Vivthomas Password - Rumors, Lies And Ella And Anouska

by Kisha28O66143255 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Last night I had the pleasure (of course) of being at the whim of my peaches and vivien lover and how he feels the need to show his dominate side on me. After all was said and done, he also tasked me with writing up the encounter for this /r/. So, I hope someone enjoys this. Small background for us, I'm a 24 freckled irish girl, super nerdy and curvy and a cute dimpled face and pierced nipples (I do have a picture in a previous post). He's a 30 year old tall and handsome latino, and is quite full of energy. We are both rather alternative, and feel more comfortable having a Dom/sub thing in bed. A lot of our sex tends to end up with me whimpering from spanking and forced orgasms and him with a devilish grin on his face. Like a kid in a candy shop, ready to steal his favorite lollipop. Anyway, I digress. Last night was another such occasion where he decided to enjoy himself and tease the hell out of me. I believe it started with him just looking at me and tackling me while I sat on his bed. Spontaneous, this one. I was already horny all day, as one of my main tasks the past 2 days was that I was not allowed to masturbate. Now, since I wasn’t with him, either, that meant nothing sexual for me. Wet panties left and right, but no orgasms. And even then, with him pinning me to the bed, my underwear were soaked and I was more than okay with his hand sliding over them. I made a gasp as he started to rub me and he stopped. "Close your mouth. If you open your mouth, if you make a sound, I stop. Got it?" I knew he was serious, he does this kind of thing, messing with me and tormenting me. (I kinda like it…) So the game was to keep quiet and mouth closed, got it. Not very easy to do, I’m a bit of a loud mouth, a screamer, moaning constantly. Very vocal, and turns out it’s not easy to keep my mouth closed. He tested me pretty hard, not wasting time to tear off my cloths and start finger my pussy. A couple minutes, and a wet start, later I opened my mouth to moan and breath and he stopped. I closed my mouth instantly and looked at him pleading. He wanted me to listen, okay, fine. He slowly continued to play with me, reiterating his command. Just stopped, took his hands away and pushed me onto my stomach. Of course I was sad, I wanted those glorious fingers back where they belonged. Fingering me and using my pussy to a hot and squirting finish. But no, he tells me to close my mouth again, gets on the back of my legs and grabs my office girls viv thomas ass. Here’s a little anatomy for you, we have a crapton of muscle knots in our asses. Just where they tend to form. So he likes to put his fingers onto my ass and push ever so not-gently to cause just the right amount of discomfort to take me away from all that pleasure he just gave me. My mind was not on the orgasm anymore, I just wanted to get him to stop fingering my ass in the not-so-awesome way. He’s in control, got it. But I kept my mouth shut, I struggled and whimpered as he he played with my ass, probably just enjoying how squishy and soft it is. Eventually he released me and started to move inwards. The nice kind of massage that made me grow hot again. The lesson was to listen to the order I was given, keep my mouth shut. I like this game. His fingers weren’t fingers after long and I felt his hard cock finally out of his pants (when did he have time to undress?). I knew what he wanted and reached back to open my ass to him, offering myself up. From his playing I was already wet and ready for him to do what he wanted. He started to push in, opening me up and sending bright fireworks to my brain. There’s just something about a hard cock sliding into your ass that makes the world an amazing place. I was even being good and keeping my mouth shut, breathing quietly and enjoying the sensation of him slowly pumping into me. I could get used to this. But it did not last long, either. He picked up the pace and I got heated. My breathing picked up and was getting close to an orgasm and he noticed. I lost my focus and I opened my mouth to breath. Bad choice, everything stopped. I was flipped over again, and I had already shut my mouth. I wanted more pleasure, not less. I silently begged him to keep going. Fingers would be welcome, even. And it seemed to work, because fingers I got. He scolded me again for me fucking up, but he kissed me, and sent his hand back down to rub my clit. He was soft this time and he coaxed me on. His kisses didn’t fool me, it was like a trick, I kept my mouth shut and kept quiet and looked into his eyes while he rubbed me. Gods, by this point I was turned on beyond reason and just wanted him to let me cum. His hands kinda viv thomas models drove me nuts, going inside of me and coming out, passing over the clit and diving back in. Back and forth back and forth. I kept trying to keep eye contact, to tell him I wanted to cum, to let me cum on his hand. All at once he went for my nipple and started to suck and bite at it, dove his fingers into my g-spot and held me there. I cried out, I couldn’t help it! But I didn’t cum… And he knew I wouldn’t. He pulled his hand out and rose from me. Another devilish smile. "No cumming today. We’ll save that for Saturday. Until then you’re not to masturbate." Wait. What? So… I lay there in all of my panting (and pouting) glory with the wetness akin to the Mississippi river flowing from my pussy and I get no release. He giggles to himself because he knows he can hold his own until then. I got upset, I won’t lie. But I still love the fool… and good gods his hands do wonders. So now I type this story up while he sits here working, reading over my shoulder. Here’s to hoping this tasks rewards me in a delightful orgasm … finally? (Feedback welcome, this is my first time writing!) applejuicesex
