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by HenryCarty60324846 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Tonight was picture of sexy girls naked date night!! The kids were gone to a double feature at the drive in movies with their friends and Mark and Suzy were really looking forward to some time alone. They were going to go get something to eat, stop off by redbox and pick up a movie, get a snack and cuddle up on the couch together. They had been married for years, and together for . For them it was love at first sight, and though naturally the passion had it's ebbs and flows they were still very much in love with each other. She was a stunning red head with a beautiful face, green eyes, and a great body. She was about '", with an athletic build, a perfectly shaped round ass, and delicious DD tits that had him hooked from the first time he laid eyes on her, and she loved the attention he constantly gave them. After some quick showers and a few minutes for her to fix her hair and makeup they headed out to one of their favorite places to eat. They had a pleasant dinner and enjoyed some great conversation, with many laughs. It was wonderful to have someone who even after all this time you were still so attracted to, and enjoyed being with, and they both felt that way. When they were done they headed to pick up some snacks at the grocery store, they would need to replenish their energy later that evening! They walked through the store hand in hand and every so often he would lean over and kiss her on the cheek. After much debate they decided on some ice cream and they headed out to pick up the movie, and head home. When they got home she put the ice cream in the freezer and he let the dogs out while she went and put the movie in. They each kicked off their shoes and then sat on the couch with her leaning back on to him, while he had his left arm around her, and used his right hand to fast forward through the previews. Sadly, though the movie had been highly recommended to them neither one of them were really getting in to it and before you know it he was groping her tits with his left hand and kissing on her neck. "Stop I'm trying to watch the movie" she said playfully. "Sorry babe, but this movie sucks", he said as he continued to make his moves. He was rubbing her tits through her shirt and bra at first but it didn't take long for him to pull those puppies out and he was using one hand to rub both nipples, while continuing to kiss her neck, and ear. This sent intense waves of pleasure through her body, and she had chill bumps all over her body. Each kiss, and lick on her neck evoking moans of pleasure from her lips, and each time his fingers grazed over her nipples shudders of exstasy coursed through her. Soon she turned around and they started kissing, and fondling each other like two horny teenagers on her parents couch. She rubbed his chest, squeezing his pecs, and rubbed his muscular shoulders. He tugged on the bottom of her shirt and she raised her arms up and let him pull it over her head. His mouth went straight to her tits like steel to a magnet, kissing, licking, and sucking on her nipples like a mad man, with his right hand he reached around and with one quick, practiced motion he unhooked her bra and tossed it across the room. Meanwhile she unzipped his pants and stroked his rock hard cock, and she moaned with pleasure as he lavished her tits. She could feel pre-cum leaking out of his cock already and knew how excited he was. She pulled herself away from him and finished the process of getting his pants off. She kissed, and licked her way up one leg until she got right to his balls, then started again at the other ankle and repeated the process. This had him about ready to bust by the time she had made it back to his balls the second time. She cupped, and massaged his balls with her beautiful, petite hands while she kissed his erect cock. Then she started to kiss and lick his balls working her way up the shaft, then back down to his balls again. He was in heaven. Slowly she took the head of his cock in to her mouth and started swirling her tongue around it, then started slowly working her mouth up and down the shaft. She was taking it in up to the base and he could feel it going in to the back of her throat. Every few strokes she would hold it there, his entire cock in her mouth and moan, the vibrations felt amazing and he wanted to blow a huge load down her throat. Just when he though he couldn't take any more she stood up and instructed him to lie down on his back. He laid back on the couch and she straddled his face like she was getting on a Harley. He loved the taste of her pussy and he eagerly lapped it up, soon she was humping his face, grinding her clit against his nose and lips, moaning loudly, incoherent, guttural, sounds you can only make when you are in those moments of extreme pleasure. She started to feel like she could come, but she had so much more planned and wasn't ready to end it yet so she stood up and