Naked Girl Fucked - Effective Strategies For Hot Naked Pussy That You Can Use Starting Today

by IsabellaManley6 posted Oct 16, 2015


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A note to begin with… I was a business student in college. My writing has never been my strong suit, so bare with it. I’m telling you guys this because I feel like it and it turns me to write this and also to help with my writing for work haha. Yeah it’s probably longer than normal, but what else do you have to do gonewild?
This particular event happened during my Sophomore year in college. My living situation consisted of a studio apartment with shared bathroom with another girl named Francis, who would turn out to be the first and only girl I’ve ever hooked up with.
When I first met Francis I was immediately taken aback by her confidence. Despite being relatively small in stature she carried herself with an air of importance and intelligence that everyone was attracted to. She stood no taller than 5’3 and weighed no more than 100 pounds and she had almond shaped blue eyes, dark black hair, pretty small lips and a very subtle round jaw with a very symmetrical face. Francis made girls jealous of her just by being around them. She would have conversations with everyone and was polite and considerate but would joke about anything and never took herself to seriously. She was perfect and I honestly felt happy to call her a friend when I got to know her. You could tell all of the boys were in love with her. She made girls jealous of her just by being around them. I’ll just say that early on, I could tell I had a attraction to her that went beyond recognizing the physical beauty of someone f the same sex..
Both of my parents are Korean. Growing up they we’re strict about my studying and socializing and I wasn’t exactly cool in high school. I played the violin and boys were mostly off limits until I was a senior. Physically, I’m actually a little bit shorter than Francis. I’m 5’2, with larger breasts and a butt that has gotten a little bigger since I left college. I always considered myself average looking until I went to college and began to get over my teenage acne and began to run more, then I noticed guys becoming more attracted to me and giving me attention.
Now Francis and I weren’t exactly roommates. Are rooms were connected by the bathroom doors and we’d go days without seeing each other. We were in different programs, me being a management student and her studying fine art. I rarely saw her on campus and when I did we’d often just waive to each other. By our sophomore year we had established ourselves in different social circles and we had different interests. She was the hippest, hipster on campus and was friends with all the cool artsy people. I wore business casual to class every day of the week and was a member of the student union. Long story short our friendship grew slowly, despite having different interests.
I still remember the first time I saw Francis naked, which, was about a month into our first semester. We had barely spoken up until this point accept for polite hello’s and the occasional ‘I’m closing your door to shower’ comments. Most of the time I kept my bathroom door closed, but this day I had left it open by accident and had to rush home to grab some homework. When I entered my room, Francis was standing completely naked in the bathroom having just taken a shower and was blow drying her thick dark hair. I remember she turned to me quickly and seeing that I was flustered, laughed and said hi. I apologized immediately and went to close the door. She just nodded at me kindly, and asked me how I was doing and told me not worry about the door. I told her I needed to grab some homework and that I was late for class
I remember her body being soft looking and very feminine. Her small breasts were perky and round while her large bum had a noticeable tan line that was much more revealing than the modest bikini I wore. She also had allowed her pubic hair to grow out a little and had only shaved a little towards her waist and inner thighs. She always looked great but she was even more beautiful naked.
I walked to my desk to grab my homework and when I turned around Francis was standing in the bathroom doorway naked looking around at my room. She commented that the room was too neat and I laughed at this because I am totally OCD and she was right. She asked if I wanted to watch a movie later if I wasn’t busy saying that we should get to know each other and I agreed it while blushing as she was still naked.
When Francis showed up that night, she acted like nothing was different and we had been friends for years. We laid on my floor and we serial watched How I met Your Mother for a few hours and ate popcorn. I guess we just had normal girl talk and we hit it off well. She was so comfortable to be around and made sure that we’d make more time to do the same in the future.
