Back Casting Couch - The Argument About Casting Couch Movie

by LindseyS52413870 posted Oct 16, 2015


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I removed my old posting and put this one up. I re-worked it a bit and added more details and thoughts. Let me know what you think!
I was good friends with a girl all through middle/high school. I was kind of a nerd, and she was what I could only describe as the earlier stages of a punk/goth girl. Not to the point of black makeup and piercings, but lots of rock and roll band t'shirts and jeans were most of the wardrobe I had seen her in. We lived in the same neighborhood so we sat near each other on the bus, and we were both in band and hung out on the trips a lot. We were close in a "good friend" way and discussed dating a few times, but never actually did it. At like 6'2" and 200/220 lbs, she was bigger but proportioned in a way that made her look like an average girl at a larger scale. I was a little skinny fuck at 6'0 and 145-150 lbs, with a strange cross between ribs and a partially formed six pack showing through my front. We both had similar twisted senses of humor and were both kind of perverted minded, liked dirty/inappropriate jokes, etc., and I think it is why we got along so well. A stranger probably shouldn't walk up and do it, but she was not the type to be offended by a game of boob tag or anything like that. "Wrong head" jokes flew around whenever she did something and it ended up bumping my head, and more than a few times they resulted in a crotch grab. Needless to say, there was a strange tension between us that we never quite acted on.
Fast forward several years and she was away at college, a town about 3 hours away from where we grew up. I was going to school near our home town and I had just moved back home after breaking up with a girlfriend. In all honesty, the hours spent on MSN messenger talking to this girl probably helped me through the breakup. She was just generally a good friend, trying to help me through a tough time. I gradually started looking forward to these conversations. We were talking a lot online, and following the flow of our real life conversations back when we hung out; the conversations eventually turned dirtier and dirtier. She talked about some of her fantasies of dirty acts in public and I told her about my foot/shoe fetish. We would talk about how that must be hard for either of us because so many people think both weird and can't always be talked about it early in a relationship. She then asked if I would consider coming to the town she was in (a few hours away) and she would make it worth the trip. I think she just wanted to have some fun hanging out with someone she knew and could trust 100%, and see if it goes somewhere. I honestly wasn't looking for a hookup, but thought it sounded a fun weekend away from my normal life so we tried to plan something out. Over the next several days we would discuss hotels and what there is to do where she is and make a whole bunch of plans. However, we just could not plan the trip between our schedules. It seemed at this point like we stopped talking as much, I started working tons of overtime and she seemed to never be online at the weird times I got off of work. Even struggling for hours to get a version of messenger to run on my BlackBerry Pearl couldn't get us to a point where we talked consistently.
A few months later she came back to our home town for a weekend during her summer break and called me randomly one night. I was just expecting to hang out and find something to do for a few hours, catch up on the inappropriate jokes since we haven't talked in a while, etc., nothing hook-uppy at all. To preface how I thought the night was actually going to go, we watched RENT. It wasn't horrible since the music from it was stuck in my head but I'd never actually seen the whole movie (don't judge, my ex played the CD in her car all the time); but it did not top the list of awesome things to do on a weekend off of work. Then we did what all 19/20 year olds do when they are bored at 10:00pm; we went to Walmart because she said she needed something. After we got bored dicking around in the store, she asked me to help her pick a scented lotion. I made a bad dirty joke about how she can't buy one specific bottle because it has Hannah Montanna on it in case she finds other uses for it; and we eventually settle on vanilla raspberry something and go check out. It honestly did not cross my mind that anything was going to happen, I was just having fun hanging out with a friend. I'm driving back from the store when she asked me to pull into a wayside off of the 4 lane 45mph road. Still oblivious to what is so obvious now, I assume she wants to go for a walk something; so I pull into the lot and park in a stall so I don't get hit by the millions of cars flying past us on the road. I just kind of look at her awkwardly after a minute because she asked me to stop but so far hasn't really told me why or gotten out of the car or anything. She looks back at me and the words she says stick in my head to this day:
"Are you going to do anything?"
