Cfnm Gallery - Three Ways Hot Hd Sex Can Drive You Bankrupt - Fast!

by DorthyBeavis60951621 posted Oct 16, 2015


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naked girls picMy last post did fairly well, so I have decided to post some more stories. However, nothing further has happened with Julia as of yet, so I will be taking a different route with this next one. Here is some new background info. My freshmen year of college I met my current best friend. Her name is April, and we are very close. Nothing sexual has ever happened between us, but we are very open about our sexuality with each other. We have confided our deepest fantasies and desires to each other and I doubt anyone knows more about me then her. Anyways, April and free nude gallery me have been long time lurkers on reddit and now that I have begun posting we have decided to use this account jointly. However, April is very self conscious about her writing, which is why I will be writing the stories she wishes to post. Let me clarify, while this story is true, it was told to me by April, and I wrote it out. To start, I will tell you that April is bisexual. This story will focus on the first time she was with a girl. April is 5’3", with a petite figure. She has a B-cup bra size, with very perky pink nipples. She has wide brown eyes and dark brown hair that flows down her back. I would be lying if I said I was not extremely attracted to her (which she knows) but our friendship is very important to me. Though we have discussed the idea of hooking up in the past, neither of us have wanted to take the risk of ruining what we have by being sexual. That is not to say something may not happen in the future. You never know. In fact, she is also very attracted to Julia. So mayyyyyyybe something will happen with that. But I doubt it. (You never know) So lets dive into her story. From this point on, I will be writing from April’s perspective. "My name is April, and I am a sexual freak. I wasn’t always that way though, I used to be kind of conservative in fact. This is the story about the first time I had nude porn star sex with a girl. I consider this event the turning point naked girls images in my sexual life. I am 22 now, but this story takes place when I was 18. I had always been attracted to both genders but had never been with a girl before. Other than a few drunken pecks pictures naked girls with friends at parties, but those didn’t count in my opinion. Anyways, It was the end of senior year of high school, and me and my friends were celebrating. A bunch of us went www.perfect girls to the beach to have a bonfire and shoot off some fireworks. It was a great night and I was feeling tipsy from some wine coolers. My friend Karen’s cousin was with us, whom I had only met that night. Her name was Sarah, and she was unbelievably cute. She had dirty blonde hair that fell to her waist. She was about my height, 5’3"ish and of a similar figure. Although one big difference were her tits. She had D-cup breasts that looked unbelievable in the bikini top she had worn to the beach. I found myself staring at them quite a bit and hoped no body noticed. Karen, whom I had confided in about my attraction to girls, noticed though. She told me her cousin was Bi and would probably be open to it if I made a move. I was so nervous though that I just made some excuse and changed the subject. Still, my friend subtly teased me about it for the next hour. At some point she and her cousin went for a walk, and though I didn’t know it at the time, she told Sarah about me checking her out. When they came back Sarah made a much greater effort to talk to me and we hit it off pretty well. Of course I didn’t recognize it at the time, but in retrospect she was flirting with me hard. After a few hours everyone headed home and Karen invited me back to her house to spend the night. I was fairly drunk at this point and didn’t want to face my parents, so I agreed and we walked to her place. Sarah was also staying the night. When we got to the house we went into Karen’s finished basement to watch a movie. We ended up drinking a little more and got very silly while we watched one of the Harry Potter movies. Eventually Karen said she was going to bed and left me and Sarah alone in the basement. Now, I was still very oblivious to Sarah’s flirting at this point, but was drunk enough to let myself flirt a little bit. After a few minutes Sarah told me she thought I was beautiful. I was so flattered and started giggling before telling her she was beautiful too. Then she suddenly leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I was surprised and pulled away at first, as a knee jerk reaction. Sarah looked horrified and started apologizing. I told her not to be sorry and that I was just surprised, but that I liked it. She lit up at that and asked me if I wanted to do it again. Now, I am more nervous then I have ever been in