These nights continued throughout the year. Francis began to open up to me about her childhood, her parents, her dreams and ambitions and her boys and relationships. I’d tell her about my boyfriend, and my high school crushes and the first hook up experiences I ever had. As we got to know each other a lot of the time our conversations would turn to sex. We talked about everything to do with sex and I was surprised at how open she was about it. She always had a way of getting details and stories out of me that made me blush. She told me she thought I was a more sexual person than I gave myself credit for and I have to credit her with teaching me to open up about my sexual thoughts and to talk about them.
The first hint of getting to know the other side of Francis happened this one night she very casually asked me if I had ever had a lesbian experience. I responded that I hadn’t. She asked me if I had ever thought about a girl sexually before and when I answered I hesitated a bit. She giggled at this and I think was able to tell that I had thought of it. When I asked her if she had, she said she had hooked up with two girls during the summer which she graduated high school and that it was better than she expected it to be.
Throughout most fall semester of that year I was dating my boyfriend from my freshman year. He would often hang around my dorm and I could tell he thought Francis was hot. He’d ask me questions about our TV dates and was always interested whenever I gave him tidbits of info about her personal life. I also remember always being super self conscious about having sex with him in my dorm while Francis was in her room. I usually stopped my boyfriend from going further than some heavy petting until I was sure Francis was gone.
I don’t know how many different boys Francis had in her dorm. In hindsight it probably wasn’t as many as I thought, but many of the nights and even days she did have boys over were memorable. I only heard her maybe once every few weeks but when I did, she was loud. I can remember being woken up more than a few times by her moaning and the sound of rough, hot sex happening just beside my head through the wall my bed was placed against. I remember this one night in particular where she had this guy that would spank her and the sex was so rough I could feel my bed shake, as the thrusts would bang her bed against the wall.
I remember one night in particular I woke up to Francis having loud sex in our bathroom with a guy. I remember him saying that he was going to cum and her telling him to cum on her breasts. After it was over she laughed in a way that felt as if it was in pure sexual enjoyment. I remember secretly wishing that I could feel that way more often when I had sex with my boyfriend.
After getting over the initial startle of Francis’s hook ups I began to get turned on listening to them. I’d get so wet under my sheets listening to Francis have sex that I would touch myself. It would get so hot under my sheets I’d have to rip them off to keep masturbating. At first I was sort of ashamed at this and wondered what she or anyone else would think of me if they found out, but after a while I began to look forward to the nights I’d get woken up by Francis’s sex life.
So fast forward to the New Year. Francis and I had a girl’s night the second night we were back on campus from Christmas and we caught up. I remember telling her that my relationship with my then boyfriend felt like it was strained over the holidays. He had been inconsistent with his texting and phone calls and seemed flaky. That night I let Francis comb my hair and I remember she began to playfully rub my shoulders and comfort me while I told her these things. I could sort of feel her coming on to me, but at the time I thought that the idea of it was crazy. I thought Francis wouldn’t didn’t want me, did she? She joked that I was to tense and uptight about school and all my extra curricular activities and that I should relax and have some more sex when the opportunity arose.
That Friday or Saturday I went out with my boyfriend and a group of our mutual friends to a party to kick off the new semester. I remember my boyfriend acting like a total asshole and was rude to me to a point that one of his friends came over to me to console me. This was a close friend of both of us, a guy I had known since I began college. He began talking to me for a while and then out of no where he said that he couldn’t hold it in any longer and he let it slip that my boyfriend was cheating on me with another girl we were all friends with that was also at that party. He said literally everyone knew and that he couldn’t let it go on any longer and he just made me promise that it didn’t get back to him.
I was so shocked I just remember leaving the party embarrassed and feeling betrayed and upset. I walked back to my dorm and I ran into Francis in the hallway with a guy she had been seeing on her way back to her room. When I saw her, I broke down in the hallway and she told her guy that it was best if he left. She took me inside to my place and comforted me.
