Abby Winters Tubes - How To Find Sarah B Abby Winters Online

by AundreaDarosa71444 posted Oct 16, 2015


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"It's astounding, time is fleeting, Madness, takes it's toll... " T. was my former best friend's girlfriend/eventually wife; but the were divorced and there were no feelings. At least that is what she told me. I wasn't too concerned what my former friend thought, we had a falling out and weren't on speaking terms. Again, morality police can stop here, as is the case with every good story that comes from me it seems. You could say our falling out was because I'm an asshole, and you would be right; but my girlfriend and his ex girlfriend were as much to blame as I was. It started so innocent, just heading over to Rae's friend's house because she wasn't feeling good and wanted help forgetting about the relationship she just got out of. It started with just innocent hanging out in her room, proceeded to a game of spin the bottle, but ended with nothing more than a plan for something that we all wanted to happen. That night changed my relationship with my best friend, and my girlfriend as well, in ways that never quite healed, but that is another story. I started out (and finished, to be honest) not knowing T. very well, but I thought she was pretty cool. She had a fun, if not heavily political and opinionated at times, attitude. The signs were always there that she liked me, but was also in love with her boyfriend and would never make a move. What I noticed first about her, and what fueled my lust for her, was her appearance. She was probably 5'4", 140 lbs, and fit every definition of the word goth you could think of. She had black hair with multiple colors mixed in throughout, tattoos, piercings, and always seemed to be wearing heels. I don't know if it is something to be proud of, but she had the marks of prior self mutilation, and wore them with pride. Like all good stories I have, this one started with an unexpected text on my Razr. Man, that phone would tell some stories if it could talk. It's like the phone made up texts from random people and forged a new and unexpected reality around the 160 characters it decided to display. Like every other good story that took place over this glorious summer of hookups and lust, I was again playing CounterStrike when this one began. I will forever maintain I went into each of these stories trying to maintain an sense of innocence, but it never worked out that way due to things outside of my control. I knew she liked me, but I really believed her text that said she just wanted someone to hang out with. I fought to find her house, as I had never actually driven there or been there in the daylight. What I found was an open gate and long gravel driveway that wound through the woods. After what felt like a mile of twists and turns, I arrived in front of the house. Thinking back, the house in the Twilight movies reminds me a lot of T's parents house. Very big, set in the woods, and very open and airy feeling because of way too many full height windows. Great, another rich girl. I'm not rich, but expect to be just as soon as my internship finishes transitioning into a full time job. Any day now, they keep promising me. For now, my choice is hang out here or at my mom's house. Coming in and meeting T's parents for the first time was uneventful, as meeting parents always seems to be for me. They always seem to be all over the fact that the guy their daughter brought home is in school full time, making decent money at a tech internship, and expects a real job from it in the coming months. I can hear their thoughts now, "maybe he will be the one to straighten her out!" My mind is a little unsure about T. She is wearing a flat-grey/black colored slip dress type of thing, but to be honest it is not very flattering to me. I guess I don't really care, we're just hanging out anyways. She's trying to be comfy around her house, she is getting over a breakup and I'm here to comfort her. Still, the thought crosses my mind. Did I only find her so attractive before because she was taken? Where is the banging hot girl I remember? We go to her room to watch a movie. She holds up a copy of "Rocky Horror Picture Show." I've heard of it, only indirectly because of my circle of friends all seem to have some obsession with it. I have some plans to see it at some sort of event with another female friend in a few months. The friend told me that the event will probably turn into some huge sex party, so don't be surprised. Sounds like a good time. I guess now would be a good time to see what the movie is all about before the party. As much as I wanted to remain a "Rocky Horror virgin" for the party, I recognize that there is a chance that I will be dating T., and therefore not going to random sex parties with female friends. I make myself at home on the bed, slightly propped up so that I can see the 12" TV that is on a stand at the foot of the bed. T. starts the movie and lays down on the bed next to me. She cuddles up next to me right away, so I put my arm around her. Not even five minutes into the movie, she starts running her hand up and down my side, working her way under my shirt and touching my bare skin. "This movie makes me horny," she says. Damn, it's the first time I've ever actually hung out with her and she knows me well. abby winters gretchen I bet Rae filled her in on a lot of stuff when they were friends. I respond by going in for a kiss, which she passionately returns. Before we can really get into making out, she stops me. She stands up and slips off the hideous dress thing. There