Naked Mature - Three Ways You Can Grow Your Creativity Using Mature Wife Pics

by RosemaryFernie358976 posted Oct 16, 2015


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In college, my group of guy friends (mostly all frat brothers) had two distinct ways we treated hook ups. Some were prestige hook ups, or girls that you wanted to be able to brag about and possibly bang again. For those, you would pull out all the stops. Go down on her. Foreplay. Compliments. Whatever it took to get her off. The others were "get it done" hook ups, or girls you couldn't give less than a shit about. Our description for those was to "fuck her like she's not even human." I didn't have many of those (I prefer to be good in bed and to develop FWB that I can bang repeatedly), but I had one in particular I want to share. My senior year, I was out one night in the early fall with some friends. I was technically seeing this girl at the time, but it wasn't super serious. Nevertheless, I wasn't really out to "get laid" that night. Me and a couple friends (two dudes, two girls) bounced around a couple parties, and settled at this one house. One of my female friends knew the guys who lived there. Other than the folks I came with, I didn't know anybody. One guy had come to the party with this freshman. Red hair. Tiny. Freckles. Really petite. Not much in the way of tits, but a very round (if not super big) ass. Cute, but not gorgeous. I figured they were together, but within an hour of their arrival, the girl is throwing major "fuck me eyes" at me and generally getting all over my shit. The guy acted vaguely pissed off, but not the type of pissed I would expect if this was his girlfriend. I eventually asked her what the deal was and she said he was her lab adviser for one of her classes, and she thought he liked her, but she wasn't into it, and besides she had a boyfriend back naked mature ladies at home who was still in high school. I shrugged, figured, "oh well, not my problem," and spent most of the evening semi-ignoring her. She got very drunk, and as she got more and more drunk, she got more and more aggressive on me. Eventually the party started to die down, and she literally begged me to take her home, saying she didn't want to leave with the guy she had showed up with. I lived close, so I figured, hell, I'll give her a water, throw her on the couch, and she can walk home in the morning. Boy, did I misread her intentions. We were barely out of the house when she smashed herself up against me and stuck her tongue down my throat. She's going nuts kissing me, grabbing at me, putting my hands on her, so I shrugged, figured, "fuck it," and obliged her. We made out a couple times on the way home. About a block from my place, she turns green, and she pukes. Great. So I wait for her to recover, which takes a while, and I half-carry her ass to my place. I get her inside, she throws up again, and I leave her in the bathroom while I make some pizza rolls. Eventually she recovers, and I offer her a tooth brush so she can clean up (I kept a spare tooth brush in the cabinet for girls to use when they stayed over... not my problem that they all technically shared it with each other). I hear her in the bathroom for a while, and she comes out wearing nothing but a pair of thong panties. Asks me if I want to go to bed. We get in bed, and she's back to being a wild animal, pawing at me, biting me, giving me hickies, the whole works. I finger her under her panties and get her off. She puts her hand down my pants and starts to stroke my cock. I start to pull her panties off, and she stops me. She says, "I want to fool around, but I don't want to have sex. I've only had sex with my boyfriend back home." I sat up and looked her right in the eyes and said, "Listen , you're a cute girl. You're sexy. But I couldn't give a shit less about your boyfriend. I don't think he'd be happy to find out about this. I don't think he would care that I "only" fingered you." She just kind of looked at me funny. I pulled my boxers off and stood up, with my cock rock hard. "So what did you plan to do with this, if you don't want to have sex?" She looks at me with big, doe eyes, then looks away and says, "I mean, I would touch it." I raised an eyebrow and said, ", I'm not a little boy like your boyfriend. I am a man. I don't get handjobs. This cock isn't made for handjobs. This cock isn't made for blowjobs. That's foreplay. This cock is made for sex." She looks at me, slightly perturbed and slightly scared, and just shakes her head and says, "Please." I reached down, pulled up my boxers, and shrugged. