Nude Pussy - Who Else Wants To Know The Mystery Behind Naked Pics Girls?

by WoodrowCourtice9392 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Hilly and Madison walked into the banquet room reserved for the choir members to eat breakfast and rehearse. The room had seven round tables with eight seats each, about half of which were occupied by students and chaperons. The buffet line along one wall was currently empty, so they got in line before the rest of their group came along and pillaged the food. "I still can't believe you and Ben are going out," Madison said as she scooped some scrambled eggs on her plate. Hilly just smiled and glanced over at Ben. He was saving them spots at his table with some of the other guys in the tenor section. She still hadn't given Madison any details, but she did mentioned that Ben had made it perfectly clear they were an item. "God, if looks could kill," Madison leaned in to whisper. The terrible trio were whispering together while Kaylee glared at Hilly. Since Kaylee was the section leader for the sopranos, Hilly was going to have to deal with her attitude for the foreseeable future. Remembering what she and Ben had together made it easy to laugh her off for now. "Who cares? Let the jealous bitch stare." Hilly laughed at the idea that someone like Kaylee was jealous of her. What a crazy world. After they filled their plates, they headed towards Ben, Edward, Nathan, and Roj. As they approached, Hilly saw them having an animated conversation that ended with big smiles when she sat next to Ben. He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Mornin'," he said. "How'd you sleep?" "Very well," she grinned back at him. "How 'bout you?" Edward leaned in and answered for Ben, "Not very well because he wouldn't shut up about you all fucking night." Ben blushed and Madison laughed as she picked up her fork. "Yeah, we had some of that in our room, too," Madison said to Edward. "Did she sigh constantly?" Edward asked in return. "Oh my God, it was positively revolting." "Tell me about it," Edward groaned and gave an exaggerated roll of his eyes. "Okay, that's enough," Ben laughed as he punched Edward in the arm. Roj had the smooth cinnamon skin and dark eyes of his Indian heritage, but for Hilly they had lost their former attraction next to Ben. "So you guys really are going out?" he asked. When she caught the note of disbelief in his tone it made her pause. "Yeah," Ben answered easily. "You know we've always hung out. I don't know what took me so long to realize how great she is." "I thought you were going out with Kaylee." Roj said her name with a reverent whisper that made Hilly frown. "Apparently so was her lab partner in chemistry," Ben replied evenly, giving Roj a penetrating look. Roj glanced away and picked at the food his plate. Back at their rooftop hideaway, Ben had confided the whole story to Hilly. She discovered his unexpected depths during that conversation. He hadn't dated seriously before Kaylee because he was a little shy and too serious about school. He knew Kaylee's reputation as a party girl, but trusted her when she claimed she wanted to be with him. Hearing his pain when he discovered Kaylee had betrayed him with another guy infuriated Hilly. When Hilly looked up from her thoughts, Nathan was staring her from across the table. He had been one of the guys she had flirted around with in the past. "I figured you were too much a free spirit to ever settle down with someone," he said directly to her. Hilly took a deep breath. Ben had said he was worried about the same kind of thing, but she made it clear she was truly interested in being with him alone. "I'll admit it's easier to mess around without getting serious, but when Ben and I connected I realized what I was missing." She looked up at Ben with a smile and found him nodding in agreement. Nathan shrugged. "Just be careful, Hill. You're playin' in the big leagues now." "What's that supposed to mean?" Ben asked with a low growl. "What do you think?" Nathan answered Ben in a tense whisper. "You're older than she is and I'm worried about her gettin' in over her head before she's ready. Hell, she's practically the little sister of every guy in the choir. I'll just lay it out there; If you fuck this up I'll fuck you up. And what her brothers Charles and Shane will do to you..." Nathan shook his head. Ben took a deep breath and slipped his fingers into Hilly's hand under the table. "I get it. I really do. Earlier this week I told her she was pretty in a kid sister kind of way." Hilly squeezed his hand when he said that and shook his head. "We've been together for one day, dude, and neither of us has any idea where this is headed. But you know me, Nate. Do you really think I'd do anything to hurt her?" Nathan chewed on that for a moment, looking back and forth between Hilly and Ben. "No, I guess not." The tension at the table dropped a notch. "I'm a little jealous, to be honest." That brought a couple of chuckles from the around them. "Oh, come on," Hilly laughed in embarrassment. "None