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I was working for a fortune 500 company and was transferred to a new account with a team of about twelve serving the print, copy and mail needs of a medium sized architecture firm. Of the three women who were part of the crew, one, named Michelle, was quite abby winters girl attractive.
Michelle was 5' 8" and slim, but not too skinny. She had decent sized boobs, a nice round ass and wavy shoulder length hair. Her only physical flaw was her boyish hips, but they weren't a deal breaker and her ass still looked nice whenever she left the room.
The first several months of work were hectic as we worked the kinks out of our workflow and got to know the employees of the architecture firm. I talked to Michelle occasionally but our work didn't overlap too much since she worked the the mail room and most of my time was taken up maintaining a fleet of about fifty printers, copiers and fax machines. I learned that she had recently moved to the Twin Cities on a whim and the only people she knew were her coworkers and neighbors.
Work continued as usual for several more months and our conversations rarely moved beyond small talk. I never tried too hard to flirt with Michelle, telling myself that it would probably be better if we had a merely professional relationship and didn't try to get in her pants.
One of my male coworkers, Joe, was about to turn 21 and we all decided to take him out for a big night of drinking. Most of us met at a Mexican bar where we proceeded to get Joe royally trashed. At a second bar Michelle showed up with a a friend of hers named Laura who was also very attractive. I made a few attempts at a conversation with Laura and bought a few rounds for everyone but the evening was quickly winding down. Joe wasn't done yet and invited everyone back to his apartment for more drinks and fun. Michelle, Laura and I were the only ones who took him up on his offer.
Joe and I took my car since he was in no shape to drive. Michelle and Laura followed us the short distance to Joe's apartment. We all had a drink at Joe's then settled in to watch Coming to America which happened to be on Comedy Central. Michelle and Laura were sitting on a small couch and I was on a kitchen chair on Michelle's end. Joe was laying on the floor laughing hysterically and would soon pass out from all the shots he drank.
Michelle, Laura and I were having a great time watching Joe's drunken antics which were more entertaining than the move. Once Joe passed out, we continued watching the movie. I placed my arm on the arm of the couch next to Michelle and a couple of minutes later she bumped my arm with hers as she tried to put hers on the armrest. I apologized and made room for her. Shortly, she placed her arm on top of mine and shortly after that began stroking my hand with her fingers. My attention was no longer on the television and I began to play with her fingers when they came within reach. We continued with this for several minutes when she abruptly stood up, said she was tired and it was time to leave.
We made sure Joe was ok, covered him up and left his apartment. I was hoping Michelle was just as excited as I was and would invite me to her place. Unfortunately, she simply said "Goodnight, Will. See you on Monady." I was disappointed but that weekend was spent fantasizing about what would happen on Monday. I already had plans for the weekend that couldn't be changed and I didn't have a phone number for Michelle anyway.
Monday came and Michelle acted like nothing had happened the previous Friday night. Granted, we didn't work closely, but I was hoping for a look or mischievous smile or some sort of acknowledgement of our flirtation. Finally, my desk phone rang and Michelle said to meet her in the break room to talk. I couldn't get there fast enough. We sat across from each other at a table and after some small talk she said she really enjoyed Friday. "I think your're a great guy," she said. I waited for the "but."
I could tell she was nervous because her voice quavered and she repeated herself. "I think you're a great guy, but I'm a lesbian. Laura and I are in a relationship. I don't know why I started playing with your hand. It felt, it felt nice, but there won't be anything more. I'd like keep you as a friend, if you'll have me. I don't have a lot of straight friends, especially guy friends."
You could have knocked me over with a feather. I'd had no indication of her sexuality prior to her revelation. I stammered "Sure. Sure I'd like to be friends too." In reality I was very disappointed and wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I wasn't sure that she was being sincere about a friendship either.
I decided to call her bluff a few days later and asked if she wanted to grab breakfast Saturday morning.
"That sounds like fun," she replied to my surprise. "I'll take the bus to St Paul so we can go to a place on Grand Ave near your place. Can you give me a ride back to Uptown?"
