Freep Orn Movies - What The Experts Aren't Saying About Free Pornvideus And How It Affects You

by MohammedS014189 posted Oct 16, 2015


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This is a work of fiction, for adults. Nothing written is meant as an endorsement of any sort of real-world behavior, nor should it be taken as such.
This is completely raw and un-betaed so please share any technical errors you find, style suggestions or constructive criticism.
This story contains sexual activity between a brother and his underage sister, if that's not your cup of tea you should probably turn around right now.

My family are nudists. There, I said it. It's not exactly a secret, but we don't go advertising it in our conservative little community either, and people always seem to latch onto the fact above everything else about us when they find out for some reason. People who haven't tried it always have some really weird ideas about what it actually entails though. For one, there's nothing inherently sexual about it. That's not to say that nudists don't have sex or anything, it's just that nudity doesn't automatically equal sexy time for us (and if you saw most of the people who frequent nude beaches and the like you'd quickly realize why). Most places, being visibly aroused is frowned on and openly doing anything sexual is just as likely to get you in trouble as it would at a clothed venue.
With that out of the way, I guess I should talk a bit more about my family. It's me (I'm 22 and the name's Dan, by the way), my mom and dad and my 12 year old sister Erin. The age gap is pretty much cause mom and dad had me really young, and not intentionally, and decided to wait till they were actually financially stable before going for kid number two. I look pretty much like them, a bit on the tall side but not freakishly so, straight light brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin (could never really tan even if I was so inclined, just burnt to a crisp instead). Erin must have hit the recessive gene lottery though: dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, tall for her age (though still well shorter than me), perfectly tanned skin and just enough freckles across her nose to put a cherry on top of her sundae of cuteness.
I'd always been vaguely aware that she was a cute kid who showed every sign of growing up into a beautiful woman some day, but I never really put much thought into it. She's my sister, you know? And so much younger than me on top of that. You could almost say it's my parents fault that my attitude there changed. They'd always been sex positive, never shying away from answering any questions along those lines and giving me an all-together far too thorough 'talk' not long after I turned 12 myself, covering just about anything a man, a woman, a man and a woman, two men or two women could do together or by themselves in excruciating detail. That isn't to say that anything sexual went on in the open, they were quite clear that that sort of thing was meant to be done privately and incest never even came up as a topic of discussion, let alone as something we'd actually do.
Despite my embarrassment at the time, I'm definitely thankful they went extra mile to explain things for me. It was certainly nice skipping out on all the confusion and misinformation most kids go through growing up and I can probably credit being a nudist for nipping any body image issues in the bud. I wasn't exactly Casanova or anything, but the confidence of knowing what was actually up certainly helped my game. All in all it worked out pretty well for me. Of course, having the experience burned into my brain it was pretty easy for me to connect the dots when picture of sexy girls naked a big pile of anatomy diagrams and sex-ed pamphlets showed up on the kitchen table and Erin spent the next day or two doing her best impersonation of a tomato.
Nothing probably would have come of it, except well, I've always enjoyed masturbating to hentai, that is to say, Japanese style sex comics (there are cartoons too, but it's hard to do animation worth watching on a porno budget, at least in my opinion). Now, if you're somehow unaware, the Japanese are responsible for some pretty weird free porn videos and picture. My tastes up to that point had been pretty vanilla all things considered, but well, knowing what Erin had just learned about must have sparked some sort of connection in my brain, because without even really thinking about it I found myself navigating to the incest section of my favorite website. I'd read a few comics of the sort before, but it had never really captured my interest enough to make a habit of it.
This time was different though. I found myself reading a loli manga, which, if you don't know is basically underage girls. Legal most places, since it's drawn and no actually kids are involved. I'd never been squicked out by that sorta thing the way a lot of people seem to, but I'd never tried masturbating to it either. It was intense, one of the strongest orgasms I'd had in ages. I was hooked, and soon found myself digging up everything I could find of the sort any time I went for a stroke. Somehow, I still hadn’t made the conscious connection between my little sister and my new choice of spank material, despite seeing her every day (home from college for the summer as I was). Even if I had, it still probably would have come to nothing if it not for the other big event of the summer.
