Man Has Sex With Car - Rumors, Lies And Having Sex In A Car

by AidanSchippers9 posted Oct 16, 2015


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I really don't know where to start with this story, so I'll start with what inspired me to write this down – reddit. funny i like you quotes'm an avid (obsessively so) user, having spent many hours browsing through this or that subreddit. Every once in a while, I'll end up on GWS, and, admittedly, I'll end up masturbating to a story which strikes my fancy more often than not. So it is no surprise that on a particular night some such reading inspired me to put down my own story. Now, I am not a professional writer, nor do I intend to become one, so bear with me as I make some literary blunders. And since we are talking about me, let's get the whole "describe myself" thing over with, too. I am a young man, in my early 20s, studying in a typically nerdy major, at a top tier university. I have, since childhood, been considerably geeky and was, up until a couple years ago, shy and unsuccessful with girls. That changed and evolved as puberty ended and I realized confidence orgasm in car hand jobs is the number one asset in the quest for sex, love and good times. On the looks side, I now realize I am not half bad, but my teenager self would have said I was a monster. Oh the joys of insecurity. So on with the story. We find ourselves in a early November morning. As expectable, it has been raining for weeks now, and on this particular day it is pouring. I arrive for class about 10 minutes early, and stop over at my usual spot for my morning coffee. The ritual is the same as ever – grab a god awful espresso from one of those automatic machines, head outside and sip it in the cold until it is time to head for class. I do it in the cold as a leftover habit from when I used to smoke, when being outside was a necessity. As I have my coffee, a class mate of mine approaches. Her name is Maggy, and she is one of the few girls in my course. She is, simply put, attractive. Not excessively hot, but very shapely, and with a walk which makes me look at her as she approaches. We greet, somewhat formally on account that neither of us knows each other so well. She too grabs a coffee, and we idily chat waiting for class. The conversation is somewhat stale at the beginning – weather and something about a class or another – but then I mention a TV show – Game of Thrones – and her eyes just light up. You can tell I have tickled her inner nerd, and a stream of conversation starts flowing. Soon enough, we are engrossed in a discussion about our favorite characters. Class time rolls around, and we head inside, still locked in conversation. We sit down and keep our conversation up, now in a hushed tone. As we fiercely defend that each of our favorite characters has more merit than the other's, the professor starts the class. Normally, I would at least attempt to pay attention for the first five minutes, but today I'm just in the zone and have no intention of stopping this conversation. A friend of mine notices as much and texts me a very gentleman-like <>, to which I reply a swift <>. Laughs ensue two rows above me. The next half hour passes by without me even noticing. The conversation moves beyond the show, and into other pop cultures likes and dislikes. From there to games, and comic books. I am impressed by this girl's knowledge of all things nerdy, and cannot get tired of looking at her eyes. In the midst of this, I am rudely interrupted by the Professor poking my arm (I am sitting at the aisle seat) and asking me if I'd like some romantic jazz to be played for my benefit. I hold back my blushing and answer I'm more of a rock kind of guy. Laughs ensue, and he looks at me halfway between annoyed and entertained. I quickly add an apology. This seems to fix it, as he resumes the lecture. The moment has been shattered though. Neither me nor Maggy are very chatty anymore. I spend the remaining hour and a half of class thinking about how good it is to talk to this girl. About how much I want to take her away right now and just listen to her talk. By the end, I am telling myself to gather some courage and ask her out. My gut is clenching, though, and I am having sex in car a hard time dealing with the fear of rejection. I finally do muster up the courage by telling myself that I have nothing to loose. As we get up, I utter a somewhat clumsy "So, huuuum, wanna go have lunch today? Finish off that conversation?" (worst date proposition ever, I know). She laughs a bit and my stomach plummets to the floor, but then I realize it's a friendly laugh. A chuckle. She says yes, that she'd love to. I am over the moon and immediately loose all concentration for the remainder of the morning. By noon, I am excited and slightly nervous. We have headed off to different labs, so we meet at the entrance of the building, and quickly decide to head to the nearby mall. It has temporarily stopped raining as if the apocalypse is coming, and there is only a light drizzle, which enables us to comfortably walk and talk. The conversation resumes its previous qualities, immediately pulling me in and making me feel an incredible attraction towards this girl. We reach the mall and head off to some burger place, after which we sit down and start talking about our internet habits. As the conversation moves along, the subject of reddit comes up and I learn she, too, is a redditor. Naturally, we talk about what kind of subreddits we visit. At some point, she mentions r/ladyboners (look it up, ladies. it's good.) and my interest spikes. As it turns out, Maggy seems to be pretty open minded, too. The conversation flows towards what we've seen, then towards fetishes. At this point I start getting a hard-on. It appears to me she also somewhat flustered, but I cannot be sure. Maggy excuses herself, and heads to the bathroom. I take the time to attempt to clear my head, but am instead drowned in overwhelming attraction. I cannot stop thinking about this girl. When she comes back, she says she has to get going. I ask where she lives, and it turns out to be pretty close by. Some twenty minutes walking, she says. I offer to walk her home, and she happily obliges. As we walk on the street, I get an irresistible urge to kiss her. I hold it back for as long as I