels clicking along the pavement and echoing across the lot. As she approached the doors, it was as though the seas parted; some men stopped speaking in mid-sentence, mouths agape, while others elbowed friends to gesture toward the gorgeous specimen that was about to grace the evening. Kelly could hear the whispers, which she knew well—all through high school, she’d had the boys in the palm of her hand, and she basked in the attention. Men leered and licked their lips at the luscious blonde, while women sneered and cursed the tramp. Kelly was pleased to see that not much had changed; all that was different was that her protector, her guardian, the man sworn to uphold her pride and defend her honour—he was back at the car, waiting his turn.

Inside it was crowded and dim, filled with New Orleans kitsch and the usual adornments, and Kelly felt even more eyes on her as she sashayed her way across the middle of the dancefloor and toward the oak-topped bar. The basketball game was on, but for a moment nobody in the bar was watching, with necks craning and heads turning. The crowd parted as she stepped to the bar, turning on her heels and perching up on a stool with an assumed confidence that belied the nervous energy that coursed through her body. She crossed one leg over the other in a slow move she’d practiced many times, the friction of her tan stockings firing tiny sparks into the air. Kelly dangled her shoe off her toe and smiled at the bartender, ordering a strawberry daiquiri instead of her usual rum and coke just to set the stage. At that moment, Alex sauntered in, giving Kelly the slightest nod before settling into an empty table in a dark corner of the bar.

Even before the daiquiri arrived, the man sitting next to Kelly brushed against her arm and turned to her and smiled. Kelly smiled back. He was a little shorter than Alex, but still about six-foot-two, and he had a confident, handsome face that excited Kelly immediately. He was watching the game with his friends, laughing loudly and drinking beer from heavy steins, turned away from Kelly so that she could only see his profile and the thick, rippling muscles of his shoulders and back. Nonetheless, it was clear that his brush up against Kelly hadn’t been an innocent accident. So when she swiveled in her stool, brushing her stocking against Mark’s leg, he turned to meet her gaze with a smile already painted on.

"Strawberry daiquiri?" he asked with a wink. The bartender handed Kelly the drink with a knowing grin—he’s seen this play out many times before. She accepted it and cupped the drink in her hands, taking a small sip from her straw, gazing up.

"Yeah, so?" she smiled back.

"Haven’t seen anybody in here order that drink in a long time" he drawled, extending his hand to shake. Kelly accepted his hand daintily, as though he might crush her delicate little bones if she let him get too close. "I’m Mark" he says, and she notices his friends have already scattered.

"I’m Kelly" she replied, blushing. She felt targeted, as though Mark had selected her right out of the chorus, and she was impressed by how well he played the game. They chit-chatted innocently enough, but the sparks were flying. Kelly’s southern charm and Mark’s confident swagger meshed perfectly, and everything felt fluid and easy.

"Do you always order daiquiris in bars?" Mark asked, subtlety inching a little closer to Kelly, who didn’t flinch.

"You should try one," she laughed, and he tipped his beer toward her, clinking glasses, and in one motion he got the bartender’s attention and ordered them each another round. Very smooth, and Kelly was impressed. She took that moment to glance over at Alex, winking and smiling to let him know everything was proceeding perfectly.

With their fresh drinks, they clinked glasses again. Kelly took a long sip from the straw, quenching her dry, nervous tongue and savoring the taste. She gazed at Mark, her chin turned up toward him, and he downed half his beer in one gulp. Clearly, he was as thirsty as she was. She squirmed a little in her stool, re-crossing her legs, and Mark noticed and licked his lips as if on impulse.

Part of him couldn’t believe his luck. After all, Mark was only in town to hang out with friends and was at the bar to do just that. He certainly hadn’t planned on any of this. While getting ready to go out, he had even hesitated before spraying on his cologne simply because he didn’t think the evening was worth the trouble. Mark was tall, good looking, strong—in other words, a good catch in most situations, but he could never be quite as smooth as some of his friends. His smile normally only got him so far. To have a gorgeous, sexy little number practically eating out of his hands was something of a new experience for him. Every line he spoke, even the thoughtless, awkward and half-stuttered clichés that would normally cool things right off— for some reason, all of it was gold. It was as though he could do no wrong.

