Hottest Porn Site - Six Incredibly Useful Black Girl On Girl Porn For Small Businesses

by LewisEagle930356573 posted Oct 16, 2015


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The restaurant was full with laughter and the low murmur of conversation giving it an air which only fueled her excitement. A soft glow from white candles placed on the tables accentuated the romantic ambiance of the room and made each table feel like an intimate setting where people could feel alone even in a crowded dining room. The soft red velvet cushions and table cloths helped to create a lustful mood in her body which created a buzz she hadn’t felt in a long time. A bottle of red cabernet sat in the middle of the table. Her tight black dress felt snug against her body making her feel sexy and confident which made her smile and glow more than usual. She loved the way it showed just enough cleavage and sat high on her thighs right below her buttocks. It gave her a felling of power, of control. She was taking a sip of her red cabernet wine and staring at her date from across the table when he got up from his seat on one side of the booth and moved next to her on her side. The proximity of his body made her excited and her eyes moved around the room to see who was watching them. Her hand held his under the table and she coaxed his hand up her left thigh under her skimpy dress to her pussy. No panties were there which made him smile as his hand reached its destination. Just then the waiter appeared to take their order. They both ordered medium T-bone steaks with baked potatoes and fresh sautéed broccoli. After the waiter had disappeared, she made her move and slid his hand up her black dress again. She loved the way his warm hand felt against her bare skin and she smiled as his hand reached in between her legs. She took a sip of her wine as she felt his fingers being inserted inside her. The sensation made her feel like a woman and her temperature instantly increased. She was constantly scanning the room with her beautiful brown eyes always concerned that someone would notice. No one did. His fingers were magic, like he was playing a famous symphony with her soul which made her feel alive. Sliding her hand up his dark jeans to his cock she could feel his arousal making her feel all giddy inside. The actions together made it difficult to concentrate, her mind was racing with excitement and she whispered in his ear, "I am ready for dessert." He was more than happy to oblige and he rose from his seat, holding her hand and led her to the secluded restrooms around the corner from the polished mahogany bar. Finally out of sight she pulled him close and their lips touched, tongues thrashing inside each others mouths, love and lust became one and she could feel her pussy get wet. She felt him pull away and he opened the men’s bathroom door and peeked inside. The coast must have been clear because he whisked her into the secluded bathroom with one motion and finally they were completely alone. He was all over her now, his lips were pressed into her neck and moved methodically down to the top her breasts. She reached for the lock on the door and secured it so they would not be disturbed. Removing the straps from the top of her dress off of her shoulders, she exposed her beautiful full breasts and instantly his mouth followed his eyes to her nipples. The sensation of his lips and tongue against her tits made her feel sexy and desirable. With her hands, she pulled his face to hers forcing their bodies to meet and she could feel the pressure of his erect cock pressing into her. Sliding her hands down his face to his neck down his chest to his zipper she gave it a tug and reached inside. She wanted it now and she maneuvered the warm cock out of his black boxer briefs and ultimately through the opening left by the zipper. Immediately she could feel his hands upon her legs sliding up and pulling her tight black dress up over her ass exposing her wet pussy. She pushed him into the open stall and his body fell to the top of the toilet and he sat down which exposed his big fat hard cock to her eyes for the first time tonight. Without hesitation she climbed aboard and when his cock entered her she moaned with amazing ecstasy. His mouth was free to explore her body, starting at her neck and moving to her bouncing tits as she popped up and down, he ass slapping his balls with every stroke. The sensation was amazing and it forced her to tilt her head back throwing her dark brown hair like a whip. Up and down she rode pushing his wet cock in and out, over and over and over. His hands were squeezing her ass cheeks which let her know she was fucking him good. Passion ignited each time their lips met and their tongues greeted each other over and over. Her hands were gripping the tops of the metal walls separating the stalls providing the leverage she needed to fuck him harder and she finally felt the tingling in her body and she knew she was about to cum. Moaning and groaning, an explosion went off in her body, the release of the built up energy created a moment of pure happiness that she loved to experience with him. He lifted her up and pushed her against the wall of the black metal stall and he used his right hand to rest her left foot upon the seat of the white toilet. He licked her left breast starting underneath and rising across her nipple to the top which lit her on fire inside. Without warning she felt his dripping wet cum soaked cock enter her body and the thrusting of his body into hers made the walls shake in the tiny stall. His strong hands squeezed her ass which no doubt provided him even more leverage to fuck her hard. She loved it hard especially after she had reached her climax. It felt amazing to be fucked by him the way he wanted it, violently, she could almost feel his testosterone course through her body which each thrust. It made her feel alive each time his cock exited and entered her pussy. She could feel it swelling more and more with each thrust and knew she would receive the most precious gift he could give, his cum inside her. Instantly it shot up into her body like a gun firing off a massive load and that sensation excited her and made her feel so close to him, like they were one being. She felt his arms wrap around her and forcibly pull her close and they kissed passionately for a moment and it felt like time stood still. She whispered into his ear "I love dessert before dinner!" TristanKane
