Pov Sex Hd - Pov Sex Movies Reviews & Tips

by RhodaManley0385934 posted Oct 16, 2015


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To preface this, I've lived in the UK all my life, I'm 22 at the moment and have only slept with four guys, three being boyfriends, one of whom I'm currently with and the fourth guy being the subject of this story. I'd also like to apologise for the throwaway account but my current boyfriend doesn't know about this story and nearly everyone I know actually thinks I've only ever slept with people I've been in a relationship with and I'd like to keep it that way. Basically, when I was 16 I went on a camping trip just overnight in a local field with a few of my friends, at that age most of my friends were guys but from what i can remember there was two other girls going along that i was friendly with, and two girlfriends of those guys, all in all i think it was about nine guys, four girls and myself. We all got very drunk and it was a pretty good night, until my ex showed up with one of his friends and his new girlfriend, as it turns out one of the guys decided to invite him. He was the first and at the time the only guy I'd ever slept with so I was a bit emotional about the whole situation, we'd only been broken up for maybe a fortnight at the time? Anyway, I remained suitably pissed off about the whole situation and decided to just head off to my tent and go to sleep, it was a three-man tent that i was supposed to be sharing with a guy and his girlfriend, and my friend who actually owned the tent. It wasn't going to be comfortable but I kinda figured that if i got in their first then I'd at least get the most room. I woke up a while later and heard people coming into the tent and panicked at first before realising that it was just the couple that i was sharing with, the guy who owned the tent was nowhere to be seen yet but i figured that it was just his tough luck and he'd have to squeeze in the corner. The next time i woke up was a bit more unusual, I could feel someone touching me and when i opened my eyes the couple were right in front of me, wrapped up in a sleeping bag asleep but i could feel the other guy spooning me from behind, i then realised that he was kissing my neck, and had his hand rubbing my breast. I started to get a bit worried about what might happen and if the people next to me might notice, I've never been a fan of getting a reputation or doing anything to deserve one so at first i wanted to tell him to fuck off but i didn't want to make a noise in case i woke them. He slid his hands lower and started playing with me and i could feel his hard on touching my back, it wasn't exactly romantic to say the least but i could feel myself getting more excited. He slipped a finger inside me and started whispering about how i was "being selfish" so i reached back and started stroking his cock, the only thing he could say to this was that apparently it wasn't what he meant, he then pulled my jeans and underwear down to just below my ass and spread my cheeks, repositioning himself so that his cock was touching my actual ass hole, he told me that unless i put it in myself, he would put it in my ass instead. I know it sounds bad but the fact that he was being such a prick towards me and the way he was speaking to me actually turned me on, to be honest it was probably the only reason i actually went along with it at the time, so i guided him inside me and while he was going as slowly but as strongly as he could, so as not to wake the others up, he decided to put his fingers inside my mouth and told me to suck on them, so i did. I realised almost straight away that it was the same hand he was using to play with me only moments ago and normally this would disgust me but I guess i just sort've went with it at the time, it felt like i was too involved to question anything, i'd barely even said a word since i'd woken up. He started to say things to me at this point, mostly calling me a slut to be honest, then he decided to take his fingers out of my mouth and started to play with my ass instead, my previous boyfriend had tried this once or twice but I'd never really been into it but ever since that night, It's one of the things that can really send me over the edge. I had to bite down on the blanket so that I didn't make any noise out loud other than a little squeak as i came, a few seconds after this he finished inside me, pulled his cock and finger out almost at the same time and told me that he'd never seen a girl taste themselves before and it turned him on a lot, he apparently wanted to see me do it again and as he readjusted to put his cock back into his boxers my drunken mind told me that a good idea would be to reach down and put my fingers inside myself, as i did i came out with a fair amount of fluids on my fingers, some mine but i guess mainly his, I sucked my fingers dry and in my drunken state told him that i'd love to do it all over again the next morning. I pulled my jeans and underwear back up and we both settled back to spooning normally, falling asleep relatively soon. I felt so ashamed and embarassed when i woke up that obviously there was no repeat and I was so grateful that he didn't try it on with me again, we just packed up the tents and walked home. We never had a proper conversation about it since other than about two days later when it was just a short conversation over msn where I was really only checking that he hadn't told anyone, he promised he wouldn't so we kind've left it at that.

