Porn Casting Couches - How To Pick Up Women With Sex Movies Casting

by Art0092062743974390 posted Oct 16, 2015


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wodman casting tubeThis happened to me the other night, and was amazing!
Back story first though. 'lucy' had been a junior in the office for a couple of months, she was straight out of university, so a couple of years younger than me. Lucy had long dark hair with pale skin, very petite, small b cup breasts and an amazing smile.
We didn't work together often, but got on well and talked quite a bit. We flirted a little and it was obvious there was an attraction, but as we worked in a office were you can't keep anything quiet, nothing happened.
Anyway, the other night was a colleagues birthday and everyone went out for a few drinks after work. Lucy and I ended up in the chatting in the pub quite a lot and as people began to call it a night she invited along to a club her and her team were going to. I didn't really know the others that well, but as lucy had invited me I decided to go.
We were all pretty pissed by the time we got there and knocked back a few more whilst inside, we all danced for a bit and had a great time, Lucy and I couldn't take out eyes off each other and the drunker we got, the more we flirted. Everyone could see it and people began to joke about it to us, but we didn't do a thing.
After closing time a most people went their separate ways and I walked lucy to her night bus stop.
She told me on the way that she'd never been out in that part of London before and wasn't sure of the way back to her flat. I sort of knew the area she lived and it could be pretty rough at this time of night so decided to make sure she got home safely.
It was about a 20 minute bus journey and as we both drunk, we both nodded off on each other and only just made her stop. She held my had for the first time on the journey to her house, and although I really fancied her, I was mostly worried about getting her home safely. But boy, did I want her.
She lived in a shared house with four others, and by now it was about 3am and everybody was in bed. I walked her to her front door and turned around to leave.
'where are you going?' she asked.
I told her I should head home, as much as I wanted to fuck her I thought better of it and was really nervous around her.
She told me I could stay on her sofa and brought me in a duvet before heading up to bed.
It had been about 5 minutes of me lying there thinking about her before I got a text.
'are you actually going to sleep down there? There's room for you in with me ;).
I was up and creeping up the stairs instantly, her door was ajar and a small light was on inside. I walked in and could see her laying on the bed.
I stripped down to my boxers and, heart beating like crazy, climbed in.
We began spooning, her curled up into me, and me with my arm around her, softly stroking her side.
'everybody at work saw us leave together' she said.
'i was just being friendly, it's not like anything has happened.' i said coyly.
She turned the light out and we lay in the darkness for a while before she started grinding her ads on my crotch. I was hard instantly.
She was wearing cotton shorts and just a t shirt. I knew she could feel my cock and she started grinding harder. I moved my hand from her side and began to gently rub her pussy through the fabric and kissed the back of her neck.
She let out a moan and started to push herself into my finger, getting her off even more. I could feel her getting wet. My other hand moved up and under her shirt, feeling across her perfect stomach up to her small but amazing tits, her nipples hard on my fingers.
I rubbed her crotch more and she moaned more. Still kissing her neck. Her body grinded against me and I felt her come. Her shorts were soaked.
Without a moment to spare, she turned over, rolled me onto my back and kissed me for the first time.
We kissed for a while, our hands all over each other. She was an amazing kisser and the longer it went on the more intense it got.
My hands were both under her shirt and she sat up on me and took it off, letting me see her.I ran my tongue over her chest, taking her nipples in my mouth and sucking and kissing them. She slid of my boxers and stroaked my cock. As I slid her shorts off too.
Lucy moved down the bed and licked my balls and along my shaft before taking it in her mouth. I held her head down as she sacked my cock hard and deep throated me for a few seconds.
I Could feel myself about to come so pulled her off me. Not wanting to blow too soon.
'did I do something wrong?' she asked.
'no, I just don't want to come yet' i whispered as I pushed her onto her back and moved to head down to her pussy. She was already wet and it didn't take me long of licking and sucking on her clit before she came again. My hands underneath her, grabbing her ass, pushing her further into my mouth.
She held my head down there until she'd climaxed and it took a couple of seconds until she released me. I moved up the bed and she told me she was on the pill as she put my cock inside her.
It was amazing, she was dripping wet and we both worked in motion with each other. Her hands gripped the bed posts and we kissed to stop her moaning loundly.
Before either of us could come, she pushed me off and rolled me onto my back and gently climbed onto my cock.
'my turn' she whispers with a smile, her hair a mess as she started to rock back and forth and up and down on me.
My hands worked over her ass, squeezing it hard and up to her tits, feeling her bare skin as I worked my way back to her clit and rubbed it as we fucked.
This drove her crazy and she put her finger into her mouth to stop herself making too much noise as she came again. I let go too and exploded into her. Her pussy squeezing it out of me
She collapsed on to me and we kissed for a while before falling asleep.
I can't waiting for work on Monday now!