Mark didn’t know if it was blind luck, or something more, and he didn’t want to know; all that mattered was that, on the smoothest night of his life, when all the stars seemed to line up, Kelly happened to walk up and sit next to him. He fumbled through his mind for another line, something to keep the conversation going—anything to keep that tight, petite little blonde glued to her seat and focused on him. He knew he’d think of something smooth; what he didn’t know was that it didn’t even matter.

"So, um, what are you doing here all by yourself?" Mark finally managed, drinking in the view of Kelly’s long legs as she dangled her shoe inches from his ankle. She curled her toes to touch him, as if her instincts were telling him that the slim space between their bodies was available.

"I was waiting for someone who probably won’t show" she cooed in mock disappointment, giggling with wide eyes, more forward now than ever. Taking the cue, Mark reached down and brushed his fingers along Kelly’s knee, sampling the silky texture of her stocking, testing her. Normally he would never try anything so brazen and bold, but something told him that Kelly wouldn’t flinch. His fingers whispered across her knee like a phantom, so light that the contact might have barely registered, except they both felt it like an electric shock. Kelly didn’t break her gaze, but her heart pounded in her chest.

From across the bar, Alex felt the energy pulse through the room, impacting right in his lap. He almost gasped. Watching the seduction play out at a distance was exhilarating— from across the bar, every gesture seemed so much more exaggerated, so much more deliberate. Every time Kelly touched Mark’s hand, the feigned innocence would tumble away from Alex’s view. All the little flutterings, the ghostly caresses, the fleeting flirtations—all of it came across to Alex as base animalism, raw seduction. What had been so hypothetical moments ago had leapt boldly into reality, and now it had a power all its own. There was no stopping it. Alex could only sit, and wait, and enjoy the show. When he made eye contact with Kelly again, she almost frowned—as though disappointed that she had to seek out this stranger to do all the things that Alex couldn’t do himself. She wondered why it couldn’t be Alex’s fingers sampling her body, or his hot breath on her neck when Mark leaned in to speak. Even in the wake of all that teasing and excitement, she felt alone. But she could only hold Alex’s gaze for an instant before Mark’s eyes drew her back into his wheelhouse, as though her mind were on a string that only he could pull.

Mark took another sip of his beer and ran his index finger along Kelly’s thigh, curling up against the fabric of her frilly skirt, hunting for more. "Well," he offered, more confident now, spurred on by Kelly’s frank, smiling eyes. "Do you think he’ll mind if I keep you company until he shows up?" Kelly squirmed in response to this attention, and she felt herself moistening in spite of herself. Mark explored the rest of her body with his eyes, and Kelly licked her lips again. She glanced back at Alex out of the corner of her eye, and now she somehow wondered whether he really would mind or not. After all, she started out doing this just for Alex, but now there was something in her that wanted this too. She might have tried to convince herself otherwise, but the heat of her body, the blush of her cheeks, and the flow of her juices— all these things conspired to betray her innocent loyalty. Kelly wanted it too now, and Alex could see that. When they made eye contact again, Alex motioned toward the bathrooms, where they had agreed they would meet every so often to discuss the situation. Kelly stared right back at Alex, but didn’t respond. Alex made a more exaggerated motion, nearly standing up and pointing toward the back of the bar, hoping to make his request clear. But Kelly seemed to ignore him altogether. She threw her head back and laughed out loud, ostensibly at something Mark had said, turning back to her conquest and gently touching his chest with her palm. Mark smiled in spite of himself, and Alex could only watch—an afterthought. Kelly seemed to be making up the rules as she went along, either ignoring or forgetting all their little expectations and instructions, and Alex felt her slipping through his fingers. In spite of his doubts and worries, his excitement only grew, as though mocking him with the spectre of fantasy come to life.

Alex continued to watch from afar, trying hard not to rub his swollen cock through his jeans, nursing a beer and fixated on the scene. Had Alex chosen another spot, Mark might have noticed the strange man staring at him from across the bar, but in this case Alex was safely in the shadows and out of sight. His heart raced every time Kelly slowly crossed her legs in front of Mark, knowing that she crossed her legs often when she was really horny, and watching her work through these movements for another man drove Alex wild. She looked so delicious, so available, and so glamorous—he knew that under normal circumstances a man like Mark would need enormous confidence and charm to have won her attention so quickly, to land a woman as sensuous and beautiful as Kelly in a bar full of predators. Alex tried to imagine himself in Mark’s body, like a virile colt primed for action, ready for anything, but he knew something that Mark didn’t know—that if it hadn’t been for Alex, Mark would be watching the game at the bar alone. All things being equal, Kelly wouldn’t give Mark the time of day. Alex had gift-wrapped his woman and delivered her right into Mark’s lap. He was the cause of Mark’s good fortune, a masochistic benefactor, a stranger in the dark corner of a bar bearing precious gifts to strangers in order to satisfy his own perverse fantasies. Kelly was nothing more than Alex’s ravishing accomplice in the whole charade, and Mark was but an ignorant beneficiary. Alex watched and wondered what would happen next.