of you ever took me seriously. If I had said I wanted to go out with one of you, you'd have patted me on the head and told me to stop messin' around." "Maybe," Nathan said with a flushed face. "But you're practically glowing this morning. It's a good look on you, Hill. Ben's a lucky guy." "I'll drink to that," Ben said and downed his orange juice. A little later the director called an end to breakfast and lined the choir up on risers next to a battered studio piano and worked them for an hour, going over each piece as they would later in the day at the amusement park. The choir had three performances in the outdoor amphitheater throughout the afternoon. Then they would come back to the hotel to eat dinner and relax before heading back in the morning. Hilly and Madison retreated to their room to shower and put on the formal dresses the women of the choir wore for performances. The dresses were in a form-fitting silver and blue satin that came down to just above the ankle. Madison had the body to pull it off, with long legs and a modest bust. When Hilly looked at herself in the mirror she sighed in disappointment. "I'm just too short for this style. I look like kid playing dress up." She turned back and forth to see her sides in the mirror, lifting the top higher over her smaller breasts. "Will you let me do your hair?" Madison asked. "I think if we pin it up it will help." "Fine." Hilly pulled a chair out in front of the mirror and sat with a plop. "Do your worst," she sighed. "Why do you hate dressing up so much?" Madison asked as she gathered her comb, brushes, and hairspray. "It's too much effort for something that doesn't really matter." She loved feeling Madison combing out her hair and sighed from the chills it gave. "Besides, a bunch of makeup and hair spray isn't going to change who I am." "What do you mean?" Madison asked as she began to lift her hair into an artful pile on top of her head, using pearl hair pins to keep it in place. "I'm not a girly-girl. I grew up fighting and playing sports. My dolls learned hand-to-hand combat and kicked my brothers' action figures all over the play room." Hilly laughed at the memory. "I'd rather have someone know the real me. The one that wears her hair in a ponytail, hates makeup, and who would rather flirt and tease honestly when she likes someone than play stupid mind games." "Well, I suppose you have a point. When I met you I liked those things about you right away." "See? That's what I mean. You're my best friend because we can just be ourselves around each other." Hilly looked at Madison as she finished pinning the last strands of hair up. There was a reflective look on her face as she tugged a couple of strands loose from the bottom to curl down over Hilly's shoulders. "And we're done," Madison said as she looked into the mirror at Hilly's face with an approving grin. "Whatcha think?" Hilly stood up again and looked at herself in wonder. "Wow, Maddy." With her hair up, her reflection looked like a princess. Instead of feeling stubby and short, the hair style exposed her long neck made her look more balanced and proportioned. "I know you hate makeup, but I'm gonna do a little bit more. Stay right there." Madison came back with her makeup bag and added a touch of pale blue eyeshadow, a light pink lipstick, and a bit of powder to her cheeks. Just those few touches made a huge difference. Hilly kept turning and looking at herself as she tried to reconcile the image of herself in her mind with the vision she saw in the mirror. Suddenly overwhelmed, she turned to Madison who had just finished putting her makeup away and grabbed her in a tight hug. "Thank you." Madison kissed her cheek, then wiped off the bit of lipstick she'd accidentally left there. "I'm glad you're happy with Ben." Hilly noticed Madison's eyes getting glassy and felt compelled to reassure her. "We'll always be best friends, Maddy. No matter what." "I know," she said. Then turned away to get her purse. "We'd better get a move on." When Hilly and Madison stepped off the elevator there was a crowd of blue dressed women and tuxedoed men in the lobby. Despite wearing identical dresses, each woman had added subtle touches to show her personality. Hilly noted Kaylee had styled her hair up as well and looked so graceful it made her feel sick. When Kaylee glanced over at Hilly, she blinked to look again and stared with wide eyes. Ignoring her nemesis, she scanned the room until she saw Ben looking snazzy in his tux. "Holy shit, Hilly!" Edward's loud exclamation drew the attention of those guys around him, including Ben whose eyes widened at the sight of her. Someone started a slow clap that was picked up by others until the whole crowd of guys was hooting and whistling at her. Ben walked towards her like he was under a spell and kissed her sweetly. "You look wonderful," he whispered as he took in her face and hair. Hilly knew she was red-faced, but couldn't keep the smile off her face. "Madison really did it." "No, sweetie, it's all you," Madison said as she stood