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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제
This is the full text (with certain details removed) of a conversation I had last night on omegle during video chat. The other person didn't have their cam on so it's very possible I got trolled, but if I can't see a dude jacking it then I'm not that uncomfortable with what goes on. The chat is very long, about 14 pages, but was incredibly hot. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: hi Stranger: wasup You: my dick Stranger: yeah seems nice You: ty Stranger: i can see precum on ur undies You: yup, very horny Stranger: nice Stranger: whoa. You: haha Stranger: thats huge Stranger: and nice balls too You: bigger than ur bf? Stranger: yeah. he is smaller Stranger: way smaller You: haha Stranger: but his cum is a lot You: is that what u like? You: huge loads from huge cocks? Stranger: yeah. Stranger: he has the most load ive seen You: thats nice Stranger: yeah. but i wish he has a dick ur size. lol Stranger: do u have huge loads too? You: haha, i like that You: yup Stranger: thats a really nice cock Stranger: and cut too You: wish i could slap this heavy hing on ur face next door models Stranger: god that should hurt. Stranger: thats massive You: would u jerk me while calling ur bf? Stranger: i would. that should be hot You: mmm big fantasy Stranger: my fantasy is to have a boyfriend with a cock that size You: mmmmm You: love cock sluts Stranger: yeah. and love tasty cum You: ever cheated? Stranger: not really. just go here every now and then. Stranger: im contented with my bf. just wish he had a few more inches. lol You: lol You: u need to be filled up Stranger: yeah. Stranger: good thing my bf shoots nice loads. makes me contented a bit. lol You: id like to be there You: and have u choose me over him Stranger: ahaha You: and we'd fuck in front of him Stranger: never thought of doing that til i saw ur cock. lol You: haha, its big cock magic Stranger: yeah. really nice You: thick too Stranger: that should fill me up perfectly Stranger: lol You: cam? Stranger: i cant now. my mom might see me You: oh thats dirty Stranger: im just 19 Stranger: how old are you You: 21 Stranger: wow nice age Stranger: my bf is 16 Stranger: 26 Stranger: he is older You: but not bigger haha Stranger: ahaha Stranger: i was about to say Stranger: lol Stranger: maybe that's why he has a huge load too? You: mmmm ur so fun Stranger: does load amount depend on age? You: nah You: i cum buckets Stranger: really huh? ahaha You: ya, surprised some girls lol Stranger: ahaha. that should surprise me even more Stranger: ahaha Stranger: my bf can fill 1/4 of a glass. Stranger: thought that's a nice load til i knew someone can fill buckets. lol You: its a gift lol Stranger: so you should be thankful to god for giving you a huge dick and an even huge amount of cum? ahaha You: im very thankful You: thats why im so charitable with this thing Stranger: ahaha. sharing the gift huh Stranger: how long is that? You: 8 Stranger: whoa Stranger: my bf is 5 You: ouch Stranger: lol Stranger: ouch eh? ahaha You: just saying Stranger: i know its really ouch. lol You: is he your first? Stranger: not my first bf You: how di compare to your other bf's Stranger: well my first was when i was in grade school Stranger: lol You: starting early lol Stranger: i saw his dick but never really had sex You: lets not include children lol Stranger: ahaha Stranger: yeah. we didnt do anything. he just showed me his dick. lol You: bold Stranger: yeah. then the next day he wants me to handjob him You: did u? Stranger: yeah. ahaha You: dirty girl Stranger: well it was my first Stranger: but my first sex was this 26yo bf You: so youve never had a huge cock press into your pussy and take your soul? Stranger: yeah never. maybe my next bf Stranger: lol You: lol Stranger: if only i get to see their dick before i get into a relationship. ahha You: big guys dont mind to be asked Stranger: but girls never ask that You: bad girls do Stranger: ok. i will try next time You: lol Stranger: when he asks will u be my gf. il ask. how long are you first. lol You: i would drop my pants instantly You: and show u everything i am Stranger: i will say. 7 or go Stranger: ahaha You: lol Stranger: if u do that. i will say yes instantly Stranger: lol You: yummy Stranger: i love ur how ur body moves You: haha, i tremble when im horny Stranger: id love to make see tremble Stranger: *make and see You: how would u start? Stranger: when im horny. i usually grab my bfs dick instantly. while he still has his pants on Stranger: i take his pants off You: you would have a lot to hold onto over here Stranger: and bite his undies You: fuck Stranger: and lick this dick