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girls nude picsThe car slows and then goes up a long driveway. Nick gets out and walk around to her door. He opens it and takes the chain in his hands. She spins and climbs out. There are no other houses visible. A number of small to medium trees fill the very deep front yard.
John parks the car. Nods to Nick and then climbs on his Harley. Roaring down the drive.
The house is two stories. Certainly not a mansion but fairly large. It is very quiet as he leads her inside. Disarming a complex looking security system. She sees cameras and little sensors in various spots.
Inside. Hardwood floors. Entranceway. Kinda empty. Hallway. No pictures. Another room. Big one. Black leather and touches of silver. A circle of wide couch around a central umm table. A padded one. Angel feel fear touch her again.
Which gets a lot better when he stops to take off the cuffs. He takes her panties too.
"Through that door is a shower. Use it. Come back out naked and not wrapped in a towel. Wait for me on the couch." He orders in a mild voice.
"Ummm... Yes... ah... sir."
"Sir will do for now. Very good." he says as he waves towards the door.
Angel takes the hint. He goes another direction. She finds a small black and gold marble shower in a bathroom. Filled with everything she needs. She looks carefully and does not find anything specifically for a man in here. This room was for girls even if it was not decorated that way. And judging by the mix of shampoos alone more than a couple of them.
Somehow she knows none of them are still around. The place feels unused.
So she selects the best of the lot and gets to work. Hot shower and a lot of scrubbing later she goes and lays down naked on the couch. Still a little damp despite all her efforts.
He walks in. Wearing a light long black robe loosely tied.
"Still happy to be here?" he asks as he nears the couch.
"Yes sir. A little chilly but happy."
"Good. Get up on the platform for me."
She looks at him and it and moves to climb up. Moving to the center and sitting down. He takes a seat tattoo girls porn on the couch.
Nick looks at her for a while.
"You are very pretty. Tall and willowy. You probably wish you had bigger breasts but I think they are lovely and fit you. You do have a little more bottom than matches the rest of your frame but that is very much a plus. You look delicate. Younger than you are. How old are you?"
She has been blushing a bit. Pushing out her chest without even realizing it. He was dead right about that one. What he said although somewhat clinical was still very nice to hear.
"22." she is feeling uncertain.
"It would be easy to guess lower. I am happy to play with you tonight. Tomorrow John will pick you up and take you home."
She looks a touch confused, "Then how do I get back here? Are you going to give me your, or his, number?"
He shakes his head.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want a girlfriend and I doubt you want to be what I do want."
"Try me."
Nick rolls his eyes.
His voice changes just a little. More serious. Stronger.
"I want a toy. A submissive. Someone who does not wish to have a life outside of me. Someone who does not care about friends or hobbies."
He stands and moves to the edge of the platform. The robe tie has come loose and he has nothing on under it.
"I am very absolute. I don't wish to be tolerant, or understanding, or even nice. I can be. But it is like a weight on me. Makes me less to tolerate something I loathe. Gets in my way. I hate things in my way."
Up onto the platform. She is still sitting with her hands on her knees. He goes on all fours and craws around the outer edge slowly. Head up watching her. His hair swirling across his face at times.
She finds a certain spark of defiance, "And what do I get out of this?"
He is behind her turning to angle closer. Hand curled into a claw he first touches her shoulder and then draws his nails down her back. It is a very strong sweep. She shivers.
"All my attention. Everything I can be. More creative and sadistic than you can imagine."
He comes around the front again at the outer edge. Moving to face her. Moving a little closer. Just out of arm's reach. Sitting up on his knees he looks her in the eyes.
"I will adore you. Pamper you sometimes. I will also hurt you. Humiliate you so badly you may pass out from the blush. Take away a whole lot of your free will. My way. But you will have some freedom. I do not wish to lose your personality only mold it to suit me."
Angel realizes that he started out just saying fuck for the night and then go. Now he is perfect girl sex offering far more to her. And yes a big part of her wants to say no. This has reached the point of crazy. You cannot even begin to make a decision of this magnitude in a slightly buzzed moment. She is not a foolish girl. She is not stupid or overly gullible. Quite the contrary most who know her would call her very strong willed. A few will tell of emotional scars she inflicted in past quarrels and urge caution.
Then she thinks of the empty nights. The endless days. Romances that flare and fail. Relationships that are more deal than love just so she would not be alone for a while. What does her life have to offer but more of the same?
She looks at him. There is just something about him. She does trust him. She is afraid of him. Wants him. The memory of him being cuddly back at the bar makes her sigh ever so softly. This is dangerous but it is not crazy... much.
