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3.2 Steeling himself, Dick slid his card-key through the slot next to him, and pushed the door open, completely unprepared for the complete vulgarity of the scene in front of him. Erica Rivers was decidedly not in the Bullpen. Instead, she was out in the observation room, dressed in a crude black corset that covered neither her breasts nor her vagina. And, to Dick's horror, she was squatting over what appeared to be a Nalgene water bottle, urinating into it while two other grown men stood by, watching with casual disinterest. Her eyes locked defiantly with his the moment he stepped into the room, her face stoically showing no sign of self-consciousness. In fact, at the sight of Dick Abbott's absolute mortification, Erica even smiled a wicked smile. She was enjoying his shock. "I'll be with you in a second, Dick," Erica purred, emphasizing the dirtiness of his name. She made no effort to stop what she was doing, and made no attempt to lose eye contact with the older man. Instead, she simply continued to piss into the bottle as if she'd done it this way her entire life. "The urinalysis engines in the Bullpen fizzled this morning," Colin explained to the newcomer, Dick still unable to break contact with the peeing girl. Standing just a few feet from where the dark-haired girl was squatting, Mike Takahashi shrugged. "Short term solution," he offered. The older man nodded, feeling a bead of sweat forming on his bald head. Still, his eyes were locked with Erica's. Having finished her business, she stood – jar in hand – and grinned at her visitor. She handed the bottle to her waiting lab assistant, who closed it and joined Colin by the ops desk. "I'm sorry," Dick finally spoke, "I should have knocked. I thought that you'd be in your...in your...." "Cage?" Erica offered. Her hair, as usual, was completely disheveled, but the short haircut prevented her from looking anything less than presentable. Her lips were bright red, a natural red for lack of lipstick. Her breasts, bared for all to see, were smaller than Dick had expected, but the nipples were at attention and standing straight up and out. "Well, the Bullpen," Dick stammered. "As Colin explained, the Bullpen's urinalysis sensors are on the fritz." Erica had obviously stunned her medical overseer by how unconcerned she seemed about pissing in front of three men. Seizing on the moment, she explained, "Of course, I'd rather be in the Bullpen than out, Dick. But if Colin wants a floor show, I'm more than willing." She shot in a wink in Colin's direction. The technician seemed as aghast at Erica's behavior as the doctor. To a silent room, Erica suggested, "Shall we talk?" Turning her backside to Dick, the naked girl meandered towards the lunch table in the corner, swinging her hips and allowing her ass to hypnotically sway back and forth. Though scandalized by what he had witnessed in just his first few minutes with Erica, Dick couldn't help but fixate on the allure of her slight imperfection, her café-au-lait, as it waggled away from him. Eyebrows raised, both Colin and Takahashi watched on, mystified as to what Erica was doing. Dick had expected to talk to the girl through the intercom, but he rolled with the punches, and followed his Lady Godiva towards the table. In the corner, across the table from one another, Erica would at least be able to hide her lower body beneath the opaque surface. Erica, though, had other plans. Reaching the table first, she rolled one chair out and away. Nowhere near the table, she sat, out and exposed for all three men to see. Dick, then, had no choice but to sit with his back to the table, facing the girl and separated by only a few short feet. Debbie would not olive abby winters have been happy. Thankfully, however, the girl crossed her legs, hiding her pussy. She then crossed her arms, as well, shielding her nipples from view. Though Dick knew otherwise, he could lie to himself and pretend as if the corset that Erica was wearing covered all. That would not have been so awkward. "Erica," he began, noticeably uncomfortable. "There's been a question raised about your behavior the past few days." The girl sat stone-faced. "Well, er, some of us have become somewhat concerned about the effects your compound might be having on...well....you." Silence. Dick swallowed hard. Perspiration continued to form on his head. "What I'm here to do today is ascertain whether the side effects from the deuterotone are harming you." "I think Colin and the other scientists could tell you that I'm in perfect health," Erica said flatly. She knew what he was hinting at. She just wanted to force him to say it. "Harming you psychologically. Or socially." "So you're a psychologist now, Dick?" the girl asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "You're a sociologist, Dick?" "No. No. No, er, no. I...I...I...well...Erica, you're not acting like yourself." At this, she uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, inches