Shyla Jennings Porn - Why Nobody Is Talking About Passion Porn And What You Should Do Today

by RhodaManley0385934 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Kerina stopped at the entrance of her dorm, slightly out of breath. She stood there in only a long buttoned up shirt, too large for her, which fell to just two inches above her knees. Her hair was disheveled and her face red and blotchy from crying. ' Kerina rested for a moment, as walking here had been hard going. Pat had been very rough with her and now her ass was very sore. Kerina fidgeted even as she stood in front of the door, unable to stand comfortably. Kerina realised that she was locked out again. Feeling foolish, she knocked gently on the door. Kerina stood there for what seemed like ages, knocking twice more before she heard the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opened inwards and Lisa's face appeared looking out. "This had better be goo...oh Kerina?" Lisa asked surprised "Hi Lisa, uh I don't have my keys.." "Look honey, this isn't a good time," Lisa said in a low voice, opening the door more to reveal that she was only wearing a t-shirt also. It was a white thin cotton t-shirt and it left her midriff bare. Lisa was not wearing anything else apart from her t-shirt so a lot more of her was bare also. In fact Kerina was quite surprised as she was suddenly presented with Lisa's shaven pussy. "We were just having some special time, uh you know," Lisa said blushing a little. "Hey babe, come back to bed, I my cock needs to get back inside you," Lisa's boyfriends voice called out from inside. "P-please Lisa, I am sorry, but I, I misplaced my keys, and..uh and my clothes," Kerina finished lamely. "You what? What are you talking about?" Lisa asked confused. "Uh it's a long story, please, just let me in to grab something to wear please," Kerina asked looking so lost and sad. Lisa felt sorry for Kerina, but still hadn't quite got over coming out of the bathroom earlier to find that Ben had just watched Kerina getting dressed. Whereas Lisa had previously been at least half interested in getting Kerina to loosen up and meet people, she was starting to feel irritated and even jealous of her room mate. This was likely what prompted Lisa then to grab the front hem of Kerina's shirt and pull it up to just below her boobs. Just to see if she is telling the truth, Lisa told herself. Lisa looked for a moment at the hapless teenagers' body half exposed in the dorm hallway. Holding it up for a few moments longer than necessary, Lisa then let the shirt fall back into place. "Wow, you are nude under there Kerry," Lisa said grinning. "Uh, yeah. I told you," Kerina said looking down embarrassed. "Well, fine, come in but be quick. Then you need to go out for a while. Maybe you could even come back in the morning?" Lisa asked wanting to get back to her boyfriend now. "In the morning? But what will I do for the night?" Kerina asked weakly walking in the door as Lisa stood aside for her. "What the? Oh hi Kerina," Ben said surprised. He was sitting on Lisa's bed nude, his big erection sticking up between his legs. "Cover yourself, you pervert," Lisa said more annoyed now. Grinning, Ben pulled the sheet over his lap, covering himself, and yet somehow the tented sheet exaggerated his nakedness. Kerina looked at the floor embarrassed as she walked over to her corner of the room. "Well, you have been saying you were going to your friends tonight, why don't you just do that?" Kerina blushed at the thought of seeing Jane and her other friends. Kerina felt a sick feeling in her tummy as she imagined her friends finding out what she had been through in the last two days. "Well, I can go there, but I haven't asked if I can stay the night.." Kerina said lamely "Well, why not just ask? And if you can't stay at Jane', ask one of your other friends?" "Okay, I will do that," Kerina said quietly. "Good girl." Lisa smiled cheekily at Kerina, "well, let's get you out of here babe" Kerina blushed as Lisa grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled it open baring her legs, pussy, tummy and breasts in clear view of Ben. Lisa giggled at the comical look of surprise on Kerina's face and took the opportunity to push the top off Kerina's shoulders and into a pile on the floor. "Well, come on Kerina, get some clothes. You can't stand here like this all night." Kerina blushed red and quickly ran to her cupboard and grabbed at the drawer pulling out the first clothes she found. Lisa stood by watching Kerina grab the stuff quickly and start pulling on a skirt which was apparently more something for the beach. In her haste to cover herself, Kerina wasn't paying attention. Ben was finding himself even more aroused now, Lisa was sucking his cock moments ago, then she answered the door in just a t-shirt and now her room mate had walked in nude and was dressing in front of him again. He felt like he was in some badly scripted porn movie. He quickly decided that if there was another knock on the door, he wouldn't be answering it, as the last thing they needed now was a plumber who had come to fix the pipes! Kerina pulled a t-shirt on over her head, desperate to cover her breasts as she stood there watched by Lisa and Ben. Lisa grabbed Kerina's hand just as her top covered her breasts, not allowing her to get anything else. "Come on Kerry, you have your clothes now. I need to get back to Ben," Lisa said, getting excited at the prospect of sending Kerina back out like this. Lisa had seen the dried cum on Kerina's body and wondered what had happened. Well, she didn't really care. Maybe she would get fucked again. Lisa grinned at the thought of a group of guys banging her pretty little dorm room mate. She decided she would definitely think of a way to help the little priss out more in the future. Out of her clothes. Hee hee! "Okay Kerina, well see you in the morning," Lisa said ushering Kerina through the door. "But, uh, that is," Kerina stammered as Lisa helped her through the door, smiled good bye and shut the door in Kerina's face. Kerina stood there stunned. Once back at her dorm, at least Kerina had felt some safety, but now she was back out in the hallway wearing a short blue summer skirt and a white short sleeved t-shirt with Princess Aurora on the front. Kerina hand not had the time to get panties or a bra and her t-shirt did not hide her lack of underwear at all. With little choice, Kerina turned and walked down the stairs. Looks like she would be going to Jane's and hopefully she would be able to stay there. Kerina shivered as she stepped outside. The sun was starting to set and it was getting cold. Kerina strode determined down the street to Jane's place. Kerina_Smith