went to the other corner of the couch, put her knees on the cushions, and her elbows on the arm and turned her head to look at him with that lustful look he loved so much. What he didn't know is that soon he would be right where she was. He didn't need to be told twice what to do. He got in behind her and slid his cock balls deep in to her sopping wet pussy. She said, "now I know how much you like this, but you can't come yet". "OK", he managed to mutter. "I'm serious, don't come" Just her saying that made him have to pull out and really concentrate on holding back what felt like a river of cum. She loved seeing the look on his face as he tried with all his might to hold back. Finally after about seconds he had it under control and she eased her pussy back towards his throbbing cock. As it slipped back in they got in to a nice rhythm and it felt great to both of them as evidenced by their loud moaning, and groaning, and heavy breathing. He fucked her hard like that for about minutes, interrupted two more times by him pulling out and holding back his orgasm, then suddenly she pushed him off of her and said wait right there, I'll be back. "Wait right here? WHAT?" he thought to himself. Why would she do that to him? He wanted to run after her as she walked out of the room and finish the job, but he didn't want to mess up any plans she had for him. He sat there in another world waiting for her to come back, his cock still rock hard, pre-cum oozing out. He didn't dare touch it because when she got back it would defintely be worth the wait and he need to get the troops to cool their heels a little, they were very eager to deploy on their mission. After about five minutes he heard their bedroom door open and she said, "OK, are you ready"? "That's the dumbest thing you ever said to me." He joked. Slowly she came walking in to the living room, not so slowly his jaw hit the floor, and his dick hit the ceiling. She was wearing her school girl out fit, a plaid skirt, a see through white, skin tight top with her nipples doing their best to bust right through the material, some really hot thigh high, black stockings attached to a garter belt, and her "stripper shoes", they were black with " heels. She had her long red hair pulled up in to pig tails on either side of her head. He absolutely loved this outfit, and they had had some of their most amazing sex video free porn video in it over the years and he was ready to add another time to their mutual memory. As she approached him he noticed a bulge in her skirt, at first he thought it was just one of the pleats, but then he noticed it bounced as she walked. "Oh boy"! He thought, "I know what that is"! A while back he had told her about his fantasy to be pegged, she wasn't too keen on the idea at first but she agreed to give it a shot. At first she didn't really like it, but one day while he was bent over the bed and she was fucking him she looked down and thought that the sight of her purple cock sliding in and out of his hot ass was actually pretty nice, but even still she had never initiated pegging before, and this made him very excited. She stood there on the other side of the room with that sexy, lusty look on her face that she got when she was feeling really naughty, and usually when she was wearing one of her bad girl outfits. The look on his face, and the way his cock was pointing straight up, throbbing with anticipation told her how excited he was. She had seen his gaze go down and knew he had seen the fake cock, but she was going to tease him a little. She started walking around the living room, strutting, and shaking her ass, careful at first not to let her skirt hike up so that he could see the harness, or the cock. Anytime she was facing him she put her hands between her legs to hide her cock. She looked like a stripper on the stage, and he planned on tipping her well. She walked over in front oh him and bent over touching her shoe as if something was on it, pretending not to know she was showing him everything. He could see her wet pussy, with the strap of the harness tucked up tight between her moist lips, and he could also see the cock hanging between her legs, big, intimidating, delicious. He licked his lips with anticipation, fought off the urge to touch his cock, and her ass because he didn't know if he could contain himself if he did. This was her show, and he was determined to pornno video free let her run it. As she stood back up, and spun around she said, "I know you see what I've got for you". In the sexy, girlish voice she used only when she wore this outfit, and his other favorite, farm girl on girl videos porn. The voice, and the look in her eyes drove him insane with lust. "uh huh" was all he could manage. She said, "You've been fucking me over the arm of that couch for a lot of years haven't you"? "Yeah" he said sheepishly "You loved every minute of it didn't you"? "You know I did" "Well tonight you're going to see how I felt all those times. You're also going to see how I felt while I sucked