Free Web Cam Chet - The Philosophy Of Free Web Cam Chet

by EldenWechsler763802 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Part 1 free cam massive This part's a little long! When I woke the next morning I was wondering if the day before had really happened or if I had dreamt it. This was all a new experience for me and I'd never been so submissive before but I loved it and was already excited thinking about the day ahead. Then I remembered my instruction from the previous night "Check in tomorrow at 8am with your underwear choice for the day", it was already 7:50 so I rushed to shower and deliver for my master. I chose a dark purple lacy thong which I knew perfectly framed my ass and would make master happy. I couldn't find my bra in time but I figured master wouldn't mind. I bent forward in front of a mirror so he would get a full view of my ass and another to show off my rock hard nipples. I sent through the snaps and finished getting ready. Edit – Rough idea of what Master saw By the time I arrived at work I had a message waiting for me Very good my little sub slut, you made masters shower this morning very enjoyable. Perhaps if you keep me happy I will reward you again today. I still had a clear vision from his previous reward so I was desperate to please and get more from him. Receiving this my mind started to wander and I desperately wanted everyone to leave the office so I could strip down to show him my underwear in the flesh. I thought about how I would present myself to him, draped over his desk, ready for him to push into me from behind. My daydream was broken by my phone vibrating in my lap and I knew it was him. Right my little slut, movie time – show me how wet you are. Make sure you show me fingering yourself, now. Don't keep me waiting. I ran off to the toilets, already soaked through and got my camera ready. I sat with my legs apart camera in prime position to watch every motion of my hand. I took one finger and lightly dipped it inside myself. I trembled under my own touch, so I paused to regain composure. This time I ran my finger all the way up from my entrance, through my lips and circled my clit. My fingers slid effortlessly with how wet I'd become, as I brought my finger back down I pushed it inside of me. I let out a gasp and had to bite my lip to stay quiet. I pushed in a second finger and fucked myself like that for a few minutes before I sent the video off and dashed back to work. I caught masters eye as I walked back into the office, I was visibly flushed and a little shaky. I averted my eyes and looked down at the floor but caught the smirk which had spread across his face before I got to my free anal sex cams desk. * Throughout the day I got more requests designed to edge me but never let me cum. He wanted me touching myself at every given opportunity and let him watch. He knew I was seeing my boyfriend tonight so he wanted me extra riled to give him an extra good time. By the time the day had ended I could've came in seconds if he'd allowed it. He knew he wouldn't be able to issue orders during my 2 nights with boyfriend so before I left for the night he had but one final request I want you to make sure you fuck boyfriend as hard as you can tonight, I want to hear about everything you do with him. Run along and don't disappoint me, there's a good little slut. At that point I was so on edge I was worried the vibrations on the train journey were going to push me over. I tried to divert my mind but as if on queue I receieved an image from master. He was lying on his back, completely naked with his rock hard cock in one hand. Then a video, he was vigorously pumping his hand up and down and I was in awe at the sight of 7in of beautiful cock throbbing in masters hand, a prominent vein running from head to base pulsating in time with his hand motions. I free sex web cam chat hope you enjoyed that one sub slut, enjoy your train journey . * I really needed to be fucked at this point, Master and I had a purely non physical relationship so I was desperately in need of being filled. I arrived at boyfriends house around 30 mins later, uncomfortably wet and delirious with arousal. I knew from speaking with him earlier that he hadn't been able to get any alone time since a week before, so I knew he would not protest if I jumped him right away. Boyfriend is 6ft, red head, 6 inches dead on but wonderfully girthy. Definitely the thickest I've ever encountered, leaves me feeling intensely full. My mouth hungrily found his as I pushed him back into the bedroom, unbuckling his trousers as I went. I sat back on the bed and pulled his trousers and boxers down in one clean motion. His cock snapped back up and hit his stomach before I eagerly put it in my mouth. I circled my tongue around the tip then ran my tongue gently across the underside of his shaft whilst gently cupping his balls with the other. He let out a moan of approval and gratitude but we both knew this was ending with him inside me tonight. I stood up and pushed him back onto the bed. As he kicked off his trousers and removed his shirt I slipped out of my clothes and climbed on top of him. I placed my hands on his chest and ran my fingers across his chest hair and over his nipples. His body convulsed at my touch and I felt his hardness make contact with my body. I sat back onto him and rested his cock between my wet lips, I slid back and forth so that the head of his cock rubbed over my clit. Knowing relief was so close after my time with Master I was dripping down his cock and down onto his body. I kept this up a few seconds longer before I leant down to put my chest on his chest, I rocked forward and took his earlobe into my free sex chat cam mouth. I gave it a gentle nibble and his body jumped in reaction. His hands grabbed to my waist and he thrust up into me. I was fully aroused so he found no resistance as slammed into me deeply. I collapsed onto his chest as he pulled himself out slowly and hovered his head over my entrance, he waited until I begged him to carry on then he slammed back into me again. He continued this for what felt like hours, until finally I'd had enough of being teased. I'd been on edge for days thanks to master so this time I was taking what I wanted. I put my hands on his chest and pushed myself upright. He tried to thrust up into me but I stopped him, it was my turn now. I rocked my hips back and forth, gently lifting myself and lowering myself back onto him, grinding my hips against him each time. I dug my nails into his chest as his hands explored my breasts, pinching and tugging at my nipples. I slid a free hand down to my clit and rubbed as I bounced on top of him over and over. I felt my insides clamp up around his cock and I came with him inside me. As my own relief washed over me I felt his whole body tense up beneath me, he grabbed onto my waist and pushed up deep inside me as he unloaded a weeks worth of cum inside me. I collapsed in a heap on his chest and we both lay motionless, panting as I felt his hot cum trickling out of me. That was just the start of my fun with boyfriend... BlozzaQueen


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