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tight asian pussy picsKerina walked stunned from the Security Office, eager to get back to her dorm room. Not even thinking of solving the issue for the moment, just thinking about getting some privacy, washing away all the sweat pic of girls pussy and cum from the pawing men. As she stumbled along, looking a sight with her long dishevelled hair, her rumpled skirt and holding her bag close against her blouse, Kerina walked straight past Jack, her face twisted with worry. "Hey Kerina, slow down," Jack called catching up to her. Kerina kept walking as if she didn't even hear him. Jack caught up and grabbed her by the shoulders, "what's going on," Kerina looked around terrified. When she saw Jack she just stopped, the auto pilot that had taken her this far failing. "What is wrong Kerina, What has happened?" Jack insisted. "N-nothing, I mean... there was this stuff in my bag...but it wasn't mine. They wouldn't believe me and they searched me.."Kerina trailed off. Jack put his arm consolingly around Kerina, guiding her along the pathway to her dorm building, "Look you are upset, I will walk you." Too out of it to protest, Kerina allowed Jack to guide her, handing him her keys he walked her upstairs, unlocked the door and guided her in her dorm room. Jack closed the door behind him and momentarily surveyed the empty dorm room. He helped her to the lounge and guided her to sit down on it. Laying on the lounge, Kerina began to sob, all the events of the morning hitting her. She started to cry, curled up on the lounge. Jack kneeled down beside her and cuddled her, pulling her close. Her bag slid to the floor, as she let him cuddle her, appreciating the human closeness. Jack looked down to see her bare breasts slip out of the blouse against his chest. Jack murmured comforting words into her ear, "Its all right, it is ok." Rubbing her back softly, Jack worked the blouse tighter at the back, pulling it further away from her bared breasts. "I..I don't know how this keeps happening to me, I..I think I am on top of it, like only one step away from catching whoever is messing with me, and then somehow,..somehow.." Kerina starts to sob softly into Jacks shoulder as she thinks of what has happened to her. "Well, I think you are tired Kerina. You need to uh, to lie down I think," Jack says looking over at her bed. "But I cant. I have a class this afternoon and a we are having a little gathering tonight at my friend Janes place. I cant fall behind on my studies and this is the final revision for the test tomorrow. With the party tonight I wont have mush other time to study! I have to go to it." "Well, just lay down and I will get you a drink then you can rest for a couple of hours. You are too worked up now and you need to relax before class," Jack urged her concerned. "Well, I guess so.." Kerina said as Jack helped her stand and guided her over to her bed. As she turned to sit on her bed she felt her blouse being pulled over her shoulders, "What are you doing?" Kerina demanded. Radiating concern, Jack explained he was helping her get out of these clothes, reminding her where they came shaved black pussy tumblr from and that he will dispose of them for her. Kerina relaxed at the logical explanation, of course she didn't want to wear these dirty wrinkled clothes for a minute longer than she needed. He also explained he had seen her nude Close in the shop before so it didn't matter if he saw her like that again, particularly if he was helping her. So while it all made sense, she could help but feel very awkward and helpless as Jack pulled her blouse off leaving her bare from the waist up. Kerina was startled as Jack was suddenly close to her, and then she felt his hands on her hips..."oh.." "Just lift your bottom up," Jack directed seemingly ignoring her bared breasts in front of him. Compliantly, Kerina lifted her bottom of the bed as he unzipped the side of the skirt and pulled it down. Naked she sat on the bed on front of him. Jack smiled and turned away with the skirt and blouse in his hand. He walked over to the small kitchenette and got a glass and some water as Kerina hastily got under her pretty pink sheets. Jack walked over, helped her sit up, and gave her the water. Kerina sat there embarrassed drinking the water as she realised that sitting up her breasts were bared again. Kerina gulped at the drink eager to hide herself again. She was feeling so exposed, so out of control and she never tasted the slight tang of the concoction that Jack had hastily dropped in. Kerina scooted back down in the bed and pulled the covers up to her neck. Jack smiled and patted her head. "Okay, sleep well Kerina, I will see you later." Jack said as he took the glass to the kitchen to wash it. Kerina set her cell phone alarm to wake then she lay back and was asleep in seconds. Jack grinned happy that he had chosen