Abby Winters Natasja - The Basic Facts Of Abby Winters

by AundreaDarosa71444 posted Oct 16, 2015


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I think I may have a problem.. I am in my 30's and have been thinking about all the paula abby winter risky situations i've gotten into as the result of thinking with my dick.. Thought i'd share some, and then in more detail about each time if people wanted..
Had my first kiss aged 16 at a friends house party. Didn't really like her all that much but was keen to experience it. I found out from her friend later on that she wanted to take it further but for some reason or other I never followed it up.
Fast forward a year (17) and my friend told me this girl liked me at another party i was at. Ended up driving her to McDonalds drunk and running up a kerb after misjudging a turn. Garbage bins are quite aerodynamic if xfobo abby winters you hit them hard enough. $1500 damage to parents car and getting to dry-hump and suck face with this girl in the back seat seemed totally worth it at the abby winters fitball time. Went home , masturbated three times and passed out.
When I was 15 my parents divorced. Not badly but I was a bit clueless. Cue angry/resentful teenager. So three years on mum gets in a new relationship. He has 4 daughters who live interstate, the eldest at the time was 21. The day after xmas we are hanging around mum's place with the 21yr old and her next oldest sister. A few drinks were had. My neighbour who was my age suggests we all go for a drive to the local park. Arrive at the park, some small talk and a quick go on the swings and we separate off into couples. Its very dark in the park, and a little cool. Next moment the 21yr old sides up to me. In the dark her hand travels up the inside of my leg and into my shorts. We were kind of just talking before this but my focus was now just on her hand. I stop mid sentence and abby winters anna l she squeezes the outline of my cock through my underwear. I was already hard and breathing a little heavy. We kiss and very quickly she goes from rubbing me over my pants to pulling back the waistband and jerking me off in quick strokes. Needless to say getting my first handjob i was pretty happy. Unfortunately we were soon interrupted by the other two before I finished.
We drove back to the house were we had a quick pash and a cheeky cock rub in the living room with the lights out before being interrupted again by the other two. I went to work the next day and came home to find a note from this girl on my pillow which read something along the lines of "really had a lot of fun last night, if your good to me again then you'll get a S_ _ _ from me. My neighbour was with me when i found the note. I quickly folded it in half then went to the bathroom so i could take my time to read it over. I was so young and naive it took me a while to work out she meant "suck".
Fast forward 6 hours and again the neighbour and I are back at the same park with the 21yr old and her sister. With enough distance between the couples to be polite we wasted no time getting down to making out. She was on her back in the bark on the playground, i was kneeling to the side making out with her and feeling her smallish boobs through her singlet top. To a bystander it would have looked awkward as fuck but she had her hand in pants and I was happy. So she says to me roll over and I know whats coming. I lie there and she shimmies down till my penis is resting against her cheek. She lifts her head for a sec then takes a deep breath and bobs about halfway down my cock. the sensation blows me away. I have an average size cock and she handled me pretty easily. Mostly she then just worked the tip except for when she pulled back and licked the shaft in one long lick. In her left hand hand she started to cradle my balls and I had the internal panic of knowing I was going to blow my load in under a minute. I felt my balls contract, then feebly whispered that I was about to come. She popped off my tip at the last second and I came all over my stomach. And I mean all over. It was a real mess. I was disappointed she didn't swallow although I didn't really have any references for blowjobs I felt i'd been cheated a bit. Anyway, I remember picking up handfuls of bark and trying to swipe the splooge off my chest.
We talked a bit afterwards and the other two came out of nowhere so luckily we weren't interrupted a few minutes prior. We then all went back to the house. When we pulled in the driveway mum and her new partner were waiting for us. She was pissed. We hadn't mentioned that we were going out and considering what we were going to get up to we considered it a good move.
You see the 21yr old had a 3yr old kid (conceived on her 18th birthday she told me) and I stupidly thought that once they go to bed at night parenting is over till the morning. No so it seems, the 3yr old got up when we were out the house and went into my mums room..
Needless to say I felt a little sheepish over my behaviour and was sent to stay at my father place which was down the road. As i'm leaving the house I see the two girls in the upstairs bedroom window. The younger one spots me and makes the blowjob hand movement with her hand and cheek. I couldn't help smiling. Summary: Got my first handjob and blowjob from my now step-sister who had a kid. I now have a thing for blowjobs and public places which I can't shake and have been indulging ever since.
Other stories I want to share:
1) my very sexual girlfiend 2) first m,m,f,f 3) sisters and the spa 4) why i love Harry Potter movies 5) my flatmates girlfriend
Thanks for reading, hopefully formatting is ok. I'm new to reddit. Open for any feedback

