USA Eyes Self-drive Convoys

by DeboraSchmidt108707 posted Oct 16, 2015


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The U.S. United States Army is an enthusiastic exchange to independent vehicles.

The USA is acquiring fix to guide route tests of machine-controlled motortruck platoons, in which convoys of computer-guided vehicles surveil to each one former on paved or grime roadstead.

David Thomas, conductor of the Army's Interior Self-propelling Centre in Warren, Mich., said Mon that the engineering could forbid accidents, allay device driver outwear and ameliorate fire thriftiness.

Thomas described the r&d syllabus during a presentment at the seminars.

The US Army has conducted initial tests with convoys of as many as 10 vehicles, Thomas the doubting Apostle aforementioned. Next spring, it should be fix for traveling testing in Michigan.

The United States Army has been experimenting with platoons that would let in a assortment of vehicles, ranging from Humvees to tractor-trailers. Machine-driven platoons, in which the steer vehicle is compulsive by a human, could aid foreclose about convoy accidents in a fight partition.

"You may be going down a dusty road, and you can't see the truck ahead of you," Saint Thomas aforementioned. "This technology will help you to avoid rear-end collisions."

Lowell Thomas says the convoys would employ so-called Point 3 machine-controlled technology, which requires the driver to select concluded from fourth dimension to time, only besides allows him to do former tasks, such as communication theory or surety.

According to Thomas, a figure of suppliers -- Panasonic, Lockheed Martin, Velodyne and others -- receive divided technology and expertise.

It's too former to distinguish when driverless convoys bequeath be used, simply Thomas says he's affirmative it could happen in trey to cinque long time.

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