the right dose. He was pretty horny, having seen her naked so many time now, but he knew he was pressed for time and her flatmate could be home soon. Jack pulled the covers off Kerina, deciding he didn't need to be so careful now. He twisted them around a bit and laid them over the end of her bed onto the floor. Looking at Kerina's beautiful naked body, Jack quickly pulled down his pants and was gad to see his cock almost fully engorged still after undressing her. Pushing her legs apart, Jack went to work fucking her neatly trimmed local pussy pics. He felt himself getting harder as he pushed in and after a few strokes he was fully hard. Jack sped up then, concerned about being caught and about his own pleasure, as he pumped her harder and faster. It wasn't long before he felt the pressure build in his balls and he was suddenly cumming in her, then he pulled it out and some more splashed onto her perfect pussy pics, and her tummy. A lot of pent up sexual frustration was relieved for Jack as he deposited a large load of cum on her belly and thighs. Wiping his cock on her sheets, Jack quickly got up. He pulled his pants back up and then turned her cell phone off. Jack pulled a few empty beer bottles out of his bag and put them on the floor around Kerina's bed. He took a full one and poured some of it over Kerina's neck and chest and manged to get a bit in her mouth, then left the remaining amount on her bedside table. He grabbed a camera, also from his bag, snapped a couple of pics of her laying there in her pink bed, princess necklace sitting prettily around her neck, body bare, legs apart, pussy gaping with cum splattered on her, surrounded by beer bottles. Jack smiled as he left eager to get to his next classes. Lisa giggled as she and Ben walked up the stairs to her dorm room. He was pinching her ass and she was playfully swiping at his hand. "I want you so bad babe, you sure your roommate will be out? I cant wait!" "Its okay Ben, she will be gone. She has been going on about this revision class and the test tomorrow all weekend. The class is due t start in five minutes so that means she will have left about two hours ago," Lisa grinned at her joke at Kerina's expense. The door rattled in the lock, took a few failed attempts as Ben hampered Lisa's efforts by groping her breasts and then they almost fell into the room giggling and groping. "Shit!" Ben exclaimed. Lisa turned around and her eyes widened, to see Kerina naked but for her princess Aurora necklace, legs apart, covered in drying cum surrounded by beer cans. "Crap, she took my advice too far." "Wow, looks like she is a little closet slut," exclaimed Ben in awe. Lisa elbowed him hard. Kerina was humiliated. Lisa had gently woken her and Kerina had gradually became aware of what was happening, initially she was dazed and disorientated. Lisa wondered if Kerina had been using drugs also. When she had realised what was happening, and that Ben was there also, Kerina had fled, slowing as she felt lightheaded, for the bathroom. Kerina had showered and wanted to stay in there, until Lisa had called out that her class was already starting. Even more alarmed by the time, Kerina had come out in a towel to get her clothes. Lisa had to use the bathroom and Kerina ended up getting dressed in front of Ben. "Aren't you going to put on some panties?" he asked "Oh, well, I – I don't have any," Kerina said blushing as she pulled her bra on and clipped snapped it together as Ben watched on. "No panties? Don't you use panties?" Ben asked watching Kerina looking frantically through her pile of clothes, still bare assed. "I..of course I use them, I just don't..have any clean ones," Kerina said. "Oh, right," Ben watched as Kerina pulled a knee length skirt out and slipped it on her legs and over her hips, leaving a long strip of bare skin on her left side until she quickly pulled up the zipper. "So you just trim your pussy, don't you ever shave it?" Ben asked as Kerina pulled a t-shirt over her head. "Uh, yeah, I mean no, I don't shave it, I just um trim," Kerina trailed off embarrassed as she settled the t-shirt into place and slipped her feet into her sandals. The bathroom door opened and Lisa walked out, looking a little surprised as she saw Ben sitting there looking at Kerina as Kerina had clearly just finished getting dressed. "What is going on here? I hope she isn't trying to pick you up too?" Lisa said a little meaner than she meant to. Lisa kept a smile on her face, but with a trace of annoyance. "What? No!," answered Kerina, blushing red again, "I have to go to class okay?" "Okay hun, but you and me are going to have a bit of a talk later. I will want to at least know the special guys name...or was it guys?" Lisa asked teasingly. "Uh, sure sure. We can talk later, "Kerina said opening the door to leave. She wanted to ask Lisa where her panties were, but didn't have the courage in front