"If you let me.... I will prove it.... I will do it..... All of it....I accept... is that what I am supposed to say?... Sir." it comes out in bits and pieces.
girls naked pics Nick looks at her. Deep sigh. Slight head shake.
"I must be insane. I really did not want to do this with you. Ok I got carried away in the bar but I like to show off. You were wonderful at that."
He shuffles much closer. Only a couple of feet between their eyes.
"Those are close. Tell you what. In the morning. Late morning when you wake up you will have two choices. Either call the number by the phone and go home. Or make me some tea. Touch of sugar. I will tell you the words then if you still want to say them."
His hand is running down her arm. Damn she cannot believe how good that feels. Just that simple touch and she is starting to melt again.
Angel has been sitting here feeling horny the whole time. Being basically on display should probably bother her but she likes it. She likes the look in his eyes when he looks at her. Likes that a whole damn lot.
"Yes sir." she says softly.
His arms go around her. There is a long deep kiss. It just keeps going. Maybe time stops along the way maybe not. Even when he finally pulls back her lips keep pulsing.
"You are delicate and lovely. So sweet." he says softly.
Nick moves and she finds herself being turned around. Her face is slowly pushed down against the cool leather. Her ass against his crotch as soon as she has turned.
"Put your arms straight out above your head." he says.
She does. Her long body extending out in front of him. When she feels his cock nuzzling against her pussy she wiggles her ass a little to entice him. Not exactly needed. His desire for her is powerful. More than he would expect. Enough to worry him a little to be honest. Worry later. Fuck now. This from his darker side. Good advice and he takes it. Driving deeply into her.
"ooooooooohohhhhhhhh yeeeeeeessssssssssssss" from her in a long breathy sigh.
Hands on her hips he just slowly starts to fuck her. Not being fancy in the least. Not super slow but a very easy pace. Enjoying the feel of her. His hands roaming over her pert ass. It was very soft but had just a perfect shape. Nick sighs a little as he presses fully against her. Angel just lets herself fall into it. Not thinking just feeling. Letting everything go to see what happens. So much pent up passion it is already starting to drip out of her. When his hands slide up under her body to pinch her hard nipples she shudders and cums.
It is like this wave. She feels it. It builds and then she is smacking back hard against him and panting hard.
"Cummmmmminnnnnnngggggggg......." she moans long and low.
He gives her a little more cock as she peaks but he does not let it get him. He does pick up the pace though so even as she comes back down and throws her head from side to side to be able to look back he does not stop.
Her eyes are amazing. Almost grey and so light. Right now they are filled with raw almost violent lust. They seem to grab at him demanding. She gets some good solid thrusts into her in response and the wicked little smile is very nice.
Nick is enjoying this. She is nicely responsive. Dripping onto the leather. With a little shift he discovers she does have a gspot.
"ooooohhhhhh fuuuukkk... yes. yes. yes. Pleeeeeeassseeeeeee....." He drives against her hard. At just the right angle. Her whole body shudders....
"motherfucking YES... I'm cummmming......"
perfect girl video And my does she. A wet explosion. Suddenly it is like fucking the ocean. His response is hard grip on her hips and really hard slamming into her. Cock making very obscene wet sounds.
Angel feels like she is going to melt... or explode completely... or burn up.... or just die.... nothing has ever felt like this. Nobody has ever done anything like this to her.
And she wants more.
Angel focuses on him. Difficult because the spasms are still rippling through her pussy and body. But she tries hard to clamp down on him. Clenching her ass and thighs. Putting those rude exercises to use to grab his dick as hard as she can. Trying not to be distracted by the pools forming around her knees.
He feels it. She has some skills. So he fucks her a little more. He loves the wet mess she has become. Fingers running along her thighs and crotch. Spreading and playing with the cum leaking out of her.
"Don't move." he says clearly.
It takes a little while for the words to makes sense. But when he pulls back with a long wet slurp. She gets it. Her head comes up and there is a very sincere whimper at the loss of that hardness from inside of her. Very heartfelt.
He comes around and gathers up her long light brown hair. Nick settles down in front of her. Without a word she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue. When he touches the head of his cock to her little pink tongue she can taste herself.
Nick pushes forward and his wet hard length slides a little into her mouth. Angel locks her lips around it and licks at it. When he tightens his grip on her hair she winces but that is lost in the movement of his hips. He thrusts. Slippery cock going across her lips.
nude sexy models Fast. Only the first couple of inches but it is a thick cock and feels like it fills her mouth completely. She keeps the friction going working the underside just below the head as hard as she can. The girl may be young but she knows more than most.