At this point we flip up the armrests that divide the bench seat in my car into two seats and start making out ravenously. I'm not even sure I could describe the kisses because they went so fast and tongues and hands were flying everywhere. This eventually leads to the windows fogging up and her taking off her shirt and bra. She had "D" size breast and bigger nipples than I had seen before. Anybody could pull in here any time, but she didn't seem to mind. With these huge tits in front of me, I did the only thing I could think of to do, took one in my mouth and the other in my hand. I licked, slobbered, and played with them with both my hands and mouth for a few minutes, going back to making out in between. I put my left hand in between her legs to hold myself while leaning over to try to get her right nipple in my mouth. Before I get all the way there, she stops me. I sit back up and slides down her pants. This escalated fast and I still wasn't really sure that this was actually happening, but without missing a beat I start to rub her clit before inserting a finger. After a few minutes, she starts grabbing at my crotch and saying it is her turn. She opens up my pants, slides my boxers down below the steering wheel, and tells me to tell her when I'm going to cum. She then starts lowering her head. My anticipation builds as she slowly starts licking my tip; stopping to lick up a string of precum that connected her tongue to my cock. I run my hands through her hair while she starts going up and down, going between licking, sucking, stroking with her hand, and an occasional stop to swirl her tongue around my head. As my excitement builds, I start moving with her rhythm to push in just a little bit deeper. She responds that it's ok, but go a little easier on the back of her throat. Between being in a dry spell from being single for a while and the major turn on of being with someone who doesn't want to put rules between me and my pleasure, it doesn't take long until I'm right at the edge of cumming. I tell her I'm ready and lift her head off of me while she is still sucking. My cock falls out of her mouth with a satisfying "pop" sound from her sucking, and I set her head down on the area just below my stomach/above the base of my cock. I'm extremely turned on by the fact that she is laying right under my cock that is about to explode, and even more turned on that she doesn't get out of the way as I twitch a little bit. I'm expecting her to sit up, grab me, and stroke me to a finish, but what she does is so much better. She licks the top of my shaft to finish me off, and cum runs down the front of my penis and onto her right cheek and lips. She chuckles at me when I explain that I wanted to cover her face with cum but got too shy to do it so I set her down and this happened instead. We lay like that happily for a few minutes before we decide it's time to go before someone sees us. We clean up using the infinite supply of napkins I've always kept in my car in hopes something like this would happen someday. I take her home and we text all night, agreeing to meet again the next day.
The next night, we go grab some dinner from somewhere, and on the way home she asks me to find somewhere to park. Knowing the drill this time, I find a secluded place in the woods with a driveway we can park at and have cover from the trees. We even have the convenience of a slight yellow/orange glow from a nearby yard light in the clearing that is surrounded by trees. Not being awkward this time, I start the making out and licking her nipples again since it worked so well the night before. Tonight was equally ravenous, but I think a bit smoother since we now kind of knew each other's styles and intentions. Although her shirt stayed on tonight, her pants come off again and I start fingering her. She turns so that her back is on the passenger door and her feet are up on the seat with her legs wide open to give me a better angle. I ask if she wants me to return her favor from the night before, but to my surprise she says no, she likes what I'm doing. So, I go nuts fingering her. 2 fingers in and rubbing her clit at the same time and she's loving it. I continue to try to kiss her and kiss/lick her nipples, but the angles are not working within the confines of my car, so I focus on playing with her. After she decides she's had enough, she does what might be the best thing ever, and is one of those moments I think of fondly when I think of my sexual past. A thing that I consider a defining moment in my sexual history. She puts her feet on my lap, leaving her flip flops on in the process.
