Hottest Girl On Casting Couch - In 15 Minutes, I'll Give You The Truth About Watch Porn Videos For Free

by LaurieHogben77657918 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Mike stepped off the bus and took a look around. Not much changes in sleepy southern towns like this. The old diner and attached gas station across from the bus depot still had peeling paint, old men in rockers out front, and the same gaudy neon sign proclaiming, The Best Southern Fried Chicken in the State. He looked up Main Street and saw the same Civil War memorial with General Robert E. Lee standing proud and tall with one hand on his saber. Surprised that thing is still standing, he thought, shouldering his duffel bag and heading away from downtown. I figured the council would have had it removed by now. Nearly every week there was some new wannabe rattlecan tag or other defacement. Every block or so he saw someone he recognized but no one seemed to recognize him. Thats what happens though when you leave town to join the Air Force and dont come back for six years. He had changed. Riverview never would. He had grown three inches since leaving home at the age of eighteen. Now at six foot one and 215 pounds of hardened muscle, he hardly looked like the five ten 250 pound pudgy stoner he was when he left. Not only that but he walked with his shoulders back, head held straight ahead, and his arms swinging nine inches to the front and six to the back. Just like he had been trained. A far cry from the slumped posture, eyes on the ground, and shuffling gait of his younger years. He dreaded making it to his destination and took his time, hardly looking at the street signs as he passed, since he made this walk his whole childhood when Mom worked at the diner. Mom, he thought, remembering the last time he had seen or even talked to her. He had written after graduating Basic Training, sending her a picture of himself in his dress blues so she wouldnt worry, but didnt include a return address. Six years ago to the day it was now. He left home and hopped on a bus to leave forever. But now, here he was. Walking home from the same bus depot he had used to leave home. Funny how life is like that, he thought, automatically taking a shortcut through a fallow field. He passed through a small stand of trees on the edge of the field and looked over his boyhood neighborhood. Midway down the block was his boyhood home. It hadnt changed much either. The paint looked fresh, there were flowers growing in the beds on the edge of the front porch and what looked like a new addition in back, but everything else was the same. The same willow tree grew over the septic tank, the same oak tree towered over the backyard, complete with the old tree house he and his best friend had built as boys and even the same mailbox. Why is Mamas maiden name on the mailbox now? he thought, noticing the freshly applied sticker letters. He walked up the steps, hands now tightly clenched at his sides to keep them from shaking, and rang the doorbell. He heard the clicking of heels on the hardwood floors inside and his confusion grew. Mom never wears heels. She is more of a jeans and tennis shoes kind of woman. The door opened and he barely recognized his own mother. Five foot five, ten with the towering heels, and maybe 125 pounds soaking wet, with platinum blonde hair. This woman looked nothing like the short, plain and somewhat frumpy woman he remembered. She was wearing a nearly skin tight pinstriped dress, black Louboutins, stockings, makeup, and glasses. Ma- he was able to choke out, before she threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly. Mike! she cried, tears beginning to form in her eyes at the sight of her long lost son. Wha- What are you doing here? I thought you were in the Air Force. And what happened to you? she asked, Youve grown and lost your baby fat. It wasnt baby fat Mama, it was just fat, he said, barely hugging her back. My contract ended earlier this month and I was denied reenlistment. I didnt really know where else to go and they paid for me to get back here. I know I didnt leave on the best of terms and stayed out of contact, but I was hoping I could stay here for a bit, until I figure out my next move. Of course, Son, she gushed, you can stay as long as you need or want. Come in, come in. He followed her into the house, noting how great the old house looked with the completely redecorated interior. Now it looked like a picture from some upscale magazine with a brand new chandelier, modern furniture, and brightly painted walls. Whew! he whistled, the house looks amazing Mama. When did you redecorate? Well get to that in a moment, Son, she said, leading him down the hall. First, I have something I need to tell you. Come sit with me in the kitchen. Oh, put your bag at the foot of the stairs for when you go up to your room, she added. He dropped his duffel as requested and followed her into the kitchen. Oh wow! This must have been that new addition I saw out back, he said, looking over the massive kitchen. In the center was a huge island; complete with a butcher block counter on one side, a large soapstone sink on the other, and a high end countertop stove covered by a gleaming stainless steel hood. All the appliances had been replaced with stainless steel versions along with a new tile floor and all new black cabinets. Jesus Mama! How did you and Dad afford all this? Well, thats