All the while, Kelly and Mark flirted openly, engrossed in one another. Mark was riding the wave of his good fortune and he believed he was ready for anything. Kelly seemed more than ready too. She radiated fire with every glance, and the heat was palpable. When Mark leaned over, he ran his hand along her thigh and linked his fingers into the top of her stocking, and this motion seemed so possessive, so dominant, and so risky. Still a part of his mind expected a slap, or some form of rebuke for such a bold gesture, but Kelly simply blushed, then nodded. Mark was emboldened to go forward, and from across the bar Alex’s cock throbbed in response.

"That feels good," Kelly whispered in Mark’s ear, her cool breath lingering.


"When you touch me," she replied, laughing to herself at how nervous and unprepared Mark seemed to be. She smiled up at him, and pulled him closer. "You can go further," she teased, "if you want."

Mark fumbled a reply, looking around nervously, so Kelly put her hand over his own and guided him along her thigh until he was on her hip. At that moment he looked lost, scared, and perhaps ten years younger. He had never imagined a woman so beautiful and glamourous could behave this way, and he couldn’t imagine how to respond. But he was obedient. "Touch me" Kelly cooed, easing her frame up off the stool, allowing Mark to reach under and grasp her firm ass. Mark squeezed her left cheek and was astonished by how firm and round she was. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him. From nearby, friends and other patrons whistled and laughed at the awkward seduction that was playing out before them, and Mark blushed a deep red and almost pulled his hand back, as though from a burning element. Kelly held him there, adjusting her posture a little more before guided him to squeeze her again, glancing across the bar at Alex’s astonished visage. "Mmmm, I really like that," she whispered, biting her lip, keeping her eyes locked on Alex.

"You wanna get out of here?" Mark asked, close to Kelly’s ear, hopefully and nervously inhaling her perfume. His hand slipped back up her thigh, gripping the top of her stocking in his fingers again, her skirt folding over his hand and hiding his advances to everyone but Alex. Kelly’s heart raced even more— her sudden bout of trepidation surprised her, and she didn’t know how to respond other than to nod. She thought of rising to finally meet Alex near the bathrooms, to ask him what to do, or to find out what he wanted. She looked over to Alex again and saw her erstwhile lover fixated on the scene from across the bar, like a sickly voyeur, a lecherous pervert at a peep show, and a shiver of loathing coursed through her body. Alex had wanted to set the scene and let it play out to suit his taste, but he wanted the option to get involved and control the action whenever doubt or shame might creep in. He wanted control. Of course, Kelly would play along with his fantasy—it was far too late to go back– but she decided to deny him the control that he so desperately sought. Alex would have to watch from a far, from a distance. After all, Mark had already claimed her for himself, and wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

Kelly backed away from Mark, giving him a rather clinical once over, as though performing a final evaluation of his credentials. Her cheeks were flushed at the immediacy of the whole affair, knowing that the moment of truth had arrived. What had begun as a fantasy had become all too real, and what surprised her most was how excited she had become. In spite of herself, she really wanted Mark. Kelly imagined sucking Mark’s dick and his abject astonishment at her skill; she imagined Mark perched between her legs, eating her pussy with the enthusiasm that matched his good fortune; she imagined his hard cock sampling her soaked pussy before she’d offer him more. Mostly, she imagined being savagely fucked by this strange, new man— giving him the night of his life, while showing Alex how dangerous this whole game could be. She wanted to give Mark much more than she had ever given Alex—she wanted Mark to claim part of her for himself, and to deliver Kelly back to Alex incomplete, changed, even damaged. She decided then and there to let it happen. Mark watched Kelly timidly, waiting for her response, sensing her evaluation, wondering if perhaps he’d done something wrong. He instantly regretted being so forward, and hoped he hadn’t ruined everything. The moment lingered into another, and another, and his tension mounted. He was about to say something else, to try and recover some of the charm he believed had slipped his grasp, but Kelly silenced him with a coy smile. She nodded, and in a matter-of-fact tone gave her reply: "Sure."

