My Viv Thomas - How To Teach Peaches Viv Thomas Better Than Anyone Else

by JuliennePolanco122 posted Oct 16, 2015


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viv thomas most subscribedHey guys, I don’t see too many first-time stories here so I’m wondering if this one will be well-received. Please enjoy, and go easy on me, it’s my first time posting here as well! I (F/19) met Isaac (M/19) when we were both sophomores in college. We clicked right away because we loved the same bands and had similar senses of humor. At this point in the relationship we had been dating for about two months, but it felt like so much longer (cue all the cheesy rom-com clichés). He lived about half an hour away, so we made plans for him to stay over in my dorm on a Monday night (neither of us had classes Tuesday). I was a virgin, but if everything went to plan that night I wouldn’t be. Little description of us: Isaac has brown hair and eyes, about 5’8’’ or 5’9’’, wears glasses, and has a pretty lanky build. I (Julie) have wavy blond hair and green eyes, 5’5’’, also wear glasses, and I’m quite lean due to a gym addiction. I’m a 32E if that adds to the story at all. Anyway he came over around 6 pm and we went out to dinner. After dinner we swung by Rite Aid to pick up condoms. I was really nervous and was sure the cashier was judging us, so I stood a bit back as Isaac took care of it. We got back to my dorm room and immediately got into bed. We were both very turned on because we had been flirting nonstop during dinner, and now couldn’t wait to get into each other pants. Clothes came off and we were all over each other. Typically these sessions start with him fingering me until I cum several times, and then me giving him a blowjob until he finishes. Tonight was no different, except that hopefully round two would end in something else… Unfortunately, he couldn’t muster up the energy for a second round, and he fell asleep almost immediately after. He works early hours on the weekends so I couldn’t blame him, but I was still disappointed that I wouldn’t be losing my virginity that night. I threw on a white t-shirt and gym shorts and crawled into bed next to him, falling asleep within minutes. Around 5:30 am I groggily opened my eyes. Isaac was gently rubbing my stomach and waist, lightly pulling me against me. It felt really nice, and I was still half-asleep, so I just snuggled my face into his neck. He continued caressing my waist, and I figured he was just in a cuddly mood. This went on for maybe ten very relaxing minutes, but soon his hands began to stray. One hand brushed up to my breast…and then back down to my waist and hips. I couldn’t tell if it was intentional, since he still seemed half-asleep himself. I lay there, still, pretending to be dozing. His hands kept brushing. Again, one made its way up to my breast, but this time cupped it gently. I was pretty sure he wasn’t just cuddling innocently at this point. I heard his breath catch for a second as he realized I wasn’t wearing a bra. I shifted to give him more access and he saw that my eyes were open. "Someone’s up early," he said with a little smile. Then he slid his hand up under my shirt and teased my nipple, something he knows turns me on easily. I gasped a little in surprise, and he pulled my body tightly against his. I could feel his hardness through his boxers. "If you couldn’t tell, I’m pretty horny," he said sheepishly. I smiled. "Well, we’ll have to do something about that, I guess." This was a response we used often, so it had become a bit of an inside joke. He smirked and continued to caress my stomach and breasts. One of his hands moved down and began to rub small circles along my inner thigh, causing me to get goosebumps. Isaac loved to tease me, so he continued to stroke my inner thigh, occasionally venturing upwards slightly but always returning to that one spot. I could feel myself getting excited and antsy, but he would not be rushed. After what felt like hours, but was probably only five minutes, he finally slipped his hand down through the waistband of my shorts. Still, he only lightly stroked me, his hand dancing around the area that I desperately wanted him to touch. He held the back of my neck with his other hand, and tilted my head so we made eye contact. "You’re so wet," he whispered. "What do you want me to do?" I stammered, unsure what to say. In that moment he plunged his finger into me, and I gasped and immediately began to moan as he rubbed my g-spot. My eyes closed and I was lost in how good it felt. Isaac was amazing with his fingers, there was no denying it. "Shhhh," he murmured. I opened my eyes, he was watching me intently. He slowly slid another finger inside me, never taking his eyes off my face. He continued with his rhythmic motion, and with his other hand reached back and gently pulled my hair. As my head tilted backwards he began kissing me all over my neck and collarbone. I groaned with pleasure. "Baby, you have to stay quiet." His fingers quickened and my breathing got ragged. I felt myself getting closer, trying and failing to suppress my moans. Caught in a sudden wave of pleasure, I cried out, and his hand clamped down over my mouth. My breathing stopped and my back arched involuntarily as I came. I lay there for a minute, catching my breath. Isaac went back to rubbing me up and down. His watch said 6 am. The winter light was already starting to filter in from the window. I couldn’t believe I was up this early, but there was no way I was going back to sleep. I rolled onto my side, facing Isaac, and began kissing