what I wanted to talk to you about, she said nervously, chewing on her bottom lip. Dad and I got divorced about two years ago. Apparently he had an inheritance he was hiding from me, but my lawyer was able to prove he had it and get it awarded partly to me, along with alimony. Figures. Piece of shit, Mike snarled. There wasnt much love between him and his father. He was the primary reason Mike left to begin with. His father, Charlie, was a tyrant of a parent. He pushed Mike harder than he ever had his older sister, Danielle, being harsh in punishment and infrequent in his praises. Are you okay Mama? he asked, pulling her to him for another hug. Not at first, she said quietly, emotion making her voice quaver. He left me, not the other way around. I shared some secrets and thoughts I had kept bottled up for a long time and he couldnt handle it. He screamed, called me all sorts of filthy and mean names, and stormed off. I was served with divorce paperwork a week later. But now that you are home, my son, I dont think I could be happier. She stepped back, wiping her eyes carefully to avoid smudging her makeup. Im sure you are tired, baby. Why dont you go hop in the shower and Ill whip you up a bite to eat. Being the only one here I dont get to use this beautiful kitchen as much as Id like. You can nap afterwards. Okay Mama, Mike replied. He headed back to the stairs and carried his duffel up to his old room. While the main floor of the house had changed, as well as his mom, his room was exactly as he remembered it, just cleaner. His old posters of various swimsuit models were still hanging, his old computer still sat on his desk and even his old clothes were still hanging in the closet. He shook his head as he stripped out of his clothes and headed to the linen closet for a towel. As he opened the closet, he didnt hear the soft gasp that came from the foot of the stairs. His mother was going to come up and put fresh sheets on his bed but stopped dead when she saw her sons naked body. What she hadnt told Mike was that the secrets and thoughts she had shared with his father were about him. She had grown up normally and had a good life with her parents and siblings. When she turned 18, she discovered her mother and father were sleeping with their adult children and wanted her to join them. She did, quite a few times, and enjoyed it immensely but stopped when she had met Charles and never told a soul. As her son had grown, she felt those same urges to do with him what she did with her parents but had suppressed them, leaving them as fantasies. She shared what had happened to her and the fantasies she had with Charles soon after Mike left, in the hopes of reigniting their stagnant love life, but he was disgusted by it all. As Mike turned from the closet, she barely contained a moan at the sight of his cock. Even soft it looked bigger than his fathers and nearly as big as her fathers. She felt her panties dampen as she imagined herself on her knees before him, worshipping his beautiful cock. She listened to him get in the shower and turn it on. She quickly ran into the downstairs bathroom and hiked up her skirt. She shoved her panties to one side and began to toy with her now very wet pussy, as she kept the mental image in her mind. She ran her fingers up and down her slit, shuddering each time she touched her clit. Suddenly she heard the shower snap off upstairs and quickly pulled her skirt back down. Fuck that was a quick shower, she thought, stepping into the kitchen and assembling a sandwich for her son. Oh well. When I go to the store later, at least Ill have something to fantasize about. Mike walked into the kitchen, toweling off his hair, with a towel around his waist and she couldnt help but look at his crotch. She felt her pussy drip down her leg, as she saw the top of his pubic hair above the towel. Stop it Michelle, she thought to herself, save it for later. She tore her gaze away from him and set his plate on the table. Mike noticed the flush on his moms face and how she seemed to be looking at his crotch, but dismissed it as a misunderstanding. He sat down and began to tear into his sandwich. This is delicious Mama, he said between bites. Oh, I wanted to ask. Any plans for tonight? Im pretty flush still from the last few months of my military pay. I could take you out for dinner. Michelle blushed, thinking of her plans to go to the adult bookstore in the next county over. Well, I sorta did... Got a hot date Mama? Mike asked, noticing her blush. Oh... No... Nothing like that. I havent seen a man since your father left, she replied. Just some plans... But I can do them earlier rather than later so we can go to dinner. Well thats not suspicious at all, Mike thought to himself before saying, Okay Mama. You know anyone looking to sell a car? Id like to start looking for a job sometime soon. Oh you dont have to do that. I still have my old Accord and I bought myself a new Acura when I got the divorce settlement. Ill just sign it over to you. Thats the least I can do since your father never let you get a car, she said, pulling the keys from her purse on the counter and tossing them to him. Youre amazing Mama, Mike said. Thank you so much. Im gonna go change. I think I can make it up to Nashville and get a few applications in before I come back to pick you up. That way you can go do your plans. Oh stop teasing me, she replied, blushing again. A