Free Hd Lesbian Sex - Choosing Good Perfect Girls Porn

by HannahDefazio47014 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Years ago, in my late 20's, I was sharing a flat when my flatmate moved out to live with his girlfriend. After interviewing a few prospective flatmates I came to the realisation that I simply could no longer stomach living with someone else and decided to foot the rent alone. I was a young professional earning good money with few expenses and so I could easily afford it. At the time my ex had become my FWB and in our common social group was a young girl, I'll call her 'Shez', who was 21 and a bit of a wild thing. She was a petite blonde, cute accent, around 5'8, athletically thin and quite flat-chested. Despite being a breast guy I developed a huge crush on her but when I eventually asked her out she turned me down. Despite that, we remained friends. Being new to the country and young, she struggled to get by on casual work and bounced from hostel to hostel, basically living out of her suitcase in shared dorms. She was finding it hard to make ends meet and after outstaying her welcome at the latest hostel, she had nowhere else to live that she could afford. When my ex told me this, I offered the spare bedroom at my place to crash for a few months. Understandably she was a little hesitant at first; I assured my ex that I would not make any sort of sexual advances towards her nor anything else to make her feel uncomfortable. She eventually agreed and we struck a deal that her job was to keep the common areas clean and tidy in lieu of paying any rent. In actual fact she insisted on giving me some 'beer money' every other week but I'll touch on that later. After she moved in I went out of my way to give her space, wanting her to feel as comfortable as possible. She settled in quite quickly and it must have been a huge relief to have her own room and not have to lock all her possessions in a bag each time she went out. And speaking of which, she did that most nights on the weekends. I, on the other hand. abhorred the club scene and when I wasn't socialising with friends at BBQ's or pubs I pretty much stayed at home. On the computer. I lived in a older style art deco unit and the master bedroom – mine of course – had a sun room off it through a pair of ornate glass doors. That was my study; a bookshelf, a computer desk, and storage for sporting and outdoor equipment. The computer desk faced the bedroom wall, so that it was not visible at all from the bedroom, nor the bed from the desk. It was here one summer Friday night, about 2 months after she moved in, that I sat when Shez walked into the bedroom. "Hey!" she called out in that cute accent of hers. "On the computer" I called back, as I had done so dozens of times before. As was usual when she wanted a quick chat, she had plonked herself down on the bed. I thought she had been planning to go out, but apparently she had a big weekend planned and felt a little tired so she had decided to get an early night. There there was silence for perhaps half a minute, then she ventured, "You're not looking at porn, are you?" At that point I actually wasn't, although it was likely on the agenda before I went to bed that night. I almost denied it, then thought better of it. "Why do you ask?" I said somewhat nervously, hurriedly bringing up a couple of my go-to sites. "Oh my god, you are?" she exclaimed, seconds later appearing at the doorway with a look of mock horror on her face. She saw the site I brought up, and came over for a closer look at the screen. "What sort of stuff do you watch anyway?" she asked, and I thought I detected a hint of a smirk. I offered to show her, and she seemed keen, so I played just snippets here and there of several different videos that I had downloaded over the years. It was generally girl-next-door amateur stuff; especially threesomes or group sex. After about a half dozen videos, I stopped to gauge her reaction. By now I had started to get hard just watching this in her presence. She didn't say anything for a bit, but my heart was pounding through my chest. I desperately wanted to ask her if she would watch one with me, but I was also mindful of the promise I made to her. I had no idea how far she wanted this to go, so I had to leave the ball in her court. "Do you have a favourite?" she asked. There was no single video of course, it all depended on my mood but I pulled up one with a guy and 2 girls on a web cam. She told me to play it through, so I pulled up a 2nd chair next to mine and we started to watch it together. Again, I had no idea where this was going but my erection was starting to get noticeable through my shorts! The girls were making out on the video and had started to undress one another. "If you need to take care of that..." Shez said suddenly, nodding at my erection with a wicked smile, "... then don't mind me!" Well I didn't need to be told twice. "Are you sure?" I asked, but I wasn't really waiting for an answer. I ripped my pants down to my ankles and grabbed a hold of my now rock hard cock. With Shez watching, this wasn't going to take very long, but I was going to try to make it last. I got a good rhythm going as the girls on the video removed their tops and started to suck each other's tits. Nothing like some girl-on-girl action to get me warmed up. I looked over at Shez and to my surprise, noticed that she was now unashamedly rubbing her pussy through her panties! I had to fight the urge not to finish myself off right then! The girls on the video had moved their attention onto the guy now, who was clearly enjoying the spectacle. The girls were rubbing his cock through his jeans, then removed them, and one of them had taken his cock into her mouth when I noticed Shez had her hand inside her panties now. When she noticed me looking at her she just gave me a smile and returned her gaze to the video. I couldn't help noticing her hard nipples poking through her thin white singlet top, and wanted nothing more than to lick them at this very point in time. The video action was getting hard core but almost superfluous now. Shez was starting to moan and buck on the chair a little and had all-but pulled her panties off. At this point I threw caution to the wind and reached over to pull her singlet top up with my left hand. Due to the way she was sitting and the angle I was trying to pull from, I didn't get as far as exposing her nipples. In response she pulled it up to her chin herself, allowing me full view. This was enough to send me over the edge and I grunted loudly before the first rope erupted from my cock, landing on my stomach. After a few more spurts I heard her orgasm, her fingers furiously pumping as a wet patch quickly spread on the chair seat. We finished together and just sat for a few moments as the video continued unnoticed in the background. She pulled her panties and her shorts back on and pulled her top down again, whilst apologising for the patch she had made on the chair. I assured her it was OK. Taking cue I pulled my own pants on and started to clean myself up. She stood to go and simply said "Thanks, I needed that!" before walking out with a grin. "No, thank YOU!" I called after her. As much as I dared hope that it – or something like it – would happen again, sadly it never did. Shez had spoken to my ex about it and although she was feeling super horny that night, she hadn't intended it to go that far, but had been caught up in the moment. She said the hottest thing about it was that it was strictly a one-off. At least all these years later I'm still getting off when I think back to that night. Shez ended up training for a full-time career and with a steady income she moved into accommodation with some fellow trainees a few months later. When she said goodbye I gave her an envelope with all the money she had paid me over the several months she stayed. Although contact has been limited to very occasional social messaging since, I actually ran into her just a few months ago at a shopping center – talk about a MILF! Oh and she's got boobs now! hereforthesex69