"Sure, that's not a problem. How does the Grandview Grill sound? Ten o'clock?"
"I'll be there."
And she was. It was a cool fall morning and she was right on time. I was able to walk to the diner. We ate and talked. I found out that she had moved to Minneapolis not on a whim, but to be with a girl she thought was "the one." They broke up shortly after Michelle arrived and she didn't have the money to get back to Michigan or go somewhere else. Michelle was a lot of fun and great at keeping up her end of the conversation. It was time to leave and I told her that I had walked since it's only two blocks to my house and parking off of Grand is a pain. We paid the bill and left.
The walk passed quickly and when we got to my place she asked if she could see it. We climbed the steps to the upper part of the duplex and she gushed over the old school built-ins and hardwood floors. She used the bathroom and we left for her place.
We got to her apartment building in Uptown and she invited me in to see it. I followed her up the stairs watching her ass in the tight jeans the whole way. She might be a lesbian but a guy can still enjoy the view.
She showed me around the tiny apartment. "Here's my Murphy bed," she said as she flopped the bed to the floor in the middle of the living room. "The kitchen is this way." I could see it from the door so I didn't know why she had to lead me to it, but ok. "The bathroom is through here," and she entered the bathroom and stood there. "Oh my god, I can't believe I left that out!" And she snatched a pink vibrator off the edge of the tub. "Great. Now you probably think I'm some sort of freak," she was close to tears.
"There's nothing wrong with showing yourself a good time," I said lightheartedly. I really didn't want to deal with a crying woman and was trying to lighten the mood. "Shouldn't there be a fake tongue instead of a fake dick? You are a lesbian." It sounds really stupid now, but it's the best I could come up with at the time.
She laughed and her embarrassment disappeared. "Does it look like a real one?"
"No," I deadpanned. "Real ones aren't that shade of pink, and at least in my case, aren't that skinny." I found it hard that she hadn't seen at least a picture of a penis but I'd play along.
"Your cock is bigger? The ladies must be impressed."
"Not really. It's not unusually large, just bigger than your vibrator." She seemed genuinely curious so I asked, "Do you want to see it?" I was expecting her to laugh it off and move on to another topic.
"If you want to show it to me, I guess it would be cool."
I was dumbfounded. I'd played I'll-show-you-mine-you-show-me-yours before but she seemed serious. "I don't want to if you're unsure." I thought I'd give her an easy out.
She turned very serious, "I'd like to see it. I've never seen one before."
I slowly began with my belt expecting her to start laughing any second, but she didn't. Button, fly, and down with jeans and boxers at once. There I stood with my pants around my ankles and she just stared.
"It doesn't look bigger than my vibrator."
"That's because it's not hard. Once it's hard it's a lot bigger."
"Make it hard!"
"Touch it." I kept expecting her to say something along the lines of "gross" or "yuck" but she didn't.
She reached out cautiously and touched my cock with her pointer finger. My cock twitched and she pulled her hand back. "Holy shit," she said. She reached out again, this time gently pinching it between her thumb and forefinger. I started to grow.
"How big will it get? How fast will it grow" What will it feel like?" She was full of questions.
"Keep touching it, stroking it and you'll find out," was all I could think to say. My mouth was dry and I couldn't believe what was happening. Quickly I was fully hard.
"It is bigger than my vibrator!" I don't think she believed me when I had initially made the comparison. "It's hard but it also gives a little bit when I squeeze it."
At this point we were still standing in the bathroom. I was reluctant to move and break the spell that had come over Michelle but I thought it was worth the risk. "Lets move out of the bathroom." I stepped out of my pants and took her hand. She only had one overstuffed chair in the living room so I sat down on her bed. She sat next to me and grabbed my cock again.
"How long will it stay hard?" Again with the seemingly genuine curiosity.
"As long as you keep playing with it it will stay hard until I come."
"Can I make you come? How do it do it?"
