Selena Rose Nude - Does Hot Sex Perfect Girls Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid?

by LewisEagle930356573 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Lectures have never been the same since she started attending my classes. Only ever the evening classes. For four semesters now, she’s enrolled in my classes. Courses she doesn’t need, courses she’s taken before. I know she doesn’t need the classes, but I’m sure I know why she continues to take them. She always sits in the front of the class, staring into my eyes as I lecture. taking notes, reading the material. Today she’s wearing a long black skirt and a red blouse. Her heels always sings her arrival to my class from the hall. Her red painted lips, always curved into a smile as she watches me pace in front of my white board. I play with my wedding ring as my eyes meet hers. I hesitate for just a second, but continue with my lecture before the class notices. She leans forward in the desk, feigning increased interest in the intricacies of haiku but really just wanting to show off her cleavage. I’m convinced that trying to trip me up during my lecture is a game of hers. I steal a few glances, but only during appropriate pauses. She grins and places her chin on her fist, her brown hair falling in tousles around her face. I announce the homework and dismiss class some time later. As the students file out, they place their creative writing prompts on my desk. I collect them into my briefcase and stroll to my office. She’s just outside the classroom chatting with fellow students. I give the group a nod and head to my office. I’m leafing through the prompts when I come to hers. My star student’s. She tells me she plans to write about a student who’s fallen for her teacher, and that the student will stop at nothing to get what she wants. That it will be a thriller. A knock at my office door behind me. I beckon them to enter. The knob turns and I hear the clack of heels as they enter my office and close the door behind them. I turn away from my computer to my writing desk. She’s standing with her back to the door. I invite her to sit down. As she walks away from the door, I notice she’s locked it. Click clack, click clack as she makes her way to the chair on the opposite side of the desk. She begins to say that she is concerned about her grade, but she can’t help but giggle at her obvious lie. She stretches her arms above her, tilting her head back exposing her neck and pulling the fabric of her blouse close to her chest. I can tell now that she’s either taken her bra off or was never wearing one to begin with. I feel my pants grow tighter. She asks if we can drop the pretense. My eyes drop in a brief moment of sadness. She tells me she wants me. Right here. Right now. She pulls her tight skirt up revealing a pair of lace boy shorts, the crotch is shiny with her anticipation. I take a deep breath as my cock surges. She tells me all she thought about during class was sucking me off. I clench my fingers together into fists and breathe heavily. No longer waiting for permission, she stands and walks around the desk, skirt still hiked up around her waist. She pulls me out from under the desk and can see the growing wet spot on my jeans. She giggles as she spins the chair around so I face her. She crouches down and kisses the wet spot. She takes the head of my cock into her mouth, dragging her tongue across it as she runs her nails up the inside of my thigh. My legs quake and quiver. She straddles me and sits in my lap, pressing her crotch hard against mine. I moan as her lips touch mine. I push her lips apart with my tongue and taste her. I slide my hands up her bare thighs and squeeze her ass. She unbuttons my shirt as we kiss and runs her nails across my chest, up my neck and through my hair. I pull the neck of her shirt apart. The neckline is low and the shirt loose enough that it easily falls over her shoulders. She pulls her arms out of the sleeves as I take her breast into my mouth. She moans softly as I press my tongue hard against her nipple. Cradling my head, she starts to grind against my throbbing erection. I lift her up and set her down on the desk. I lower my head and kiss her pussy through her panties. as I pull them off, a string of her wetness dangles from her crotch to the panties until I pull them over her heels. I slide my finger across her clit making her shiver. With just one stroke my finger is coated and easily slides in. She lays on the desk and kisses and strokes my cock through my jeans to keep from moaning as I finger her. She looks up at me with pleading eyes and asks me if he can come out to play. I tell her she must ask nicely. "Please, sir, please" she says. With a grin, I give her permission. Fumbling in anticipation, she unbuckles my pants and they fall to the floor. She reaches within my boxers and grabs hold of her prize. As she pulls it out, a large deposit of precum oozes out and down her arm. She eagerly licks it up and gives it a kiss on the head. Stroking slowly, playing with my foreskin, she kisses gently. She pulls the foreskin all the way back calling forth another glob of precum. She happily licks it up and takes the head into her mouth. After sucking for only a few seconds, she tells me she wants me inside her. Only too happy to oblige, I pull my finger out and spin her around the desk. She wraps her legs around my hips and draws me in closer. With both of us as wet as we are I slide in with ease. She grabs the back of my head as I thrust hard into her. I place a hand on her hip and another on her breast. She stares into my eyes and bites her lip. Our juices are dripping from her ass onto my jeans. I don’t care. I thrust harder. She grabs my hand from her breast and shoves a finger into her mouth. She sucks hard to keep from moaning too loud. I feel her clench and quake around me. He cum runs down my balls. I push myself deep into her and hold there, feeling her pulse around me. She moves her hand to my stomach and pushes me away, pulling me out of her. She slides to the floor and licks my cock. Starting at the base and working to the head, she cleans her cum off of me. She takes my balls into her mouth to lick them clean and she strokes me slowly. She pulls back my foreskin and licks the bottom of the head. Looking up at me, she flashes a huge grin before taking my cock all the way into her mouth. Slurping and drooling as she slides it in and out respectively, I clench my toes to keep from cumming. She’s amazing at this. I pull her hair back to keep it dry and out of the way. She pulls me deep into her mouth and holds it until she gags. She pulls it back out slurping up most, but not all of the precum-saliva mixture. Long ropes of it dangle from her chin to her breasts, swaying back and forth with her rhythm. I warn her that I’m about to cum. She sucks harder until the first shot is fired into the back of her throat. She pulls me out and strokes me, allowing me to cum across her chest and neck, looking into my eyes the whole time, messy smile on her face. As I finish, she takes me back into her mouth to ensure she’s finished me off completely. She stands and walks around to the chair and pulls a small rag from her purse and wipes her chest and neck. I pull open the large bottom drawer of my desk and grab the fresh pair of jeans I keep stashed there. As I pull them on, she pulls her blouse and shirt back into place. She grabs the bottle of water from my desk and takes a swig. She rinses her mouth and swallows as I toss her panties into my briefcase. She struts back around the desk and hugs me tight. Burying her head into my chest, she tells me she loves me. I whisper it back and kiss her on the top of the head. She looks up to me and puckers her lips. I kiss her deeply. I really do love this woman. She walks towards the door, grabbing her purse along the way. As she unlocks it she turns to face me. "See you at home," she calls to me. "See you there, love," I call back. She’s the best wife a guy could ask for. ~~~~ My first submission, please let me know what you think! This was based on a few conversations my SO and I have had about what we'd do if I did become a writing professor. If you're interested in Star Student's outfit, I'll provide a link in the comments. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the read! recovererer