from Dick's face. "Why, how do you mean, Dick?" "I think we both know what I'm talking about." The girl feigned ignorance. "Am I not reading as much as I used to, Dick? Do I seem blue? Am I not playing well with others?" She was definitely going to make him say it. "The masturbation," he finally spat out. Erica smirked, and leaned back into her seat. She left her legs uncrossed. "Yes?" "'Yes' what?" Dick asked, unsure whether Erica was simply toying with him, or if she honestly was unaware that her behavior was odd. "What about me masturbating, Dick?" Erica continued, still letting his name linger in her mouth each time she said it aloud. It was dirty every time, Dick Abbott uncomfortable with the sound of his own name from the girl's lips. "It just seems rather..." he began, but trailed off. "It seems unlike you to touch yourself in front of your co-workers." Erica laughed. "Do you work with me in the genetics lab, Dick?" "No." "Then how do you know this to be a truth?" "You don't expect me to believe that you've masturbated in your lab before." She flashed a naughty smile, hinting in the affirmative. "In front of others? In front of your lab assistants?" Erica caught Takahashi's attention, and blew him a kiss. "This is ridiculous," Dick growled, exasperated with the girl's behavior. She was playing with him, toying with him, teasing him. She was drunk on the deuterotone, unable to comprehend that he was here to help her, to free her from the grips of her own insatiable lust. He stood, incapable of staring across at her any longer. "Dick," the nude girl began flatly, "you don't know me. You don't know about me. You have nothing on which to judge my behavior by." Inside, her nerves were shaking her apart. She wasn't Jason Callahan, comfortable in her own skin. She wasn't even the poor Wesleyan volunteer, who had shrugged off his own arousal and accepted it. She was a nervous little girl, being called out by a superior for touching herself in front of others. She was being tortured every second that she remained in the nude, within visual range of her clothes across the Observation Room. And she was being offered an out, a way to get dressed and go home that very afternoon. But she had to pretend to be confidant, even xfobo abby winters though confidence completely eluded her. She had to be a dominant sexual goddess, even though she felt as if she were an inferior thing, an animal to be watched and laughed at. She was incapable of keeping her fingers from her pussy, but she had to come off as if it were intentional, as if she did so with disregard to whomever was around. "Sit down, Dick" she ordered. Surprisingly, the doctor did as he was told, though he continued to look exasperated with her, her behavior, and her nudity. Erica spread her legs a bit further, though not enough that Dick would immediately notice. It was part of her act, but she couldn't help but accept that her pussy was, in fact, beginning to radiate heat. Sitting this close – to even this most unattractive of male specimens – was getting her wet. "You're here to ask me questions, aren't you?" Dick cleared his throat. "Provided you can be cooperative." Erica nodded. "I'm yours," she whispered, giggling a bit afterwards. Her right hand, tucked behind her left forearm, secretly found her left nipple. Without Dick even noticing, she began teasing it between her thumb and forefinger. Sparks shot up and down her spine. "How often," Dick began, but he quickly began stumbling over his words. "How often...er....would you say....how often, would you say..." "Spit it out, Dick." The older man huffed. The girl still had her arms crossed across her breasts, but her neatly trimmed pubic hair had come into view. He shook his head, and continued, "How often do you masturbate?" "Twice today," she replied. Again, the wicked smile flashed across her face. "But it's still early." "Before two weeks ago," Dick clarified firmly. Once a week, Erica thought to herself. Maybe twice, on occasion. "Two or three times a day," she announced aloud, casually licking her lips. "Usually once in the morning, before work. And again at night, as I fall asleep." Dick was apparently startled by this revelation. "And, occasionally, during the day, when I feel the yearning," she carried on. "During the day?" "Lunch breaks, mostly. In my car. Or in the ladies' room on the second floor. Or, every now and then, in my office, with the door shut." Takahashi's ears perked up from the far side of the room. Dick had begun to visibly sweat. Wiping perspiration from his brow, he asked again, just to make sure, "Two or three times a day?" The dark haired girl nodded, and leaned forward into her interviewer. As she did so, her legs parted just a bit more, and the moisture on her labia caught the overhead light perfectly. As her pussy glistened in the artificial light, she whispered, "It depends on when I'm feeling hot." "Before the deuterotone?" "Before the deuterotone." There was a pause, and the portly doctor continued, asking, "But