Peaches And Vivien - Who Is Viv Thomas Unfaithful?

by GraigRosenberger posted Oct 16, 2015


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viv thomas veraI will try to write that story as best as I can, but you have to keep in mind English is not my first language, so I will do my best. I will tell it as it happened to me, without adding anything to make it more exciting: the whole thing is 100% true.
It happened last summer. My bf and I were in Norway, for our holidays. It was a really hot and sunny day, so we decided to lie in a park for a few hours and enjoy the sun. Before that we had a quite exhausting week, mainly hiking in beautiful Fjords, so I was really enjoying this break. We also had a LOT of sex (in our "usual" life, we usually fuck once or twice a week because we both have long work hours), so I had this sexy feeling about me, which was really new: that's an important detail to explain the following events.
So we are are, lying on our back on the grass with a few people around, everybody enjoying the sun. I was bare foots, wearing shorts and a loose top, with a nice bra under it. I'm your average brunette, 23 years old, with a nice looking body (I love sport), but not omfg-I-want-so-bad-to-fuck-her level. I have average sized boobs, but I think they look really good.
I had a light sunburn on my face from the day before, so I asked my bf to give me something to cover it (to avoid it getting worst). He jokingly caught the edge of my top (at neck level) and covered my face with it, saying this way I wouldn't get burned. It actually felt quite viv thomas hd nice to not have the sun on my face, so I stayed like that. By doing that, he uncovered my belly, so I asked him to put tanning lotion on it.
He happily obliged, having a nice opportunity to rub my body. So he started applying lotion, first around my belly button, then getting upper. He moved my top a bit higher to reveal more of my belly, and I felt him touching my bra, so I said him to be careful and not show it. Now you have to remember my face is covered with my top, so I can't check what people can or can not see. I'm usually a really shy girl for tanning in public, it always seems to me people are looking at me… my bf said "don't worry, I'm careful" and chose to slide the bottom of me top under my bra, to keep it in place. I felt his fingers on my boob as he did it, which felt really good. So I'm here, with my top wrapped around my bra and covering my head, while my bf is still applying lotion on my belly.
That's when the magic combo between "a fuckton a sex in the last days" and "my face is covered, I can't see people around me" kicked in. Usually, I would have covered my belly, feared for people to look at me, or something… But not this time ! It actually felt really good, the sun on my skin, then grass under my back, my bf hands on my body… So I started really enjoying the moment.
My bf continued to rub the lotion, getting higher and higher. Then he reached just under my boobs, and moved my bra with my shirt a bit higher "to avoid putting lotion on it" as he said. he continued to rub, and I felt he touched a bit the bottom of my boob, so I wondered exactly how much he revealed. The bra I was wearing was one without any rigid part, so I couldn't really tell… But I could feel for sure most of my boob was covered, so in my current state of mind, I was not that worried. He then proceeded to rub the lotion on my sides, while I was still lying on my back. Again, he moved my bra a bit higher. I couldn't see anything, so I let him do. He continued rubbing, and I could say he was way to slow but he was obviously enjoying it so agin I let him.
Still rubbing my sides, he moved again my bra higher, and this time I felt it really moving on my boob. Now I was wondering just how much was showing, but I decided to play along. I let him do, as I started to feel really aroused. He moved to my other side, and once again moved a bit the bra. He kept like that for a few minutes (rubbing and moving the bra), then moved back to my belly. He started rubbing right under my boobs, then between them… Now I knew for sure a part of my boobs was uncovered. He rubbed higher : holly shit how much of my boobs are showing ? I was waiting for the moment he would reach my bra… but he reach the skin on top of my boobs first. That's when I understood that sneaky bastard had fully uncovered them. Me, the shy one, was tanning topless in the middle of a public park.
I knew I didn't risk anything, because people in Norway are really cool about nudity, but I also new for sure some people would be looking. I started to get REALLY aroused. I don't know if my bf saw it, but he quickly put lotion on my boobs and immediately unbuttoned my shorts. At this point, I was not really thinking anymore, only trembling in a mix or fear and excitation. Without saying anything, he removed my shorts, and starting applying lotion on my legs. My panties were not see-through, but not basic cotton either ! They were like these ones (link) (not exactly these ones, but from the same brand and nearly the same). And I was getting really wet… I kept thinking about how people were looking at me, what they could see, etc.
After doing my legs, my bf reached my panties. He immediately pulled them down and started rubbing my pussy with the pretext of applying lotion. I let him in the family viv viv thomas in the family thomas do for some time, I don't remember everything except at some moment he fingered me. After a while, I reached to my panties to fully remove them, wanting him to fuck me ! That's when my top slipped from my head and I saw grass, trees… WTF am I doing ? I quickly lisa viv thomas came back to reality and put back my short, covered my boobs, and sat here with my face red from shame. I looked around me, fearing people reactions…
Well, nobody gave a shit. It appears people in Norway are much cooler than from where I live. Their were some students, talking together. People reading, etc… Needless to say we had great sex that night !
TLDR: too shy for norway