him. He was still very turned on, and pulled me against him again. I began rubbing his dick lightly through his boxers (I was never able to tease the way he could) and kissing him along his jaw, neck and shoulder. Isaac is generally quiet in bed, but he’s a sucker for neck kissing. He started sighing and breathing heavily, and I reached into his boxers and began stroking his dick. He gasped lightly and his grip on me tightened. I lightly bit his earlobe and then whispered "We have some unfinished business." (Super cheesy I know, but sometimes you gotta go with what works). He immediately got harder, but asked, "Are you sure? We don’t have to." I loved that about Isaac, he never pressured me to do anything. But my heart was set. "Absolutely." I pulled off my shorts and shirt, and grabbed a condom from the box. He took his boxers off to reveal his beautiful cock. I pushed him onto the bed on his back and began sucking him off. I swirled my tongue up around the head for a bit, and then took the whole thing in and let it touch the back of my throat. I am blessed with no gag reflex so it was quite fun for me. Isaac seemed to like it too, I was rewarded with his sighing and the occasional low groan. At one point he whispered "Fuck…" and I felt myself get even wetter. I could have done that all day but then he said "When you think it’s hard enough, put the condom on." It was definitely hard enough, so I sat back and struggled to open the condom. My hands were shaking, embarrassingly, even though I wasn’t that nervous. I finally ripped it open, and bent down to put it on him. I had watched a youtube tutorial so I was prepared, but I still struggled a bit and my hands were still shaky. I pinched the tip and rolled the condom down his dick. Success! Isaac grabbed me and flipped me over onto my back, so that he was on top. "Guide me in, ok?" he said, and lined up so that his dick was right at the opening. I held it and positioned it to where I hoped was the right place, then said "Ready." He moved very gently and I knew at once it was in the right place. I felt the oddest sensation of my life as he slowly entered me. There was a moment of discomfort, he felt too big, but it passed very quickly and was immediately replaced by a feeling of intense pleasure. I gasped and he looked at me, concerned. "Does it hurt?" "No," I sputtered, "Keep going!" He did, and as he filled me up he put his arms around me, letting me adjust to this new sensation. He looked at me, still concerned. "Are you sure you’re not in pain?" I could only respond: "Fuck me." His eyes widened but my words had their desired effect. He began thrusting into me, and I felt a jolt of pleasure each time. Each movement was electric, I had never felt this kind of fullness and pleasure. He went for a few minutes, and I was surprised that he was lasting so long. I was also surprised viv thomas clips to feel something building up inside me. Isaac stopped for a second and looked at me. "Do you want to try something?" A smile danced on the edge of his lips, a look I loved. "Uh sure," I said, feeling incredibly naïve and inexperienced. "How about you try being on top?" I felt very unsure, but I knew he wouldn’t judge me if I failed terribly. "Uh, ok," I said. He started to pull out of me, then suddenly thrust back in. It felt so amazing that I thought my eyes were going to roll back. I looked at him and the teasing face was back. "Sorry, I had to," he said, then pulled out and got onto his back. I climbed onto him and tried to figure out what to do. I couldn’t seem to get it in from this position, I kept trying and failing. I started to get flustered but I finally lined it up right and lowered myself onto his dick. "Ok, now just go slow, do whatever feels good," he said encouragingly. Cautiously I began to move my hips, and immediately felt a delicious pressure on my g-spot. I starting doing a rolling motion with my hips, and it felt like heaven. I was shocked to find that I could feel an orgasm building. I began to grind into his dick, getting close. Suddenly he wrapped his hands around my neck and pulled my head to his, saying "Come for me, come like a good girl." Hearing that pushed me over the edge, and I fell forward onto him as I dissolved in pleasure. As I climbed off and flopped onto my back, I saw Isaac glance at his watch. It was already 7 am! People would be getting up soon, so it was getting time to wrap it up. Isaac got back on top in missionary and we started fucking again. "Harder baby," I said breathlessly. He groaned and started thrusting harder. It felt amazing, I loved how deep he felt. All at once he grabbed my legs and put them over his shoulders, then thrust from that position. I nearly cried out from the sensation but I managed to hold it in. Remembering what had pushed me over the edge earlier, I decided to try something. I grabbed his head and pulled his face to mine. Eyes locked, I whispered "Cum for me baby, please! Please!" Then I kissed him deeply, and he began to groan and shudder. All at once he grabbed my back as tightly as he could and let out one final shudder, then collapsed with all his weight on me. I started stroking his hair and rubbing his back while kissing his shoulder. "Julie, oh my god." We held each other tightly for a minute, then he got up to dispose of the condom. I lay there, stretched out and trying to process what had just happened. Isaac climbed back up on the bed and pulled the comforter over us, and we eventually fell back asleep, tangled up in each other. Thank you for reading! wild-country [1 comment]