I' had never been with a girl that actively indulged in my foot fetish before, only the occasional reluctant footjob from an ex who wasn't really interested and made sure to show it in her attitude. I take her black flip flops off and notice that she painted her toes a bright shiny pink (I'll never figure out how I didn't notice them earlier) and that she had also shaved her legs so they were perfectly smooth. Literally, she had to have done this right before I picked her up for them to be as smooth as they were. I had an "I'm In Love with a Stripper" moment as I realize that she did all of this just for me, a sharp contrast to when previous girls would hardly let me get near their feet. In the dim light, the little bit of light reflecting from her sexily done up feet resting on my lap just barely touching my bulge, her black flip flops thrown on the floor carelessly, the feel of my hands rubbing on her silky smooth legs, and her still squirming from me attempting to play with her even though her legs are now closed became too much for my hormone filled mind. In a moment of not caring what she might think, I grab her foot and stick one of her sexy pink toes in my mouth. Then another and another, I suck/kiss her feet with all of the pent up sexual energy I had. She rubs her other foot on my bulging cock, which is now straining against my pants, while I do this. Soon she asks me to take my pants off. I follow her orders, completely removing my pants and boxers and tossing them in the back seat. I'm now completely exposed, and thinking about what is going to happen next. She goes in her purse and pulls out the lotion she bought the night before that I had completely forgotten about, squirts a bunch on my cock, and takes her other foot out of my mouth to wrap both of them around my cock. The scent of the lotion fills the air as she moves her feet a little bit to spread the lotion around. Pleasure overcomes each of my senses with each little move she makes, which she insists are just to spread the lotion. She says that she's not really that good at the motion to actually do this, so I should move for her. I briefly contemplate how she could have known this, and thoughts of her practicing on a toy with her lubed up feet fill my horny mind. I have my way with her feet while attempting to rub what I can reach of her clit for several minutes before finally covering the tops of her feet with my cum. As I am slowly regaining consciousness from what was the best foot fetish act of my life at that point, I admire the smells of sex and lotion filling my car and the white glisten of my cum covering her shiny pink toes and running down her feet; just barely visible in the yellow glow of the sodium yard light off in the distance. She says she's in her happy place now and makes a reluctant little whine when I grab some napkins to start cleaning up and attempt to reach over the back seat and grab my pants. Her feet are still wrapped around my spent cock, and she gives it a little squeeze to show her displeasure at me moving. She tells me that she wants to do the clean up. I almost get hard again watching her, because she just does a quick wipe to get the big obvious clumps off and immediately slides her flip flops back on her feet, still wet and with smaller globs of my cum running down them. My thoughts the rest of the night are how hot it is that she is walking around in my cum, even though I know she is probably just going to bed after I drop her off. Still, in my mind my cum is on her feet in her bed and her flip flops are forever tainted with my seed. The first text after I dropped her off, before I even got the few blocks back to my house was "I was glad that you took my foot virginity."
On the last day before she has to head back to the city she was going to school in, she asks to hang out again. I park at a beach this time, thinking that there is no way I get action three nights in a row; it's just never happened to me before. Not really sure what to do now since I didn't want to push the woman who has been so awesome to me, I resort to my normal awkward self and start looking around my car. I reach between my seats and pull out an empty box of sparklers and a big wad of electrical tape wrapped around some broken sparklers and we joke about the idiot friend who failed at making a sparkler bomb and decided my car was the best place to leave it. The conversation turns a little bit more serious, and we both agree that if she weren't living several hours away we might try dating. We agree that it's just not in the cards now since neither of us want the relationship without the physical presence. We just kind of cuddle in my front seat, enjoying our final moments together listening to the radio after what we both know might be our only experience like this together. She then turns to me and gives me a kiss. Not a ravenous kiss like the two nights before, but a soft passionate make out kiss. I kiss her back in this same style, and after a few minutes she asks me to put my seat back. I do, and she pulls down my pants and tells me she wanted to give me a proper goodbye. She pulls out the lotion, rubs some in her hand to get it nice and slippery, and starts stroking me slowly while we're making out. She does very slow full strokes, like 15 seconds bottom to top. At the top of every stroke, she adds just a little bit of the "milking" motion to keep pressure on at the tip as she continues to slide her hand all the way up so just the edge of my tip is wrapped in her little finger. After a brief pause, she does the same in reverse while going back to the bottom. At the bottom, she would open her fingers so she could keep going lower until just her thumb and forefinger were still wrapped around the base of my shaft with her other fingers brushing my balls. She did this over and over again, perfectly every time. It was almost like the Klixen videos that I've seen so many times. I've always wanted to be in one in person, but had never been with someone who was both in tune with my pleasure and willing to make it happen. In short, it was exactly as I had always imagined it being. I eventually cum when she is just about at the top of an upstroke, with the first few spurts shooting over her hand and onto my abs, and the rest shooting into her palm and all over the top of her slowly moving hand. Things were a bit fuzzy at this point, so I don't really remember cleaning myself up. I think she played with it with her fingers for a minute or two before wiping me up and wiping her hands off. Again, I'm thankful for the supply of napkins that everyone always gave me so much shit about, it really paid off this weekend. She tosses the bottle of lotion in my glovebox where it still is to this day (6 years later). We hang out for a little while longer before heading back to drop her off so she can get ready for her trip back.

