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This is extremely long, but that's because I like to give a little backstory, helps the imagination. I started work at this firm early last year. On my first day there, my immediate boss gave me a tour of the floors we occupied in the building. As we were in the elevator, this chick walks in, drop viv thomas girls dead gorgeous. I would estimate that she is about 5’7" with her heels on, absolutely gorgeous face, with nice lips that were kissable, dirty blonde hair, looked like she didn’t wear much makeup. Everyone in the office was required to be in full professional attire at all times, as such, she was wearing a skirt, black pantyhose, a blouse and a suit over the blouse. So I could not see her boobs clearly, but I would guess she had a B cup. From what I saw here alone I could tell she was definitely a nine. As she came in the elevator she smiled at my boss. That smile would drive anyone insane. She proceeds to look at me and the smile was gone. She turns around to face the elevator door as it closes, and I couldn’t help but look down at her ass. Even in that skirt I could tell she had a nice ass. Now I have always had a fantasy of doing someone while they were in business attire, rip their pantyhose and just fuck them, and I wanted that person to be her. But alas I am me, so there was no hope. Little description of myself: I am 26, 6’0" tall, average/skinny body type, black hair, and average penis length (6-7"). I have absolutely no confidence with the ladies, after quite a few rejections, my confidence level has been obliterated. So fair to say I am pretty awkward in these scenarios and don’t get out much. So as the elevator goes up, my boss makes small talk with her and I just stood there quietly and awkwardly. She leaves the elevator and my boss and I stay to go up a few more levels. I didn’t see her for the rest of the week as I had orientation and had to meet with the higher ups and such. The following week I got my cubicle. As fate would have it, my cubicle was near the girl. If I leaned back in my chair I could see her. I talked to a few co-workers that day and I was able to find out from one of them that the girl’s name was Katie, she started there about three months before me and that she was 25 years old. At the end of the week, a few of my co-workers invited me out to go to a happy hour. I usually hate happy hours unless they are with my close friends, but because I didn’t want to seem like a recluse, I decided to meet some people. The bar was pretty packed but a few of us got a table with some stools. Katie was also there but at a different table. Some other guy from the office was hitting on her or just talking to her. I was jealous that I would never have the courage to do that, but nothing I could do about that. I didn’t want to drink too much and get drunk among my new co-workers, so I chose to have only one drink. After I finished my beer, I went to the bar to get a glass of water (didn’t want to be empty handed as I talked to the co-workers.) As I said before, the bar was packed and it was difficult to get service. After about 10 minutes I finally got my glass of water. I quickly turn around to return to my seat and my hand hits someone’s arm and I spill the water on this person. As my luck would have it this person was Katie. In reaction, Katie dropped the drink she had in her hand on her shoes. I have never seen anyone get as red, as quickly as her. I immediately grabbed some napkins off the bar counter to attempt to pat her dry or something. I wasn’t really thinking, just completely embarrassed. She grabbed the napkins from me, stuck her middle finger at me and started cursing at me. Being an awkward type of guy in these situations, I just stood there. She started saying "you fucking asshole, you saw I was there, you fucking did this purposely so you can touch viv tomas me, go fuck yourself. Why are you even here? No one wants you fucking here, no one gives a shit about you. Go FUCK YOURSELF." At this point she continued to curse at me, I got a few stares but I was mostly worried that my co-workers would have heard. Thankfully none of them saw. I apologized to her and quickly left the bar. Personality is a big factor for me, she immediately went from a nine to a two. Additionally, any confidence I had went to a zero. I felt like shit, not because I spilled water on her, but because of what she said. She was a complete bitch! Obviously I was nervous going to work the next week. I kept my distance from her and tried to avoid all contact, but that was impossible as we were on the same floor and worked on the same projects. Whenever we had team meetings, she would make it a point to disagree with me, I think just for the sake of disagreeing with me, even though the boss agreed with my points all the time. When I made a mistake on a file, she would email me back and say something along the lines of you’re a moron, fix your mistakes. Meanwhile, if we look at any of her files you will find that there are mistakes at times too. She was an uptight bitch! The Queen Bitch of the office. Several months of this passed and June came around. The World Cup was on at this time and my immediate boss was an avid soccer fan. He would let us out early sometimes, so he can go watch the games. Usually my boss and my co-workers would go to a local sports bar to watch the game, I stayed away because I knew the Queen Bitch would be there. I focused on my work. However, I think when it was US v. Portugal or Ghana, my boss came up to my cubicle and invited me to the bar to watch