of Ben. Instead she just smiled and left, closing the door behind her. Ben shook his head slowly in surprise, then he turned to Lisa, "Okay babe, get those clothes off. I want to fuck you now!" Giggling, Lisa pulled her top over her head. Jack sat down at the table in the Café. He had got an sms not long after leaving Kerina's place, and had to get here quite quickly. Warren wanted an update. Soon Warren was sitting across from him at the table. "Well Jack, it has been two days. What have you got for me." Jack listed off his evidence so far. •Photos in the library of Kerina half naked with a dildo in her pussy. •Some cell phone pictures of Kerina naked with her head stuck under a tap in the girls change rooms. •Reports by the security Guards, but they haven't filed anything official yet. It is possible they are blackmailing her in some way with their evidence. •A pile of Kerina's panties. •Testimony from the old ebony pussy pic lady at the Chemist that Kerina was in there acting strange asking for condoms. •A grainy badly lit film of a girl, who could be Kerina, getting fucked by 3 guys in a shop. •A couple of bad photos of Kerina naked in a shop. •Photos of Kerina nude on her bed surrounded by beer cans Warren looked at the list, then at what Jack had accomplished. "What the fuck am I paying you for? I want her slutty little ass nailed to paper. I want something that there wont be any doubt about. I want the Dean to accuse her of being a lying slut and to make her apologise." "Yeah, but I am building up to it. I wanted people to get the general impression she is weird and possibly sexually perverse, so if big things started happening, they would just say 'that's just Kerina' or something" Jack said defending himself. "Yeah, well, whatever. But it is Tuesday today. I want this wrapped up by Friday. So turn her into a slut, gang bangs, public nudity, step it up a level okay?" "Yeah okay, sure Warren. I wont let you down man." "Good, that's sorted then. Now I have hired a couple of other guys to help, so you might see their handy work today. Don't worry about it, it is a little bit of backup, and besides I wanted something good to upload to the internet." Hands were shook and the café table was empty. Kerina marched quickly to class. She was determined to get as much time there as possible, and she started reciting the subject in her mind as she walked trying to forget about the day so far. The halls were almost empty, only some guy reading a paper near the lockers as she walked into the hallway her class was in. As she approached the closed door of her class a guy walked up to her and called out, "Hey can you help me?" Annoyed at the delay, Kerina never the less stopped just as she was about to knock on the class door and turned a friendly smile on him, "Sure, what's wrong?" The guy handed her a map of the school. I have to get to the photo labs, but not only do I not know where they are, I am not sure where I am!" he said sounding out of breath and frustrated. Kerina wasn't entirely sure where the photo labs were, but she was quickly able to locate where they were and then started peering at the room names, looking for the photo labs. The guy stood patiently waiting. Unknown to Kerina the guy reading the paper had walked past them and was now facing them, holding a video camera. Still concentrating on the map, Kerina was shocked when she felt hands on her skirt, she looked at the guy dumbly wondering what was happening. Suddenly he was pulling roughly on the skirt, but the zipped ensured the skirt was on snugly. Unfortunately when he did one last hard yank, the zipper remained holding, but the fabric around it ripped. As her pussy was bared again, Kerina suddenly came to life, reaching for her skirt, struggling, and just as she got one hand on the ripped piece of clothing the guy tugged up on her t-shirt, pulling her bra up also revealing her breasts, right there in the middle of the university hallway! Automatically, Kerina let go of the skirt and pawed at her top trying to cover her breasts. The guy, quick as a snake, knocked on the door, then reached down and pulled roughly on her skirt and Kerina ended up bare assed on the ground, with the guy and the camera man running furiously away with her skirt. Kerina pulled her shirt back over her breasts, just in time as the door to her class opened and the Professor looked out and then his eyes widened in surprise. There on the floor sat Kerina, legs apart, wearing a pair of sandals and a t-shirt. Kerina looked up in shock, blushing red, her neatly trimmed free shaved pussy pictures bared to him – and the few students in the front row. "Well, Kerina, I know there are no real strict clothing guidelines per se in our Uni, I do however think this look will not be acceptable," he said grinning a little at her discomfort. Kerina_Smith

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