Kelly reached into her purse to grab her phone. "Let me just text him to cancel," she managed, uncrossing her legs and closing them tight, releasing Mark’s grip—she felt her pussy creaming in anticipation and she could barely contain herself. She opened Alex’s text window and keyed out a quick message, her thumbs shaking in excitement and barely managing to spell the words properly. ‘I might take him home?’ was all she could really say.

Alex felt the buzz of his phone and he opened Kelly’s text. He wanted to smile and play the scene as cool as he had in his fantasies, but his hands were trembling. He wasn’t sure if Kelly was asking his permission, or announcing her intention, but either way, his feeling was the same—of course she could take him home. He keyed out his response, trying as hard as he could to come across breezy and relaxed. "Yes… I want you to take him home Tooty," Alex managed. His use of their pet name for each other was contrived and ill-conceived, but Alex went on. "I hope you’ll worship his cock and think of me while doing it."

Alex hit send, then settled back in his chair. In an instant, Kelly had her phone out again, and she smirked to herself. Alex waited for her to look over at him, but she didn’t, and wondered why she smirked. Had it been because she wouldn’t think of him at all? Had he made a terrible mistake? Would this lucky man get her full attention instead? Alex couldn’t sit still, his feet bouncing in place and adrenaline pumping wildly. Kelly wouldn’t even look at him. He had lost control. Instead, Kelly turned back to Mark, her neck craned up to meet his leering gaze, and smiled wide. "I’m ready when you are" she sang, perched on the edge of her stool, and Mark smiled back, offering his hand as he stood. She took his hand and allowed Mark to guide her away, giggling nervously and wiggling her ass with every step. Alex watched on from his corner seat, and noticed Mark’s friends laughing with the bartender. Clearly, this was a big joke to all of them, but not to Alex. Mark, for his part, looked over his shoulder and winked at his friends with an adopted confidence as he escorted Kelly through the front door. The men howled their approval as waves of laughter took the bar by force. Alex followed in their wake.

Outside, Kelly stood with Mark while he dialed the number of a taxi company, his arm slipped around her waist. She turned into him and pressed her breasts against Mark’s chest, glancing back toward the bar and hoping Alex would emerge to see them standing there. Kelly wanted to be sure that Alex witnessed how surely Mark had claimed her, cupping her side in his hand, possessing her. For months, Alex had fantasized about this night, asking Kelly to jerk him off while telling him how it felt to be possessed by another man, to give herself over to him. She didn’t want him to miss the show. When Alex finally pushed through the doors, Kelly leaned into Mark and tilted toward his face, running her tongue softly across his lower lip and opening up for him. They sampled and tasted each other in tentative, sensual kisses before rolling their tongues against one another with deep and passionate pulses. Faint notes of alcohol lingered on their collective breath, each of them a little drunk, but Kelly more so. As if on cue, Mark reached down and cupped Kelly’s tight ass and ran his palm along her skirt, clearly impressed again by the firm and toned texture of her body. Kelly smiled into Mark’s kiss, knowing Alex was watching, knowing he had achieved at least part of his fantasy.

When the taxi finally arrived, they broke their kiss, although their tongues lingered an instant longer, and single strand of saliva traced between their hungry mouths before disappearing into the entropy of their passion. Mark opened the cab door and stood aside like a gentleman, helping Kelly to ease her way into the backseat. Alex imagined that this show of chivalry was only a ruse, and that the gentleman would be replaced by a rabid animal very soon. Mark carefully shut the cab door and walked around the back of the cab, and he noticed Alex’s stunned stare. Mark nodded an odd acquiescence to this stranger, as though agreeing to something unspoken, something instinctual. For a brief instant, they shared an understanding, but a moment later Mark turned away and got into the taxi with the love of Alex’s life. What control Alex may have had, however fleeting or minimal it may have been—it was all past. Kelly was on her own. Alex lurched over to their car and got in, wondering what would happen next.