"Stroke it up and down like this," I primrose abby winters showed her how I like it.
She stroked it for a couple minutes, fascinated by my reaction. I noticed her rubbing her pussy through her jeans.
"If you want to, you can use your mouth. Don't drag your teeth, pretend it's an ice cream cone." If I hadn't seen her rubbing herself I wouldn't have suggested a blow job. She i love abby winter looked at me as if she was trying to tell if I was joking. I just smiled. Apparently that was good enough, she started licking and sucking on my cock. She wasn't all that great at it but was very enthusiastic. I started rubbing her side and worked my way up to one of her tits. I had dragged her shirt up and was able to get my hand under her bra and onto her nipple. She squealed happily.
I stopped her blowjob and pulled her up parallel to me. We gave each other a sloppy kiss. I pulled her shirt over her had and unhooked her bra. My shirt came off next and I started sucking on her tits. I rolled on top of her without breaking my lip-lock on her nipple. I worked my way down and got her jeans and panties off. A beautiful bald pussy stared back at me and I started to suck on her clit, but she quickly stopped me.
"If I wanted someone to lick my pussy, I'd call Laura. I want to feel your cock in my pussy. Do you have a condom?"
All the years of carrying a condom had finally paid off. "Yeah, I have one." I ran to my jeans, grabbed the condom and had it on in record time.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I wanted to give her every opportunity to stop. I was worried that she would regret the sex, making it awkward at work. "Yes! I'm so fucking horny right now. I want you inside me."
She was dripping wet and I entered her easily despite the fact that she was very tight. Her eyes rolled back and she started breathing even more heavily. "Holy shit, that feels awesome." I had only pushed about half of my cock into her and hadn't started pumping yet. I began working in an out slowly. Michelle was pushing herself toward my cock, trying to get more of it in her pussy. Once her pussy stretched a bit, I sank balls-deep into her. Again her eyes rolled back, then she started shaking from her first cock induced orgasm.
"That was so fucking awesome," she said.
I held still until her climax had passed, then I started slowly pumping. My pace quickened. She started chanting "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," slowly getting louder and faster. She climaxed again, more intensely than before.
I was close to coming, but I wanted to see if I could push her over the edge once more. I started working just the tip inside her pussy while sucking on her tits. She loved it and was quickly building up to an explosion. When she was close, I sank all the way in again and we both came.
"Holy shit," I said as I rolled off of her.
"Holy shit is right," Michelle agreed. Once she caught her breath she propped herself up on an elbow and looked at me. "I can't believe what just happened. Since sixth grade I've always been attracted to women, not men. What the hell!" She started to cry.
"I can't speak to your past, but you seemed to genuinely enjoy the last forty-five minutes or so. Maybe it's just a fling and doesn't mean anything. Lots of straight women play around with other women. Straight men sometimes experiment too. You shouldn't feel ashamed. If you never want to have straight sex again that's fine. If you want to go again that's fine too."
"The orgasms were holy-shit orgasms, I'll admit. The sex was great, I'm just surprised at myself. I may want to fuck again, I may not. I just need some time to sort out my feelings."
We hugged. "Your a smoking hot chick, and anyone, guy or girl, would be lucky to have you. I hope you don't think I took advantage of you. Sex wasn't on my mind when we came up to your apartment. It just happened. I don't think any less of you and you weren't some kind of conquest. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud of myself for having sex with a lesbian, but it will be our secret."
"No, no, the sex was mutual. I loved it. I'm just conflicted and confused at the moment. I don't regret anything that happened. You're a great guy. I'm glad it was you I lost my traditional v-card to." She initiated a kiss, and I was happy to kiss her back. She joan abby winters felt me begin to get hard again.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I'm flattered you're eager, but I'm not ready in my mind to have straight sex again so soon."
"Not a problem. Maybe we should put some clothes on so we can get back to normal."
We got up, dressed and grabbed some lunch. We had sex a few more times over the next six months until she had saved enough money to move back to Michigan.


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