Young Hot Naked Girls - Unknown Facts About Cute Teen Pussy Pics Revealed By The Experts

by WoodrowCourtice9392 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Even though this happened to me quite a few years ago (I'm 25 now), I've wanted to get it down in writing because I think about it a lot. It's probably the #1-past-experience-masturbation-material, and a seminal (lol) sexual conquest of mine.
My grandfather owned a lake resort/RV park type thing, which he has since sold. I was staying at the resort over the summer, working for him. This was not a big classy resort; it was mostly a gravel road or two in the middle of the woods, next to a lake. But it did have a tennis court and a pool. The pool was closed a lot because the guy whose responsibility it was to clean/keep up the pool was apparently not very passionate about such work. Point being, for the day in which I'm reminiscing upon the pool was closed. This fact will prove quite advantageous for my penis in the coming (lol) paragraphs.
My grandfather was a carpenter in his younger days, and still dabbled in it after retirement. He financed and oversaw the construction of a house about a quarter mile down the road from the resort, but he had yet to sell it. It was just sitting there empty. The house had lake access as well; a dock. Multiple times a day I'd ride my bike down to the empty dock because it was a swampy, secluded, lily-pad-laden part of the lake with lots of big bass hiding out. But on this particular day, the dock was not empty. Two girls from the resort decided that since the pool was closed, they'd use the dock for tanning. So I wheeled up to the dock on my bike and saw the two bikini clad hotties yapping away. They didn't see or notice me though because the area leading up the dock is heavily wooded.
I got nervous. I was 18 and had already been practiced for a couple of years in the sensual art of penis-vagina friction. But all of my sexual experiences up to that point had been...incidental. Parties, friends, prolonged flirtations. Situations where you don't need much confidence, and as long as you say and do all the right things, you can pretty much passively back up into pussy without even trying. It just takes awhile. And it can get boring. I had been thinking (obsessing?) in the preceding few months about being more aggressive, dominant, and just...confident. Not caring about failing. I wanted to approach those girls and either fail or succeed, to not just survive and 'flirt for another day', if you will.
But I was still frozen and nervous. I planned to hit on these girls harder than I'd ever attempted hitting. But, I admit it, I needed help. Liquid help. From Jim Beam. Jose Cuervo. Jack Daniels. Liquid courage. So yeah, I rode my bike back to the house, poured myself a strong ass drink, and downed it. Kinda embarrassing to admit, but I was fully expecting failure and needed help facing it. Seeing the humor in it, or something.
I rode back, buzzin along, plopped my bike down, and went into it:
"Sorry ladies, this dock is private, you can't lay here." Their legs were blocking my way down the dock, and I just stood over them with a completely straight face.
Girl 1: "...oh...sorry sorry, we didn't know." They started to sit up and gather their things, and I (very) lightly kicked the first girl's leg and chuckled to myself.
"Just kidding. I don't give a fuck. You can stay." They were taken aback until I explained that it's my grandpa's unsold dock and that he wouldn't care if they lay out on it.
"But you're already so tan, why do you need more sun? That's just gonna make your tan lines worse. I don't mind if you take your tops off, go ahead." They smiled and giggled heeheehehehehee "For real, look how secluded this part of the lake is. Do you see any boats out there? No one will see you, guaranteed."
They just kept smiling and gave me a dismissive "okay", as in 'this guy's a joker, isn't he?' Which you'll notice, is NOT a "no." I said "okay I'm gonna go take a few casts, you girls think about it while I'm gone, okay? Tan lines aren't sexy, I'm telling you."
I go to the end of the dock and I can hear them talking quietly enough for me not to hear, much quieter than when I first walked up and interrupted them. I gave a few half hearted casts, didn't catch shit, went back over and sat down to talk with them. After informing me they decided to keep their tops on, we talked for like twenty minutes. How old they were (18 each), where they went to school back in the city, where they're going to college, etc. And I also sprinkled in about four more comedically timed queries of, "so are you ready to take your tops off yet?" Just smiles in return and "nope, not yet."