while still asleep with undies on You: mmmmm Stranger: and when i can see his dick growing(well not really growing)lol You: hahahaha Stranger: i remove his undies using my mouth You: fuck yes Stranger: and then you know what happens next. lol You: 4 inches of terror Stranger: ahaha Stranger: its 5 Stranger: lol You: my mistake You: Stranger: u are undersizing my bf's dick. lol You: yup Stranger: thats a nice head Stranger: my bf wants me to suck his head all the time You: my head is the thickest part Stranger: can i see ur head Stranger: thats a nice head You: its tough to move when stiff lol Stranger: ahaha Stranger: bf wants me to suck head and balls. Stranger: does it give you a nice feeling when sucked there? You: ball sucking is amazing You: mostly visual Stranger: yeah and the girl looks at ur eyes huh You: oh god You: it feels like you own their mouth Stranger: yeah. i do that to my bf You: sexy pictures of girls good girl Stranger: is it normal for a guy to want some anal? You: from a woman or his own ass? Stranger: he wants to enter me from behind You: yeah thats normal Stranger: really? Stranger: i dont like the idea. lol You: its a normal desire You: i havent done it tho Stranger: i think it is gayly. lol You: for obvious reasons Stranger: yeah. that should hurt the ass so bad You: its a weapon of ass destruction Stranger: ahaha Stranger: you type so much. i think ur thing shrank. lol You: yeah lol, i like chatting with u Stranger: yeah me too. but i like seeing that cock more Stranger: lol You: mmmmmmm Stranger: i love it when ur legs raise. lol You: lol Stranger: do u usually use condom? You: yeah, magnums Stranger: my bf doesnt want the feeling of condoms You: it sucks Stranger: so we usually dont use one You: be safe lol Stranger: ahaha. you have a point Stranger: but i dont like the feeling either You: not great Stranger: yeah. for a girl not great too Stranger: i want to feel the hotness of the cock inside me Stranger: lol Stranger: not the feeling of the plastic You: fuck baby Stranger: yeah thats true You: i meant that was hot You: ur the babe Stranger: ahaha. Stranger: and the feeling of the hot cum burst inside me You: i want to cum on ur face to mark my territory Stranger: oh fuck Stranger: i think ur cock grew some more inches Stranger: lol You: ur bf wouldnt go near u after i let loose this huge cock Stranger: god id let go of my bf once i get to hold on that You: haha You: naughty naughty Stranger: im just being true Stranger: why would someone settle for anything less Stranger: lol Stranger: and u said u squirt buckets. lol You: yeah, especially when ur only losing 3 inches Stranger: add 2 inches and u double his. lol You: yup, i want to build up a volcano for my little cum slut Stranger: oh fuck You: u snapchat? Stranger: i dont have. but i can make one next time to add you. You: mmmm id love to send u dirty pics Stranger: so we can continue on this journey with you. lol You: fuck babe You: id love to show u what ur missing haha Stranger: and make me wonder why im still with my bf? lol You: haha Stranger: maybe u'll be makin the biggest explosion ever. lol You: fuck thinking of snapping while ur with him is so hot Stranger: ahaha. so hot Stranger: never thought of doing that til this day You: like i said You: big cock magic Stranger: yeah. but i really love when u tremble. Stranger: lol You: haha Stranger: when my bf cums. he trembles too. but not as sexy as urs You: haha Stranger: and he wouldnt remove his dick until its soft. ahaha You: ur making it seem like i dominate this guy Stranger: you do. ur better in every aspect. lol You: lovely cum slut Stranger: u have been jacking for quite some time now. ur really strong huh You: lol Stranger: plus u already have precum when i first saw u. ahaha You: yeah, i can hold for a while Stranger: i bet you can last for an hour You: do u have an email, id love to take advantage of how much u like my huge cock Stranger: ul send pics? why would i settle for pics when i can see it moving like this? You: just until u get snapchat Stranger: dont worry after this il get snapchat instantly Stranger: i dont want to lose communication with you You: more like my pet snake lol Stranger: lol Stranger: u tremble when u masturbate. bet u tremble even more when u cum huh You: i shake babe Stranger: hot You: what color are ur eyes and hair? Stranger: brown eyes Stranger: blackish brown hair Stranger: how about you You: brunettes are awseome lol You: green eyes black hair Stranger: wow black hair is sexy Stranger: and green eyes? like a snake. lol Stranger: maybe that's why u have anaconda wiht yuo Stranger: lol You: llolol You: love big cock jokes Stranger: u should rest ur left hand Stranger: lol You: haha Stranger: its been