the game. I think he sensed that I was being left out. I wanted to decline but decided to go and just keep my distance from the Queen. Even before we entered the sports bar, Katie came up to me and said "stay away from me, I don’t need you to spill something on me again." I just smiled and let her walk in first. I kept my distance and drank with the other co-workers. For all her bitchiness, I couldn’t help but look at Katie occasionally. Whenever I looked, she was talking to this random group of guys. I saw that they were buying her drinks, and trying to touch her arm, but she was pretty much dismissing them off. Towards the end of the game I was a little drunk. I didn’t notice it immediately, but Katie came and stood next to me. I figured she wanted to make me move, I wasn’t planning on moving, but I didn’t want to put up a fuzz. So I grabbed my beer and was about to move, when she grabbed my arm and said don’t worry about it. The way she grabbed my arm made me completely forget about how bitchy she has been to me. I smiled and put my beer down. She was clearly drunk. Our co-workers were around us so I just talked to the other co-workers. Out of nowhere she accidentally drops her phone and it hits the ground. She bends down to pick it up. As she is bending I saw down her blouse (she was wearing a semi-loose blouse. I saw really nice cleavage. I could tell from that alone she definitely had perky tits. All I could think about was my dick between her tits. I immediately got a boner and it started to stick forward. I put my hand in my pocket to discretely adjust it. She looked up and saw me adjusting and looking down at her tits. I looked away. She then starts to make small talk to me and I made small talk to be nice. I apologized for spilling water on her before and she said don’t worry about it. She was just upset because those were her favorite shoes. (SHALLOW) I offered to buy her a drink, she accepted, so I got her a Blue Moon. We drank and talked a little. The game had already ended at this point and I was tired, so I said bye to everyone and proceeded to leave. As I left the bar, I noticed that Katie was behind me, but she was stumbling as she walked in her heels. She was clearly drunk. I offered to hail a cab for her, but she kind of yelled, "NO, I’m taking the subway." I was taking the subway too, so I walked next to her in case she fell or something. We didn’t make conversation, but she would sometimes grab my arm if she needed to steady herself and then immediately let go. She was taking the same line as me, as it figures, her apartment is right across the street from my apartment building. Once we got off at our exit, we started to climb the stairs, she was still drunk, but not as drunk. She clearly recovers quickly. But as we were climbing the stairs, she misses her footing and almost fell back, I caught her from behind and steadied her. She didn’t even say thanks and continued to walk up the stairs. We walked in silence, well she stumbled in silence. She stopped walking and turned to me. She looked me in the eyes, and I once again noticed how beautiful she looked with those green eyes. I smiled. She smiled. Then she asks me, "Did you like what you saw?" I knew she was referencing when I looked at her cleavage. I obviously started to turn red and thought in my head it would be nice with my dick between them. Funny story…that thought in my head came out of my mouth. I could not believe what I said, I immediately close my eyes, waiting to be smacked. Instead she responds, "you wish, but I don’t titty fuck." Not the response I expected, kind of bummed that she doesn’t, but considering I had no chance with her anyways, this was better than getting smacked. I started to walk faster to get home and hide, but she was still stumbling slowly. So I waited for her to catch up. Finally we reached the block of our apartment. I said bye and started to walk towards my apartment, I turned around and saw her slowly crossing the street, when she stumbled to the right and it looked as if she twisted her ankle. I ran back to help her up. One of her heels broke and she definitely twisted her ankle. I offered to walk her to her apartment, but she yelled back (I guess in pain) "No! My apartment is a mess, I’ll manage." She looked like she was on the verge of crying too. She was having immense difficulty walking that I reluctantly offered to allow her to come rest in my apartment till she was good enough to walk back. I really hoped she would refuse so I could hide from her, but she accepted, much to my surprise. I put her arm around my neck and she hopped to my apartment. I put her on the couch, got her some water, and turned on the TV. I got her some ice and started to put it on her ankle, which was resting on the leg rest. I couldn’t help myself, but I slowly touched her leg and moved my hand ever so slightly. She didn’t move or anything, I don’t think she felt it, maybe because she was wearing pantyhose or something. But I stopped because I didn’t want to take advantage. I went and sat on the couch, but not too close to her. She seemed less drunk now, probably because of the adrenaline from the fall. But she kept smiling at me and kept watching TV. She looked really cute right then and there. I really wanted to take her. Just the thought of it though gave me another boner. I didn’t think she noticed but with dress pants you can never tell. She kept looking at the TV. We continued to sit in silence. I would say about an hour and a half passed at this point. I wanted her to leave, I was getting tired. I asked if she needed anything else