why this weekend? Why not that first Monday? Why not last week? Why, all of a sudden?" Erica leaned back in her chair, but allowed her left arm to drop from her chest. Absentmindedly scratching bare skin aside her neat strip of pubic hair, her legs continued to spread. And, to Dick's horror, her other hand was tweaking her left nipple, playing with it as one might toy with an errant paper clip during a boring lecture. It was all so nonchalant, the nude girl across from him carrying on her conversation while touching her own tits. "To avoid this conversation," she answered. "I'm sorry," abby winters girl girl Dick interrupted, flustered by her behavior. "Can you stop that, please?" He gestured to her breast. The girl looked genuinely confused. "Stop what? Stop touching my breast?" "Y-y-y-yes." "But, Dick, isn't this what this entire experiment is all about? My breasts? My tits? My mammaries?" "I hardly think that just because the experiment is designed to increase the size of your bust –" "What about confidence, Dick? What about me being confident in my own body? What about me being confident in the nude while you, Takahashi, and Colin gape at my body?" Dick was clearly flustered at this point, and control of the conversation was quickly slipping away. Erica jutted her chin towards Dick's direction, and her line of sight focused directly on the man's pants. "Besides, you can't tell me that you're not enjoying this." It was true. Dr. Abbott had a hard-on like none that he'd had in months. She shrugged, letting her other arm drop from her chest to her lap. "But if you want me to stop touching my nipple, I'll stop touching my nipple." Her legs were now completely spread, her nipples standing erect and in-view, and her lower body slouching towards the front of her chair. And, with her right middle finger, she began to detachedly trace her own slit, from back to front, top to bottom. Dick Abbott, though, was frozen. He was transfixed by the scene unfolding before him, unable to speak or break away because of a mixture of mortification and lechery. "Has the deuterotone affected my sex drive?" Erica asked, her finger finding the top of her pussy, and the clitoris beneath the folds. "Undoubtedly. But Dick, I've always been a very, very sensual person." Flabbergasted, Dick searched for words. "....Here? In front of me? In front of Colin and Mike?" Erica brought her free hand to her mouth, seductively touching her lips and nibbling on the end of her fingers. Whispering once again, she assured him, "It's always been a fantasy of mine." He was stunned. "No, not you, Dick," Erica giggled. "But to perform. To be watched. "Sometimes," she continued, gently rubbing her middle and ring fingers back and forth across her crotch, "I make Tom watch. I make him sit on the far side of the room until I cum." The dirtiness of the word "cum" echoed in the air, the carnality of it causing Erica's entire body to visibly buck away from the chair. From her lips, a soft sigh emerged. "I-I-I-I'm not going to sit here for this," Dick announced. But he didn't move. He didn't look away. He didn't stop watching the motions of Erica's right hand, or the hypnotic gyrations of her hips. Maintaining her confidence was no longer Erica's overarching concern. She obviously had Dick Abbott in the palm of her hand. She was in control here. He was clothed, and she was exposed, but she had the upper hand. Now, all Erica could think about was her forthcoming orgasm. "Did you like watching me squat and piss, Dick?" Erica asked, starting to sound more and more out of breath. "Did you like watching me touch myself in the Bullpen, Dick? Did you like finally seeing me naked, Dick, after all these years we've spent working together?" The older man was silent. So, too, were the technician and the research assistant on the far side of the room. Colin wasn't sure whether or not he should step in, and stop Erica from what she was doing – he, after all, knew that this wasn't her. Takahashi, meanwhile, was still holding the Nalgene in one hand, his mouth agape and his eyes bewitched by the gorgeous woman engaged in self-pleasure only a few yards away. None of them, however, could break the paralysis they were all suffering from. The pace of Erica's right hand quickened, and she was more passionately rubbing herself in her seat. Meanwhile, with her eyes closed in erotic bliss, she was licking her left middle finger, her tongue darting out lasciviously. Her breasts, the subject of the experiment and the focus of five weeks worth of attention, were heaving up and down with each breath that the girl took. Her nipples, which had been standing at attention since Dick had first laid eyes upon them, now seemed to be straining against the aureoles, almost painfully erect. "It's natural, Dick. Organic. Orgasmic. It's what we, as human beings, do. It's abby winter girls what we, as women, do." She was panting now. "It's our nature." She opened her eyes, and stared defiantly into Dick's. "You can't