she is. There was the sexy, tattoo covered girl I was hoping for when I showed up. Naked in front of me. "I like my boobs played with," she said. I could only oblige, I took her left boob in my right hand as she laid back down next to me. We proceeded to passionately make out. T. was the first girl to ask me to play with her boobs, so I was unsure what to actually do. I just kind of abby winters joan went between squeezing it, grabbing her nipple and giving little tugs and pinches, and just rubbing. I had the excuse of being distracted by making out if she asked what I was doing. We continued this for a really long time, with the sustained passion that you abby winters video can only find in a new relationship. "I have something else to tell you," she threw in there suddenly. The making out stopped instantly. This is where she drops a bomb. After a brief pause, she finished her thought. "I really like giving blowjobs. I don't tell people very often, because then that will be all that guys want me for." I couldn't come up with a good response, all I could say was "I'm not like that." With that, we started the shuffle to pull my pants down and get her into position. I went back to sitting up, my back against the headboard of the bed, and she took her position kneeling on all fours by my side with her head near my cock. She started by brushing her fingers lightly over my cock, a fine first introduction between her body and mine. I watched her as she quickly made her way closer to my cock with her mouth. No hesitations or second thoughts in her mind, just one goal. She gave the entire length a quick lick, and then took the entire thing into her mouth. Straight down to the base in one swoop, there was no cock, only T's head. She forced her face into my mound, and I could feel my tip touching the back of her throat. She brought her head all the way back up until just my tip was in her mouth and repeated these strokes a few times. Full strokes, top to bottom, using just her mouth. She then grabbed my cock with her right hand and stroked me while continuing to pleasure me with her mouth. I can't even describe what she was doing with her tongue, just that it was the best blowjob I have ever received. I was barely able to squeak out the all-important question "Do you want me to tell you when I'm going to cum?" Her reply, squeezed in between strokes of her mouth on my cock, was "No, (gulp) I'll figure (gulp) it out, (gulp) just relax." Wow, that was hot. She didn't even want to stop to answer the question. Her amazing skills at work, it took less than two minutes for me to reach climax. It was a climax like no other I'd had before. The tips of my fingers and both of my legs felt tingly like the had fallen asleep after being sat on or something. It was like there wasn't enough blood in my body to fuel my cock and my other extremities at the same time. I started shaking, almost convulsing under her. I thought for sure I would gag her with the sudden movements, but she kept pressing on. I finally felt myself erupt in her mouth. Still no sign of slowing from her. I could feel her swallow after every spurt, sucking and swallowing it down as fast as it came out. I knew what a drinking straw felt like. Her mouth now felt slimy from the cum that stuck inside of it, and she kept moving her head. She gradually slowed down her strokes, and I was unable to move. My entire body tingled and I was 100% spent. All I could do was lay there. I have a vague memory of her saying something like "next time you should grab my head and make me do what you want," as I fell asleep. Even better, though, is that she actually did like giving them as much as she said. Every time we got in my car, there was another blowjob while I drove wherever we were going. When we got to the destination, if there was any waiting for anything, her mouth was on my cock while we waited. I received no less than 50 bjs over the next 3 weeks, with her swallowing every load. I really think I lost my sensitivity to bjs during these weeks, or it was just overuse, because it got harder and harder to cum from what she was doing. This came to a point one day when giving her a ride to school. The ride was maybe 3 miles, across some country roads and then just a little bit into town to get to the campus. In typical fashion, my dick was in her mouth as soon as we made the first corner of her winding driveway. For the only time ever, I tried to turn down a blowjob. "I just don't think there's enough time," I pleaded. It was an awesome position to be in, knowing that I could just turn it down because there would be another one later. She took that as a challenge. "Push my head, fuck my mouth, do what you need to do to cum in time." As if those orders weren't hot enough to drive anyone insane. After we got out of the twisty driveway and onto the long and straight country roads, I followed her orders. I grabbed the back of her head, getting a handful of hair as well, and forced her down while thrusting up. I could feel my tip hitting the back of her throat with every thrust. Normally, I am sensitive and afraid of hurting a girl, but her moans told me she was loving every second of it. It still took most of the ride to get close, but I did. I was about to finish, so I pushed her head down as far as I could and came straight down her throat. To my surprise, there was no who is abby winters gagging or anything. Just, again, the feeling of being a drinking straw giving her the drink she craves. I have yet to get a bj from another girl with the same skill level. Those feelings set the bar for my dreams until this day. sadorhappy