See, our mom had entered into an online sweepstakes for tickets to free a porn sites clothing-optional tropical cruise. It'd just been a lark on her part, but wouldn't you know it: she won. Her and dad both had plenty of vacation time saved up so they decided to go for it. The only thing was, the prize was only two tickets. Even if Erin or I had been interested in going (which neither of really was, to be honest) it would have been far to expensive to buy tickets for us. So I ended up babysitting Erin (though she strongly objected to that term) for two weeks while they went off to have fun on a boat full of naked old-fogeys, drinking ludicrously overpriced booze and listening to mediocre music and washed up comedians or whatever. Fun fun.
It all started off normal enough, until one muggy afternoon. Vaguely sweaty and supremely unmotivated I lounged on the couch next to free porn.coe my sister, some boring TV show or another droning on in the background. I was idly contemplating retreating to my room for some 'me-time' when my brain finally made a connection that had been far too long in coming. I was going to go read a comic about some guy boinking a cute little girl sex casting and there was a good chance that the two of them would be brother and sister. I was sitting next to my own younger sister, quite cute in her own right.
I'm only human. I couldn't help but take a look now, seeing her in a whole new light. My eyes took in her features: the smattering of freckles across her cute little nose, her hazel eyes half-lidded, vaguely watching the TV, her hair tied back in a messy pony-tail and then... her budding young body, completely naked, shamelessly splayed out on the couch. Tanned skin lightly damp with sweat from the heat, budding breasts just starting to jut out from her chest, topped with perfectly formed brown nipples, flat little tummy leading down to still slender hips and long coltish legs and a sparse patch of blonde starting to grow in above her tiny little slit.
I was hooked, it was all I could do to stop myself from drooling. Without even realizing it I started to grow hard. I'm not the biggest guy in the world, but I'm not miniscule either: 6" long, fairly thick and uncircumcised. It wasn't long before I was rock hard. Normally, you're meant to cover up or hide it if you get hard and stay hard for more than a brief while but today I couldn't be bothered. Erin isn't clueless though, and it didn't take her long to notice.
"What're you staring at Danny?"
"Uh..." I answered, eloquently. Though any answer on my part was unnecessary at this point. Erin's eyes had drifted down to my erection, a deep blush rising as the implications hit her.
I was too busy freaking out over getting caught staring to really pay attention, but if I had been the gears turning in her head would have been pretty obvious at that point. I certainly snapped back to reality when I felt slender fingers wrapping around my manhood in a tentative grip though.
"This is for me, isn't it?" She asked, sounding much less nervous about the whole situation than I was.
"Um... yeah..." I'd barely gotten the words out before I had to stifle a groan as she squeezed me tighter and started to slowly pump her hand up and down. "Good..." she giggled "I'd been kinda curious about what all this stuff is actually like since mom and dad talked to me..." she grinned up at me, still blushing, and continued to slowly jerk me off.
Unable to think of a cogent response, and not one to look a gift-horse in the mouth, I just went with my natural response to this sort of situation: I leaned in to capture her lips in a kiss, slipping my tongue into her mouth as soon as she let me, groaning in pleasure as we kissed.
After a moment of that, I reached over to rest my hand on her slender thigh. Taking the hint, her legs soon parted and I slipped my hand between them to trace a finger along her slit, bottom to top, circling round her clit without quite touching it directly yet as I reached it before repeating the motion, teasing her. I could feel her start to get wet almost immediately and she soon pulled back from the kiss, panting for breath and letting out a small moan of pleasure.
Of course, she hadn't been idle during this, her grip tightening on my cock as she increased the pace of her stroking, drawing out a moan of my own from me. I brushed a finger, slick with her juices, lightly over her clit, making her gasp, before starting to rub it with small circular motions.
Soon, we fell into a rhythm together, rubbing each other faster and harder, a wet spot forming under her on the couch even as her fingers grew slick with my precum, her hips starting to buck against my hand even as I thrust up to meet every stroke she gave me.
I was already getting close, but age and experience do have some advantages. I mustered every drop of will, holding back my orgasm for as long as possible, writhing in pleasure under the ministrations of her inexperienced but eager little hand while playing her budding young body like an instrument. Just when I was doubting my ability to hold out any longer I felt her start to squirm next to me, a keening moan escaping her lips as started to cum.
Finally, letting myself go, my cock began to twitch and pulse in her grip, spurt after spurt of hot, thick, sticky cum arcing out to splatter onto my chest and stomach, the last desultory dribbles oozing out to coat her hand, still pumping me as I came.
As we both collapsed into the couch, glowing with post-orgasmic bliss it finally hit me: I was fuuuuuuuucked. Lustful_Moan