In the cab, Kelly curled into Mark’s chest and they kissed again, more confidently this time, and with a steady rhythm that told them that they were both ready for much more. Mark touched Kelly’s breasts and she moaned into his mouth, arching her back to allow him greater access. As he mauled her body, the cabdriver kept stealing glances in the rear view mirror. When Mark buried his face in Kelly’s cleavage, she made eye contact with the driver and blew him a seductive kiss. She played the part of whore to perfection, and the driver was clearly convinced. In her heart, she felt so strange and empty without Alex watching, and completely alone. But she wanted to set the scene for later, and that required a strong performance. So she eased into Mark’s awkward pawing of her body, urging him on in body if not spirit.

Kelly could barely hold Mark off as he became more aggressive and confident, but she did her best to keep things cool until they would reach the apartment. She looked again at the rear-view mirror and met the driver’s leering gaze. She also looked directly into the taxi’s surveillance camera and immediately felt a tinge of regret and shame. She wondered where Alex was at that moment, what he was doing, how he was feeling. As if on cue, her phone buzzed in her purse again, and she reached excitedly around the obstacle of Mark’s paws to retrieve it—she knew Alex wanted an update, but mostly she craved that connection. His text was simple enough:

"That was so sexy Tooty. Make sure to think about me."

Kelly moved to put the phone back, knowing no response could possibly explain how she felt at this moment, but with a tinge of guilt she decided to put together a brief reply: "Sure thing, Tooty." She knew the ambiguity of this message would drive Alex crazy. She was about to send another text goading him, telling him perhaps that she’d almost forgotten all about him, or that she was headed to a hotel and not back to the apartment—anything to play with Alex’s doubts and insecurities. But all she could manage was a loud, pain-filled gasp that surprised the driver. While texting Alex, Mark had freed Kelly’s left nipple and was clamping down on her breast, sucking hard and with precision. His teeth pierced her flesh, sending spasms through her body– equal measures of pain and pleasure. Kelly dropped the phone into her purse and ran her fingers into Mark’s hair, urging him on in spite of herself. When he finally released her nipple, she noted the teeth marks in the soft flesh of her breast, and the bruising that was sure to follow. Mark gave her cleavage a long, slow lick before releasing her and meeting her wide, wanting gaze. She pursed her lips and reached for Mark’s bulging cock, rubbing it carefully through the thick fabric of his jeans, hoping to give him something else to think about besides tearing into her sensitive skin. Kelly licked her lips, biting her lip as seductively as she could, and then she smiled.

"Oh my God, you’re so big."

She sampled his cock, tracing the outline with her fingers and measuring his size. He was far too big to fit in her hand, and she imagined that she would need two hands to stroke him. In her mind’s eye, Kelly imagined Mark’s cock splitting her apart, tearing into her pussy and ruining her for life. She tried to imagine how her ass would handle him, but her imagination failed to prepare her for something so invasive, so damaging. She could only trust that time would tell. In the meantime, her doubts were slipping away as she rubbed Mark’s big dick through his jeans. Her mouth watered and her pussy creamed for him, and she felt her juices dripping between her thighs and soaking the back of her skirt. She hoped so much that he would fuck her properly, just like Alex wanted, just like they had planned for so long—and she would do her best to make sure it would happen that way. As Mark’s dick throbbed in response to her probing fingers, Kelly wondered if Alex’s little fantasy could be symbiotic after all. She wanted to forget Alex and enjoy everything his fantasy had to offer for her. She wanted Mark’s hands all over her, to let him have every part of her, to give him the best fuck of his life, to make him cum harder and better than he ever had before. She squeezed Mark’s cock and whispered cryptically:

"I just want to enjoy you tonight."

The taxi finally reached its destination, and not a moment too soon. Mark paid the driver absently, who whistled his approval as Kelly spread her legs for him while exiting the cab. She figured that image would be the driver’s tip. She and Mark walked arm-in-arm toward the entrance as the taxi slowly drove off, and Mark again cupped Kelly’s ass, loving the tightness and shapeliness of her body. Mark tried to imagine how tight and inviting Kelly’s pussy would be, at the same time hoping against hope that she’ll let him take her even further—of course, he couldn’t possibly know how badly she wanted the same thing.

When they finally reached the stairs, Kelly walked in front of Mark and pointed her finger at him in mock accusation.

"Look… don’t touch" she said with a wink, and began climbing the stairs in slow, deliberate steps, the clicks of her heels echoing deliciously in Mark’s ears. She made her way up slowly, turning and pivoting with every step to give Mark panoramic views of her sheathed and shapely calves. He followed her up the stairs—mute, transfixed. At every landing, Kelly turned to face him, beckoning him further, completely in control of this man and in love with her dominance. At the top, she stood until Mark joined her on the landing, giving him a quick peck on the lips as his reward.

