Handjob In Car - Attention: Car Sex Tubes

by VanitaBoatright53346 posted Oct 16, 2015


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My girlfriend’s best friend (Chloe) was hosting a farewell party as she was moving to South America for five years. Chloe’s house was perfect for hosting a party, huge space downstairs for dancing and music, an open plan kitchen/dining room, 3 floors, a huge garden with a large shed with a pool table in. Outside there were beer pong tables, a fire and benches, whilst inside one of the upstairs rooms there were beanbags, softer music, fairy lights and people were just chilling in there if they needed a break. My girlfriend, her best friend and four of their former housemates from college were all mixing with each other, as they had a lot of gossiping and catching up to do, leaving me to play beer pong, explore the house and most importantly mingle with other people at the party. After about 4 hours most people, myself included, were dancing in the open plan living space. I’m dancing with my girlfriend and her group of friends, but I’m more of a chatter at a party – I like to meet new people and just get to know as many people as possible, rather than mindlessly dance the night away. With my girlfriend dancing to the Macarena, I sneak out of the side door, around the house and to the beer pong table. After all, you can never have enough beer pong! As most people are inside dancing there is nobody playing beer pong, but there are two girls standing by the benches and the fire, trying to take a selfie. The girl on the left is a natural blonde, blue/green eyes, about 5ft 2inches tall in tight dark jeans and a white top, whilst the girl on the right is a brunette, piercing blue eyes, pert lips, roughly 5ft 7 inches tall (in her heels at least), with a black dress on. Both of these girls are knockouts, but there’s something about the brunette that instantly grabs my attention. I still can’t put my finger on what it was but even before we spoke I could almost feel an electricity in the air. "Would you like me to take that for you?" I offer, so that they pause and look up at me. "No its ok, but get in the picture" says the brunette looking me directly in the eye. After about 20 different selfies I step back and ask "How do you know Chloe then?" I ask directly to the blonde. I am already fully aware of how attracted I am to the brunette, but my girlfriend of 3 years having sex in the car is inside dancing, and I have never so much as looked at another girl, so I’m doing whatever I can to not get carried away with whatever it is that is going on inside my head. "We work with her" the brunette says, looking me directly in the eye. "Well used to!" she adds with a giggle. The blonde girl then says "Its strange really, I’m going to South America to travel in a months time anyway, so I don’t even need to be here! We’re literally meeting up in one month". We spend a while longer chatting, and it becomes apparent that the blonde girl is going, but the brunette is staying behind, and is a little bit jealous that her two friends are leaving her. By this point it is getting a little chilly outside, so we move into the shed with the pool table inside it for a bit of warmth, and because that’s also where the alcohol happens to be stored. There is a sofa in the corner so we move to sit down. "Why don’t you go with them?" I ask inquisitively. "Lifes for living, and you should take every opportunity as it comes!" "I don’t know" the brunette replies, "I mean I could I suppose" "Do you have anything or anyone to stay for?" my question is leading, I can even feel myself doing it – I’m asking her if she is single, but without asking her. At this point also I am not listening to her response. Instead I’m completely in my own head, undressing her with my eyes, my brain is working overtime, in my head I am already picturing her toned body underneath me as I penetrate her, her breasts pushing into my chest, my hands on her back pulling her body into mine so I can feel the breath as it enters her lungs. I snap back to the room, just in time to catch her saying "no" and that she has nobody to stay for. The blonde girl then looks at the brunette in an odd way, stands up, and exclaims that she is going to find another friend, leaving me and the brunette alone in the pool shed. I have completely forgotten that I have a girlfriend at this point, and the brunette has not once asked me. Or if she has, I have been too busy fantasizing about her. "Do you not think I should stay?" she asks "Take the opportunities in front of me here?" I get the idea she is being vague on purpose, she has a wry smile on her face. I just stare at her blue eyes, her red lips, the wave of her shoulder length hair, and I say