nearby looking proud. She looked at her and whispered, "Okay, maybe it matters a little." When they boarded the bus, Hilly and Ben ended up stuck in the middle instead of hiding away in the back. They were surrounded by their friends who gently teased them for holding hands. Hilly felt an easy sense of belonging as the reality of her relationship with Ben set in. She was used to being in the periphery of the choir, but suddenly she and Ben were the center of attention. The change was scary but exciting as well. Ben's hand gave her the confidence to face them with smiles and laughter. After the bus ride, they were directed to a room under the outdoor stage where the choir would wait for their performances. The staff had supplied drinks and snacks at long tables, with enough folding chairs for everyone to sit. It wasn't long before the choir had separated into smaller groups to chat and play with their phones. Hilly and Ben sat at a table with Madison, Edward, Nathan, and Roj. Roj had brought playing cards, so the guys played Texas Hold'em while Madison and Hilly cheered them on. "Two pair," Nathan said with a grin as he swept up the cards to shuffle. "Damn it, how can you keep winning?" Edward complained as he drank some more of the tropical fruit juice that had been stocked for the choir. "Just call me good old reliable Nathan! Nathan, Nathan, Nathan, Detroit!" Nathan sang from the musical Guys and Dolls they had performed the year before. "Oh, Jeez, not that again," Ben complained. "Why don't you like that song?" Hilly asked. "When you have to sing it for three months straight during rehearsals it kinda kills it for you." Ben said with a conspiratorial grin at the other guys who nodded in return. "I've gotta go to the restroom," Madison said to Hilly. "Why do chicks always go to the bathroom together?" Edward asked. "We make out in the stalls, of course," Hilly answered as she stood with Madison. The stunned look on their faces made Hilly laugh out loud as they walked over to the womens' restroom. After they each went into their own stall, Hilly heard the terrible trio come into the restroom chatting with each other. Her heart rate increased until she was sure they could hear her it pounding outside the stall. "What are you gonna do about it?" Bailey asked. "Get even somehow," Kaylee answered. "Fucking bitch." Someone got into the stall next to Hilly and she realized it was Kaylee when she spoke. "Did you see her? No wonder they all clapped. She usually looks like total shit." The words stabbed her deep despite the earlier conversation with Madison about showing who she really was. "I thought she was a dyke until I saw her kissing Nathan at that holiday party last year." "I'm pretty sure her friend Madison is gay. She gives me that vibe," Ashley said as she washed her hands. "Maybe you can tell Ben she's getting it on with her friend behind his back." Hilly raged at the comment and almost announced that they were there and heard everything, but a quiet gasp from Madison's stall stopped her. "I'll think of something," Kaylee said as she stood and flushed. The sound of her dress ruffling was accompanied with muttered complaints about peeing with a long dress on. "In the mean time, I'm gonna look for someone to make this trip more interesting. Did you see those cute guys in the hotel bar last night? If they're back again tonight maybe we can talk them into buying us some drinks." They laughed while Kaylee washed her hands, then the trio left the bathroom chatting about their plans to get fucked up. "God, what bitches," Hilly said as soon as the door shut, then she finished and got her dress arranged again. "Can you believe that shit?" When Madison didn't respond, Hilly peeked into her stall through the gap around the door. Madison was blotting her eyes with a tissue to keep her mascara from running. "Maddy?" "I'm okay, just gimme a minute." Hilly turned to wash her hands at the sink while she turned over what they'd heard. Madison came out looking pale and avoided Hilly's eyes when she joined her at the next sink over. "I hate them so much," Madison whispered with a ferocity that took Hilly by surprise. "No one would believe them anyway," Hilly reassured her. Madison sighed and visibly pulled herself together. "Let's go sing! I bet they're lining up for the first concert by now." The three concerts went as flawlessly as their rehearsal. Other than dirty looks from the terrible trio, the afternoon at the park was fun and festive. Hilly made sure to spend time with Madison and the rest, and not just Ben. Her friendships were important and she didn't want dating Ben to change that. Ben seemed to understand without even discussing it and did the same. The only real problem was Edward. He kept drinking the tropical fruit punch between performances. Just before the last concert everyone began pointing out that his face was swollen. He panicked and read the ingredients on the fruit punch to discover it contained papaya, which he had a serious allergy to. One quick ambulance ride later, he