can. I struggle with fear of overstepping my boundaries and scaring her away. But there is not stopping the oncoming storm. Eventually it takes hold of me, so I grab her arm, swing myself in front of her, and plant a kiss on her lips. It is sublime. For about 2 seconds. She jumps back wide-eyed and asks me what just happened. I answer I felt like kissing her so I did, and ask if that is OK. She answers by leaning back into me and kissing me again. Maggy is a good kisser. No, she is a great kisser. Her lips envelop mine, and mine dance around hers. I venture a nibble on her lower lip, and she lets out a small moan which shoots straight into my pants. She slowly probes me with the tip of her tongue. When I open my mouth fully, she then goes a bit aggressive, putting it all into me, and we wrestle like that for a few minutes. Finally, we break apart. It is as if the whole world has suddenly started existing again. I am invaded by smells, and colors and sex in a ebony car head sounds. Maggy looks like the most beautiful person ever. The smell of petrichor hits me, and I feel my heart a little light. I have this notion that if a stiff breeze hit me now, I could fly. We look into each other, and the sense of happiness and contentedness is almost instantly replaced with uncontrollable hornyeness. She lets out three simple words: "My place. Now.", and we nearly run there. The door smashes, coats fly and we kiss like we are about to die. It is messy and aggressive, and we don't unlock lips as she leads me to her bedroom. I am thrown on the bed, and she climbs on top of me. I take this moment to realize I have not yet copped a feel and decided to rectify the situation. I take hold of her left breast. It fills my hand nicely and actually overflows slightly, so in my mind I guess she is a C cup. She laughs and grabs my dick over my jeans. By now I am hard as a rock and she notices that. She laughs again and starts unbuckling my belt. At this point, it has been a few months for me, so I am somewhat excited. I start hastily taking her top off, then unclasping her bra. Maggy has managed to remove my pants and is now pulling down my briefs. Once she manages, my cock jumps out and she lets out a small gasp. I glare slightly, and she simply smiles coily and places her mouth around me. It is perfect. She starts slowly moving up and down my dick, using her tongue to stroke it and xnxx car sex tube her lips to stimulate it all around. At times, she stops at the head and swirls her tongue around, making me almost burst and scream. This goes on and on, until I start feeling some familiar pressure in my balls. I stop her, say "My turn", and turn her on her back. I then start kissing her all over her neck, then onto her breasts. I stop for some time licking and flicking her nipples, and she utters some moans as I do it. An hushed "oh fuck." comes out of her mouth. I laugh and kiss her, then move down onto her stomach and further, to the top of her jeans. I unbutton and unzip them, and as I pull them down I am struck by two surprises at once. First, Maggy is not wearing any panties, and second she is completely shaven. Now, I don't mind some pubic hair, but there has always been something about a shaven pussy which appeals to me. And right now, Maggy's is beautiful and calling me with the power of a thousand sirens. I return to kissing her stomach, then her navel. I move around her pelvis, and onto the inner side of her legs. She starts getting a bit frustrated, and half moans a "come ooon". I am not in a hurry, though, so I repeat my lap once more. Finally, once she is almost frustrated, I hold my tongue in the air just above where her clitoris should be, and dive in unexpectedly. She gasps and moans and yells a very sonorous FUCK. I start doing one of my favorite things in the world, and lap up her juices. She tastes incredibly good, and all I want to do is stay here drowning in her pussy forever. As I go, she starts to moan louder and louder, and the cursing gets more frequent and intense. By the time I am flicking her clitoris hard and fast, she is screaming and calling for god. And then, suddenly, amidst some small spasms, she tenses, arches her back, and shakes violently before falling down on the bed. I can't help but admit I am very proud of myself at this moment. Making a girl cum is one of my favorite things in the world, and giving a woman an orgasm this strong is especially satisfying. As she comes back to her senses, I kiss her. She tastes herself on me, grimaces, and then goes right back to kissing me deep. And then she says the one thing which will make a guy harder than diamond, even when he thinks he can't be any harder – "I need you inside me". I tense up a little, look at her and ask if she's sure. She nods, and I ready myself. She spreads her legs for me and I enter her. At first slowly, but once I realized everything is wet, I simply plunge myself. She takes a sharp breath, and then moans long and hard. There is even a slight vibrato to her voice. I start thrusting, and with each thrust make her moan, and with each moan come closer to cumming myself. As this happens, she asks me to cum inside of her. I am immediately wary, but she adds she is on the pill, and I start marveling at the idea. Cumming inside a girl has been a long time fantasy of mine, and I'm about to fulfill it. As I go faster and faster, she starts moaning harder, and I start feeling that familiar pressure in my balls. I grab hold of her and start fucking almost animal like. She moans and screams, and wraps her legs and arms around me, begging me not to stop. I have no intention of stopping, and as I reach the fastest I can go, I feel my orgasm hitting. I warn her and she yells at me not to stop, to make her cum. I thrust a couple more times and explode inside of her. As this happens, she clenches my dick incredibly hard, and shakes once more. Absolutely spent, we both lie down side by side and chat a bit. We thank each other for the wonderful sex, and chat some more about this or that show or game. Then, finally, I realize I must leave. She offers me the bathroom, which I use to freshen up. Afterwards, I kiss her, and we trade numbers, promising to talk again. As I exit her apartment, she blows me a kiss and then turns around and wiggles her ass at me. UnexpectedLemons [2