how many minutes now You: near an hour maybe Stranger: wow. really? didnt notice time passing. lol You: too focused on something else? Stranger: yeah. too busy maybe. lol You: playing with urself? Stranger: i want to. too bad mom is passing every now and then You: such a bad girl Stranger: i want when my bf licks me Stranger: ahaha You: gonna think about this next with him? Stranger: god id be really horny the next time we fuck You: maybe too horny You: might not get satisfied Stranger: i hope i'll reach climax Stranger: ahaha. not satisfied huh. Stranger: tell me when ur nearing You: ok little cum slut Stranger: i wanna see ur body shake and tremble Stranger: and i wanna see that huge bucket load You: u like that name ive given u? Stranger: yeah. lol Stranger: id give your dick a name You: lol Stranger: i wanna call him thirdy You: now Stranger: wow Stranger: thats a really nice load honey Stranger: stroke it more babe Stranger: thats the best squirt ive seen You: got on my shirt lol Stranger: ahaha. too bad didnt see where it landed Stranger: lol You: do i resemble ur bf now? Stranger: even better. lol Stranger: he doesnt squirt that high You: thats cuz of u i did that Stranger: i bet you'd do better in real life Stranger: u have a gf? You: no,1 month single Stranger: oh too bad. girls near u should be falling in line. lol You: i need a bad girl to ask me about my dick Stranger: i remember my bf asking me to suck his dick after he came. Stranger: ahaha. no girl like that near you? You: not yet hahga Stranger: too bad im not there. lol Stranger: hey what is ur snapchat? Stranger: we might lose communication here. Stranger: sometimes i get disconnected here for no reason. lol You: i actually need to install iy lol You: it Stranger: ahah Stranger: so we're the same. lol You: want to give email till we do? Stranger: ok. Stranger: lets exchange pornpictures emails then Stranger: what is urs? Stranger: gmail? You: ya Stranger: no cleaning of cum huh? You: thisshitain'thappening@gmail.com Stranger: id lick all of that if i was there You: @gmail You: good girl Stranger: u want that? Stranger: ahaha Stranger: so its thisshitain'thappening@gmail.com? Stranger: nice surname You: ya Stranger: what nationality are you You: italian, american born You: u? Stranger: oh nice. both italian parents? You: mixed, italy is a melting pot Stranger: im brazilian filipino. You: wow, strong mix Stranger: but i think i also have an italian mix Stranger: so that is ur normal size huh? You: lol Stranger: that is flacid? You: yeah, and empty Stranger: or that is bigger than normal? Stranger: that is big for a sleeping snake. lol You: ur too kind Stranger: nope. that is almost the size of my bf Stranger: lol Stranger: and maybe that is even thicker You: u gonna email me or drop it here? Stranger: size of my bf when he is horny. lol Stranger: i will email you. surprise. lol You: haha wimp Stranger: what do you want me to send first? Stranger: lol You: tits babe Stranger: oh ul be surprised honey You: i dont like the sound of that Stranger: want you to lick my tits like a breastfeeding baby You: sounds like a penis is about to hit my inbox lol Stranger: my bf never licked my tits. Stranger: lol no honey Stranger: did it sound like that? ahhaa You: little bit lol Stranger: ul be surprised that i have nice tits. ahaha You: ooooh yay! Stranger: aha. god how could you think of penis coming ur way Stranger: ahaha You: i was scared to give my email You: lol Stranger: ahaha Stranger: dont worry. only great things comin ur way honey Stranger: hey need to take a shower now. and maybe do some playing Stranger: you made me really horny i became wet You: yum You: id eat u whole Stranger: oh god please Stranger: i didnt notice u have a thick piece too You: i wish therewere 2 of me so i could eat u while stare at my cock Stranger: and yeah ur strong ur ready for 2nd round Stranger: god how i wish my bf is like you. damn it You: hahahaha Stranger: that was fast recovery Stranger: god how can i take a shower now You: u deserve it Stranger: lol You: yes little cum slut You: you may Stranger: ok. be back. Stranger: hey i may take some time showering and playing honey Stranger: is it ok? You: i should shower too, email me when u want to chat Stranger: you can stop this and continue chatting thru email Stranger: yeah i will take a pic of myself at the shower Stranger: god ur still playing at ur cock. im really horny honey You: that would be lovely You: im reading over this again lol Stranger: ahaha. and il be thinking about ur cock while playing You: take ur tme and enjoy it Stranger: i will. too bad ue not here You: let me give u another look Stranger: oh god ur making me crazy Stranger: i can see abs too You: u sound like