was checked into the hospital overnight for observation but was otherwise okay. When Hilly got back to the hotel and changed into comfortable clothes, she made an effort to do more than just pull her hair into a tail like usual. She put on her favorite black jeans, borrowed a bright blue short-sleeved top from Madison, then brushed her hair to hang freely around her shoulders. When they went down to the lobby there were a bunch of choir members hanging out around a grand piano near the main bar. "Hey!" She greeted Ben with a hug and kiss, then turned to the rest of her friends. "What's up?" "There's a pianist starting in a little while and we were gonna try to talk him into letting us sing along." He pointed to the poster for a guy named Darren Ross whose show advertised audience participation and games along with music. The pictures on his poster had him playing at a bar full of people who looked like they were having a great time. Darren was as good as his poster claimed and they sang popular songs and show tunes for hours. Hilly was having the time of her life singing along with Ben, including a duet of them singing Summer Lovin' from Grease with their friends singing the tell me more, tell me more parts. But throughout the whole night, Hilly couldn't stop herself from glancing at Kaylee, Bailey, and Ashley as they hung around three older guys at the edge of the bar area. It was obvious they were drinking alcohol because they got louder and sillier as the night went on. At one point Hilly almost pointed out what was going on to the director and chaperones who were hanging out to watch the show, but didn't want to create more problems for herself with Kaylee. Her mother had always drilled the rules of the sisterhood into her head. No matter how much you hated someone, you never refused them a pad or tampon if they needed one. You never let a guy give you a drink you didn't watch being made and you never left your drinks unattended. You always stayed in groups and never let a friend go off alone with someone they didn't know. Hilly might not have ever been on a real date, but she knew the rules well. Watching Kaylee leaving the bar with the guy she'd been drinking with, clearly too drunk to consent to anything, made up her mind to take action. "I'll be right back," she whispered to Ben, then followed Kaylee and the guy as they wandered towards the hotel elevators. The guy was a good looking blond with broad shoulders and muscular arms. Kaylee was hanging around his neck while stumbling along. Hilly took a deep breath as she hurried past them to block them from the elevator buttons. "Kaylee? Are you okay?" Hilly asked Kaylee directly but she didn't respond. The guy gave her a hateful glare. "She's fine. I'll take care of her. Go away, little girl." "I wasn't talking to you," Hilly said and tried to catch Kaylee's eyes. "Kaylee, are you okay?" "I don't feel so good," she mumbled. "You need to butt out." He tried to reach around to press the elevator button, but Hilly held her ground. "She is too drunk to consent and she's underage. You need to leave her with me before I call the cops." The guy moved suddenly to push Hilly out of the way, but her training kicked in automatically. She grabbed his hand, turning it as she flexed his wrist and brought his elbow down hard over her rising knee. With him bent him over, she hit his jaw with her elbow then swept his feet out from under him. He went down hard, but her Sensei had always warned her to continue until she was sure the threat was eliminated. Kaylee crumpled to the ground without his support, but Hilly was more worried what would happen to them both if the guy got back up. She delivered a swift heel kick to his groin then dropped her knee into his stomach. When she drew back to hit him in the jaw again, she realized he was already unconscious and a crowd of people were running toward her and Kaylee. "Are you okay?" one woman asked. She was dressed in casual clothes, but had an air of authority about her. "I'm fine. This guy was taking my drunk, underage friend upstairs. When I asked him to stop he took a swing at me." Hilly was shaking from the adrenaline rushing through her body. "I saw the whole thing. I bet he didn't expect you to swing back." She chuckled as she reached into her small purse to pull out a pair of handcuffs. After rolling him over, she clicked them closed around his wrists. "I'm off duty, so I'll need to call someone else to take our statements. You did real good, Kid. I'm Dina, by the way." Kaylee moaned and tried to push herself up. "Where am I?" She fell back down and rolled over on her back. Dina turned to examine Kaylee, opening her eyelids and checking the pulse in her neck. "I'll bet you twenty bucks he slipped her a roofie. We should get her to the hospital just to be sure she's okay and run a tox screen." "What happened?" the choir director asked as he ran up with the students and chaperons that had been hanging out at the bar. Hilly stepped away to find Ben coming up with open arms. She put her face in