Viv Thomas Lisa - The One Thing To Do For Viv Thomas Movies

by Donald42C72696967704 posted Oct 16, 2015


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I posted earlier with a different story about Polly and I (under a different username...don't ask)...But this story is a couple months later with two different girls. Be warned this is going to be long. I was a junior in high school and had never attended a school dance. Not that I thought I was too cool or any of that, I just didn't really have all that much of an interest the first two years. I was always working or hanging with friends. One year I was invited by this girl I had been flirting with for a while, Jennifer. Jennifer was rather tall, tan, light brown hair vivthomas down to her viv thomas lesbians middle back, South African with a slight accent and stunningly gorgeous set of blue/green eyes. She had long shapely legs that caused me to almost turn to putty when she was peaches and vivien around and lastly her boobs. Eeeh Gods they were perfect! Needless to say, I had a rather large crush on her. She went to our rival high school and was a swimmer there. We met when we were young through our parents and were never really all that close until we ran into each other a few weeks before homecoming season when her family came over to mine for dinner and we reconnected. The dance landed on a Friday and I went to pick her up at 7 in my CRV (I was super cool...but hey a car is a car). When I arrived, I picked her up and she was looking beautiful. In a short black dress with just a touch of makeup on just enough to look like she didn't have to try to look sexy...and then her friend Melissa opened the back door and hopped in. Oh no. Cock blocked and I rebekah teasdale haven't even tried or flirted yet! Melissa was a cute little Korean girl. She was short, like 5'3" but had a rather nice body as well...but I didn't need her over my shoulder the entire night. Oh well. I thought to myself that I should just go and have fun and just let things progress as they naturally would and not to worry about it too much. We arrived at the dance and were grinding in a way that only horny high schoolers could. It seemed that Melissa had come stag and so I danced with both her and Jennifer (appropriately at first) but then the girls started to grind and dance with me one on one taking turns. blooded male here...not going to complain.... If there is one thing I was proud of then, it was my dancing skills. I could grind with the best of them. My hands running up Jennifers sides, lifting her arms and then bringing her hand down to the back of my neck and finishing it off by running my hand back down her side. I grabbed plenty of side boob, and tightly held on to her. It was clear to me that Jennifer started to get horny by the way she would turn to face me, straddle my leg and rub herself on my thigh as we danced. We started making out on the dance floor for a minute or two. It seemed that high school dances were not all that bad after all. After a while of dancing, Jen left to grab some water leaving me with Melissa who pulled me into dancing with her as well. While not quite as sexual, I was getting major vibes from Melissa as well. As we were dancing she quite loudly cursed, "well...fuck it" and turned around, pulled me by my tie to make up for any height difference and kissed me soundly on the lips. After a second of kissing I put an end to it. Jen and Melissa were close and I didn't want to be that asshole. Not only would that make me a terrible human being but also it would ruin all chance I had with Jen. I told Melissa this and she weirdly chuckled and said lets go find Jen. Finally reconvened outside, its maybe 9:30 or 10 at this point, Jen, Melissa and I are all outside in the gated off area for students who attend the dance. It was one of those schools where once you left you could not reenter. Jen said she felt up for adventure and we hopped the fence and snuck away to the dark recesses of the school sniggering away at our James Bond worthy set of skills. Once we get a good distance from the dance to where I could barely hear the beating of the bass and chatter from the students, Jen pushed me up against a wall and whispered in my ear, "do you want to kiss me?" "Uhm...yes definitely!" " what are you waiting for?" Here I began to make out with her. Unfortunately after only a few brief seconds I became painfully aware that we had left Melissa watching us from a foot or two behind Jen. I mentioned that I didn't want to leave anyone out and that we could continue later, but Jen had other plans. "What if I don't want us to stop? We [pointing at Melissa] already discussed this..." Here Melissa walks up to me and pulls me down to meet her lips. Here I am standing with my back against a wall, being kissed by two beautiful girls. Dream come true. We kiss passionately, me switching between them and them occasionally kissing each other. Somehow in the passion of it all, a little hand came to rest on my raging erection. "Oh my god Jen, you have got to feel this!" Jen: "Looks like someone is having a little fun, huh?" Me: blushing profusely "well what do you expect! Making out with two gorgeous girls can get no other reaction!" Melissa: "I think that's our cue" The two girls start to walk away leaving me confused. Jen turns back and slyly smiles and says "well are you coming or what?" I'm pretty sure I sprinted after them towards the parking lot. My heart was racing, I felt as though the blood had drained from every possible area of my body and was furiously headed to one specific location. We got to my car and pulled out of the parking lot. Jen directed us to a neighborhood that had a dark cul-de-sac that we parked in. We hopped in the back of my CRV (thank god for large cars) and started making out again. My shirt was unbuttoned. Melissa kissed my chest and Jennifer bit and nibbled on my lower lip. I managed to get both girls out of their shirts and then their bras and was playing with and teasing their nipples, feeling their bodies. I would focus on one girl for a minute and then switch to pay equal attention to the other. I was kissing Jen when I felt a cold hand slide down the front of my pants and grip my penis. Deft little fingers unzipped my jeans and pulled them clear down to my ankles. I was pretty surprised by the ballsy nature of the move (pun intended). Melissa took my head into her mouth. Melissa: "Jen, you are going to want to come down here" Jennifer kissed her way down my muscular chest (thank you several years of varsity wrestling) and the two began to lick my cock from balls to tip. Never have I felt ANYTHING like it. They kissed each other with the head of my dick in between. Then after a good amount of time just licking and playing, Melissa moved up and straddled just above my waist. She was still in her jeans and wouldn't let me take them off. We made out passionately as Jen engulfed my entire manhood in her mouth. Tongue swirling around the head, a hand gripping my shaft and the other playing with my balls while Melissa was furiously kissing me. The sensation was one that I will never be able to get out of my mind. After a few minutes of that, they switched positions almost exactly (except Jen sat next to me instead of straddling me as she was a bit taller). My god, I felt like I was about to explode...and I was...I told the girls and they looked at each other, smirked and both went down on me taking turns sucking and licking on my dick. After not very long at all, I exploded all over my chest. I'm talking porn status amount of cum everywhere. I distinctly remember their giggles as I spurted all over myself. Jen: "Well we can't leave you all messy, you still have to drive us home!" Melissa: giggling "what did you have in mind?" Jen bent her head, tilted, I think intentionally so I could see, and took a long lick along my chest gathering some of my cum on her tongue. "Hmmm it actually doesn't taste bad" Her and Melissa licked me clean swallowing every last drop of cum. My car was now fogged beyond belief but we dressed ourselves, and I drove us all to Taco Bell before driving them home and thanking them for an unforgettable night. TLDR: Went to a homecoming dance, two girls sucked my dick in the back of my car, and most importantly we had Taco Bell. librarian19095 [1 comment]


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