woman is allowed to have plans and not tell her son. Plus, Im horny as hell and could use the relief, she added silently, watching him finish his sandwich and load his plate in the dishwasher. Fair enough, Mike said, climbing the stairs. He quickly threw on a pair of loose khakis and a polo from his duffel and headed back down stairs. Michelle was sitting in the living room, watching a soap opera as he walked in and kissed her cheek. Thanks again Mama. I really appreciate you helping me out. Of course Son, she said distractedly. Youre still my baby boy. Id do anything for you. Mike went out to the garage and pulled out in the old Honda. He looked at the clock on the dash and thought, Fuck it. Id only get maybe an hour in Nashville if I went now. Maybe Ill tail mom and see what she was so embarrassed about. He drove out to the edge of town and pulled in to the local make-out spot for the teenagers, overlooking the main road out of town. This will be perfect. If she leaves town at all, shell have to take that and I can follow her, he surmised. He waited about 10 minutes before he saw a brand new Acura accelerating up the road. Hmmm... Lets see where you are going Mama, he thought. He pulled out onto the road and kept his mothers car just within sight for the rest of the trip. He noticed they entered a new county as she pulled off the road and down a smaller street. He took the turn too and barely saw her pull into a small parking lot on the outskirts of another tiny southern town. He drove past, not wanting his mom to know he was following her, and looked at the buildings sign. Dr. Jacks was all it said, but the windows were completely blacked out, so he wasnt sure what it was. He turned around and pulled in to the lot, parking as far away from his mothers car as he could. He hopped out of the car and walked up to the door. All Patrons Must Have ID Ready Upon Entering, a sign taped to the door proclaimed. Where would mom be going that needs an ID? he thought, pulling his from his wallet and opening the door. As his eyes adjusted to the dimness of the interior, he was shocked. A sex shop? She came to a sex shop?! How is that plans? he wondered. He showed his ID to the clerk. Oh a military man huh? said the cute girl behind the counter, recognizing the military ID. Here. Take this. This is a card for the arcade booths in back. Least I can do for a service member. She grinned. Not all I can do though, she added with a wink, looking him up and down. Yknow, if you wanna swing by when I get off at nine? I might just do that, he said, winking back and taking the card before adding, although you probably wont actually get off till later. She blushed and he turned to survey the sales floor. Not spotting his mom looking at any merchandise, he walked back to the booths. He tried a couple doors and found all but one, between two others, unoccupied and unlocked. No way, he thought. There is no way my mom is in that booth. He entered an adjacent booth and listened intently at the shared wall. Dimly, he heard what seemed to be a female moan over the sound of the porn. No fucking way! he thought again, feeling his cock stiffen at the idea. Suddenly he heard his moms voice saying, Yay! A long delicious treat for me, from the other side of the wall. What the fuck? he whispered. He pressed his ear against the wall and heard slurping and moaning, the telltale signs of a woman enjoying a blow job. Mike exited his booth and tried the door to his mothers. Still locked. He tried the door on the other side. Now locked. Mike put two and two together and realized what was going on. Youve got be kidding me, he thought. Her plans were to come and suck guys off through a glory hole? I suppose thats why she said shes never seen a man. He headed back out to the sales floor and continued flirting with the clerk. He kept an eye on the arcade though and saw a man leave the booth next to his mothers. After another minute or two, a different man headed inside the same booth. Wonder when Mom started doing this, he thought. God I wish this was Michael, Michelle thought, sucking her second cock of the day into her mouth, fingers dancing across her clit. She moaned around the strangers cock in her mouth, imagining it was her sons as she bobbed up and down. This was fun and all, and it definitely got her off, but what she wouldnt give to have her sons cock in her mouth. She took her hand from between her legs and wrapped it around the cock sticking through the wall and began to stroke it, as she teased the head with the tip of her tongue. She licked all around the mushroom shaped head, coating it in her saliva, before slowly sinking down onto it. Her practiced throat easily opened up to let the mans cock completely inside her mouth. Oh fuck, she heard, recognizing the voice as one of her regulars. She hummed, feeling his cock quiver at the vibrations her throat was giving it. She pulled back, letting the cock slip from her mouth. She stuck her tongue out and slapped the head against her outstretched tongue, moaning at each impact. She licked up one side and down the other, before slipping it back into her mouth. She sucked on the head, moving her hand up and down the saliva lubricated shaft. She removed her hand and placed back on her pussy, playing with her clit as she bobbed her head on the cock. She increased her suction and started moving faster and faster, fucking the cock with her