Once my nervousness had more or less faded (no, the alcohol didn't eliminate it entirely) and I was confident that they liked me, I got up, stepped over them and said, "come here."
"Just come here, follow me. Leave your stuff."
I stepped off the dock and into the small clearing in the woods, which connects to the wooded path leading back to the road. I sat on the park-style bench off to the side of the clearing and waited for them to walk up to me.
"Alright, go ahead. Take those tops off." I could already tell by the way that they were acting that they were going to do it. Looking at each other more than me. Doing that girl-to-girl telecommunication stuff. this guy seems cool...we should do it, right? gigglegigglegiggle
So they smiled ear to ear, stared at each other and took their tops off for me in unison. Girl 1 was brunette and very tan (with those pesky tan lines.) Girl 2 was quieter, paler, and had black hair. Both had perfectly boner inducing bodies. Girl 1's best feature was her tight tan stomach. Girl 2 had the big pale tits with those light pink nipples. I got up off the bench and grabbed one of each of their tits and just rubbed them every which way I could think of while my dick grew and started pushing through my nylon shorts. I felt up their entire bodies, always keeping one hand on each girl, trading off on kissing them and sucking on their tits.
My dick was pitching a huge tent that was impossible not to notice, especially since it poked into their soft young tummies from time to time. Neither of them would touch it though. So I grabbed each of their wrists and pulled their hands over and onto the big elephant in the room. They softly and gently played with my dick on top of my shorts while I just brushed their hair back and enjoyed the moment.
"It feels big." Girl 1 said. They weren't laughing and smiling as much anymore, which made me think they were getting turned on. There's something about a girl's pussy getting wet that makes her facial muscles relax.
I told them to "take it out." Girl 1, clearly the bolder of the two, put her hands around the elastic band and started to take my shorts down until I interrupted her. "Together." I took Girl 2's hand off of my dick and put it on the band of my shorts, so that they pulled them down together. The farther they got them down, the slower they went, anticipating the moment that my dick would spring up to attention. And up it sprung, right into Girl 1's tummy, leaving a little curl of precum next to her belly button.
Girl 1: "Holy shit? Why is it so big?"
Me: "What do you mean? They're supposed to be like that."
I pulled them over to the bench and sat them down. I stood over them. And then, just sixty seconds of silence as Girl 1 held it up at all angles. Girl 2 seemed less enamored with it, merely grabbing the base and trying to stroke it; get the show on the road, as it were. I got the message and wrapped my hand around hers at the base of my dick and pushed the head of it into her lips. She sucked on the head while Girl 1 licked and stroked the shaft. At one point she said "I still don't get how it's so flippin big.."
In my one clear misstep of the of the affair, I pulled my dick out of Girl 2's mouth and tried to angle it down between her tits, but with the girls sitting and me standing (and being quite tall) I couldn't manage it. We all kind of smiled at my twenty seconds of fumbling, until I just gave up on the idea. I put my dick in Girl 1's mouth, and my thumb in Girl 2's mouth. I stood there, knees slightly shaking, trying to summon the willpower to look at both of their pretty faces, and not to tilt my head back in overwhelming pleasure.
Feeling, hearing, and seeing proved to be too much for me though. I reached the point of no return and started groaning. I put my hands on each of their outer shoulders and squished them together on the bench. I told them to "stroke it stroke it", so they got to choose where the load went. They aimed my dick together, at their chests, and stroked it till I shot ropes of cum onto both of their tits. I can easily say that the moment that first rope shot out was the pinnacle of my life up to that point. I was only 18. Don't judge me.
That's basically it. They went over to the shore of the lake, leaned over and splashed water on their tits to wash the cum off. I kept on lookout for boats that might see them. Later on I ended up having sex with Girl 1 twice, then she went home, as she was only up visiting her grandparents for the extended weekend. ...The End.

girls naceditrulydont
