Backroom Casting Couch Porn - Four Ways To Reinvent Your Amateur Erotic Video

by RhodaManley0385934 posted Oct 16, 2015


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softcore porn picsA few days ago, I posted in r/BDSMcommunity about my girlfriend and I and a fantasy she had been having. She wanted me to take her. By my choosing, when I wanted to, how I chose, with as much force as I needed. This is the story of just how I did that. The day before, we spent together, and for the most part, it was pretty tame. We hung out, I made lunch, smoked, not much out of the ordinary. Then I brought my computer into the living room, so we could watch whatever we wanted on the larger T.V.. We had just recently began watching porn together, and she took this opportunity to show me the inspiration for her desires. The video she showed me, which featured the lovely Sensei Pearl and Mr. James Deen, link in my other post, was probably a top 5 video of all time for me. Watching it with her made it #1. We fooled around for the rest of the day, and talked about the video and her fantasy the entire time in between. We already identify in a D/s relationship, but this was a new step, one I had never played at all, and she had never fully been able to explore. We had once previously talked about playing something along these lines out, but I chickened out at the last minute, citing being too high to control myself, with a backbone in the fact that I didn't yet feel comfortable putting her in such a vulnerable state. But since that time, I had become more comfortable in our relationship, and in my control over my emotions and desires. This is the point where we did all the safety stuff, the boring stuff you really don't want to hear. Just know we decided this was going to happen the next day, I was going to be gone and ready to return as a monster, her greatest desire and greatest fear. I left her this letter:Good morning, baby girl Today, you will earn being my dirty little whore. You have already agreed to this, and I'm sure to not disappoint you and your greatest desires. And by yours, I mean mine. I'm going to be ruthless, relentless, and I will not break character, outside of the need by use of safe words. Speaking of, I will review your safe words now. Yellow means slow down. Red means stop. If I decide, these are both disregardable. Unicorn with immediately bring everything to a stop, no matter what, and I will immediately begin caring to you and whatever immediate needs you have, including, but not limited to, untying or unshackling you, caring to sore spots, or general cuddling. Now that we have the basics, to the rules. RULES Once you have completed this letter, you will smoke the bowl I have prepared for you, and one more if desired. Put on the clothes I have instructed you to bring. Anything you are wearing when you leave my room is now my property, like you, and I will decide the outcome of it. Proceed to the rest of the house. You are not allowed to leave. You are not allowed outside. You will leave your phone plugged in the bed room. You will not address me by name, until the point as I instruct you to do so. You will fight as you please, but understand the risks if you do so. I will appear when I decide, and not break character until I decide you have been sufficiently used. Be ready, because I will strike whenever I desire, and most likely, when you least expect it. Love always, Your daddy, lover, and today, your worst nightmare (To those of you who are going to criticize me for the ability to disregard a safe word that means stop, it something she wanted. She wanted to really mean stop, and know I still might not. But she knew if it was it, that she could stop me at a moments notice and I would listen.) Then I disappeared. I descended to the depths of my basement, where I knew she wouldn't even think to look. She woke up, and I heard her move about. I could tell what she was doing. I heard her go into the bathroom, brush her teeth, move back into my room. All the duct work was right above my head. Then I heard her stop. I could only assume she was sitting at my desk, reading the letter. Then I got her text. "Ready when you are, Sir." I replied "I've already begun, slut." I waited for what seemed like forever, but in reality, it was less than half an hour. I ascended the stairs, making sure to walk slowly and make as little noise as possible. Peeking through every doorway, I did my best to figure out where she was in my house. While I was hoping to sneak up behind her, it proved impossible. I found her sitting on my bed, Indian style, paralyzed in fear. After getting my first glimpse peeking around the corner, I decided to wait a minute, then explode through the doorway. I jumped onto the bed, tackling her backwards, and throwing the pillowcase I had brought with me over her head. It was thin enough to easily breathe through, as well as see just enough to establish orientation, but not identity me. This was all about making her believe I could be any psycho, any lunatic, there to make her weep. I growled in her ear, choked her, zipped her hands and feet together. It was working. She was whining, panting, on the verge of tears. Well that was a goal, one she had green lighted. When I finally spoke, I reached my goal. "You don't have anywhere to go, anyone to help you, any way out. Now, this is my fantasy." She lost it. It was the finest combination of pure sexual bliss and extreme emotional release I had ever witnessed. She had finally given up, and I had won. Now, it was time to claim my prize. I cut a notch in both her pants and shirt of her pajamas with the scissors that had became one of my essential tools. But the pleasure of ripping them from her body was much greater when I used my hands. Looking at her body, bear of anything but the hood created by the pillowcase and restraints created by the zipties. In that moment, the ties around her ankles snapped, giving me the opportunity to attack her pussy. While she writhed underneath me, I used her, rubbing harsh and firm on her bulging clit. The feeling of strength, hearing her moan and cry in almost matching breathes, knowing she was in her own personal dream, was incomparable. I slowly dragged the hood, held on by zip ties tight enough to keep it down but loose enough to move freely, to just above her nose. Now the ties were tight, and I kissed her newly freed lips, surprised to see her reciprocate. She had officially given up fighting, and was ready to submit fully. I removed the hood, and dragged her to the edge of the bed. I made her beg for everything, and degrade herself. I knew she was my whore, now it was time to make sure she did. And she did. She screamed in pleasure as I slammed into her, using her neck as leverage. With both hands wrapped around her neck, I couldn't imagine a prettier scene. Her face was covered in the leftovers of tears, the combination of our saliva, and pure bliss. But somewhere in this pounding she decided she needed to push me, just like I had pushed her. Looking right at me, dead in the eye, she spit in my face. It dripped from my chin to my neck, and I was there. If I was ever going to be accused of being a sexual deviant, this was my moment to earn that title. I spit back, aiming right at her cheek. She had always said face spitting wasn't very desirable, but I saw the look in her eye. It was the only choice I had, and she knew it. I drug her by the hair to her knees, facing away, and went to my toy chest. I pulled out the more extreme of my two homemade floggers, red and black duct tape, metal bbs, a tool made with no other intention but wreaking pure havoc on my baby girl's ass. And it did. Once I got through a good session with my red machine, it was time to really go in. I brought her two toys. One, a ping pong paddle, the other, my less intense, but still useful, green flogger. She chose the paddle. It was her most and least favorite. I had her hold her flogger in her mouth. She held a cup of ice between her hands. The first twenty went by easy. Then I put an ice cube in her mouth and one in her pussy. She squirmed, eventually having to force the one from within her out. I continued. We made it to eighty before she teared up, alternating every ten with and without an ice cube in her mouth. Once we got to eighty, I put another cube in her mouth, and started again. Each thud seemed to force another tear from her face. By 4, she was at yellow. When I heard it peek from behind the ice in her mouth, I knew now was the moment I need most control. I kept going. She stopped counting, overtaken with sobbing and tears. By 90, she was at red. I heard her, and knew, she needed me to take a risk. I pushed forward, using only 4 more strokes, but pushing her right to where she wanted to be. I stopped, she collapsed. I then took to comforting her,telling her how amazing she had been, and how I couldn't hope for a better baby girl. She was validated, and from all I could tell, in the most sexually fulfilled state of her entire life. We played all day, and into the next, before she left me today for a long trip. It has already formed a memory that will help me get through the next 12 days. Hope to hear your feedback, and maybe I'll post more of our stories in the future.