your cock." Gulp. He enjoyed the pegging, but he had never sucked her strap on before. She had joked that she was going to make him suck it when they had first gotten it but she had never gone through with it. It wasn't something he really wanted to do, but if it turned her on then he made up his mind to be the best purple, silicone cock sucker ever. . She walked slowly over to him and pushed him back against the back of the couch and straddled him, but she wouldn't let him put his cock in her pussy, nope it would be a while before he got to do that. She kissed him hard and rubbed his chest, and the moans escaping her mouth let him know how turned on she was. He could feel her big purple cock rubbing against his belly, it was at once unsettling, and exilarating. He had no desires to be with a man, he wasn't homophobic but the thought of it did nothing for him, but the idea, and especially the sight of his wife with a cock, oh wow. It was so hot. She pulled herself away and stood up over him and slapped him in the face with her cock, how many times had he done this to her, playfully both of them laughing, but her cock was much bigger, and heavier than his and honestly it hurt a little, but he didn't say anything because she was so in to it. It was actually turning her on to slap her big cock in to the side of his face, across his lips, nose, and even his forehead, but she was ready to get down to the real action She got up off of him and told him to get up, she sat where he had been and said, "OK slut it's time to suck my cock". He had some serious mixed emotions. On the one hand it really turned him on that she was so in to it, and on the other he was afraid that once he did this she would look at him differently. It occurred to him that he had felt the same way when he had told her about the pegging and that hadn't changed the way she looked at him so that fact, and the fact that he was so worked up won out and he got down on his knees in front of her. "You're really looking forward to this aren't you" he said with a grin on his face. "Do you know how many blowjobs I've given you? If you have a problem with this we can stop right now" "No ma'am no problem at all" "Well quit stallin, and get to suckin" "Yes ma'am" He was so nervous, but he grabbed her cock with his right hand, spit on it and stroked it. She had the mother of all sexy looks on her face as she watched his hand stroke her purple, silicone cock. The set they had bought came with two dildo's, the smaller one was about inches long, and /" thick, pretty much the same length as his cock but thinner than his, but the bigger one was about inches long, and / inches thick. It was huge, and it was the one she had chosen for tonights fun. "Damn, why couldn't she have chosen the small one tonight"? He thought to himself. As he continued to stroke her cock she repeated a line he had used on her many times, "It ain't going to suck itself" she said with a big grin on her face. "Damn, I didn't think that would ever come back to bite me" Slowly he eased his head toward that huge purple dildo. "It's just a piece of silicone" he told himself, "and it's attached to your beautiful wife" He kissed it on the very end, then looked up and said, "OK, I'm done". She thought it was funny, but wasn't about to let him know, "stop messing around and suck it". He kissed it up and down the shaft a few times, then started to lick it. He had his eyes closed trying to decide what to do next. "Open your eyes and look at me" she whispered. "Damn, another line used against me" he thought. He opened his eyes and looked up at her while he licked her cock. His knees were already hurting from kneeling on the hardwood floor so he grabbed a pillow off the couch. "Not very comfortable is it? How many times have I been there?" she said. "She's right", he thought "I need to make this good for her, here goes nothing". Slowly he slid her cock in to his mouth, only a few inches at first. It felt so weird he just took his time and took in all the feelings he was experiencing. It surprised him that he could feel the seem from the mold running down the length of the dildo, is was so small it was hardly even noticeable but he could feel it. Could she feel such details in his cock when she sucked it? The "cock" was not a life like cock, but rather a smooth silicone that was slightly thicker at the "head" than the base. He started to try to get more in his mouth, but there was no way he was going to get all of it in, he estimated a little over half before he gagged for the first time. She smiled at him and said, "I guess you aren't as good as me at deep throating huh"? "Hell no" "It's OK baby, my cock is much bigger than yours anyway". Her saying that probably should have hurt his feelings but it really turned him on. "Let me help you". She grabbed his head with both hands and started forcing his head down, sinking her cock deeper in to his mouth. He had done this to her many times and it was nice to get some payback. He started to gag a little so