Lets Try Anal Porn - Best Nine Tips For Casting Porn Videos

by DarrellBeadle7449769 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Part 1
I flipped the switch as the harsh fluorescent light swarmed the room. Even fully exposed, Victoria unleashed potent sexuality in the dress, as the tight black reflected the light. I explained myself, "If you’re going to force me to this, I’m going to show everyone just how evil you are," before marching over and sliding my hand up her dress. She looked over to the windows and uneasily noted how everyone ftv girls videos walking by would be able to see us, her sentence cut short by a moan as I eased my finger deep inside of her. Her legs kicked up as I reached her G Spot, reminding me how her legs illustrated absolute sexuality in the fishnets and pumps. Quickly, her gaze moved from the windows to my eyes, as I removed my boxer briefs and kneeled down to enter her. I thought of all of the hours we had spent around the coffee table we were now using each other’s bodies on. Victoria and I eating dinner, watching movies with everyone, or just the two of us spending hours upon hours studying around this table.
Her moans grow loud as my cock finds a rhythm, pounding into her with the aggression she cultivated in me. I had never been an exhibitionist in any capacity, but the thought of people seeing the two of us giving in so primally to our instincts only made me bolder. As I’m enjoying Victoria’s sultry expressions while I plunge my dick further in her, she tries to turn the tables with some exasperated dirty talk, "What if you girlfriend sees us? You gonna keep fucking me when she pounds on the window?"
Victoria’s words pushed me to the edge: the combination of her trying to make things even dirtier and knowing how much she hated Amber turned me on to the point of no description. I thought I was going to cum when I remembered that I couldn’t let up after what she had done. These thoughts were broken when I heard a series of cheers outside. A group of drunken students could see us from the road and were acting predictably. Expecting to see Victoria nervous, I instead feel her hand reach behind my neck as she forced herself harder on my cock – suddenly the audience had inspired her. Playing into it, I pulled out, gestured to my dick, and crassly commanded, "Show them what you can do."
Victoria laughed to herself, "No fucking way, you owe me head."
The two of us wrestled with each other, trying to seem the most powerful to our anonymous audience. Ultimately, I had her turned around, and capitalized on the opportunity to begin fucking her from behind. She resisted briefly before playing into it again as more drunken cheers poured out. Victoria put her hips into it, and moaned loudly despite the fact that I would be the only one able to hear it. Feeling the need to keep up, I grabbed her hair and pulled a bit as we continued to fuck relentlessly. The sound of our flesh colliding roughly echoed off the barren walls as she came loudly. A bit unnerved that the crowd had stuck around so long, I whispered into Victoria’s ear, "Let’s continue this upstairs" At a loss for words, she pulled off my cock, and hit the lights before wandering to the stairs. In the pitch black house, we collided at the base of the stairs and began to make out rampantly having gone from full display to total invisibility. Me, naked except for my mask, and Victoria still in her dress, fishnets, and heels felt nearly the same height as I roughly felt wesharedream.com her tight curves in the absence of light.
Both of our hands had no boundaries, as my hands inevitably made their way back to her breasts, unhooking and barely unzipping the top of her dress for easy access; meanwhile one of her hands pulled tightly on my hair while the other worked tightly around my shaft. Our lips separated long enough for her to whisper to me, "Take whatever you want."
A fire in me was lit realizing I had again tamed the one who had marked me as prey first. Realizing that her submission was what I wanted most, I whispered back, "I have an idea," before guiding her up the stairs. Nearly at the top, we both drunkenly tripped over each other, I decided then was as good a time as any to "take what I wanted."
Swiftly I hoisted Victoria on to the top step and pushed her dress up. Initially unsure what I was getting at, I dived in between her legs, and began to work my tongue like a paintbrush on her clit. As I continued to obsess over her with my tongue in the pitch black stairwell I threw her legs over my shoulders. I could feel her getting closer and closer with each one of my tongue’s strokes, and as the pleasure rushed to her, she began to carve into my back with her heels. I grunted in pain, but worked twice as hard, my back feeling torn up as she came and moaned the most beautiful symphony of noises.
