Free Gay Sex Cam Chat - The Best Free Adult Cam Chat Diaries

by CindiFlood7082083 posted Oct 16, 2015


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After a night out, the three of us decide to go to your place for drinks. I've been flirting with her and she has enjoyed it. You didn't seem to mind. Maybe you liked watching us flirt. I sit on the couch with her while you get a few beers for us. When you return, my hand is on her knee and we are laughing. She asks me to tell you the story I just told her so you could get the joke too. My hand stays on her knee as you pass me the opened beer. I move my hand up her thigh just a little as you sit in a nearby chair. I tell my story and she laughs again, touching my shoulder and leaning on me. She doesn't seem shy to me. Our conversation drifts a bit until she asks me about my past relationships. I tell her about one that ended because my girlfriend thought I was too big. She seems surprised and asks me how big I am. I tell her I'm not huge, but I have more than average. She says you're pretty big too, but I think maybe you're not. She says she wants us to compare and I say ok. You don't want to, but she quickly convinces you. We stand side-by side in front of her and I drop my pants and boxers casually, freeing a soft free lesbian cams . You hesitate. She pulls at your shorts and reveals that you are almost completely hard but we are about the same size. She says it's not a fair comparison because I'm still soft. She wants to get me hard. You are a little uncomfortable with that, but she keeps you calm as she strokes me a few times. You get harder watching her stroke me and she notices. She leans forward to suck my head. It barely fits in her mouth. As I stiffen she pulls back saying she can't do that for too long without tiring her jaw out. She compares us. I'm only a couple inches longer, but much thicker. She turns to you and says, "Guess you lost this one, huh?" You stare at her meekly and she grabs your hand and puts it on your penis, stroking twice then moving her hand away so you can stroke yourself. Then she turns back to me and smiles as she unclasps her bra. She pulls off her shirt and bra together, revealing her beautiful tits. I notice her nipples are hard. She takes my head in her mouth again and pinches her nipples as she runs her tongue around me. I tell you to sit down and enjoy the show. You move toward the couch but I look at you and nod to the chair. You take a few steps back and sit down, stroking yourself slowly the whole time. You can't take long strokes with your whole hand around your dick, so you've let out your pinky and loosened your ring finger to get more motion in your strokes. I think you look kind of silly like that, while your wife's mouth is wrapped around my cock, but I don't say anything about it. She move ones hand to my shaft and makes long slow strokes while she sucks my head. She can't close her hand around my cock. Her other hand drops and pushes under the waistband of her panties so she can rub her pussy. I stop her and stand her up, calling you over to take her skirt off. You come over hesitantly, letting go of your dick. You kneel next to us, pull her skirt down, and start to get up, but I catch your eye and nod towards her. You understand, and pull her panties down. I hold my hand out and you put her panties in my hand. I can see they are wet. I hold them to your nose as you stand and your dick twitches as you inhale her scent. I take your left hand and put it over the panties, holding them to your nose, then I nod to the chair and you go to sit down. Your hand returns to your dick. You squeeze hard and a small drop of precum escapes as you sit and watch us. I am behind her beautiful naked body. I reach one hand between her legs and feel that she is very wet for me. I slide my fingers slowly up and down her slit, spreading her wetness around her lips and up to her clit. With the other hand I push her shoulder gently, bending her forward until her nipples rub against the couch. She puts her arms in front of her, resting on her forearms, and looks back at me. She opens her mouth, panting, and moves her hips, rubbing her pussy against my hand. As she rubs her pussy against my hand, I ask you if she ever does this for you. You start to answer, but your reply gets caught in your throat. You swallow hard and stop stroking for a few seconds. She laughs and answers for you "Ha ha, not for him." I can’t help smiling at how she answered for you. She starts to climb onto the couch on her knees, but I stop her by reaching around and gently pulling the top of her thigh towards me. She looks back and gives me a pouty look. I grab her hair and she gasps. Using the hand that has been slowly rubbing her pussy, I gently press the inside of her right thigh, forcing her to move her leg farther out. I rub around her clit and her leg twitches once. I push her head forward, then pull back, all the while holding her by her hair. Her nipples rub against the couch and she lets out one little whimpering moan. I tell you that it’s time for you to kiss her. You excitedly hop up from the chair, still holding her panties to your