nothing, not because I don’t want to, but because I’m fixated by her. A hand goes onto my knee, "well should I?" she says once more leaning towards me. That’s all that I need to start kissing her. Not violently or forcefully, but a long kiss, with a lot of pressure all the same. Her lips are as supple as I had imagined, and as she leans forward her hand slides up from my knee to my crotch, and immediately onto my rock hard dick. Her breasts are as firm as I had hoped for, and as she moves on top of me, with her other hand she grabs my hand and places it in between her legs. She is already wet, and now is completely on top of me. We’re still kissing, grinding, my hand between her legs, when suddenly I remember my girlfriend, dancing away in the other room. I say nothing. Off come the shoes, she stands up, walks over to the door, shuts it tight and locks us in the room. My heart is pounding, my cock is throbbing and there must be a look of terror and excitement on my face. She turns back to face me and slips out of her black dress to reveal black lacey panties and no bra. Her nipples are stood on end and as she walks back over to me she is biting her bottom lip for effect. Just the sight of her perfect body and the idea of fucking a complete stranger with my girlfriend not 15 metres from the room I am in is making me nervous excited, to the point that I feel like I am shaking. At this point im sitting on the sofa and as she arrives back she climbs onto me again, straddles me and kisses my neck. "Take your fucking clothes off now" she commands me, which gets my cock to the hardest its ever been. I bj in the car do exactly as she wishes, and the second my boxers hit the floor she is on her knees taking my cock in her mouth, running her tongue over the head of my cock, and looking me in the face the whole time. First she takes a small bit, then the whole thing. I can feel the end of me hitting the back of her throat, and I can see her use the hand that she isn’t using to pull me into her to touch herself the whole time she is taking me. After what could have been anywhere between 15 seconds and 10 minutes she stops sucking me and stands up, standing me up to face her. "I want you to fuck me" she says, softer this time than the last command she gave me. Without even thinking, the four honourable yet dreaded words come out of my mouth "I have a girlfriend". My heart sinks. My cock softens. What the fuck was I thinking?! "Kate. I know" she replies, "I asked Chloe about you earlier when I got here" I’m speechless. She knows. She doesn’t care. I must look shocked because she repeats herself – "I WANT you to FUCK me" she says with force again this time. She kneels down and pulls a condom out of her bag, unwraps it, and slides it onto my re-hardened cock. As she stands back up she pushes me backwards onto the sofa and mounts me again just as she did before she sucked my cock, her legs straddling me, resting on her knees so her breasts are pressed towards my face. As she lowers herself down onto me she uses her hand to guide my cock into her. She is tight, and completely soaking wet, I can feel the warmth make its way all the way down the shaft of my cock to the base. She lets out a moan, leans back, and slowly starts to ride me. "I’m fucking you right now, and I want you to fuck me" she whispers in my ear, nibbling it as she rides. So I do. I flip our positions so that she is lying on the sofa, and I’m on top. Missionary position, but with my left hand rubbing her clit, my right hand grabbing her ass and lifting her left leg into the air, and my cock sliding into her as far as it can. She is shuddering, her whole body is shaking, and she is moaning so loud that I have to move my right hand from her ass to her mouth to shut her up. Whoever invented the Karma Sutra obviously hadn’t fucked the right girl in missionary position, because this girl grinded her hips so that every time my cock slid in and out of her, it felt like a trip to heaven. I’m getting into this so I whisper into her ear this time "I want you to come for me. Come hard for me" and before I even finished the sentence I felt the muscles in and around her pussy tighten around my cock. I felt her stomach shudder and her nails dig into my back, then run up to my head and pull my face towards hers. She kisses me as she comes, moaning into my mouth. The feeling of her pussy tightening makes me come too. Hard. We stop, and embrace for a brief moment in time before I pull out and we both get dressed in silence. She holds my hand before she unlocks the door and says "I’ll see you at Chloe’s coming home party". I didn’t tell my girlfriend, and to be honest I haven’t even felt guilty about this, well apart from one part – I didn’t even get Brunettes name. saucybrit2