ask me to deny my nature. Can you, Dick?" "No, no," came the response – weakly, distractedly. "Oh," Erica moaned. For a moment, her dialogue was forgotten, as the power of her pussy took over. However, she kept her eyes wide open, holding her battle of eye contact with Dick. Regaining her composure, but without breaking contact with her clitoris, the girl sighed, "Yes, Dick, yes. It's my nature. It's who I am. With or without this experiment, with or without the deuterotone." She slid two of her fingers effortlessly into the folds of her vagina, continuing the pressure on her clit with her palm, and gasped in pleasure. She was coming close to her climax, but found herself delaying it. She wanted this moment to last. Erica had all the power in this conversation. She had set out to prove to Dick that she was, beneath the calm, conservative exterior she had previously put forth, a nymphomaniac. She was an exhibitionist. She was a slut. But she had gone further than she had intended. She had more control of this man – and the two men watching nearby – than she had imagined. The bulge in Dick's lap, pushing hard against the material of his khakis, proved this point, and acted as a further aphrodisiac in Erica's mind. She had done this – this man, not quite a stranger, but no one intimate – was turned on by Erica Rivers, geeky little Erica Rivers. The girl herself might have been half-drunk on her own arousal because of the deuterotone pumping through her system, but the man across from her was demonstrating his own excitement based on nothing but Erica's own naked body. It made her feel fantastic. Realizing that she could go beyond control, Erica shrugged forward, out of the chair and down onto her knees. Her hand still dripping with pussy juice, she literally crawled towards Dick Abbott, who was still sitting nervously just a few feet away. Shock-still in his chair, Dick did nothing as she put her right hand onto his thigh, pulling her upper body between his knees. Her naked tits grazed against the material on the inside of his thighs. Her wet hand left a moist trail on the outside of his pants. And, gazing up at Dick, the girl bit her lips, and moved her left hand to her cunt. She could sense his cock, small though it may have appeared, straining against his khakis just a few inches from her face. She could smell his perspiration, soaking his clothes through. She could hear his breathing rate increase, and before Erica knew it, the older man was panting faster than even she was. "I'm going to – Oh, God! – finish this experiment, Dick," she stated, flatly. "I'm not going to let you – Oh, oh, oh – stand in my way." Abbott wasn't the only one sweating, however. A drop trickled down the side of Erica's face and splashed against the man's khakis. Another hung on the tip of her nose, threatening to plummet but never quite giving in to gravity. Her chest, visible to just Dick, was glistening in the overhead light. Her back, visible to Takahashi and Colin at the ops desk, was no different. Her whole body quivered, shaking violently as the orgasm wrapped its fingers around her spine. She didn't blink, however. Staring deeply into the medical observer's eyes, she exhaled his name, over and over again. "Dick," she called, and repeated herself, sounding dirtier each time. "Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick!" It was too much for Abbott to handle. He gasped himself, inadvertently, and a wet stain of his own began to appear on the crotch of his pants. It was just inches from the pussy juice fingerprints Erica had graced him with. The smell nearly overpowered Erica. It had been weeks since she'd been around jism, weeks since she'd smelled its dirty, sickly sweet intoxicating smell, weeks since she'd tasted Tom's manly juices in her mouth. She fought the urge to lean her face deep into Dick's crotch, unzip his pants, and slip his cock into her mouth. But it was a powerful urge, and for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, she broke eye contact with the older man. Erica stood slowly, bringing her still-hot pussy to Dick's eye level. With little effort, he could see drops of her juices on the inside of her thighs. With little effort, he could watch sweat trickle down her body from beneath the electronic corset. When she touched him, even though it was only his chin, Dick whimpered. He was hers – body, mind, and soul. He would do as she asked. Gently stroking the older man's chin with her wet hand, Erica did the unthinkable – she sat down on his lap, wrapping herself around him. Her long, smooth, left leg was swung over his right, and her right back across his left. Erica could feel the moist stain on the man's pants against her bare skin, and Dick could feel the girl's perspiration-soaked bare skin through his clothes. Though his erection had begun to subside, Dick couldn't help but whimper once again as he felt her wet pussy grind against his crotch. 3.4 Erica_Rivers

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