Hot Sex In Car - Five Predictions On Fuck In Car In 2015

by VanitaBoatright53346 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Continuation from part 1 – You helped me up and led me to the big Green monster couch and pushed me to lie down. You straddled me and I could feel the heat of your pussy near my dick when you moved up to kiss me. I lifted my hips so I ground against you and the slippery, velvety goodness and heat of your pussy felt amazing along the bottom of my shaft while I rubbed my dick against your pussy. You began riding me back and forth like that for a while then stopped again just before I got off then moved into 69 position and then kneeled above me and told me to lick your pussy while you sat on my face allowing my tongue to fuck you, after a few seconds you dropped down and began 69ing me.... I tried to lick your pussy but what you were doing was so amazing with your tongue that I just couldn't. I warned you I was getting close and I was convinced that if you stopped this time I would die. My worst fear realized again as you suddenly stopped, a vicious moan escapes me as I flop my head back against the pillows on the couch. I moan again in pleasure however as I feel your hand around my dick and you ask sweetly "How badly do you want to cum?" Slowly running your hand up and down my dick, enough to keep me enticed but not enough to crest the peak that I so badly need. Giving the bottom of the shaft a lick from base to tip you ask "mmmm?" I say desperately "" My voice shaky from being out of breath and so desperately in need of cumming. "Sorry?" You ask innocently "Yes" I say loudly. "Tell me how badly you need to cum?" you saying, slowly resuming you torture of rubbing your hand up and down. "So badly...please" I'm almost whimper with need I need to cum so badly "No, tell me how badly you need to cum and I might let you cum" "I need to cum, I need to cum so badly that it hurts, please let me cum" You speed up jerking me off, then suck me into your mouth the base of my hard dripping cock, and I just start moaning as I feel myself building up again to cum again...suddenly you suddenly slow down again and say "Tell me where you want to cum" "Anywhere" I reply desperately...pleadingly "No, tell me where you say" seriously stopping completely A strangled scream erupts from my throat and I blush with how badly I want to cum and start moving my hips up and down to try get you again while saying "anywhere, it doesn't matter, I just NEED to cum" You let go of my throbbing dick again and I moan out of desperation as you then reach and grip the bottom of your negligee and lift it over your head only to toss it onto one of the couches. I soak in the look of seeing you completely naked, not realizing until now that I could become any hornier but I did seeing your stomach exposed, your perky boobs coming free and your nipples standing at attention. You see how I'm looking at you and you blush, before I can say anything, logical thought is completely driven from my mind as you wrap you hand back around my throbbing cock and I moan in pleasure. You slowly begin jerking me off again and then lean down close and rub the wet tip of my cock against your delightfully soft skin on nipple in circles. I can feel how turned on you are from how rock hard your nipples are. Even this was slowly building me back up to the orgasm that I have so far been denied and you look at me and ask "Does this feel good?" "mhmmmm" is all I can reply "Do you like having your cock rub against my nipples?" you ask switching boobs and nipples, this nipple's skin somehow softer than the other nipples "yes" I moan and lift my hips pressing hard against your boob you moan "So you'd enjoy cumming all over my boobs?" "YES" I basically shout giving you a fright with the intensity and then again, you stop and let go of my swollen penis. I cry out "NO!" in frustration as you climb on top of me in reverse cowgirl "yes, make me cum, I want to cum in you, I want to fuck you, take the hand cuffs off and let me fuck you!" I exclaim using my new angle and vantage to lift my hips so that my shaft dips into the hot wet moisture between your pussy's lips...You're so wet I think and manage to grid my penis between us in the glorious hot, smooth pussy and you moan getting head in car and grind against me a bit before forcing my hips down again and away from your pussy. I'm about to protest when you take my dick into your hand and position it between your ass cheeks and slide it up and between them, rocking back and forth using your hand to hold my penis in place. The feeling of being between those sexy ass cheeks is amazing "how about cumming on my ass and back like this" you ask, rocking faster as I see you use your other hand to start playing with your clit. "No" I whisper out "I want to fuck you and cum inside of you" You stop completely, your ass now completely soaked from the amount of precum my penis is giving off. "So you don't want to cum on my ass then?" You ask in mock hurt "I'd prefer cumming inside you" I say trying to move my hips to keep some friction going You start