she eased up, giving him only a couple of seconds to catch his breath then forced her cock in to his mouth again. It really was a big cock and she didn't know if she could do any better than he was, so she let go of his head after a few minutes and left him to it, but man was it hot forcing her cock in to his mouth like that. She was determined then and there that this would happen again! He started licking up and down the shaft again, then sucking it back in to his mouth. "There better not be any teeth scraping my cock either" "How would she know if there was"? He thought, but it occurred to him that there were many times when a pre sex blow job would last half an hour, sometimes longer and then there were the "just to help you out" blowjobs too, sometimes her mouth would get so tired he would rub her jaws for her, but she kept going. If he wanted to experience what she experienced then he would have to do what she did so he was very careful not to let his teeth scrape. He never realized how hard it was, and it made him love her, and appreciate her all the more. By this point he was starting to get in to it , a fact that was somewhat surprising to him. He was bobbing up and down on her cock like a pro, taking as much of her cock into his mouth as possible while trying not to gag. The feeling of her big purple dildo sliding in and out of his mouth and her approving moans was actually turning him on. Every once in a while he would pull back and look up at her while flicking his toungue over the tip, then run his tounge up and down the shaft. He couldn't believe how turned on he was. Physically she wasn't getting anything out of it, but she was starting to understand why he liked blowjobs so much. There was something powerful, exhilarating, primal about it that was turning her on. The sight of that big purple dildo plunging in to his mouth over and over again, and the way he was trying so hard to please her really turned her on, is this really what it was like for him? No wonder he was always trying to get her to blow him. He reached down with his left hand and massaged her clit, "Now we're talking" she thought. He rubbed her clit with his thumb, while plunging two fingers in to her pussy, while not missing a stroke on the blowjob, she was impressed. His fingers felt so good on her, in her, she closed her eyes and leaned back and just enjoyed the moment. Soon she felt like she could come, but she wasn't ready yet so she pushed him off of her and told him to bend over the arm of the couch. He obeyed. She reached in to a drawer on the end table and pulled out the lube. "When the hell did she put that there"? He thought. Normally it was in the same drawer as the pegging equipment which meant she had put it there earlier in the day. The knowledge that she had planned this out really turned him on, obviously she had figured walking in carrying the lube wouldn't have been nearly as hot, she was right and he was thankful that she had put so much thought in to it.. He turned around and saw her applying the lube to her cock. "You sucked me really good, now free movies and porn Videos it's time for me to give your ass a good pounding". Gulp. They had only tried the bigger dildo once and had to stop because it was too big so he was pretty nervous, but he tried to maintain his cool. Once she had it lubed up, she put some more lube right on his asshole with her finger and slowly massaged the lube in. She tossed the lube on the table, and grabbed his hips and pointed her cock at his ass. He took in a deep breath and let it out as she slowly pushed the dildo in to his ass. "Holy Crap it's so big", he said. "You OK"? "Yeah, it's just going to take a second to get used to it." Slowly, inch by inch she eased the entire length in to his tight ass and just held it there for a few seconds. Then she started easing it back out, and once she got about half way she sank it back in. She got in to this rhythm for a couple of minutes taking her time and loosening him up, and then started going a little faster. He felt so full, and the dildo was really stimulating his prostate. Pre-cum was flowing out of his cock. He wanted to reach down and stroke it, but he was afraid he would come instantly. After several minutes she started swatting him on the ass, and saying, "You like that don't you" while pounding his ass even harder. "Oh, God yes" he barely managed to say. She kept smacking his ass, and was really enjoying watching her cock go in and out of his ass. She pulled it all the way out, then sank it back in as far as it would go. "ooohhhhhh" he moaned. "You like my cock in your ass don't you slut"? "uuuggghhhhh" "Yeah, I know you do" As much as she didn't want to get in to pegging when he first told her about it she was starting to enjoy the role reversal, and seeing her big purple cock disappear inside his lovely ass was awesome. Normally she wasn't much of a dirty talker but she kept hearing things come out of her mouth that surprised her, and turned them both on. Is this what having