"You are a sweet little girl." he says as he watches his shaft and her mouth.
Her eyes are on him. He takes a very deep breath.
Letting out in a groan she can feel the ripple along his skin. Knows it is about to happen. The first spray is long. More hot cum follows. She has sucked off almost all of her own juices now she works to drink his. He does not pull back or stop. Blast after blast.
He slows. She holds onto his cock for as long as she can. Even coming up a little off the platform. Extending forward as he goes back. The grip on her hair making it hurt but she does not care.
"Stay." he says softly.
Nick moves back off the platform and onto the couch. She watches.
"Come. Crawl."
She does. A little slowly since she has been in this position for a while. But she gets up onto all fours and moves across the platform and down onto the couch. He puts her on her back with her head on his thigh. Hand idly moving across her body.
They sit for a while. Just breathing.
"Will you..." She starts and stops.
"Will you tell me what you are going to do with me?" she completes the question.
He smiles and brings his hand up to one rounded breast. They are small but firm enough to stand out even when she is on her back. The nipple is nicely long. His fingers wrap around it caressing gently.
"I will rearrange your life so it can match mine as much as possible. There is a whole range of things I like to do. We will explore them. The ones you respond to we will make a normal part of our time. I will make you do things you do not wish to. I like that. It confirms the power I have over you. But I want you to want the things I do. Stuff you really hate we won't do much if at all. I am sadistic and a completely self-centered son of a bitch but I do have a heart."
She purrs softly as his hand moves to her other breast.
"Beyond that I like games. You will be a number of different people. As my mood shifts we will move to something new. Perhaps you will be a chained slave for a while. Or a pet with a cage to sleep in. One night you might be a sexbot with no emotions at all just a need to serve. I have a fondness for dirty daughters I think you will be exceptional at that. There are a lot of situations, circumstances, or relationships we can explore."
She is nodding a little. A little scared when he mentions the cage.
"We don't just play at these things. We become them. As real as we can."
"I have done a little acting. I can do that stuff. So you mean you like want me to come home in a little catholic schoolgirl outfit? Talk like I am a teen and tell you how naughty I have been? Will you spank me?" she asks sounding very eager.
"Yes I will and that is exactly right. But it also means living that way. Morning, noon and night. Being it for a while."
"I like that a lot sir."
Angel is ready to just melt into the couch right now. He is playing with her hair. Twirling a lock of it between his fingers. It is so personal and so sweet. The contrasts of this man are so striking.
"We will take some risks. Like me scooping you off a city street into a van. Play out a little kidnapping and some other rough scenarios. There can be public fun and I am remarkably careful about such things. I don't like my play interrupted by others so I don't let them notice."
The girl is just eating this all up. She has always had a lot of fantasies. The idea of being kidnapped made her shiver pleasantly. His playing with her had moved south. The gentle stroke along her damp lips filled her with his insanely cuddly warmth.
"Anything.... I feel like I have been looking for you my whole life without knowing it. I have never felt so safe. You are the most terrifying man I have ever met. What I did so willingly for you frightens me. But if you don't do more I know I will die. Please do more." she says with passion. Spreading her legs more.
"You have only begun to be be scared. You do know that?" he asks as his fingers sink into her.
"Yesssssss. I do. I won't run." she says more groan than words.
"They all say that." he says somewhat regretfully.
"I mean it."
"They say that too." he sounds dark.
"Try me." she throws back.
His hand grab at her and she gets pulled across his lap ass up.
"Fine I will. And I won't hold back. If you are a toy then you are a toy."
SMack... SMack.... SMack.... SMack...
His hand comes down on her ass. Good sharp solid stings. She breaths deep but keeps still.
SMAck.... SMAck..... SMAck..... SMAck.... SMAck.... SMAck.... SMAck....
A rain of blows. She is crying out now. Trying not to but her feet kick the couch a little. Ass getting red.
For a time that seems endless he really smacks her hard. Spanking her as if in anger. Left. Right. Fast.
When he stops she is crying softly. Body shaking. When he hands turn her there is no resistance at all. There is a lot of whimpering though. Tears down her face. Pussy is on fire. Nipples so hard they ache. She is stunned to realize it but even at this moment she wants him more than ever.
Angel ends up straddling his lap facing away from him. When he shifts and his hands touch her ass she groans. Her skin is on fire too. His touch sends ripples of pain up her back and down her legs. When his fingers hit the tight ring of her backdoor her eyes slam open.
