Porn Pov - What The Pentagon Can Teach You About Sex Girls Hd

by RhodaManley0385934 posted Oct 16, 2015


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TRIGGER WARNING: THIS STORY CONTAINS NONCONSENTING SEX. She was a college junior. Long, tan legs; dark hair; large eyes and a cute little nose thanks to her Korean genes; perky little tits and an incredibly curved ass thanks to her years of volleyball and dance. She was smart, nice, funny, sophisticated with a touch of immaturity – she was what anyone would call a perfect woman…but there’s no such thing as perfect. This girl, this beautiful girl, was the meanest tease known to man. She’d come from being an ugly little duckling, teased and ridiculed by all the boys, to the beautiful swan she was today. Of course, as any rational girl would do, she would take all her years of torment and funnel the anger into the one way she knew how to get the boys back – by inducing severe blue balls. A soft hand on your thigh as she leaned over to help you with your homework. Whispered jokes right on the edge of your earlobes in the middle of lecture. A playful push with her hips as she walked by you on the way to class. A hug that would press those tits right into your chest. An accidental rub with her ass on your crotch in a crowded elevator. She knew how to play boys like the strings on her guitar, which she’d accompany with her lovely voice to serenade you in her dark room lit with twinkling Christmas lights. Beauty was her delayed gift, and she used it mercilessly. They were three freshmen, awkward and still trying to figure out how to adapt to college. Tall, all at least 6’2" and all good-looking in their own way. Nicolas, a blond, blue-eyes shy boy who knew how to dress casually in well-fitting jeans and flannels, a soccer player with the leg muscles to prove it. Harrison, curly brown hair and dark green eyes, a lacrosse player with burly shoulders and a small self-esteem. Zac, a swimmer with smoldering dark eyes, tan skin, black hair that stuck up no matter how much product he put in it. All three boys were attractive but so uncomfortable with the other sex they’d never even let themselves be kissed. Sarah knew these three boys well, as they’d all been in her orientation group. She’d led them around campus, introduced them to the important faculty, and even helped them move in. She’d worked hard on the boys, teasing them to their absolute limit. She’d bend over in her just-too-short shorts to pick up a box to move into their room, or place her hand just a tad bit low on their backs as she pushed them forward to introduce themselves. All three boys were uncomfortable, but they knew exactly what she was doing. And so, they plotted. It was 4:30am in the morning, and Sarah had just gotten back from a long night of drinking and dancing with random men at a less-than-reputable club down the street from the university. She kissed her girlfriends goodbye, and stumbled into her room. She thought briefly how wonderful it was she didn’t have a roommate, before she ripped her clothes off without abandon and stepped into her private shower. The boys breathed heavily as they watched from her window, and thought briefly how wonderful it was she didn’t have a roommate. Quietly, they jimmied the latch open and slid into her room. Nicolas had the rope, Harrison the toys, and Zac the video camera. It was time to give the girl a little lesson. Harrison, the biggest of the boys, moved quietly into the bathroom where Sarah was singing and soaping down her body, and picked her lace panties up off the floor. Her husky voice sent shivers down his spine, and he paused a moment to appreciate her moving body through the foggy glass. Then, without warning, he slammed the door open, grabbed Sarah, and stuffed the panties into her mouth. He yanked her out of the bathroom and threw her onto her large bed, where Nicolas had already attached ropes to each of the four bedposts. The two boys made quick work of tying Sarah to the bed before she could even scream, while Zac ensured the video footage was good. Her lace panties were so skimpy that they weren’t sufficient to gag her, and Sarah began to scream. Before she could pick up volume, Nicolas stuffed a butt plug into her mouth and tied it into place with leggings he’d found on her floor. It was a huge plug, the thickest part as wide as his wrist, and it was all going to go into Sarah’s ass. Sarah finally stopped straining against the bonds, realizing her fight was useless. Her big eyes looked with confusion at the three boys, and you could practically hear the gears in her now-sober mind whirring, trying to figure out why they were doing this. "Bet you’re confused, huh Sarah?" The moment Zac spoke, Sarah glared at him, her bedroom eyes promising death. "That’s cute, sweet girl, but you’re not going to tell anyone about this, or do anything about it. You see that?" Nicolas asked, gesturing to the camera in the corner. "The moment word gets out, we’re sending that to