a cock did to you? He had his face buried in the arm of the couch, her thrusts causing his face to rub against it, that cock was so big it was hard to think straight. He turned his head to look at her and the sight of her with her hands on his hips, those big beautiful tits bouncing as she thrust in to him, and the look on her face was amazing. He felt so deliciously dirty, slutty. He loved being on the other end, experiencing as closely as possible what it was like for her. After several minutes of fucking him doggy style over the arm of the couch she told him to lie down on his back. After putting her cock back in his ass she grabbed his ankles and folded him up like he had done her so many times and started to really pound his ass hard. "You call this the pile driver don't you? How does it feel being on this end you little slut?" "AAAAAHHHHHHHHRRRRRGGGGG" was all he could manage. She was slamming all inches of her cock in to his ass, they were both panting, and moaning. Coherent speech was impossible now. The dildo assaulting his prostate with every stroke, pre-cum flowing constantly out of his cock and in this position was dripping all over his chest. Oh, man she didn't realize how fun having a cock could be, but also how much work. Sweat was pouring from her body, and her breath was coming in fast gasps just like when she was in the gym working out on the eliptical, but somehow it was a real turn on to be working so hard to give him pleasure. As hot as this was and as much as she was enjoying it the harness they had didn't do much for her physically, and she felt an intense need to orgasm right now. She pulled out of him, stepped out of the harness, laid down on the couch and said, "Fuck me". "Your damn skippy" he said. Usually while doing any anal his cock isn't hard so he stroked it with his right hand while rubbing her clit with the left. Soon he was hard, and he rammed his dick in to her sloppy wet pussy. He slammed in to her really hard, both of them moaning in pleasure. She was grabbing his ass for all she was worth while he slammed in to her, her big tits bouncing like mad. He leaned over and licked and sucked her nipples while continuing to slam his cock in to her. Running his toungue and lips over her beautiful mounds sending shockwaves through her body. He felt the river of cum crashing down the canyon towards release again and knew he couldn't hold back long. As if reading his thoughts she went quite and he knew she was about to come and he got ready to release his load at the same time. Suddenly with a big exhalation of breath her orgasm rocked her body. An intense wave of pleasure coursing through her like a freight train. No longer silent she moaned loudly, and her body convulsed in rythym with his. Moments after her release began the river of cum that had been battering the dam walls burst through and filled her eager pussy. Together they writhed in pleasure oblivious to the rest of the world. Their mutual moans were probably rattling the neighbors windows, but neither of them cared. He was spurting what felt like gallons of cum in to her, and she was having wave after wave of orgasmic bliss. Finally he collapsed on her, completely exhausted and feeling like his nuts had shriveled up to nothing. They lay there trying to catch their breath, drenched in sweat. He raised his head up and kissed her sweaty nipples, and looked at her and said, "Well, how did you like that"? "That was really good!!! Dang!!!!". They laid there holding each other for several minutes, their sweaty skin sticking to each other, saying nothing just reliving each delicious detail in their minds. "I'm going to have to have a shower I got so sweaty". She said. "That sounds like fun" he replied, "I think I'll join you". They got up and collected all their clothes, and the strap on and headed towards their bedroom. Once in the shower they took turns washing each others bodies, he took a little extra time on her delicious breasts, her ass, and of course her pussy. The soapy wash cloth feeling good as he massaged her. When it was her turn to wash him she also spent a little more time than necessary on his ass, and then spun him around and washed his cock and balls. Stroking him, teasing him until he was hard again, she couldn't believe he could still get hard again after all that. She continued stroking his soapy cock until he once again was spurting a load, this time all over the shower wall. She looked at him, and said, "I can't believe you were able to have another orgasm". "I know", he said "It surprised me too". That was nothing years ago, but two in the same day anymore, especially so close together was rare for either of them. "You must have really enjoyed it tonight huh?" "It was awesome, maybe the best ever". They rinsed off and got out and dried each other off, then they put on some pajamas and got themselves a bowl of ice cream and cuddled up on the couch again. He wished there were words sufficient enough to tell her how much he loved her. udontnowhoiam comment