nose and jerking. You move to the couch, expecting to climb on and kiss her. I take my hand off her pussy and press it against your chest to keep you off the couch. You give me a confused look and I explain that you are only allowed to kiss her lower lips for now. You seem happy with that. You kneel next to her right leg, put her panties on the couch, and try to move your head around the front of her right thigh. Wow, you’re so clueless. I ask you what you are doing and you say stupidly, "trying to kiss her." I tell you to crawl between my legs and hers from behind me then flip onto your back and press yourself up to kiss her. You seem to recognize now that is the easiest way, and you quickly comply. You touch your lips to hers and she rubs her clit against your nose a little. Your babydick quickly deflates as you focus on her body while you are in an uncomfortable position. I ask her if you are a good kisser and she hedges, "well, kinda…" I tell her you’ve gone soft and she seems upset. I rest my hard cock between her ass cheeks while you kiss her, kneading her ass in my powerful hands. She moans. I know it is from feeling me, but you seem to think it is from your sloppy kisses. I ask her why she moaned and she tells me, "I want you so bad." I tell you to scooch up to rest your back on the couch and suck her left nipple. I move my cock from between her ass cheeks, holding it with one hand and guiding it to rub against her very wet lips. She moans as soon as our sexes touch and gasps when my head touches her clit. I continue rubbing her like that, teasing her while you suck her nipple, until she says, "Fuck me." I say "excuse me," and she says, "please just fuck me." I ask her "why me, why not your hubby." She’s getting irritated at being teased so long, and responds harshly "because he can’t make me cum with his little babydick." I’m enjoying this and I ask her "what makes you cum?" She responds breathily, "a real man’s…big, hard…cock." I tell him to guide my cock into you then start sucking her other nipple. You shift a little and reach for my cock, grabbing it in the middle and rubbing it once over her lips before sticking the head into her. Then you move toward her right nipple. I stand still and she moves her hips back onto me a little, making you release her free mature cams nipple. She looks back at me and gives me another pouty look. This time I’m happy to see it. I grab her ass and force myself deeper into her, burying a little more than half my length. I know that is as deep as you go, and I’m much thicker, so I want to give her time to adjust. I fuck her slowly with about half my cock, and she moans for me. I tell you to move out of the way and you cam effects free wiggle off the couch and through our legs. You start to stand, but I tell you to kneel next to us. I notice you are hard again. You give me a look and I know what you want to say, and I answer you before you dare to speak. "Yes, you may pull your little babydick while you watch." You seem relieved. I continue to fuck her slowly and, as she gets used to my size, I feel her pushing back to fit more of me into her. You are stroking very fast and try to clear your throat a couple times. I tell you to keep quiet. You are obviously close to cumming as I’m getting started fucking her. I tell you to go and sit in the chair. You stand up and start walking while still stroking fast, but before you make it to the chair you feel yourself cumming. You reach your other hand around to catch your cum so it doesn’t spill all over the floor. We notice what happened to you. I smile. She laughs. I call you over while I am still fucking her, now almost all the way inside. I tell you to pick up her panties from the couch and use them to wipe off your hand. You do this gladly, happy to have more contact with her wet panties. I notice that you smell them quickly before wiping your small amount of watery cum on them. I tell you that if you want to smell them so badly, that’s fine with me. I tell you to wear her panties on your head while I fuck her. You are hesitant to comply since you just wiped your cum into them. I stop fucking her, pulling back until just the tip of my cock is inside her. She thrusts her hips at me to get me to continue. I tell her I will fuck her when her panties are on your head. She yells at you to do what I told you, asking why you haven’t done it yet. You can’t answer her. You simply put her panties on your head. With one motion, I pull them down over your nose leaving you free to see while you smell a mixture of you and her, and I cam sexy free tell you to go sit down and watch. I grab her right wrist and pull her arm behind her, holding it to her back with my left hand and pulling her hips into me with my right. She can’t stop moaning and panting. Her breathing gets quicker and I slam into her hard and fast, still holding on to her wrist. Her legs shake as she orgasms around the biggest cock she has had inside her tight little pussy. I let go of her arm and her knees give out and she collapses onto the couch. I look over at you and see that you are hard again and stroking. I ask her what she wants you to do next. morethanavg
