Handjob In The Car - The Lost Secret Of Hot Car Sex

by BillGowing267861 posted Oct 16, 2015


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. I got off the plane in China. 14 hours of continuous noise and confinement were over. Finally. I stumbled out the cabin, into the terminal, looking for the exit where i found you, looking cute, happy and adorable, like a puppy, bouncing around with shiny eyes. I walked up to you, tired and happy, put my bags between my feet and kissed your mouth. You tasted like wetness and offers of passion and love. I hugged your shoulders and smelled your hair, remembering how much i miss the smell of a girl. You hugged me back, feeling my solid muscular torso, and got turned on by my size and hardness. An electric spark passed between us, and a glimmer of sex flickered in your eyes like light. We picked up my luggage and made our way to the metro. I smelled the unfamiliarity of China. The smog, and food, and people smelling of spices and sweat and strange soaps. You got the tickets and we pulled the luggage into the train, finding two seats together, alone. We turned to each other and smiled quietly. We held hands between us and talked about my flight, and how you were feeling, and how long it would take to get to your moms house, and how there was a shower, and bed for me. I was happy to be out of the plane and looked forward to being clean and asleep next to your naked body soon. i carly sex rubbed your arm and imagined how you’d feel, smooth and warm on the sheets with me. I felt myself get swollen and put my arm around your shoulders and smelled your hair and got harder. I had to adjust myself to fit better, and you saw me do it and smiled happily. You put your hand on my lap and felt the size and position of me. You rubbed back and forth admiring the weight and shape of my cock swelling under my pants. I closed my eyes, remembering how you used to do this every night as we fell asleep, me laying relaxing ready to sleep, and you curled up next to me, under my arm, hand resting on my cock, feeling me proudly and playfully as i tried to sleep. It only made me harder. I smelled your hair again, kissing your neck, not caring what anyone thought of us. I buried my nose behind your ear and kissed you gently on the neck. You sighed a quiet breath out, and your hand squeezed between my legs. You too remembered being touched at night, under darkness, under sheets, with electric skin. Thats when you began stroking me gently outside my pants. Nobody could see your hands under the jacket, and we looked like any other young couple sitting together in love. But you were alive with heat, damp between the legs, soaking your panties with want, ready for sex that was inches away, under your hand, solid hot and totally within reach. I shifted my weight and adjusted my seating so you could have a better reach to me, and when i did, you surprised both of us by quickly unbuttoning my pants and slipping your soft gentle hand into my underwear and grabbing my now hard cock. I opened my eyes wide and looked at you with shock, and you looked back with the same expression, surprised at what had just happened. I didnt move my hips, but i checked that the jacket still covered us both, hiding what was happening beneath the surface. You looked shy but kept hold of me, squeezing, feeling the weight and size of my thick dick in your tiny hand. You were happier than I’ve seen you in months, slightly sweating with passion, biting your lip and looking at me with a, "Fuck me please!" nude car look. I loved the look in your eyes and breathed out hard. You knew that sound well. Thats the sound of me needing to orgasm. So you began ever so slowly to move your hand back and forth. Stroking back and forth, down and back, squeezed tightly in my pants, rubbing my cock gently and relentlessly, over and over, hard and stiff, while you licked your lips and stared into my eyes. The feeling was almost painful, i was so swollen and hard, barely fitting in my pants, wanting to escape and give you room to move your hand properly. You kept at it, over and over, forever, stroking me, biting your lips, breathing hard, wanting to get down on your knees and suck me down past your gorgeous lips and down that hungry throat. You were almost drooling with desire to lay your head on my lap and kiss it, lick it, get as much of it into you as possible. Inside your pants you began to drip wetness, the moisture spreading between your thighs, your pussy swelling and sliding back and forth, lips shiny, clit rubbing between them as your legs tightened and clenched, ass rubbing back and forth just a few tiny movements to stimulate yourself in time with the stroking of your hand. Your pants began to get wet, you could feel the wet spot on the back of your pants, leaving a small damp puddle on the seat, and you didnt care. You didnt care. All you wanted was as much sex as soon as you could get it, and right now that meant the cock in your hand, the wet rubbing between your legs, and my arm round you, my mouth breathing into your ear. Eventually i couldn’t take it anymore. I took my free hand and slipped it into your clothes, up your shirt, lifting your bra, pushing it out of the way, squeezing your entire breast with my hand. It was warm, soft, firm, swollen, and very very nice. You let out a gasp, and began rocking your hips back and forth in tiny motions, better each time, the erotic energy building with each tiny slide. Inside your shirt i carefully stroked your nipples, already hard as diamonds, while you bit your lip and closed your eyes. Inside my pants, my dick was beginning to get slick with the sweat you were bringing out of me. It mixed with the wet pre orgasm sliding out of the tip, and you stroked me in time with the rolling of your Driver XXX Photosets nipples between my warm finger tips. I pushed my hips forward to help with the motion, and you looked like you were inches away from orgasm, one hand on a thick cock, a wet mouth on your ear, your pussy hungry to be filled, my fingers brushing your nipple back and forth in time with your hand. First one breast then the other, back and forth, unstoppable.While everyone around us sat on the train staring ahead, we were fucking each other with our hands under our clothes, moments away from total orgasm, sweating, breathing, slick with sex, swollen with hunger, touching skin anywhere we could, mauling each other like we were alone in bed together. You began first. It had been so long since you’d come and your needs were so huge the orgasm began to roll out of you before you even knew it. Your breathing pace sped up, became shallow, nipples under my fingers stiffened up even further, pink flushing your chest, clitoris pounding between your legs, http://12d.us wet spreading between your slipping thighs. And as you orgasmed, your strokes on my hard cock grew erratic and you lost control of your body, jerking me back and forth, while your thighs stiffened, your nose flared, your nipples hardened on top of your swollen breasts. It lasted a long time, hitting you over and over, juice flowing out of your pussy, pink covering your face, finally, as your breathing slowed. And when it was over you realized i had not come just yet. I was on the edge, needing you, enjoying you in the throws of your sexual passion. You looked at me from between blurred wet eyes and stared at me, locking eyes, and put your other hand on my cock and began stroking me with both hands, seriously, fucking me with your hands and eyes at the same time. You wanted me to come hard and fast, and stroked me that way. You brought one hand out and licked it dripping wet before sliding it back onto my cock and doing double wet hands car masterbation on my very big dick, oblivious to everything else around us. You were pounding my sex with both hands, over and over, nonstop, with your body still buzzing and wet from your orgasm. Fearless and focused. You stared in my eyes, gripped my hardness and fucked me with your soft intense hands. Each stroke a bit longer and harder than the last, watching my eyes unfocus and my hips buck up to be stroked even deeper. Breathing became labored, sweat built on my face, i bit my lips harder and harder as the orgasm forced its way up, between your hands, and just when i thought id burst from pleasure, you let go of my cock with your hands, ducked your head under the jacket, and threw your fat beautiful lips around the head of my cock and locked on, sucking the life out of me, shoving me all the way down your throat, taking everything i have to give, and groaning with sexual pleasure the whole time, groaning with delight. A second later it was over, you swallowed deeply with a very dirty grin on your face, sat up wiping the come from your lip with your finger, smiling and looking at me with pleasure and joy. I caught fucking in car was astounded by what you’d just done and was still unable to breathe or see. But i could feel you warm and breathing happily next to me, covered in a warm glow, relieved, and totally self satisfied. You leaned back, wiped the sweat off your face, looked to me and said, in a cute happy sultry voice, "…Im glad you came, Hon…" : ) . . 1srT6Qc Coolfuckingname 1QU0q7Z 1QU0q7Z
