Naked Mature Women - Mature Women Naked And Love - How They Are The Same

by ChanceCho49413283982 posted Oct 16, 2015


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When Tara woke up in the morning, Joseph wasnt underneath her. She was still naked, so she wrapped the sheet around her and headed to the bathroom. When she walked in, it was like she had stepped into a whole other world. The sinks were glittering clean, the shower was huge and had several stainless steel shower heads that flowed over you like a waterfall. There was a gigantic spa tub, it was deep, probably could hold eight body builders at one time. The toilet was white with gold trim and flush handles, and there was a bidet to the right of it. She was curious so she tried sitting on it and turned the nossel. Cool water lightly sprayed her clitoris and she was immediately intrigued. She let it run over her, she gripped her breast and began rubbing her round nipples. She was getting extremely aroused, she loved the why the water tickled her clit. She began rubbing it vigorously now still working her breast. Wasting no time, she stuck two fingers inside her pumping in and out as the the water continued to run over her. It wasnt soon after she squirted, again, and again! Wooooooow! She let out a huge breath, turned of the faucet, and continued her roaming. Still turned on, she keep rubbing her breast as we walked across the monogrammed tile. Past the shower she walked through a door leading to the closet. This is insane!, she said in awe. The tile turned into shaggy soft carpet, there was a platform with mirrors in front of it. She stepped on to it and admired her body. She posed and made different faces. She moved on and rummaged through his clothes. She tried on his watches and chains and hats and stood back on the platform. Imitating a New Yorker, she said in a deep voice, Hey! What are you doing, Ya crazy? You talking to me! Huh? You wanna piece of this ?. She made a few air punches and laughed. She then slipped on one of his button ups, and took off everything but the watch. She walked to the sink and searched through the cabinets and drawers. The first drawer had a black pistol in it with his initials on it. God Le! In the bathroom? , she pointed the gun at herself in the mirror and pretending making a kill shot. In the next drawer, she took his brush and brushed down her pixie cut. She used at little of his gel and combed it to the side a little. About to search the cabinets, she noticed the note taped on the cabinet door. She read it aloud Good morning sweetheart.... She smiled and hurried down the stairs. No one was on the second floor so she went into the kitchen, she was starving. The fridge had nothing but cold cuts and beer so she grabs an apple on the table. Tara mature female finds the stairs leading to the basement and slowly walks down them, now she could her lots of deep voices chatting very seriously. Yo, Im serious Boss! If this gets outta hand! Were all gonna be sorry she hears Tony say, other men murmur and agree. Look! I call the shots around here! This is MY city! MY streets! MY..., Joseph stops as he notices Tara at the end of the stairs. Everyone turns and stares. Hi boys... , says Tara smoothly. Hey, they all reply. Anyway! Like I was saying! Aint no Morelli gonna run me out my city! And thats point blank period! The devil himself cant chase me outta here! We left New York to build our own empire, and Ill be dammed if anyone threatens me... Tara sit down will ya!. Hed been glancing at her constantly throughout his speech. She sits, hanging off of his every word. There is more business talk then the men start to trickle out of the room. Joseph sits next to Tara. Phew... I see you found my closet, he says frankly. Yea He chuckles and stands her up in front of him. He grabs her wrist takes his watch off, and places it in his pocket. Ill get you one.., he says blankly. She smiles. He grabs face gently, and kisses her. Now lets get you some clothes. They drive to a small boutique, Mr. Crane plus his entourage, and of course Tara. Shes still wearing his shirt, so Tara feels a little ashamed and her face turns sour. Joseph notices and grabs her hand. He leads her straight to the back where the store owner sat. I need a private showing room. he says with his constant blank tone. The owner looks up at him, shocked with his request, then looks are Tara and snarls a bit. He pulls Tara closer to him. Is there a problem with my request?, older nude ladies he says glaring at her. No sir, right away, she replies. The private room had couches and lots of mirrors and a platform just like at Josephs house. Tara immediately got excited and ran to stand on it. God I love these things! , she says posing and making silly faces again. Joseph chuckles, admiring her free spirit. A male tailor walks in with a rack of beautiful clothes. Tara squeals. Yay! This is exciting! My own private room! Joseph smiles, and gazes at her. She is stunning..., he thinks. She tries on lots of designer dresses, everyone hugging her curves. As he watches her play in the clothes, he cant help but imagine getting her out of every last one! Her smooth legs, deep curves, and soft skin gives him flashes of the night before. Crane! Crane! Isnt this beautiful ? She exclaims. He doesnt respond ...he is still in la la land! Crane! She screams. Yea Yea! Do you like it darling?, she says. This was the best dress yet. Red, backless, tank dress. Every part of her body was excentuated, Her breast perfectly perky, nipples showing peeking through. He gazes at her, not able to contain his excitement. He motions to the tailor. Thank you, you can go, he says calmly. The tailor drops the clothes and leaves quickly, closing the door behind him. Well...?, Tara says waiting. He grabs her hand and places her on his lap so shes straddling him. Gorgeous he replies. He slides one of the straps off her shoulder, followed by the other, exposing her breast. He kisses her neck, her collarbone and down to her nipples. She arches her back slightly , his hands on the small mature female nudes of her back. She wraps her arms around him, pressing her chest closer to his lips. Both breathily heavily, she unbuckles his belt and release his throbbing cock from his boxers. She mounts herself on top of him. She wraps her arms around him and rides him hard and fast, her pussy engulfing his cock. He thrust upwards driving his dick deeper inside her. UGH! she lets out a loud moan. Realizing they are still in the boutique she covers her mouth. She can feel him about to explode so she hopes to finish him off with her mouth. He cums inside her mouth and she swallows so they wont make a mess. Afterwards they dress themselves and he leads her to the front. Shell take it all.. , he tells the owner. Tara spent the day following Joseph around with his crew. They handle business. They went to lunches and different dinner meetings then he took her to the Wilkes and rented the presidential suite. You can stay here as long as you want, order what you want, everythings paid for he said as he was about to leave. Why are you doing this? She asked. What do you mean. I mean ... You dont know me. So why are you being so nice? What do you want? I saw you... I wanted you...period Oh great! Im just a piece another piece of meat! I bet you love the fact that you could clean up a stripper and have her whenever you want! Ugh! You think you can just have whatever and whoever you want because your Joseph Allen Crane!, she rants and lunges for the door. He sighs and grabs her by the arm. Dont believe everything you hear on these streets girl., he says sternly. I dont judge you, I see you for mature galleries who you are, thats it... stay if youd like. He released her arm and walked out the door. Tara spent all night thinking of what hed said to her. SecretFantasie