his chest and let him hold her while Dina described what had happened to the others. "You okay?" Ben whispered against her hair. "I am now," she said with a shiver. Madison leaned in close. "I saw you follow Kaylee, but I had no idea what you were gonna do. You looked like Wonder Woman when you took that guy down!" "I couldn't just stand by and let him rape her, no matter how much I hate her." With the adrenaline fading, she shivered and clutched Ben closer. "Someone should check on Bailey and Ashley. Kaylee may have been drugged." By the time the police had come to arrest the three guys and taken everyone's statements, Hilly was numb. Their friends had been hustled off by the director and chaperons at curfew, which was how Hilly and Ben found themselves riding up the elevator alone. "Want me to walk you to your room?" Ben asked, his arm still around Hilly's shoulders. "No," she said as she looked up at him. "Could I stay with you?" His brow wrinkled. "You sure? We could get in trouble if we get caught." "I don't care, I just don't want to sleep alone." Her mind was a jumble, but her body was tense and nervous. The fight and the questioning afterwards had her keyed up. Ben had been wonderful. Supportive and quiet when she needed it, but stepping in to make her feel safe when she got overwhelmed. He'd been her rock through the whole thing and she wasn't ready to let go of him yet. Ben pushed the button for his floor and the elevator stopped early to let them off. Holding hands, he led Hilly to his door and opened it with his card key. "After you." She went inside and turned at the bathroom. "Do you mind if I take a shower?" Ben grinned as he put out the do not disturb and double locked the door. "I'll scrub your back if you want." She looked at him for a moment, her mind picturing him naked and wet. Now that she knew what being with him was like, her body flooded in anticipation of the release that would take her tension away. She pushed him into the wall next to the front door. Standing on her toes to reach his lips, she kissed him with a fevered abandon. Ben responded instantly, putting his fingers into her loose hair as he thrust his tongue along her lips. In moments, she had pulled off his shirt and pushed his pants down to grip his thick shaft. With a frustrated growl he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. "Let me get the water going," he said. He kicked off his jeans and underwear, then bent to start the water and test the heat. When she sat on the toilet to pee, his waist was at face level. She reached over to caress his ass cheeks and cup his balls from behind. It had been dark on the roof, so her investigations of his body had been somewhat limited. He had a great body with good muscle tone. She realized he was just leaning over holding the edge of the tub and hadn't moved in a while. "I thought you were getting the water ready," she said as she continued to fondle him. "I can't think while you're doing that," he said in a strained whisper. She giggled, but stopped so she could wipe and flush. He stepped inside the tub and offered his hand to bring her in. She accepted, then drew the shower curtain closed after she was in. He pulled the knob to start the shower and drew her into his arms. "Warm me up," she whispered as she leaned in to kiss his left nipple since it was the perfect height for her mouth. She knew her breasts were sensitive, but had no idea how it would be for Ben. After a few moments she felt his hard shaft rubbing against her stomach as he held her to his breast. "Fuck, that feels amazing," he murmured. She continued to lick and suck his chest while she worked his shaft with her hand. His breathing quickened until he bent to kiss her lips. Their height difference forced him to bend and it must frustrated him because he finally picked her up and pressed her against the wall of the shower. "You're so strong," she laughed and wrapped her legs around his waist. She hadn't counted on how it would feel when he pressed his hard shaft against her mons. "Oh, fuck," she muttered as she clung to his neck. Ben pushed against her, not to penetrate but to rub his shaft along her slit. "Is this okay?" he whispered as he thrust again. "Don't stop," she begged, squeezing her legs tighter and pressing back against him. The sensation made her draw ragged breaths against his wet neck. "You feel so good." He established a steady rhythm while he held her up like she weighed nothing. His hands were under her, his fingers rubbing against her ass and lips while he thrust his shaft against her swollen nub. She lost herself in the sensations as they kissed and nipped each other. "Hilly," he whispered. "I need to stop." She whimpered and clung even tighter. "It's too dangerous if I cum like this. You can get pregnant even if I don't go inside you." She relaxed and took a deep, shuddering breath. "You're right. I never knew this would be so... overwhelming." "I care too much to risk you." He held her until she got her feet down, then kissed her deeply. "Believe me, I'd