or needed help getting back, hoping she would take the hint. She asked me for another ice pack………… Clearly did not take the hint. I got her another ice pack and once again I couldn’t help but feel her leg. She felt my hand this time, and moved her feet away from my hand. I quickly retracted and just went and sat back down on the couch. She slowly moved a little closer to me. I smiled at her. She then proceeded to put her hand on my thigh. I did not react, just sat there. She started to move up and quickly glanced over at me. I kept my eyes on the TV, she then looked at the TV. But her hands kept going towards my dick. She unzipped my pants and pulls out my dick and smiles. I had a full boner at this point. She started to slowly stroke it. She picked up the pace to giving me a handjob, or what she calls a handjob. It was more tugging and it was quite uncomfortable for me. She was quite terrible at it, I don’t know if it was because she was tipsy or not. She sensed my discomfort and stopped. She then did the unexpected, she proceeded to put her head near my dick. She started to lick the head, ever so slowly. And then little by little started to take my dick into her mouth. I didn’t want to force her or anything so I just left my hands where they were. She kept sucking, picking up the pace, and then slowing down. She obviously knew what she was doing. She used the right amount of tongue. I could feel her salvia on my dick and it felt amazing. She would try to take it all in, but stopped herself about 3/4 of the way down. She kept at it, going up and down with her head. She pulled my balls out of my boxers and started to fondle them. It felt amazing. At this point I wanted to take her blouse off to see her tits but she was laying on her left side, and I didn’t want to stop the blowjob, in case she changed her mind. I let it be and put my hand on top of her skirt and moved it in circular motions, trying to feel her up a little. I was at the verge of cumming when she stops and looks right at me. I thought I did something wrong so I stopped stroking her ass. She then says, "are you going to take care of me or what?" That put me over the edge and I cummed straight onto her face. (Smooth, I know…) She wasn’t too thrilled about it, but I just sat there for a few seconds to breath, before I apologized and got her a towel to wipe her face. She wiped her face and I put my dick back in my pants, still wet from her salvia. She remained sitting close to me and our hands touching. I got a sudden boost of confidence and decided to kiss her. I looked at her, her beautiful eyes and went in for the kiss. She kissed back, but then pulled away. Her eyes looked down for a second and then she started to kiss again. We furiously started to make out. I started to feel up her legs again. I wanted to fuck her right then and there, but decided to go to the bedroom. I helped her up and as we kept kissing we made our way to the bedroom. I threw her on the bed and kept kissing her. I knew this was my chance of fulfilling the fantasy of fucking someone while they are in business attire. As soon as that thought ran through my head, she stops kissing me and said she didn’t want to ruin the skirt or blouse and took them off and set them off to the side. Bummer, but whatever. Now the light in the bedroom was off, so I couldn’t really see much, but from what I saw she looked beautiful. She still had her pantyhose, panties and bra on. She had nude pantyhose on, black panties (nothing special) and a black lace bra. I started to kiss her again and started to finger her through the pantyhose. She would let out little moans, but she kept trying to pull the pantyhose down. Then she would take her hand and push my head down. I knew she wanted me to go down on her. At this point her legs were hanging off the bed and as I was making my way down I started to get on my knees. Before I could get down to her pussy, which was starting to get really wet, I wanted to take her bra off. I took her bra off and threw them to the side somewhere. I started to suck on her tits, while fingering her through her pantyhose. She started to moan a little louder. But then asked me to stop sucking on them. I don’t think she likes anyone touching her boobs. So I kept going down, at this point I was completely on my knees. I pulled her pantyhose down slowly to her knees and then pulled her panties down. I took them both off completely and threw them to the side. I slowly caressed her legs with my hands. She seemed ticklish as her legs started to close and tighten up as I did that. But her legs felt fantastic, nice and smooth. I spread her legs apart and I put my tongue on her already wet pussy and started licking. She felt clean shaven down there. She tasted really good too. Best pussy I have tasted and it didn’t smell either. So I kept going at it. Licking and fingering. All the while she is moaning. I noticed that her pussy was tight, thus I didn’t want to force my fingers in too quickly or too far to discomfort her, so I started off easy. There was this nice texture about her pussy that I liked. I stroked my finger from the bottom of her pussy to the top and then started to play with her clit, applying a little pressure and then fiddling with it. This went on for about 15 minutes, at which point she still hadn’t orgasmed. I was disappointed, but I was probably doing it wrong. My fingers were getting tired so I took one last lick and made my way back up. I figured she was horny enough so I tried to play with her tits again but her hands pushed my face away. Taking the hint I moved up and kissed