I told Francis everything. I had been drinking a lot and I remember being more mad than anything that I hadn’t seen what was going on. I just remember feeling so embarrassed and stupid about the whole situation and I began to get emotional again.
Francis was so amazing. She was calm and she listened to me and brought both of us some water and offered to make me tea. She let me vent and after talking to her for only half an hour I began to feel better about the whole situation and more relieved that it was coming to an end than anything. I began to realize very quickly how big of a jerk that guy was. She told me to go and take a shower and that when I came back she’d make some popcorn and that we’d just relax and watch some episodes.
When I got out of the shower I walked back into my room and found Francis sitting on my floor with some tea and she had cup of wine. I was still only in my towel and my hair was wet. I was feeling better already and sat on a stool right beside her. The towel I had on rode up my legs as I sat down and I remember Francis watching me closely. I had heard her run through the bathroom to her room to change and she was now wearing her glasses and yoga pants with a hooded sweatshirt.
I could tell Francis was eyeing me in my towel with some amusement. She commented that she had never seen me in anything less that tank top. We began talking more about my ex and the whole situation and the guy who had told me about his cheating. Francis jokingly asked if my ex’s friend was cute and then said I should fuck him as revenge, because there was no way he would have told me that his friend was cheating on me if he didn’t want to fuck me.
Francis asked me if I wanted a massage to help me relax. I giggled but accepted her offer. I was comfortable with her at this point even if I did only have a towel on and was feeling tense from all of the negative emotion of the night. I asked her for a sip of her wine she then positioned herself on a stool behind the one I was on and began to rub my shoulders. I felt her hands warm my muscles and my shoulders fall with the help of her movements and the wine.
She began to ask me if the sex with my ex was even as good as I thought it was. We began to talk about the amount of orgams I’d usually have and she seemed curious to know why my ex wasn’t doing a better job. Francis had sex for herself first she said. Orgasms were really important in her mind and she chose her casual partners based on how good the sex was, which seemed logical. When I told her he rarely preformed oral sex on me she seemed like she was actually mad at him for a moment. She couldn’t believe that I had been with him for as long as I had been and that the sex was only average in her mind.
As she was telling me all of this she had slowly removed most of my towel from my upper back and I was now only holding it over my breasts with my arm. She then reached around me and removed my arm from my breasts and tugged the towel away so that it only lay around my waist. She put her head on my shoulder and told me that I had wonderful breasts, larger than hers, and that my boyfriend would regret leaving me because of them. She then gently cupped one of them with her hand and felt it until my nipple was hard. At first I tensed up a bit being uncomfortable with how far the situation had gone but then I began to relax and enjoy myself. She was still rubbing my back with her other hand and I was still sipping the wine with my free arm and her touching of my breasts only lasted all of ten seconds.
Her hands slowly began to work there way down my back and they were eventually rubbing my hips and the towel was fully off my back. I was really enjoying myself at this point, and was beginning to feel a little turned on when Francis told me to drink the rest of the wine from my cup and lie down on the ground flat on my stomach. I did as she commanded, covering myself with the towel and placing it on the ground in front of me. She then kneeled down beside me and kept rubbing my back gently with her hands that were soft and gentle but very loving at the same time.
Francis eventually worked her hands on to my bum and began massaging it. They then worked there way onto the back of my thighs and into my inner leg. She gently spread my legs open and began rubbing the lower portion of bum very close to my vagina. At this point I began to become extremely wet, wetter than I usually became when boys would make advances on me. I then remember Francis asking if I was enjoying the massage and I responded with a faint yes as she began graze the lower part of my vagina. I’m sure she could feel that I was wet and she continued to gently graze the outside of my lips with her fingers as her other hand rubbed my bum.
Then in one motion she turned me over onto my back. She looked at me in the eye with her glasses on and I remember feeling extremely embarrassed at what had just happened. She asked me again if I was enjoying myself. All I could remember doing was trying to cover both my breasts and my vagina with my hands. I had just shaved the day before in anticipation of having sex with my now ex boyfriend.
