Casting Couch Student - The Number One Article On Casting Couch Porn Site

by MohammedS014189 posted Oct 16, 2015


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— — THE NOVEMBER ISSUE Part One of Two by Nick Faraway (/r/KinkyNick_Canada) — — Maggie let out a long sigh, then bent down over the large cardboard box in-front of her heels, being careful not to let the brim of her skirt catch on her perky ass-cheeks. She didnt feel like giving every man, woman and child waiting at Gate 5 of the Chicago OHare International Airport the chance to see her exposed panties at 4 a.m. on a Monday morning. Then again, Maggie thought, at my age, I shouldnt complain if anybody wants to take a peek at my ass. She sliced the packing-tape with a box-cutter, then pulled the cardboard flaps back, revealing a four-by-four grid made of November issues of Hustler. This was by far the least pleasant part of her job, Maggie often thought. She hated stacking the Playboys and the Hustlers and the Penthouses. It wasnt that she hated pornography in any way, or that she thought it was irresponsible to sell these magazines in the same store as Spongebob comics and miniature planes made for kids; no, Maggie just loathed physically holding onto them. And more importantly, being seen holding one of them. All around her, she would sense the passer-bys stop dead in their tracks and gawk at her, because she was a 47 year old woman holding onto a porn stars video s magazine. Was this anxiety irrational? Yes, she knew it was. Could she help but feel it? Not in the slightest. Maggie reached into the cardboard box and grabbed a stack of Hustlers in each hand, then stood to place them on the top-shelf. As she bent back down to grab more magazines, Maggie noticed a group of flight-attendants walking toward Gate 5; four of them, all women, all over thirty. They look like a fantasy out of one of these magazines, Maggie thought, somewhat bitterly. She was made to wear a very similar blue skirt to the one they wore, only they were able to wear theirs with a sense of purpose. I mean, Maggies self-conscience thoughts continued on, they make sexy flight attendant costumes for Halloween, but no one would ever amateur dream girls make a sexy magazine sales-woman costumes. Thats why every man over twelve in this room is staring at them right now. And not me... She grabbed two more handfuls of magazines, then stood and placed them on the shelf. Maggie sighed, glad, at least, that there was only half a shelf to go... — Henry picked up a Snickers bar from next to the counter and pretended to read the nutritional contents, while staring at the woman bent over the magazine-rack. She looked much older than him. Maybe by twenty years, he thought. If he had to guess. But Henry couldnt stop watching the way her blue skirt fell against her long, pale legs when she stood. Hed been standing there for a minute, at least, and only now had thought to pick up some prop as cover, in case the older woman happened to glance over her shoulder toward him. Then, he saw something he hadnt noticed before... — Maggie looked at the cover of the November issue for the first time. At the bottom, scrolled in loopy, 60s-era font, it read: Everything you need to know about the Mile-High Club. Inside of a small bubble above the text was a flight attendant smiling over her shoulder, ass exposed to the camera. Maggie felt something tighten in her throat. Whores, the lot of them. Maggies bitterness began to curdle in her stomach. Whores in cheap costumes. She reached into the cardboard box for the last time, no longer worrying in the slightest about the coverage her skirt was affording her, then she slammed the Hustlers down on the shelf hard, bending them by accident. Fuck, she thought, trying to bend the Hustlers straight again. These God-damned magazines... Then, Maggie heard the sound of stifled giggles coming from behind her. She whipped around, feeling the ripples in her skirt settle as her hips turned, and saw a young man looking back at her. Excuse me, he said, reaching past her casting couch for sex one of the November issues shed just finished stacking. — Henry took the magazine, tucked it under his arm, the way a gentleman might with a newspaper, then gave the woman a fleeting smile before turning to walk towards the snacks. He wondered if she was watching him still as he walked, her eyes on his back; but he didnt want to glance back over his shoulder to find out. He picked up two packs of MandMs, then strolled toward the fridge full of bottle soda, trying to resist the temptation to look in the older womans direction. Henry hadnt heard her heels clicking on the tile floor, so as far as he knew, she could sill be standing there, eyes shooting daggers at him. Of course, he didnt make it to the fridge without glancing over his shoulder. She was still standing in-front of the rack of magazines, only now, her hands were empty. When his eyes met hers, she instantly began walking briskly toward the counter, head bowed. This woman is strange, Henry thought. ...I think Im going to tell her what happened. — Maggie watched the young man pull two bottles of Coke out of the fridge, then made sure to have her eyes lowered when he turned back around toward the counter. My God, she thought. I cant believe he saw my little temper tantrum back there... Did he notice, though? Was he looking? Before Maggie could answer her own question, the November issue of Hustler plopped onto the counter in-front of her. The cover was bent nude girls in videos free out of shape, creased down the middle. She looked up, an apology hanging off the tip of her tongue, then saw his face. He was smiling, eyes focused on hers. Something about his expression was utterly disarming. Uhm..., Maggie said. It felt as if her brain had emptied its-self of all its previous contents. The young man emptied the snacks from his arms frporn videos onto the counter, then said: How is your morning going? Fine, Maggie managed to mumble. She reached out and started scanning his purchases, starting with the two bottles of Coke. And how about yours? Good. More of an afternoon, by my internal clock, but Im doing good. Just a little tired, is all. Long flight? Long wait for a flight, actually. He laughed: the same partially stifled giggle from before. The memory made her cheeks prickle with embarrassment. — Henry noticed her trying to scanning the bent bar-code on the Hustler over and over and took the opportunity to glance down the valley between her large, full breasts. Her skin was a dark olive, well toned, soft looking. Henrys spider-sense tingled, so he looked away, just in time. Shit, should I really tell her?, Henry wondered. What if she freaks out over it? — Thatll be $23.67. Cash? Yes please, the young man said, reaching into his wallet for two twentys. There you go. Maggie made him change, feeling her anxiety subside a little. You just got silly, she thought, and carried-away with yourself. She handed him back his change, then said: Have a good day. After a brief hesitation, she added: Sorry about bending your magazine. Its fine, he said. Oh, and... Uhm... The young man leaned forward, over the counter. His voice become lower, hushed. I wanted to tell you something, but I wasnt sure how youd react... He glanced around to make sure no one was with-in hear-shot, then continued: When you were bending over before, stacking magazines. Well, youre in a skirt and... These tiles are really shinny. I could see your panties in the reflection, every time you bent down... They are red, right? What?, Maggie said, feeling flustered all over again. Her cheeks began to burn with an intensity that seem supernatural. Yeah. Looked fucking good, by the way. Then, then young man picked up his plastic-bag full of purchases and walked away, without another word, leaving Maggie standing behind the counter, face glowing red, mind racing... — Henry tied the end of the plastic-bag into a knot, then walked into the mens room. His flight wasnt for a few more hours and he had no idea how to kill the remaining time on his hands. I burned through the stock-pile of tv-shows on my phone too quickly, he thought. Whatever. Henry un-did his fly, but didnt pull his cock out just let. He pulled his phone out of his back-pocket instead and un-locked it with a swipe from his thumb. I guess I do have another form of distraction open to me, if I want to push my luck with that woman a little bit farther... Henry opened his camera app, then clicked the library icon. A zoomed-in, decently focused picture of the woman red panties reflected in the shinny tiles appeared. Two hours to toy with her... Thats when Henry pulled his cock out of his pants... — — NOTE: Part Two of Two will be linked to in the comments, just as soon as its finished. In the mean time, all feed-back and nit-picky spelling corrections are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading! — — KinkyNick_Canada
