Full Porn Videos - Want A Thriving Business? Focus On The Casting Couch! Actress Porn - 9 Romantic British Porn Stars Holidays

by AvaMcAulay5549549 posted Oct 16, 2015


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college pornoSTORIES TOLD FROM GATE NUMBER EIGHT Part Three, of Many More Tales to Come, by Nick Faraway .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. 7. A Third Party .............................................................................................................. Henry tied the end of the plastic-bag into a knot, then walked into the men's room. His flight wasn't for a few more hours yet and he had no idea how to kill the remaining time on his hands. I burned through the stock-pile of tv-shows on my phone too quickly, he thought. Whatever, I'll find another distraction. Henry un-did his fly, but didn't pull his cock out just let. Instead, he pulled his phone out of his back-pocket and un-locked it with a hurried swipe from his thumb. I guess I do have another form of distraction open to me, if I want to push my luck with that woman a little bit farther... Henry opened his camera app, then clicked the library icon. A zoomed-in, well-focused picture of the woman's red panties appeared, the reflection framed perfectly within a single tile. Two hours to toy with her... That's when Henry pulled his cock out of his pants... .............................................................................................................. Maggie stared down into the polished tiles between her blue high-heels, seeing the reflection of her red panties, clear as day. Shit, she thought. That kid wasn't lying to me... Maggie looked up, noticing a young woman walking toward the store from Gate 8. She had blond hair, timid blue eyes. Maggie closed her legs and smiled at the girl, watching her look over the selection of chocolate-bars absently. Then, Maggie saw the young man from earlier approaching. The girl noticed him to, because she turned her head and began walking toward the man who's seen her red panties on full display. To Maggie's surprise, he embraced the girl, then dug into the plastic bag he was holding to give her a can of Coke and one of the Snickers bars he'd bought from her. "I thought you disappeared on me, Henry", Maggie heard the girl say. So, it's Henry huh, she thought. Good to know, I guess. Then, Henry caught Maggie's eyes over his girlfriends shoulder. His stare was stern, but not harsh; commanding, but playful. He whispered something into his girlfriend's ear, then Henry began walking toward Maggie. The young girl found her seat at Gate 8 and started reading from her novel, while absently munching on the Snickers bar her boyfriend had given her. When Henry reached the counter, he leaned over it, with conspiratorial eyes. She noticed he was still holding the November issue under his arm, rolled-up tightly enough for the cover to be barely visible to anyone who tried to look. .............................................................................................................. 8. Show Me .............................................................................................................. "I'm looking for one of those inflatable pillows for my girlfriend, you know the kind. Do you have any?" Maggie starred back at him, taken aback by the trivial nature of the question. "Over there", she said, pointing uncertainly toward two short aisles of travel-aids. "I looked there before, but I didn't see them. Perhaps you could show me where they are? I guess I'm kinda hopeless." "Uhm, sure." A deep breath. "Yes, of course, Henr... They both stopped for a moment, staring at each other. Henry's expression was inquisitive. "You know my name?" "Yes. I overheard you taking to that girl." "You were listening to us?" "Well, you were looking at my panties before", Maggie said, in a hushed tone. "I was", Henry replied, smiling. He drew his phone from his pocket, then walked over to the aisle of travel-aids. Maggie followed him, legs feeling rubbery, unstable. "The inflatable neck-rests are all down on the bottom rack, there", she said, when she caught up to him. "Yeah", Henry said, ducking down and holding his phone out. "By the way, I might return the magazine. I don't think I'll need it on my flight, because, well, I've got this..." Then, Henry unlocked his phone, revealing the up-skirt photo of Maggie's panties. "Jesus!", Maggie whispered, shocked, while bending down to look at the photo closer. "Are you some kind of fucking pervert?" "I'm just bored", Henry replied. It was the voice of a little boy who really didn't mean to break that window, but did find the whole scenario awfully funny. "And, ah..." Henry's eyes darted down. "You're why I'm glad my flight got delayed." Maggie followed his gaze and saw her panties reflected in the tiles, just like before, only now the view was much closer. She looked up at him, then back down at her exposed undies, unsure of what to do next... After a brief hesitation, she pulled the red panties aside and showed him her cunt in the mirror-like surface. Henry gasped audibly, then began to smile, broader than before. Without missing a beat, he pulled his already swollen cock out out of the front of his jeans. .............................................................................................................. 9. Just Watch .............................................................................................................. Henry's cock was thick and throbbed in his hand with a rhythmic urgency that amazed Maggie. It's because he's young, she thought. "One lick, then I might leave you alone", Henry whispered to her, with an imploring tone. Maggie didn't bend to swallow the young man's cock up into her mouth, though she did want to, more than anything. Every fibber of her body seemed to want to reach out for his man-hood and grasp it in her hands, so she could feel that pulsing rhythm through her palms. Instead of doing what Henry had asked, Maggie pulled her red panties aside further, then began fingering her already wet hole delicately. "Just watch", she said, purring a little. For that moment, she barely even remembered that, though Gate 8 wasn't as busy as it would be a couple hours from now, there was still an audience, if they happened to walk by the magazine stand and glance in their general direction. Henry folded his cock half-way back into his pants, leaving it still visible to Maggie, but less likely to be seen by passer-by's. Then, Maggie opened her pussy for him, letting Henry see her full, pink lips. He moaned again, low in his throat, like a bassy rattle. "Let me taste", Henry said. She obeyed Henry's command this time and held her finger out to him. Maggie's red fingernails were evenly coated with her creamy juices, Henry noticed. It glistened under the harsh air-port lights. Then, Henry licked the cum off, smiling. ...It was the first time he noticed the wedding-ring on her hand. .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. Author's Note: Coming Soon, in a Separate Post! Part One: http://ift.tt/1BCA1mD Part Two: http://ift.tt/1snmOWy Part Three: You Just Read It! Part Four: Coming soon! KinkyNick_Canada