Kelly keyed the lock to the apartment door. "Be careful when I open the door," she said, "I don’t want Spooky to get out."

Mark gave a perplexed look, and she giggled. "That’s our cat."

"Our cat?" Mark asked, instinctively looking in both directions, worried.

"I mean… my cat," Kelly said with a smile, utterly unconcerned with this slip of the tongue. Instead, she stepped inside, kicking off her heels and carrying them in her right hand. Her stocking feet padded seductively along the floor as she tip-toed past the washer-dryer by the door. Spooky bolts into view, but Kelly picks her up and pulls her close before placing her in the bathroom, safely out of the way. She turned left and blew a kiss as she dropped her heels on the futon, and Mark followed close behind as expected, eyes locked, a wolf stalking its prey.

In the living room, Mark pulled Kelly to him and kissed the back of her neck, but she squirmed free and walked backwards toward the bedroom, beckoning him with a curled finger. She twirled playfully so the frill of her skirt would float out, allowing Mark a glimpse of her stocking tops. At the same time, Kelly coldly surveyed the bedroom, making sure the camera’s red light was on but sufficiently hidden from view. She expertly framed the scene in her mind, assuring herself that the bed and futon were both in the shot—of course, she needed the camera to see everything that would happen. Alex would be devastated if even a single thrust or bounce happened out of frame.

Just as Mark crossed the threshold to the bedroom, Kelly stopped him with a playful shove. "Noooo" she drawled with a sexy smile. "You have to wait while I get ready…" Pulling her close, Mark kissed her neck and shoulders with a soft and delicate care that belied his aggressive advances in the taxi. Kelly gasped, small shivers shooting down her spine—all of it was happening too quickly, and she felt herself drifting toward him too early. He felt so good that her body ached to betray her wishes, to give in to him once and for all—to forget about Alex and let Mark claim her fully and completely. His fingers slid up her skirt, reaching the fringe of her panties where he pulled awkwardly, and she moved involuntarily toward him, as though giving him permission to touch her pussy. She felt her legs opening for him on their own, out of her control, and she gasped again, pushing him away. Her face was flushed, the air full of hormones and energy, and she looked incredible. Mark reached for her, but Kelly stepped aside. "Give me a minute" she panted, almost beside herself, and before Mark could protest she shut the bedroom door in his face. Confused and unsure what to do, Mark simply stood there by the door like a statue. Part of him wanted to smash through the thin plywood and take what he wanted, but deep down he knew that Kelly was the one that was in control. All Mark could do was wait.

Kelly swung over to the dresser and found the outfit that Alex had chosen for her, just for this occasion—a slinky French maid costume, complete with black stiletto heels, black thigh high stockings, and a frilly garter belt. Checking herself in the mirror for the first time since arriving, she couldn’t help but notice how different she looked. She couldn’t explain it, not even to herself, but she felt something had changed. She fixed her hair and pursed her lips, then stepped back so the camera could have a clear view.

"Mind if I try this on for him?" Kelly asked the camera.

In the absence of an impossible response, she peeled off her top, noting that it retained a faint smell of the dingy bar, and she was glad to be free of it. She held her breasts up in her hands and fit them back into the cups– Mark’s fumblings had set everything askew– then unhooked her bra and allowed it to slip unceremoniously from her shoulders down to the floor. She stepped out of her skirt and pulled the maid’s costume over her head, sliding into its tight confines. She took her time to make sure every fold and stitching was in place, adjusting her breasts so her cleavage was prominent and symmetrical.

In the mirror, Kelly posed, biting her lip and looking over her shoulder at the camera. She knew how sexy she looked, how delicious she became in that moment, and she wanted Alex to know it too. She smiled at him, mediated through the safety of the camera lens. "I’m so happy we did this," she whispered, only loud enough for the microphone to capture. "I want him inside me so badly. Look…" Kelly touched her pussy and ran her index finger along the lips before holding it out in front of the camera. "I’m creaming for him," she gushed. "Thank you so much." Part performance, no doubt, meant to inspire jealousy and regret, but her excitement was real.

submitted by alexander_the_good [link] [1 comment]