like nothing better than to finish inside you." "I never thought I was ready before." Hilly got a cloth and rolled the soap in it. "There's no rush," he said when she scrubbed his chest and stomach. "I just can't get over how relaxed I am around you." She lifted his arms and scrubbed there next. "If you'd told me a week ago I'd be in a shower scrubbing your balls and loving it, I'd've laughed my ass off." She held his soapy shaft up with one hand while scrubbing him gently underneath. He shut his eyes and looked up into the spray. "Never stop." "You don't get off that easy," she laughed. "I told you it was my turn to play first this time." She finished by turning him around and soaping up his back. When she dug down into his crack he bent forward to put his hands against the wall. "Damn." "You like that?" she asked. She removed her soapy cloth and let her fingertips explore between his tense cheeks. She leaned into him to rub her soapy breasts against his back while continuing to tease him. "I guess I do," he breathed. "It's the first time anyone did that to me." "Well it's good and clean now. Maybe I'll spend some of my playtime there." She moved on to wash his legs and feet, then turned him around and handed him the cloth. "Your turn," she said and shut her eyes. She turned her body over to him and let him do what he wanted. He cleaned and rinsed, probed and kissed, raising her arousal steadily until she was gasping his name. "Let's get dried off." His voice was gruff but his kisses were tender. When they were dry and climbed into his bed together, Hilly was already leaking her arousal. "Lie back," she said as she pushed him. The lamps next to the bed were on, but the room lights were off, leaving a warm glow to explore him in. She had taken the lotion the hotel provided with her from the bathroom and squeezed some out on her hand. "What are you gonna do?" "I want to know every inch of your body. I don't know when we'll have a chance like this again after we get back, so I'm not wasting it." She spread the lotion across his chest and felt his muscles relax under her touch. He only had a light trail of hair down the middle of his chest that led to his navel. She traced it with her fingers making him suck in his stomach and hiss. "Sorry I didn't mean to tickle you." His navel was round and deep, unlike her own shallow slit. She couldn't help notice how close his cock came to reaching it. Looking at how long and thick it was, she worried it would never fit inside her. She was petite, but knew if a baby could fit out of her then she'd find some way to fit him in. She left his cock for later as she moved down to his legs. Rubbing the lotion into his hairy thighs and shins made him sigh. His muscle definition was that perfect blend of lithe and strong that she loved. His feet and toes had a few sparse hairs. When she worked her thumbs into his arches he groaned and rolled his head around on the pillow. "Fuck, Hilly, I should be doing this to you," he whispered. "No, you got to play last night," she grinned. "I get to play today." Moving back up to his arms, she rubbed the lotion in all the way down to his hands and fingers. He was breathing deeper and slower, making her worry she was putting him to sleep which was not what she had in mind all. "Roll over," she commanded. He sighed and then turned to show her his wonderful ass and back. She straddled his hips and began to work on the muscles along his spine. "You're wet," he whispered and raised his hips slightly. "I feel you leaking on me." "You have no idea how much this is turning me on," she confessed as she worked along his shoulders and arms. "Don't freak out on me, but I have to ask you something." "Hmm?" he prompted. "Do you have a condom?" she whispered. He cracked an eye and looked over his shoulder. "Hilly, there's no rush." "I kinda want to try." She watched his reaction carefully, but he just looked at her. "I'm a virgin, too, remember?" "Oh." That hadn't occurred to her for some reason. "So you don't want to?" He laughed and shut his eyes. "You are the most amazing woman I've ever met." "What?" she asked, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He'd called her a woman, she realized, and suddenly she felt like one. To keep from thinking any more she scooted back to sit across his thighs and used the last of the lotion to massage his ass. "That feels too good," he complained as he opened himself to her fingers. "You never answered my question." She toyed with his hairy hole, spreading his cheeks to rub circles on the puckered, tan colored skin. When the lotion was gone, she slipped her finger between her wet lips and used her personal lubrication instead. "Yes, I have a condom," he moaned at last. "Where is it?" she asked as she pressed the tip of her finger into him. "Oh, God, Hilly," he writhed on the bed underneath her as he pressed back against her finger. "If you don't fuck me, then I'm going to fuck you," she whispered. Her body ached to be filled with him. She was leaking a steady drip onto his