I could hear little more than a whimper from Victoria as she lay crooked on the stairs. All I felt like I wanted to do was continue to fulfill her fantasies after she had reawakened mine by squeezing into that tight leather dress. With the little strength I had left, I pulled her up from the stairs and threw her against the wall outside her bedroom. Victoria seemed to reignite once she knew what was happening next. Just as it happened on Halloween two years prior, she reached down for my cock as I forced her onto it. Knowing we were both spent, I fucked Victoria against the wall with any trace of energy I could muster, while she cooed my name in between choruses of "Fuck yes!" Her finger nails dug deep into the fresh wounds created by her heels – the pain just fueling me to give it to her harder. In an effort to hoist her higher, I tore the bottom of the zipper on her dress, forcing it to unzip the wrong way, but provided me even better access. As I got closer and closer to cumming, I felt her legs wrap around me, "Throw me on the bed." She moaned out of her panting lips.
As I held her in my arms, I knocked the door to her room open to discover she had left a small lamp on. I looked down at her body, glimmering in sweat, with a torn up dress clinging on to her curves for dear life. A few steps in, and I tossed her onto her bed. She bounced off the springs and nearly fell to the ground, instead pivoting to catch herself. Keeping in step with what I had done moments earlier in the living room, I decided to make the most of the position, leading my cock into her from behind. She moaned fragile moans, calling for me to cum – which inevitably felt like it was arriving only a few pumps in. Confidently, I pulled out, and aimed at the dress’s fragments, cumming all over it and her lower back. Exhausted, I simply reminded her, "I told you," before both of us collapsed in her bed.
Unsure whether anything more had happened and the tequila had made me forget or if we had just passed out from all the activity, I woke up around 6 AM to the sound of construction across the street. Still feeling a bit tipsy, I looked over to Victoria who had curled up next to me, still in the full outfit. Slowly I saw one of her eyes open as a power tool kicked up. "Shit…" I heard her let out, "I’m still drunk."
I nodded and responded, "I think I am too," a grin came across Victoria’s face.
Initially, I thought she was just smiling about what had happened last night, but she shifted her body, straddling me. I looked up at her, with her smudged eyeliner and wild hair. She straightened herself up on her knees, pulling off her heels which she had apparently managed to sleep in all night; the dress meanwhile, still half-on, unzipped partially on both ends. She looked at me drunkenly and then swooped down, landing her tongue in my mouth. Still drunk, and still turned on by my actions, I kissed back hard, eventually sliding my hands down between her thighs. She moved my hand away silently and began to kiss down my stomach, teasing me with kisses everywhere but my dick. As the sunrise peered in through her window, she took my cock in her mouth, bobbing up and down on it. Speechless, I just laid back and enjoyed it. "You like that?" She sighed as she came up for air.
"So fucking much," I shot back, unprepared for the dirty talk. She continued to suck mercilessly on my cock, looking for a quick conclusion.
Victoria came off my dick again, "And you’re okay with me sucking your dick, right now?"
I was rattled by the implications of the question; however immediately after asking she took me in all the way to her throat. I responded honestly, "I don’t really have a say when you give head this good, Victoria." Saying her name felt so dirty, but I felt like I had to.
She moaned when I said her name as she continued to mesmerize me with her tongue. She caught her breath again, working me over with her hand as she stated, "Last night was so much fucking fun. We both needed that." She slid her mouth back on to my cock.
I groaned in pleasure, before agreeing, "Just like you said, we’re in college, this sort of thing happens." She moaned happily again, the vibration feeling great on my dick. She started working extra hard, and I felt like I was about to cum. "Oh shit, Victoria, that’s so fucking good," I let out as I finally came in her mouth.
She made all sorts of pleasurable sounds as she sucked every last bit off my cock. She gave one last grand suck with her lips puckered around my shaft before pulling off and curling up next to me and swallowing hard. Victoria let out a sigh of relief, "and with that blowjob, that book is closed." I looked at her a bit puzzled, she followed up, "We can just forget about our fucked-up college passionate lesbian sex video and be friends. As of today we can look back and say, ’That was just some crazy stuff we did in college.’ We get a clean slate."
It took a moment to sink in, but as the guilt washed away, I smiled, "I like that. That will work."
Victoria smiled back, "Good. Those memories will only come out when they’re needed. Like when I’m middle-aged and bored." She laughed, "But holy shit, those two nights will be tough to forget."
"Here’s hoping tonight will be too, but for entirely different reasons."
"Agreed," Victoria said, closing her eyes to sleep a few more hours, "But you better give me your mask back."
"Sure thing," I said as I closed my eyes.

