Softcore Pics - Create A Wow Girls You Can Be Proud Of

by RhodaManley0385934 posted Oct 16, 2015


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high definition porn videoA few weeks into my (19f) sophomore year of college, I became close with a cute freshman boy, Dean (m19). We hung out all semester and I gave him advice about fraternities, rushing, classes, meeting older kids etc. Dean was tall with dark hair and a great body. He'd played soccer in high school and was lean and toned. He introduced me to some of his friends and I had a few casual hookups with one or two of them, but nothing ever happened between Dean and me. Until one night after winter break. We'd talked over break and he'd told me that he'd gotten back together with his girlfriend, who went to another school. I wasn't surprised – I could tell he hadn't really gotten over her when they'd broken up before college. He talked about her all the time, and he hadn't hooked up with anyone first semester. According to Dean, they "weren't exclusive" and wouldn't consider it cheating if they drunkenly made out with someone else one night – but he didn't think he'd be hooking up with anyone else. The first week back from break was a lot of huge parties because of spring rush – older guys trying to show off and get freshmen to join their fraternity. I came to the frat Dean was rushing late one night, having been at another frat's semiformal. I was wearing a blue velvet dress that was backless and made my ass look great, and I arrived pretty drunk. I immediately found Dean and he and I began talking. People had moved the party upstairs and we went to check it out. We got upstairs and it felt like high school again – tons of people jammed into a living room, people dancing on tables, couches, shirts off, makeouts everywhere. Dean and I were in the corner people-watching when I suddenly felt his hands slide around my hips. I was shocked but I was also drunk and horny, so I wasn't about to question it. I melted back into him and pressed my ass against his crotch, and feeling how hard he was turned me on even more. I grinded against him and leaned into him even more. Dean's hands were running up and down my thighs and I turned my head to moan in his ear. I felt his lips brush my neck and decided I wanted more, right now. I still couldn't believe this was happening – Dean, who was so into his girlfriend, Dean, who'd been one of my closest friends this year. But I was secretly thrilled. I took his hand, dragged him into the empty kitchen, and leaned up against the counter. I grabbed his collar and yanked him into me and we began kissing furiously, like this was what we'd needed all this time. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer; his hands slid all around my back and down to my ass. It was so hot and so frantic, I was getting so wet – I was still so shocked but also thrilled that this was happening. "Do you want to get out of here?" he murmured. The sound of his voice made my whole body buzz. I didn't even answer, I just took his hand and led him out the front door, ignoring the jeers and catcalls from all our friends. We got into a car to take us back to campus, and here's where the story slows down. I was in the front seat and he was in the back; we were chatting with the driver and all of our urgency from before was gone. When we got back to campus we both got out but I could tell he probably wasn't planning on coming back to my room. Outside the car he put his arms around me. "Carly, I'm sorry, that was really fun but I can't. Please don't be mad, I really want to, I just can't." I could feel the heat between us melting away in the car ride home so I wasn't surprised or mad – I figured it'd been a drunken mistake on his part and it wasn't worth wrecking our friendship by being pissed off over this. I told him it was fine and headed back to my room, frustrated and kind of embarrassed. I'd barely made it into my suite when my phone buzzed. Dean had texted me. "I'm so sorry. I don't know who I need to be with." I didn't respond, not wanting to get into a discussion about his girlfriend. "Please respond." I texted back – "Idk what to say...if you want to be with your girlfriend I have to respect that, it's not fair to lead each other on if you're gonna back off or regret this." My phone rang – Dean was calling me. I didn't want to let myself get excited only to be disappointed but I couldn't help but get turned on at the thought of him calling me, hearing his voice. I picked up. "Hey." "Carly, I don't know what I want." "I don't know what to tell you...I don't want to be a regret for you." "You wouldn't be. I keep thinking I want to be with my girlfriend but then I see girls like you're awesome and I love hanging out with you and you might be changing my mind." I didn't answer...I didn't want to have to convince him to come over even though God knows I wanted him. "Are you still awake?" "Yeah." "Do you want me to come over?" I couldn't answer fast enough. "Yes." "I'll text you when I'm outside your dorm." I was so excited. I still couldn't believe it. I tore off my dress but kept on my lacy pink thong. I wasn't wearing a bra but I put on a thin white tank top that was pretty see-through. I got a text that he was here and opened the door; we barely spoke before I jumped up on my bed and pulled him close. We were kissing again with the same urgency we had at the party. I dragged him up on the bed and straddled him; I could feel how hard he was through his jeans and I rubbed my pussy right over his hard-on. His hands grabbed my ass, sending waves of excitement through me. I got even more soaked when he ripped off my cami. "Take my shirt off," he growled. I slid his shirt over his head, loving the sight of his toned abs. I reached for his pants, unzipped them, and pulled them off along with his boxers. His cock was rock-hard and standing up straight; I went back kissing him, sliding my body up and down over his cock, getting wetter by the second. He grabbed my waist and positioned me over his cock, pulling my panties to the side. His urgency was turning me on. He had to have me right now. I teased him for a minute, rubbing the head of his dick up and down my pussy until he put his hands on my hips and yanked me down. I gasped as he filled me up. "Tell me what you want," he growled. So he liked to talk dirty – that turned me on so much. "I want you to fuck me," I whispered. "Hard." He flipped me over forcefully – his aggression turning me on – and thrusted into me. I moaned at how good he felt. I trailed my hands down his back. "Dig your nails into me," he growled. I pressed my nails into his back and ran them down his body. He went faster and faster and I wrapped my legs around him. He moaned loudly. I pushed him off of me and onto his back, straddling him again. He had his hands on my boobs as I rode him, shaking the bed with each thrust. "Your tits are huge, Carly. Let me fuck them." I had never done that before but Dean was making me feel so hot and so wanted, I got on my back and he pushed his dick in between my boobs. It was so hot seeing his dick in my cleavage but I wanted to ride him again; we switched places and I fucked him, hard. He slapped my ass, sending waves of heat through me. I didn't expect him to be so rough but it turned me on so much. "Oh, fuck, Carly, you're going to make me cum," he moaned. Oh, god, his voice sounded hot. He sounded so desperate and so turned on. I got off him and circled the tip of his cock with my tongue and he shivered. His whole body actually shivered. I felt like a sex goddess. I took his whole cock in my mouth and he grabbed onto the back of my head, face-fucking me. His dick rammed the back of my throat and I almost gagged but I kept at it, wanting so badly for him to cum. He grabbed my hair and dragged me up to him. "What do you want?" he growled. "I want you to come for me," I panted. "I want you to come in my mouth, I want to make you come." I kept sucking his dick and lightly dragged along his balls with my fingertips. He moaned again and I could feel his dick twitching in my mouth. I went faster and wrapped my hand tightly around the base of his dick; he gasped and I could taste him coming in my mouth. I swallowed and leaned back, his eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily. I didn't care about the girlfriend, I didn't care about our friendship, I was just glad I'd made him come so hard. He looked up at me amazed, and I felt amazing. I laid down next to him and we went to sleep. In the morning he left pretty quickly, he definitely felt more awkward about our hookup without a drunken veil to blame his actions on. I hope to God he doesn't regret this, though – he was such an amazing, rough, sexy fucker and I hope we hook up again. partieswithsluts