thighs. "They're in the night stand." Hilly climbed over to open the drawer and found the unopened box of three. He rolled over with a flushed face, his tension in his cock raising it off of his stomach. "I won't last a second," he whispered. "Neither will I," she said as she opened the box and climbed back to him. She opened the little foil package and examined the rolled latex. She figured out how to orient it, then placed it on the head of his cock. It took a few tries to get it down until he was fully sheathed. "Can I be on top?" she asked. He nodded, then she straddled his stomach. "I'm nervous," he confessed. "Me, too." Then she leaned down to kiss him tenderly. He put his hands on her hips while she reached between her legs to guide him to her opening. She felt his head touch her and shivered at the sensation of him sliding along her lips. The two of them performed a dance of move and feel until she felt him finally spread her inner lips. She pushed back against him, her wet core opening to accept him as he slowly penetrated her. She watched his face twitch and he watched hers sweat as they rocked back and forth to work him inside. "It doesn't hurt yet," she whispered. "It's just... full." "I'm never gonna make it," he said. "You feel too good." "Think unsexy thoughts," she offered with a chuckle. Biting her lip, she pushed back a little more and began to understand the attraction of doing this. "It is good," she whispered as he slipped far enough inside to make her more confident about him fitting. Lifting up on her hands, she pushed back and sat up at the same time. He was inside her, at least as far as she could take him. Feeling between her legs she was surprised to discover how little of his shaft was still out. Ben was biting his lip and frowning in concentration. She raised her hips to slide him out, then lowered again while she watched his face. His frown relaxed and his mouth opened. She did it again, noting his hands pushing and pulling her hips to guide her. Being full of Ben was better than his mouth, better than his fingers, it was better than anything she'd ever felt. She now knew all those things that were better than sex were fucking lies. Nothing was better than feeling her man inside and watching him enjoy her body. The pace increased as Ben took control. She let him do it, offering herself to be used for his need. It was freeing to let go, and letting go was exactly how it felt when he brought her to the edge and threw her over into the storm of her first orgasm. She clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin as he pulled her down hard on his steel shaft. She collapsed before he was done, but he held her close until her shaking stopped. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm more than okay," she whispered and kissed him with raving hunger. "I want you be on top now. I want to feel you take me." She slid off of his sheathed member and switched places with him. The bed was wet under her from his sweat, but she loved the smell of him working hard to please them both. He moved between her legs and gently guided himself back inside with his hand. "I totally get it now," Hilly murmured. "Oh, I like you fucking me." "But I'm not just fucking you," he whispered as he began to move in and out with a slow rhythm. "You're mine, Hillary. I'm gonna do this until you tell me what I want to hear." "Oh fuck!" She had to shut her eyes as her pressed into her. Then he moved faster while he kissed her wet cheeks and neck. "I'll say anything you want!" "You know what I want to hear," he growled into her ear. "I don't know," she whispered. "Just don't stop, oh, Ben!" "Say it," he growled as he rubbed his rough beard against her cheek. "I'm gonna cum," she cried out, her body under his complete control. The second time was harder than the first, making her cough as she lost control of her voice. He continued to drive into her, his panting breath tickling her neck. "Tell me," he begged as he pushed into her and held himself there. "I'm so close." In her delirious state she realized what he wanted to hear, what she wanted to say. "I'm yours," she whispered. "I'm yours." He began to move again, a frantic pace that he couldn't maintain for long. "Yes!" he gasped. She wrapped her legs around him as he cried out, her arms around his neck. The pulsing she felt inside made her cry out with him, his orgasm bringing her to a third intense release. The sweat between them sealed them together as he continued to throb until he collapsed into her arms. His weight should have made her feel suffocated, but instead it grounded her. She revelled in the feel of his fast breaths against her shoulder, rubbing her hands across his back while her legs kept him from moving away. "I may never let you go," Ben whispered in her arms. "I may never want you to," she said, knowing in her heart that they were too young to make those kind of promises. Still, with his weight and heat on top of her she could believe it. She'd believe it for as long as he let her. hilly_and_ben comment
