Viv Thomas Forum - The Undeniable Truth About Unfaithful Viv Thomas That No One Is Telling You

by PorfirioSpeed058 posted Oct 16, 2015


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viv thomas most subscribedMy fiancee and I are in an open relationship, and have been for quite some time. It's wonderful and I don't think I could do any other kind of relationship; I'm more happy than I've ever been in my life, and so is she. Her name in this story is Zoe. I am not new to threesomes, and had a female-female-male threesome with Zoe a long time ago. But I've wanted to have a male-male-female threesome with Zoe for a long time and we haven't because it's been a lot harder to find the right guy; most guys are either not my type or not Zoe's type or weird about bisexuality. Both Zoe and myself are on some level bisexual ("bisexual but not biromantic" was how a friend described it), and every person we've wanted to threesome with has been as well. The kind of guys who avoid contact with other guys during viv thomas unfaithful threesomes are not the kind of guys I want to be doing group sex with because then we're competing for pleasure as opposed to encouraging it in each other; on the flip, though, it's difficult to find bisexual guys who she's physically attracted to because she's not physically attracted to skinny guys who don't lift, and skinny guys who don't lift are most bisexual guys we know. She and I had stayed with our friend for a week. His name here is John. The last day we were together was his birthday so all of us celebrated by taking MDMA together. If you've taken MDMA, you've probably experienced an overwhelming urge to touch other people; it's a sensual, cuddly, romantic feeling and your sense of touch is exaggerated. If you can imagine a sensation of something that just feels good to touch, you will experience that sensation while taking MDMA but to a greater degree. (I unironically think the drug could have medicinal use for couples therapy, because every time I have sex with Zoe on it it's like we've had sex for the first time again, and our sex is great to begin with.) Zoe and John were friends for about 12 years though, so she had difficulty getting used to it. On the other hand, he jumped at the opportunity. I knew he would. When I first proposed it to her in private, our conversation went like this: ZOE: I don't know if John is even sexually attracted to me, we've been friends for 12 years. ME: He's probably busted at least 100 nuts to you, then. ZOE: What? No way. ME: Over 12 years? Fuck yeah. If not thousands. I can't name a single hot girl I knew from high school who I didn't masturbate to at least once or twice. Sure enough, when I talked with him about this in private – ME: Man, if anything I'd feel bad if you didn't fuck her. I know how it feels to know a girl for that long. You and I both know you've blasted dozens if not hundreds of nuts to Zoe over the years. I would. No shame. JOHN: LMAO Yeah hahaha it's weird to admit it but I've done my fair share of fantasizing He was very ideal for this though. We both had slight crushes on each other and he's bisexual in the way we like. Plus, his body is similar to mine and his dick is actually a similar size to mine too, bordering on identical. That's something you want in a threesome I think, because if you have a massive size difference, even if it's favorable in your direction and your dick is that much bigger, it's still awkward since you can't smoothly transition between who is penetrating unless you're doing double penetration. When we had taken MDMA the three of us were cuddling under blankets on the floor beside a mattress for about an hour before doing anything sexual and merely enjoying the effects of the drug. Zoe had changed her top in front of us before that, so the thought of her breasts were on our minds. I was to Zoe's right and John was to Zoe's left. It was an interesting picture in hindsight, because I am white and Zoe is black and he's hispanic, but we're rarely conscious of that because we all grew up in pretty multicultural settings. He and I had been rubbing each other's arms, necks and backs while our arms were draped across Zoe; I would rub his bicep with my palm and he would caress the spinal end of my neck. Once I could tell John was comfortable I ran my fingers through the side of his hair and kissed him, which was relaxing. You could hear a strong exhale through both of our noses simultaneously, which felt like a huge tension had been broken. Since I know he was trying to find a way to involve Zoe without being weird, I pulled our mouths viv thomas blog next to Zoe's so that the three of us could make out together. Our actions were organic after that. Zoe wasn't wearing a bra, so he pulled the left side of her top down and started sucking on the nipple of her left breast. I moved to the nipple of her right breast and once we had all implicitly established that this is what we were doing, I showed him how I finger her to make her squirt. She hates the way I sound when I do it, but she's always interrupted by her moans and her eyes rolling back into her head. We obviously wanted to eat her out viv thomas trailer together after this, which I've always wanted to do with another guy, and when we moved to the bed I could feel his tongue against mine while we both licked her clit. She assured him that it was okay to fuck her, and I was to Zoe's side and he had approached her from a missionary angle and I could tell John was apprehensive about fucking her at first so I pushed the palm side of my hand against his lower back on his reluctant first insertion to signal it was fine with me, then I started rubbing Zoe's clit and kissing her. While he was resting I gave him head while Zoe was making out with him; I wanted to taste her on his dick. Through all of this I didn't feel like there was any sort of barrier between any of us like you sometimes see in MMF scenes in porn where the guys never touch each other, and I'm really satisfied about that. Nothing went weirdly. We were all just as comfortable afterward as we were before; the jokes were just as funny; no subject felt awkward to broach. The only downside, to the extent you could call this one since the experience as a whole was great, is that MDMA gave us both slight difficulty maintaining erections. Normally I wake up with raging erections and the day after this event I had no trouble maintaining erections either, so I think this is because I dosed it at about 120mg — I've never had problems with erections at 90mg or less. I have a short refractory period, so as I was fucking Zoe I felt like fucking her harder until I came in her and doing it again in about five minutes. I started by holding her in a missionary position with her legs close together and ankles around my neck, where I could grab the sides of her chest and pull her on to me as forcefully as I wanted. After she had come so hard that you could see her skin go from dark brown to red and the veins in her neck exaggerate, I turned her to her side where she's splayed out in one direction and fucked her in this quasi-doggy style position. I was turned on by the idea of him coming in her too and eating our cum out of her, since I often do this for her anyway when she and I have sex without a third person. As we were fucking I looked at John for a second – ME: Would it turn you off if I came in her? JOHN: Not at all. We had both essentially agreed that he'd fuck her again after this, so I fucked her as hard as I could while I saw her eyes look at me with acknowledgement of how much she was enjoying it and acknowledgement that she knew I was about to come in her. She has a large ass that would slap against my pelvis each time I pulled her against me, and watching this plus her face plus my cock slam into her is enough to make me come every time. I pushed as deep as her vagina would allow me to go upon ejaculation; her ass smushed upward against my abdomen and she started convulsing from the orgasm. Unfortunately, the MDMA had more or less killed John's erection. We had tried to get him hard again, but the blood flow issues that it causes were too much for him. Most guys would have been bummed out by this, but we felt so great and stimulated by each other that this didn't matter. All things considered, it felt incredible to have another person help give her that much more pleasure. Taking turns having sex with her didn't feel forced at all; it was really enjoyable to know she was enjoying it that much, and all of us had a sense to do something while the other person was inside of her — kiss her, rub her clit, whatever. It wasn't that kind of threesome sex where one person just sits there and watches. All of us went to sleep about 30 minutes later but we woke up and continued to talk with the same affinity that we did before it happened. Frankly, I couldn't have asked for a better ending to my vacation, and I'm glad it ended that way. MittRomneysCampaign
