Beating The Market - Finding The Right Stock Could Make You Thousands

by AngeloKelsey63215 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Sometimes your child might have to face just one bully. The other eleven articles in this twelve-article series will be most helpful in that situation. Sadly, sometimes children have to face a gang of bullies. This is extremely challenging and hard since that gang often operates under a mob mentality where it appears that there is little you can do stop or stall them.


In the last few minutes Don gets his game back. His old way of walk, his articulate sharp tongued speech, as well as his charisma that was missing, it all comes back in a whirl wind. He tells his ex-wife and her new husband to get out of the house or pay him rent. Onto the office he tells the small swim suit account, who is graveling for decency in their ad's, to get out. Next he is seen talking to the Wall Street Journal making himself sound like an advertising God. He addressed all the issues in one afternoon. His ex-wife, his work, and most of all his self image were all fixed in a matter of minutes. Don't you just love TV?

This recently happened in Washington D.C. and the President made a comment about it. He made it light and as if it were a joke, but he was very true. If there were a nuclear attack we would still send our kids to school in Chicago. We take a certain pride in the fact that our schools stay open even as eighteen inches of snow fall and then it all freezes into hard mountain-like hills all over the streets. It toughens the kids up, we figure, and turns them into proper Chicago who will, eventually, retire and move to places like Arizona, Florida and California but still carry that Chicago chip firmly on their shoulder.

Gary Condit. He left the public arena after the unfortunate--and unconnected--death of Chandra Levy exposed his hanky-panky to the light of day. Necessary? Yes, as part of a murder investigation. Ethical? Yes, because to begin to cover up "persons of interest" in murder investigations smells a little too much like Henry VIII.

The Governor and the call girl - New York Governor Elliot Spitzer, who had relentlessly pursued corruption and wrongdoing while in office, was caught arranging to meet a high-priced escort at a Washington, DC hotel. A federal wiretap brought the governor down, and he resigned from his position after his dalliances were revealed.

How do you avoid joining a gang? You need to find ways to raise up your self-esteem. You can get advice and mentoring from a trusted friend, family member, or another adult. You can find a way to get happier and more fulfilled by doing things that make you feel happy. You can join a club or a team. You can get more friends of the right sort. In other words, self-mentor.

This process is demonstrated in a story called "JoJo and the Three Bully B's." The link to that story is posted in the resource section below. Two other stories are also included that address the topics of psychological warfare and mob mentality.

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