ur catching big cock addiction Stranger: ur so much Stranger: not big cock addiction. ur cock addiction You: fuck babe You: does ur bf get this much adoration? Stranger: you're asking? lol Stranger: ofcourse not. he's small period Stranger: lol You: lol too funny Stranger: its reality honey You: small guys finish last Stranger: small guys are boring Stranger: lol Stranger: next time i have a bf i ll realy ask about his package Stranger: lol You: u can show him a pic of mine haha Stranger: haha. not reay to do that. maybe when i break up wiwth him Stranger: ahah You: ooooooooo You: so hot You: a pic of me in ur mouth Stranger: ill tell him. honey i've fallen out of love. Stranger: because of this. lol You: and ur holding a sign that says Stranger: then show him ur pic Stranger: ahahah You: 'sorry, little guy You: ' Stranger: ahaha. Stranger: arent u showering yet? Stranger: lets do it at the same time. lol You: this is too hot Stranger: yeah i want some action Stranger: lol You: mmmmhmmmm Stranger: really fast recovery Stranger: do u lick clits? You: cum sluts deserve strong amazing cocks You: oh yes You: i do Stranger: oh god You: ok babe You: go clean up You: shows over for now haha Stranger: yeah im feeling feverish Stranger: fuck You: ull have to clean ur dirty pussy Stranger: yeah u too You: u made a mess of my cock Stranger: sweet mess honey You: mmmm Stranger: thought show is over? Stranger: why are u still playin? Stranger: lol You: i just love playing with my big cock Stranger: and u xpct me to leave with that sight? Stranger: lolk You: yup Stranger: how can i Stranger: ahha You: thats ur problem haha Stranger: fuck you Stranger: ahahaa You: i wish Stranger: god i wanna shower You: my little cum slut needs to clean up? Stranger: yeah honey You: ok, say goodbye Stranger: You: lol Stranger: im really addicted now Stranger: You: haha, email me ur tits and ull get all the big dick u want Stranger: i will take a pic of it while i shower and play. lol You: good girl Stranger: god ur dick is the besstr Stranger: best You: haha Stranger: how can i say goodbye Stranger: im imagining biting that undies Stranger: lol You: dont break ur jaw babe Stranger: i wouldnt. i would save it for ur junk You: i can get a little rough You: i might take full advantage of ur adiction Stranger: god. i need a drug for this You: and use ur mouth whenever i want Stranger: how can i take a shower honet Stranger: honey You: dont u want to cum for me? Stranger: i would. and i bet i will with this intense honryness i have You: mmmmm baby Stranger: im seeing a nice precum again You: u make my dick do that with your slutty desires Stranger: i would lick all the juices that come out of that You: i would force ur mouth on this big cock so i shoot down ur throat when i explode Stranger: oh fuck id love that Stranger: the taste of ur hot fuckin cum You: thered beenough for ur face too Stranger: i bet with the amount of cum you exploded awhile ago You: haha Stranger: im feeling really feverish right nowe You: mt Vesuvius in my pants Stranger: ahaha Stranger: yeah more like vesuvius You: go take a shower babe You: and forget all about ur little man Stranger: ahaha Stranger: dont worry il show a pic of ur dick to him soon Stranger: please stop playin else in wouldnt be able to leave You: do i need to put my cock away too? Stranger: it has become my addiction Stranger: fuck You: i want grip my little fuck toy Stranger: ok you may grip it You: i mean u lol Stranger: oh ok Stranger: fuck my tits are twitchin You: i cant wait to see Stranger: u are not playing but you are moving like that. ahaha Stranger: you are the hottest piece of meat ive seen You: i love teasing Stranger: can i see it once more? Stranger: lol Stranger: i hate myself now Stranger: i cant leave your cock You: tell me how much hotter i am than ur bf Stranger: u r like boiling point. he is freezing. lol Stranger: fuck im trembling right now You: thats my pussy from now on Stranger: i cant feel my legs that much Stranger: this is weird You: give in You: let go and cum Stranger: i cant. im too addicted to you You: if u want to see it again You: ypu need to send me ur tits Stranger: yeah i will. i will stop this now. else i wont be able to take a shower. lol You: hahaha Stranger: bye for now honey Stranger: chat with you later You: have fun You: Stranger: i will finger my pussy thinking it is ur dick entering me Stranger: oh fuck Stranger: fuuuuuuuuuuck you Stranger: lol You: haha You: im bad Stranger: just when im about to leave Stranger: here you are showing your undies again Stranger: ahaha You: see u later little cum slut Stranger: ok my anaconda Stranger: bye You: bye dpp_thick [2 comments]

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