the grad schools and internships we know you’re applying to. You’ll lose any chance at a good future. Do you want that?" Sarah’s eyes widened, before she shook her head. "Good girl," Harrison murmured. He took the butt plug out of her mouth. "I think this is ready." The other boys nodded, and Harrison moved between her legs, wide open and just waiting to be abused. He added lube to the plug just in case, began pushing at her tight little ring, and Sarah gasped at the intrusion and tried to force it out. But Harrison pushed harder, and soon, with a little scream from Sarah, he managed to get it in. Sarah’s chest rose and fell as she panted with the effort and pain the plug had exerted on her. Zac traced a hand down her stomach, and grinned. "That was the easiest thing we’re going to do all night." Off to the side, Nicolas set out some candles and lit them, while Harrison plugged in an electric wand and a vibrator. Zac grabbed the vibrator and pushed it against her nipples, and Sarah gasped with the sensation. As her mouth fell open, Nicolas fastened a ring against her teeth, so that she couldn’t bite down. Solid metal with a soft rubber casing, the ring ensured nothing inside Sarah’s mouth would get hurt. Zac continued with the vibrator, dragging it down her body before finally settling on her clit. Sarah moaned and struggled as she felt the beginnings of a flame ignite deep inside her, and the boys chucked as they watched her writhe. A thin layer of sweat appeared on her body as her pleasure rose higher and higher, until finally she came crashing down in a powerful orgasm. But the boys didn’t stop, and laughed as Sarah started screaming. The vibrator against her sensitive clit was too much, and she struggled wildly against her ropes. The boys didn’t budge, smashing her clit with the vibrator, and forced two more painful orgasms out of her before they pulled away. By now her sheets were drenched with sweat and cum, and Sarah was already exhausted; it had only been fifteen minutes since the boys had broken into her room. Harrison positioned himself between her legs, and rubbed his huge 9-inch cock against her pussy, lubricating himself before he placed his tip right at her opening. Sarah began to panic, and struggled to rise out of the haze her orgasms had put her in. His cock was way too big, there was no way on Earth that was going to fit inside of her. She tried to pull away, but Nicolas kneeled above her face, and falling onto his hands, he shoved his cock down her throat in one smooth motion. Sarah knew how to deepthroat, but she wasn’t prepared for this. Nicolas was decently sized, seven and a half inches, and wide. She gagged as he thrust in and out of her throat, and moaned in pain as Harrison forced his cock into her vagina. The two boys found a rhythm, and Sarah couldn’t decide which hurt more, her throat or pussy…until Zac brought the electric wand on her. He started with her stomach, and she twitched and tried to scream as the wand shocked her. He moved to her tits, sparking her right on the nipples, sending waves of pain through her breasts. He then moved down, tracing a pattern with the wand and occasionally sparking her, before he told Harrison and Nicolas to pause, and he sparked her right on the clit. She screamed, and Harry and Nicolas slammed into her with a vengeance. Her walls squeezed almost painfully around their cocks, and they came with a shout, deep in her pussy and throat. Nicolas pulled out and immediately held Sarah’s nose, forcing her to swallow the semen in order to breathe. Harry scooped his cum out of her pussy and smeared it onto her face and hair, dragging his dirty fingers across her lips and down her throat. Zac grinned at her obvious humiliation and dejection. "Hey Nic, pass me those candles?" Nicolas handed them over, and Zac grabbed a candle with one hand and the vibrator with the other. Slowly, he pushed his cock into her pussy, and Sarah moaned with the pain, before that moan became a hige-pitched keen as he began rubbing her clit with the vibrator. He slowly thrust in and out, playing with her clit until he felt her walls clench down and she began to cum. Right as she reached her climax, Zac tipped the candle over her tits, raining hot wax onto her nipples and sensitive underboobs. A ragged shout ripped itself out of her throat as she writhed around Zac’s cock, and he groaned as he shot his cum deep in her pussy. Her orgasm ruined, Sarah lay there gasping like a fish out of water. The boys sighed, staring at their handiwork. Cum leaked out of Sarah’s pussy, dark blue candle wax solidified on her tits, her makeup was smeared and her wet hair splayed all over the bed. Her body was covered in red marks where they’d held onto her roughly. But, the night was still young. And they weren’t done yet. Hi guys! This is the first erotic story Ive ever written! Basically one of my fantasies (Im a college girl). Ill probably be putting up stories time to time whenever I get horny...enjoy! collegefantasies