Fingers go from her now drippy crotch and up. They pull at her. More than one sliding deep inside her quivering bottom. She is far more sensitive at this moment. It hurts more than it should. She tries to stay still.
When the wide head of his cock slides past his fingers she does sigh. Yes it hurts but still she is glad to have him inside of her again. Such a simple thing but it fills a need that seems to be growing.
For a while he just slowly fucks her. Hands holding her tight and controlling every move. Working her ass first all the way down onto his crotch and then working it higher. Enjoying the control over her. She has stopped crying. Breathing ragged. Hands on his knees. Gripping tight but not clawing into him.
When he starts her moving in a short slow rhythm and brings one hand down to her crotch. When he strokes across her wetness the sigh is no less than epic from her. Body involuntary pushing against his fingers.
He chuckles softly and lets a couple of fingers slide in and out of her for a while.
Angel realizes something about him. Nick does not fuck her to get himself off. In the end yes but that is not it at all. He fucks her to fuck her. To be in the moment of it. To make the doing of it as long as he can. To live in the world defined by the most primal of rules as much as possible. He had made the taking of her into a long sexual dance.
A life spills out in her mind. Changes. Smiles. Sex. Him. Half of it all in scary shadows. But she loves the shivers those produce every bit as much as she loves the passionate pangs.
His hand comes up a bit. He starts rubbing her clit and she just loses it. Not only does she start to cum but she starts to fuck back against him.
She is moaning hard and the climax rips through her. But what is really driving her is the desire to make him cum. To show him she could maybe. To take that power for just a second perhaps.
It hurts. Makes her ass sting. And fucking hell that sends spikes of pleasure through her too. It also hits him. The contractions of her ring grabbing his cock and milking it.
"Horny bitch." he says with appreciation in his voice.
He cums hard and thrusting. Grabbing her ass and making her scream a little from the fire. Smacking into her butt and grinding deep.
She collapses big butt porn pics down between his legs. He slumps back keeping one hand on her as so she won't move.
They breathe for a while.
Life gets a little normal for a bit. He points her towards the kitchen with a list of food and drinks to grab. She goes to find a nicely stocked and clean room. Doing a little prep on the cheese to show off before bringing it all back on a tray.
They eat and talk a little. Mostly it is him asking her questions. Learning a little about her life.
Then back to a little different than normal. He points her to the showers and tells her where the bedroom is. When she comes into the big room he is still in erotic sex vids his bathroom.
Angel is uncertain what to do. The bed is huge. She crawls onto it to wait.
When he walks out he is still naked.
"That is my bathroom. Don't use it. Yours is downstairs. There is a bathtub attached to the bedroom at the end of the hall. You may use that."
"Yes sir. Any particular reason? If it is acceptable for me to ask."
"It is mine. If you cannot respect something as simple as that then more seems unlikely."
She nods.
"I understand sir. Not a toe."
He nods.
He moves to the bed and they end up in it. Wrapped up together. Her head on his shoulder.
"It has been a good night." he says softly.
"It has been a fucking wonderful night." she pussy naked girls retorts.
He laughs softly.
"The number is by the phone."
"I won't need it."
"You should use it."
"Isn't that my choice? I think I understand. Unless you don't want me."
He shifts his head to look at her. One finger goes under her chin to tip it so she looks at him.
"It's not that. It's just... I don't play. Not really. I expect everything. And if you become disloyal. If your attention should wander. If you should disappoint me... that fear that makes you shiver will become something else. The kind of fear that freezes your heart. The kind that will haunt you."
She does maybe pale just a touch. His eyes. They are different. And yes he does scare her.
"I know. I see it in your eyes. I will never let you down. I will walk away before that happens." she says with conviction.
He lays back.
"If you do you will be the first."
His hand slowly caresses her head as they drift off.
The next morning 10:14 am....
As Angel makes his tea she is humming softly. She had woken up from a dream. About him. It was fun. She had walked the house a little. Looking around. Thinking.
But it was never in doubt. She would not walk away. Life had been dull. This was too good to let go of. She had always known how submissive she could be. Just never met a man that seemed strong enough to take it. To take her. Turns out she was looking for the wrong kind of guy entirely.
Although exactly what 'sort' of guy Nick was she could not really put a label on.
She grins at that. Little ripples run through her body.
Walking upstairs carefully with the tea she feels a little nervous. But sure. She sits it down on the table and sits down on the bed. Moving up next to him. His arm curls around her.
"I accept you as my submissive. You may call me Master." the words have a power she can feel.
With a big beaming smile she says...
"Yes Master."


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