Porn In A Car - 9 Tips To Reinvent Your Jack Off In Car And Win

by ValorieRiegel983368 posted Oct 16, 2015


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naked car girlsIt was the 80s, and coed jobs were still a relatively new thing. I was in training at a base that was being renovated, which meant that men and women were housed in the same barracks. Surprisingly, there wasn't really a plan for how to deal with this, so we were left completely unsupervised in the evening and on weekends.
My roommate and I were put into an oddly shaped room, that had been a records room. Because of the shape, we realized that we could bunk our beds and setup a lounge in the weird corner in a way that was out of sight from the door. This made our room the local hang-out spot, as it was easy to quickly hide the beer should the sex in the back seat sergeant poke his head in.
Our neighbors were two girls. Dee was a short, butch, pixie-haired girl who made no attempt to hide her strong preference for women. Her roommate Kate was the walking definition of socially awkward. She had attended college on a volleyball scholarship and also played basketball. She was 5'10", never sure what to do with her hair, and always dressed in baggy sweats. They frequently hung out in our room with a pretty regular crew of 6-8 others.
Our typical Saturday night involved a group of us drinking heavily and watching movies. Around midnight, someone would produce a porn tape and couples would pair off and slowly disappear. This night was no different, except Kate came wandering into the room. Usually she was gone well before the porn came out, so she was a little surprised to see what was going on. Seeing that the others were starting to pair off, she hopped up on the top bunk and sat next to me. "That's what I'm here to get away from", she said pointing to the screen. On the screen, two girls were engaging in a loud 69. "That's kinda hot", I said. Kate slapped me playfully. "I'll trade with you, I need some sleep", she said as she stretched herself out across my bed.
I sat there awkwardly, trying to ignore the somewhat loud porn going on in the background. I couldn't help but notice that Kate was intently watching the screen and stealing glances at the couples making out on the couch. I don't know what possessed me but i gently rested my hand on her lower back. She jumped a bit but didn't seem to mind. Encourage, I slowly slipped my hand under her shirt and started lightly running my fingernails over her back. I could feel the goose flesh rise as I continued. Still no objection, but she kept her stare fixated on the porn.
I continued up and down her back. Slowly I reached up and unfastened her bra. I leaned in, "do you want me to stop?" She shook her head no. I shifted so I was now sitting on her butt. With both hands I continued to rub her back up and down, each time going slightly further down her sides until my fingers were lightly stroking the sides of her breasts. We were interrupted as the last couples left the room, leaving us alone.
"Go lock the door", she said. I ran over and locked the door and climbed back into position. When I returned, her bra was of, but she was still wearing the sweatshirt. "I've never watch porn before," she said. "This is kind of fun." I took the cue, and this time as I reached up her shirt I moved my hands around her side towards her nipples. She lifted slightly giving me access.I slowly stroked and teased her. As I would run my fingers over her areolas, she would let our a little gasp. Finally I grabbed the sweatshirt and pulled it off. I turned her over and was floored. While I knew she was an athlete, I had no idea that all those baggy clothes hid the body of a fitness model.
I began to kiss her, working my way down her neck, then downward, taking each nipple in my mouth and giving it a little suck. Every time I did, she would let out a breathy "oh my god". Encouraged, I started to reach my hand down her pants. Her panties were completely soaked through. I reached down and lightly touched her slit, my finger slid effortlessly into her pussy. I took her juices and started to rub her swollen clit. Within seconds, she was bucking against my hand in a huge orgasm.
She laid there out of breath. "oh my god, I've never done that before." "You've never orgasmed", I asked? "Never," she said, "or watched porn, or had sex, or anything." She turned over and got onto all fours and pointed to the screen. "Do that". In the scene the guy was banging a girl doggie style. "I don't have a condom", I said. "Don't come in me, come in my mouth", she said.
I got behind her and expected to need to go slow since it was her first time. But I slid in easily. She let out a little gasp. So I paused until she started to rock back and forth against me."Do it", she commanded. I started slow at first, but then went harder and faster until she began to writhe with another orgasm. The sound of her coming brought me to the point, so I pulled out and moved towards her mouth. She instantly took my cock in her mouth as I came hard. She gagged slightly, but swallowed hard. We both collapsed into each other's arms. "We're going to have to do that a lot more," she said.
In the end, we remained fuck-buddies for the rest of the class and through our first assignments. Ultimately we lost track of each other. Funny enough, she just found me via Facebook. The only message we've exchanged so far is "sometimes I think about the old days".