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. But I don't sleep with teases, and you're being a tease. So you can walk home, or you can sleep on the couch." "But I don't want to sleep on the couch. Please, I'm not a tease. I was having fun. Let me stay." I give her credit. Her voice quavered a bit, but she didn't tear up. "Listen, I'm not trying to be an asshole. I like you. But it's not very cool to ask me to take you to my place, make out with me, come out of my bathroom half naked, fool around, and THEN tell me you can't have sex because you have some dumb ass boyfriend. You're really sexy. I want to keep fingering you. Hell, I want to lick your pussy, and then I want to fuck you. And I know you want to, so what's the problem?" She's starting to turn red in the face, and her voice is quiet, as she says, "I've only done that once." I kept a straight face, while inside I'm thinking holy hell, her pussy is going to be so tight. Outside, I just shrugged. "You're an adult now. You don't live at home anymore. You can do whatever you want. Do you want to stay here in my bed and have fun, or do you want to leave?" "I want to stay." "Then take those panties off." By now she was beet red. "Can you turn the light off?" The only light at that point was coming from my lamp on my desk. I shook my head very slowly back and forth. "Do you want me to do it," I asked. She covered her face in her hands and went "Mmmmhmmmm." At that point I took my boxers back off, laid down next to her, and pulled her panties off. It was a little struggle, as she didn't bother to do the little lift of her hips to help me get the thong off. The sight of her sparse ginger pubic hair (mostly trimmed) breathed new life into my cock, which had deflated in the interim. I really wanted to go down on her, but I sensed she was uncomfortable. I figured she had never been bottomless with a guy before and that her only sexual experience (if she had even had one) had been some furtive exchange in the dark, and she was self conscious about me looking at her pussy. I took a quick peek to make sure everything looked ok, and then pulled the covers up over us. That seemed to relax her a bit, and I uncovered her face. Looking into her eyes, I whispered "hey," and when she looked at me, I kissed her long and deep. I let my hands wander all over her body, pulling her against me until she could feel my hardening cock pressed between our pelvises. She started to get more and more into it as we kissed, but I could tell she was still drawn taut as a bowstring. I'm big on female excitement, and her overall reluctance was hurting the quality of my own hardon. After a few minutes, I figured I was as ready as I was going to be, so I rolled over on top of her, smoothly spreading her legs in the process. I wasn't going to give her another opportunity to object, so I kept my tongue in her mouth, kissing her passionately and generally holding her down with my body. Luckily my cock lined up pretty well with her pussy, and I didn't have to reach down to find the right spot. She was still wet, maybe from before, although nowhere near as wet as I am pictures of mature women used to or as I like. I worked the tip of my cock between her pussy lips by moving my hips, and once I got the tip wet, I slowly sank it into her. She was making frantic noises, grunts, mewls, and pants, again, into my mouth as I kissed her. Her hands were grabbing at my shoulders and upper arms, and I couldn't tell if she was excited or trying to hold me off her. Frankly, I didn't care. I kept repeating in my head, "fuck her like she's not even human, fuck her like she's not even human, she's a piece of fucking meat, she's a fuck doll." I managed to work my cock all the way inside her. She was tight, although not quite as tight as I expected, and she wasn't quite as wet as I like, so it didn't feel quite as good as I'm used to. But it was enough. I started pumping in and out of her, keeping up a pretty even rhythm more for my benefit than for hers. At some point I pulled my mouth off of hers and pressed it into her neck, where I began working on giving her a massive hickey. For her part, she dug her nails into my shoulders hard enough that she left major scratch marks. I pounded her harder and harder, my cock never quite making it to ideal hardness, me more focused on not losing my 90% boner than on doing anything to please her. After maybe 10 minutes, I felt my orgasm building, and I began really pounding her with my cock. She had gotten kind of quiet by that point, more short sharp intakes of breath with sexy old ladies my thrusts, but no real moans or anything. Somewhere in the back of my head I realized I didn't have a condom on and that I had no idea if this bitch was on the pill, so I pulled out at the last second and shot my load all over her pubic area and stomach. I had barely finished when she jumped up, ran into the bathroom, and began wiping herself off with my towel. I walked over to the desk lamp and turned it off, then laid back in my bed naked. After a few minutes she came back in and curled into the bed with me, resting her head in my shoulder. She didn't speak, and I didn't speak, and in a few minutes I was asleep. When I woke up in the morning, she was still in bed, sexy mature women but she had put her panties back on, and we were facing away from each other. I didn't make any move on her that morning. We exchanged a few sentences as we both got ready, and I offered to drive her back to her dorm. She put back on the clothes from the night before, and I drove her to campus. She never gave me her number (or even her last name), and I didn't ask. I never saw her again. She was, without a doubt, my most disappointing hook up, as she had the body and (at least at first) the attitude to be real dynamite in bed, but had turned out to be a terrible lay. advancedpp1 [2