rubbing my dick between your cheeks again and ask, "what about if I really want you to?" "keep doing that and I won't have a choice" I say while moaning, start to not care again where I cum, as long as I get to cum "what about here?" you ask as you slowly press the tip of my dick into your tight fucking asshole, my hips jerk involuntarily towards you forcing the entire tip of my penis into you. You moan in pain and pleasure at the sudden penetration and pull to move off while I let out a loud moan in the glorious ecstasy of feeling your hot tight fucking asshole engulf my cock's tip and then pulling off of it. The sensation enough to almost cause me to cum right then and there when I feel you lower yourself back onto my cock and I watch as millimetre by millimetre, my cock sinks into your ass, that sexy, tight, fucking ass. Every moment or so, I feel your ass muscles contract around my throbbing cock, each moment bringing me closer to cumming. I hear you moaning and see how you are working your clit and close my eyes, enjoying the hot tight feeling that your asshole is providing when I feel that your ass has my whole cock inside. You ask as you slowly lift yourself up again "what about cumming in my ass Sean?" That in itself almost causing me to cum "Yes, Yes, let me cum in your fucking sexy ass" Lowering yourself and engulfing my dick to its base again you adjust your position so that I'm buried in your ass and you are lying on your back along me "Please don't cum yet Sean" you ask sweetly "But I really need to Lee" I say, desperation in my voice as I slowly and with great control rock my hips back and forth, driving my dick slowly in and out your ass, your tight fucking ass. I feel my orgasm building quickly "Please..." You ask looking into my eyes pleadingly "Okay" I say defeated and stop fucking your ass, almost losing my erection when you kiss me and thank me for stopping. You then reach into the side of the couch and pull out your dildo causing my erection to return as I watch and feel the dildo enter your pussy. It's a strange feeling something penetrate you while I'm in your ass and strangely exciting and my erection returns in full force, feeling your dildo in your pussy and how your ass muscles contract around my dick, your moans reverberating against my chest and in my ears and again, my hips jerk up causing your ass to tighten beautifully and the most beautiful moan to escape your lips. "Sean, do you want to fuck my ass?" You ask sexily in my ear and nibble on my ear lobe I feel my erection grow even harder hearing that, driving my dick to its base back into your ass and say "Yes, I want to fuck your ass, I want to cum in that sexy ass as you fuck yourself with your dildo in your fucking pussy." You moan and begin to fuck yourself in and out with the dildo, each movement dragging along the sensitive underside of my shaft. "Tell me how you want me to fuck and ride your ass Lee" I say You turn on the vibration on your dildo to high as you push it into your pussy, causing me to moan loudly and shove my dick hard into your ass enticing a moan out of you followed by you saying "I want you to fuck my ass Sean, I want you to ride my ass and cum hard into my ass while I fuck myself with my dildo, I want to orgasm with you still cumming in my ass" You start fucking yourself in earnest with the dildo while I start pounding into your ass with my hard fucking cock. All conversation and teasing stopped as I fuck your ass and you fuck your pussy with that glorious vibrating dildo. The pressure building in my balls, I feel myself as I feel myself getting close with each pounding of your ass and each contraction of your ass muscles. "I'm going to cum Lee" I tell you "I'm going to cum so hard" I say as I continue pounding your ass. "Cum Sean" you say "Cum for me, cum in my ass, fill my ass Sean" you say as you fuck yourself even faster with the dildo and work your clit with your other hand. I feel my orgasm building, building past the point I would normally orgasm, so much pressure and still no orgasm, so I pound harder and harder into your ass. Loud wet slapping heard throughout the room as your pussy leaks its juices out into your ass crack and down onto my balls. The vibrator rubbing that beautifully sensitive skin under my cock, the muscles in your ass tightening around my cock "Cum for me Sean, CUM...CUM...Oh yes..." you moan "yes, yes, cum Sean, cum...CUM!" you shout as I feel your ass muscles suddenly contract when suddenly, the pressure explodes in my balls and I bury myself balls deep in your ass and explode my load inside of you, your ass muscles all my milking the cum from my balls as you cum again and again and I cum again and again. Each explosion of jizz a beautiful and painful experience from needing to cum so hard when you cum hard again somehow driving me to a second and more intense orgasm in your ass with your ass contracting around my fucking dick when everything goes black and all that I know is pure bliss as somehow one last orgasm is squeezed out of my throbbing and sensitive dick. End of Submissive Experience. XxSoL777xX