mouth. She felt it pulse and stiffen, sinking all the way down, taking every inch she could into her throat. She heard the man moan as his cock began spurting his creamy seed directly into her throat. She pulled back a little and let the mans cock completely empty into her hot and willing mouth. She savored the taste, sucking every stray bit from the cock and squeezed the last bit from the tip before swallowing it all in one gulp. The cock receded into the hole and she checked her watch. Plenty of time to see if anyone else comes, she thought, eyes going back to the porn on the screen and fingers going back to work on her pussy. Mike watched the second man leave the booth and slipped away from the counter while the clerk was checking someone out. He strolled back to the arcade and peeked in the booth the two men had come from. There is a glory hole, he thought, seeing the hole in the wall. He silently slipped in and took a quick look through it. There was his mother. Her lipstick was smeared across her face and she had her legs lewdly spread, the pinstriped skirt hiked up around her waist. He saw her furiously masturbating and quietly moaning. He couldnt read her lips well enough to see what she was saying so he stepped a little closer. Oohhhh Mike... his mother moaned. He stood up in shock, his elbow hitting the wall separating them. He heard her get to her knees in front of the hole. What are you waiting for baby? Michelle moaned through the hole. Close that door and let me take care of you. Mike stood there, undecided. His hard cock wanted him to do as she said and his brain wanted him to run as fast as he could. Dont worry sweetie, he heard his mom say, I dont know who you are and you dont know who I am. Just slip that hard cock through here, let me suck a nice creamy load from your balls, and you can leave. No harm. No foul. Fuck it, he thought, closing the door and unzipping his pants. Oh goodie, his mother moaned, as she heard the door close and his pants unzip. He pulled his hard, lengthy, thick cock from his pants, and tentatively slipped it through the hole. Oh shit! his mother moaned. Thats the biggest cock Ive ever seen. Youre gonna get the deluxe package hon! She started slowly bathing the head of his cock with her tongue, swirling it around the massive head and slowly sucking the tip. She stretched her mouth as wide as it would go, to get the head in her mouth, and began long, slow suction on the massive cock. She reached both hands up and wrapped them around his shaft, gently stroking him from the base to her lips. She started pushing her head deeper onto his cock, going slow to allow her mouth and jaw to get used to his girth. She got all but three inches in her mouth, before his head reached her throat. She tried to go deeper, but gagged, drooling all over. She pulled back and whispered through the hole, Its been a long time since Ive found a cock that can make me gag. I do hope you come back often. She licked up and down the shaft, never letting her hands leave the beautiful cock before her. She took the head back into her mouth and shoved her face forward, making Mikes cock hit the back of her throat again so she could gag. She felt the beginning of an orgasm building and started fucking her mouth onto his cock, gagging over and over. She noticed the stranger beginning to thrust back and forth and slowed her head, letting the massive cock fuck her mouth. Mike felt her go still and went crazy, humping back and forth as hard as he could, his hips smacking the wall between them. Suddenly, his mothers throat couldnt seem to take the abuse anymore and opened up, allowing his whole length to slide into her mouth and throat. Michelles scream was muffled by the huge cock in her throat, as she came all over the dirty floor of the booth, when she felt his cock finally enter her throat. She came back up for air real quick before attacking the amazing cock in front of her again. She continued to deep-throat him, moaning over and over, as mini orgasms racked her body with pleasure. Mike felt himself losing control and moaned, Oh yeah you little fucking slut drink my cum. Michelle felt like she recognized the voice, but the thought fluttered away as she felt his cock swell in her mouth and begin shooting rope after rope of cum. She pulled back, amazed at how much cum this big cock could produce and gamely tried to swallow it all. She was mostly successful, but small streams slipped from her closed lips and ran down her chin, dripping onto her dress. When the cock finally stopped cumming, she realized it was still hard and licked up and down it. Oh God baby that was amazing. You even made me cum, she panted through the hole. Mike was in a whole other world. He had never cum that hard or that much in his whole life. Good slut, he moaned back, before pulling his cock back through the hole. He put his cock back in his pants and slowly walked from the booth and out to his car. He sat in the drivers seat, thinking about what he had just done. He looked back over at the door to the store and saw his mom exiting the building with her hair, makeup, and dress in disarray. He quickly started up the car and left the lot as quick as he could. Michelle watched the strangely familiar car leave the lot and sighed. God, I do hope he comes back, she thought, feeling another surge of need course through her damp pussy. End of Part 1 dppthrow1968 [1 comment]