She took off her shirt and pants and put her hair up in a bun. I remember admiring her body again and wanting to touch it but being to afraid to move. She then got back down on her knees and knelt over me and kissed me. She then kissed down my chest and removed my hands from my breasts and kissed both of my nipples softly and slowly.
Then without even really asking for my consent, she told me that she was going to give me an orgasm. I fought with her a little bit trying to close my legs without really trying to close my legs. I eventually gave in and she began to lick me with such enthusiasm I had never experienced up until that point. She made love to my vagina with her mouth. It’s hard to explain but she licked my lips and my clit at the same time and she slowly penetrated me with her fingers.
Within a minute she had me close to climaxing. I still couldn’t believe what was going on as a few hours before I was with my boyfriend. Now, I was having my first lesbian experience with my neighbor, who was Francis of all people. My hot, confident, sex loving neighbor, who was going down on me with such a technique I had never dreamed of encountering.
I propped my head up a little and made eye contact with her and she began to pick up the pace. She could tell I was loving her tounge on my pussy. To this day I don’t know if a single experience had ever gotten me so wet. I was dripping and Francis toungue could taste it and I became a little self conscious but was to caught up in the moment to think of it for long.
I began grabbing my own breasts and caressing them and playing with my own nipples that were now rock hard. She then reached up and grabbed one of my hands then the other right after and put them on the floor beside my bum. She began licking my clit so intently I knew I was going to cum soon. I began moaning and she began to speed up her mouth and her tounge, rimming it around my clit and then inside me all in one motion. She then stopped for a second and looked up at me and told me to tell her when I was going to climax.
About 30 seconds after she said that I told her I was cumming and she just kept going and going. Everything sort of blacked out. I know I screamed as well. It was the longest orgasm of my life. I have no idea how long the climax lasted but it just came in waves that didn’t seem to end. It was so tense my legs and back began to cramp on the floor and my thighs actually closed in on Francis’s face, squishing her head against them. My hands had also clenched the towel so tightly I couldn’t feel my fingers.
She finally pulled away from me and re-adjusted her face and her glasses and her mouth was completely covered in my juices. Then she just giggled at me. She told me I tasted good and that she had only ever gone down on one other girl before. I was panting and trying to recover and I was now more self-conscious than ever. I couldn’t believe what I just let happen. Francis then stood up and walked to the counter and washed her face off. She told me I looked beautiful and that I shouldn’t worry about what just happened. She told me she enjoyed herself and I know I did to and that I had a very pretty vagina that tasted very nice.
It took me a while but when I finally sat up and asked her if she now expected me to give her oral sex. She laughed and said it was up to me but she understood if I didn’t want to. I collected myself a bit and stood up. I walked over to her naked and kissed her on the lips. She began to rub me again and I was immediately wanting to return the favor to her.
She then stopped me.
She told me that I was probably tired and that it had been a long night but that if wanted to try out what had happened again when I was in a clearer space, all I had to do was go into her room when I felt like it. Before she left she told me what happened would stay between us. I thanked her for everything and I walked over to her still naked and kissed her again. I tried to make her understand I was grateful for what she had just done to me, but I was so confused I didn’t know what to say.
The next time we hooked up I initiated it. It happened about a month later, after the late night TV shows stopped and it seemed like I had allowed us to drift apart a bit because of how self-conscious I was about what had happened. Needless to say we hooked up again more than a few times throughout the year. We even had a three sum with a guy. Francis taught me how to keep something sexually casual despite the fact I became even more attracted to her the more we had sex. She really taught me how to be the sexual person I am today.
She went away for her final year of studies on an exchange overseas and I haven’t seen her years. Fellow girls reading this with thoughts of making love to another woman, I highly recommend it at least once. I’m sorry if this was quite long for gwstories, but I have more if you guys like this one:)

gf nudesthrowmeupupandaway