her, letting her taste whatever pussy juice I could get from her. She kissed me and licked my lips. I think she liked her own juices. She started to rub her own pussy while I kissed her. I pulled her up so that she was fully on the bed now. I was ready to enter her when she looks at me and asks me to put on a condom. I look back at her and said I didn’t have any. Which was the truth, I never had chicks over, so it was not really needed. She looks back at me, I couldn’t make out a full facial expression because the room was dark, but I suppose she was angry. She continues to finger herself. Then she asks me if I was clean. I said yes (I was). She contemplates for a second and then says I’m on the pill. All I needed. I started to rub my dick against her pussy. My dick was getting wet. I put the head of my dick in her wet pussy. She was tight. Really tight. I could sense that she was in a little discomfort as I pushed in, so I pulled out and went back to licking her pussy in hopes of making her wetter. I started to finger her again and lick her. She kept fingering herself too. She started to moan loudly again and her pussy was extremely wet again. I wiped my dick in her pussy juice. Then I put the head of my dick back in her. Slowly I made my way forward, all while kissing her. She squirmed and moaned. Little by little I was going in further and further. I could feel how wet she was inside and how tight her grip was on my dick. It felt amazing. Finally I pushed about three fourths of the way in and slowly pulled out leaving just the head in. I slowly started to thrust in and out, trying to force more of my dick into her, all while profusely kissing her. She moaned louder than before. I put my right hand down to her pussy and fingered her as I fucked her. In and out. I picked up the pace. At this point I never fully got my dick in all the way, because she was really tight, but as I was almost there she started to yell "FUCK FUCK FUCK, UGH UGH, FUCK…." I slowly started to pull out thinking I might have hurt her, but then I felt her leg wrap around me and pull me in, her hand on my lower back started to clench harder. Her legs started to shake a little, and then more violently. I felt it on my dick, the fluids of her pussy were on my dick and slowly dripping out of her pussy. I slowed my pace down for a second as this realization hit me. I made her cum! I was excited so I picked up the pace and kept fingering her. Her legs would spasm a little here and there. Her pussy’s grip on my dick did not ease but I tried to go in further than before. I stopped short just in case. I put my left hand on her tits and starts to squeeze her nipples and play with them. She didn’t notice as she was just moaning. I kept going in and out of her, rapidly picking up my pace. My dick started to pulse and I didn’t have time to pull out as her hands were still clenched onto my back, so I shot right into her wet dripping pussy. Deep inside her shot after shot of my cum came out of my dick. I went in to kiss her and I felt her biting her lips. We were heavily breathing and still kissing, then we stopped kissing and I just laid on top of her, with my dick still in her. After about a minute I rolled off. She got up and hopped to the bathroom. When she opened the door, light came in the room, but I forgot to look. I just laid there smiling. After a few minutes she came back in the room closed the door and asked me for PJs and a shirt. I was surprised by the request, I thought she would have left after this, but I was happy to have her sleep over, granted I wish she slept naked with me but I’ll take what I can get. I gave her my extra PJs and a shirt and we cuddled and slept for the night together. I also slept thinking that a little of my cum was still inside her. Early next morning, I felt her hands in my pants. I open my eyes and I was looking at her beautiful green eyes. I give her a kiss and I put my hands in her (my) PJs and fingered her. I took of the PJs, we kept our shirts on for whatever reason and started to fuck. I decided I wanted her to orgasm and I figured I would stimulate her by putting a finger in her ass. I reached around and grabbed her ass. She let out a little faint moan. She had an amazing ass and it felt great in my hands. I proceeded to put a finger in her ass. She immediately pulled my finger out, jumped off my dick and jumped off the bed. Before I get to the rest of the story, this is the first time I saw her pussy in the light. She had a beautiful shaven pussy with no skin (if that makes sense) coming out, it was all tucked in, Tight! By looking at it, you could tell it was really tight. Back to the story. She slapped my face. She got so angry and yelled. "What viv thomas the fuck? Who the fuck puts a finger in someone else’s ass? That’s disgusting you fucking animal. Go fuck yourself. I don’t fucking experiment in bed dipshit. Don’t fucking experiment on me asshole." She put her skirt back on and took her blouse and left, wearing just her skirt, my shirt and holding her blouse. I laid back down and just thought for a bit. I finally got up and looked around the room and living room. She left her panties, bra, pantyhose, and heels. I put them off to the side since I had no idea what apartment she live in or a phone number to call to return the items. But that’s the story of how I slept with the hottest most gorgeous chick ever, who was a bitch, but then wasn’t, but then was. There is quite a few stories with Katie, but I will see if there is interest first. nothingtosee11 [1 comment]

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