Layla Parker - 3 Most Amazing Taylor Swift Pussy Pics Changing How We See The World

by RheaSinger975105 posted Oct 16, 2015


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So I have been having recurring dreams of an encounter I had a few years ago. Every time I wake up I am hard as a rock and need to come to reddit and find something to help "release the tension". So I figured I used this site enough, I should give back. The following story is absolutely true and took place a few years ago, its still the best experience I've had! So, I am an active duty Air Force enlisted person at the time. I was happy with choosing the Air Force because of all the women I've met and slept with since joining. I've been all around the world and met exocitc women from Japan, Hungry, Panama, Thailand, Turkey...etc. Through all my travels I still prefer American women, probably because I can relate to them the best. Anyway, I had just arrived at a new duty station and was getting to know the people I would work with. It was a small office but good people and the job was a lot of fun. A few months in, I was speaking to a co-worker when he described his last assignment where he fucked his officer boss. Said it was his best ever experience. I had never really thought of doing that before, it something that is so taboo in the military that they never miss an opportunity telling you how much trouble you'd get in if caught. The more I thought about it, I realized I never had an officer supervisor that was female. I've worked with some smoking hot officers before but never had they been directly appointed my boss. I began to fantasize about working with some of those previous officers again and making love to them. Thought it would always be a pipe dream though. About another month passed and my officer boss, a male, announced he was retiring and that a replacement would be arriving in 3 months. I'll never forget the day his replacement, my new boss, walked in through the door. She was an Air Force Captain, about 5'7", blonde, athletic build, tan, above average rack, pouty lips and beautiful blue eyes. Her smile almost took my breath away as she reached out her hand to me and said "Hello, I'm Emily and look forward to working with you." All I could muster was a weak smile and a "Yes Ma'am". That night my mind began racing about living out my newly discovered fantasy. As time went on and I began to get to know her better, she hinted at having a bit of a wild side in the past. I took meticulous mental notes hoping I'd get a chance to use them. Finally, I came up with some plan that seemed logical in my head but realistically could crash and burn in a second. The first portion of my plan was to let her know I noticed her and had some interest in her. I decided to stay back with her in her office after one of our staff meetings. This was not unusual enough to be noticed by anyone else but gave me precious one-on-one time. All I said was "Captain, I just want to say that you're stunning and make it easy to come to work". I really didn't know what to expect, I was ready to be thrown out of her office and reassigned. Instead she smirked and and said "It's nice someone notices." I was so shocked that I thanked her and quickly left. That had gone way better than I thought. Another week went by and I stayed after another meeting. I told her I had something to say and the she could stop me at any time. With a bit of worry she told me to go ahead. I explained that she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever spoken to. I also said that I like living on the edge sometimes and that if she wanted an adventure to just let me know. "Hmm, what kind of adventure do you mean?" "Out of this world" I said and smiled but secretly regretted sounding so stupid. She stared at me for a moment, as if to size me up and replied "You know I've been watching you a lot, you impress me and your uniform is always sharp." Ok, I thought, where is this going? She continued "I have had this thought of fucking the brains out of one brazilian pussy pics of my NCO's since I joined, but I've never been in command before." My heart was racing, was I dreaming again? "Well you certainly are now Ma'am". I thought it could happen right here and now but realized there were people still working right outside her office. When she spoke again I almost came in my pants. "I want to fuck you, but it has to be here at work right here on my desk". All I could muster was "Ok". She went on, "On Monday's when we have to where our blue uniforms, if I have my skirt on that day it means stay after work and come into my office." The Air Force had instituted "Blue's Mondays" to get everyone feeling all Air Force again after years in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the options for Air Force women is a skirt with their dress blue uniform. "I said I'm all in" and she just smiled and said "Look forward to it too." Of course she kept me waiting, the first Monday came and went, she was wearing pants. The second Monday, same thing and the third. I started to think she had been messing with me back in her office. She would shoot me sexy glaces during meetings and ask things at work like if we thought tongue piercings really helped. What a damn tease I kept thinking. Finally, the fourth Monday. I show up to work and there is Emily standing in the parking lot waiting for me in a skirt. Holy shit was all I could think. I said good morning and complemented her on her uniform and she replied "glad you noticed". That day dragged on forever. It was about 6:00 before the last person left the office. I quickly did a walk around and made sure everyone was gone for the day. Once confirmed I nearly ran to her office. I opened the door and there she stood, behind her desk and simply said, "I've been waiting all day for you to walk through that door". I slowly walked up to her, began to kiss her and pull her towards me. I wanted her to feel how hard I was already. She paused and said, "I want to leave my uniform mostly on. Roll my skirt up and I'll pop my blouse open when you take me from behind". "First", she said as she smiled. "I want you in my mouth". She ripped my shirt off, undid my belt pulled my pants down and proceeded to take my full 7" into her mouth. I groaned so loud it startled her. I had to strain not cum already, but damn it felt so good. I looked down at her and saw those shiny Captain's bars and her sexy blue eyes looking up at me. When she was satisfied that she had brought me to the brink she stood up. I started rolling up her skirt and found that she was not wearing panties and had on the most sexy knee high black stockings I've ever seen. "Bend me over and fuck me!" she nearly screamed. My fingers entered first, her pussy was so wet and tight that I couldn't wait to enter her with my rock hard cock. I wanted to eat her out too, but she said "just fuck me". I slid into her slowly, just the tip and teased her a bit. Her moaning was like I've never before sexy and drove me to penetrate her fully. I got in a good rhythm spanked her toned ass every once in awhile and just pounded her. She finally ripped open her blouse, buttons flying everywhere, pulled down her bra and revealed the nicest set of tits I've seen. My hands instantly found them as I continued to pound her over her desk. She whispered as I bent over her "I want you to cum all over my tits, nobody's ever done that for me before". I gladly said yes! A few more thrusts and I was ready. I pulled out and she quickly turned around, grabbed my cock and jerked me to the biggest cum shot of my life. I yelled out as I came and looking at her tits and uniform getting soaked in my cum made me want to cum more. I did it, couldn't believe I actually lived out a fantasy! After it was over I changed into my civilian clothes as did she. She told me that it was great but it won't happen again. She didn't want to risk either of our careers by getting caught. A few months later I was deployed and I received a care package from her. Inside was the normal stuff: beef jerky, magazines and candy. On the bottom of the box I noticed something else through. It was her cum stained blue uniform shirt from that night! Inside was a note "Remember our night and you'll get through anything over there" Signed Emily. Sadly, I've never seem Emily since. She moved to a new assignment before I returned and I eventually left that base too. Like I said at the top its recently that I started dreaming of this encounter again. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did! Unfortunately I do not have Pics to share. I have an idea though. If a couple wants to recreate the story and post pics that would be very hot! Happy reading! DS_Warrior [1 comment]