my life at this point. I had always wanted to experiment with a girl, but it had always just been a fantasy. Now it looked like it was really going to happen and I was worried I would make a fool of myself. I nervously nodded and she smiled and leaned in to kiss me again. Her lips were so soft against mine and what started as a gentle kiss quickly turned into something more intense. She pushed me back against the couch and climbed on top of me. I was loving every second of it and ran my fingers through her long hair while she kissed my neck. At this point I knew I was definitely bi-sexual as I was more turned on then I had ever been with any guy. I was very wet and was hopeful that the make out session would turn into something more. I was not disappointed. After several blissful minutes of Sarah’s tongue in my mouth, she started to suck on my ear. I had to muffle my mouth because I didn’t want my moans to wake anyone up, even though the basement was pretty much sound proof. Sarah blew into my ear and whispered that she wanted to fuck me. I said "yes please" and she went right to work taking my clothes off. First she pulled my tank top off before expertly unclasping my bra. she paused to suck on my nipples which made me squirm in pleasure. Guys had done the same thing but it never felt as good as when Sarah did it. After getting fully acquainted with my breasts, she moved down to my shorts. I was self conscious about the plain underwear I was wearing but she pulled both off in one quick motion. She purred when she saw my shaved pussy and told me I looked delicious. I mumbled something or other incoherently as I could barley believe what was happening. She wasted no time in kissing her way down me but paused before actually eating me out. She looked at me with seductive eyes and asked if I was sure I wanted to do this. I almost screamed yes and told her I wanted it more than anything. She smiled and then started to lick up and down my soaking wet pussy. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt. Though I had gone down on guys in the past, I had never been eaten out. Since this experience several guys have done it to me but none of them have ever come close to Sarah. She had me on the edge of my first orgasam within one minute. When I told her I was close she shifted her focus to my clit and began tonguing it furiously. I screamed into my arm as I cam harder then I had ever cum in my entire life. After I could barley move and was slightly twitching. Sarah snuggled up to me and asked if I liked it. I just laughed before making out with her some more. After a few minutes I told her it was her turn. She pulled off her top and undid her bikini releasing her huge tits. They were magnificent with puffy brown nipples that begged to be sucked. I immediately began to lick and kiss them all over to Sarah’s enjoyment. While I was sucking on her nipple I felt Sarah’s hand begin to rub my clit. I gasped and returned the favor by sliding my own hand down her bathing suit bottom. She moaned loudly, not bothering to muffle her voice and it turned me on even more. Like me, she was soaking wet and it was very easy for me to slide two fingers into her. She loved it and begged for more. I ended up making her cum by fingering her roughly with four fingers. I surprised myself at how naturally it came to me. After I pulled my fingers out I pulled off the rest of her suit and got down in between her legs. I told her I was nervous about being bad since it was my first time but she only smiled and told me that would be impossible. She guided me with her hands on her head as I started to lick and suck on her pussy. It tasted amazing and I was overcome with lust as I lapped up her juices. I quickly made her cum again and she was so loud I was sure the whole house would hear. After that things got a bit naughtier. Sarah told me to get on all fours on the ground. I was very into her bossiness and immediately got on my hands and knees in front of her. She walked behind me and give me a slap on the ass, which I loved. Then she began to finger fuck me in earnest with one hand while her other had my hair firmly in it’s grasp. I cam again and ended up laying on my belly shaking from the intensity of it. Sarah was not done with me though. She pulled me up so I was leaning against her chest and she sucked on my neck while also rubbing my clit. I didn’t think I had another orgasam in me but boy was I wrong. Afterwards I was too exhausted to go on and we just snuggled up together naked under the blankets. I was very infatuated with Sarah but unfortunately we never started a formal relationship. That is not to say that we didn’t fuck like bunnies all the time, because we most definitely did. Were still good friends and I am looking forward to the next time I get to shove my face between her legs. Maybe I will let Adam in on the fun!" (In his dreams!). ForFun369 [3 comments]
