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Hilly wasn't very tall and had the spotty complexion of an adolescent. Her long brown hair needed to be brushed, but it didn't really detract from her bright smile and bubbly personality. The glasses she wore made her soft brown eyes look larger, which made her look even younger than her years. Her body belied that youthful face, with the firm breasts and full hips of a woman. But she wasn't a woman. Not yet anyway. She loved the attention she got when she sang, so she auditioned and won a place in the school choir. The choir spanned all the grades, giving her the chance to tease the older boys. She had found her charms worked even better with them than the boys her own age. She would tell them risqué jokes she learned from her two older brothers and made sure to touch their arms or backs to encourage their attentions. It was all in fun, she told herself. Their kisses were exciting, and when she allowed them to touch her breasts it made her knees weak. But she didn't really understand her power over them. Health class described things in a general sense, but it never really explain why college casting couch the boys were so interested in what was going on in her panties. She could have told them it was usually something gross and sometimes kind of smelly, but she didn't want to discourage them too much. "Are you going on the choir trip?" Hilly asked Ben. Her real name was Hillary, but when her little brother was born he couldn't say it and his nickname for her stuck. Ben was old enough to need to shave most days and she'd noticed that he bathed more often than most of the boys. Hilly liked the way he looked in his torn jeans and tight Pitch Perfect t-shirt. But it was his smile and sweet eyes that really took her breath away. "Yeah," he said as he leaned closer to look down her shirt. She pushed him away with a sigh. "Knock it off." "Why?" he grinned as he leaned closer again, his bangs falling into his face. "You got a nice pair. It's like a compliment." "If you want to compliment me, tell me I'm pretty or I sing nice. Looking down my shirt just tells me you're a creep." "Well, if you were taller than waist high or buttoned up your shirt I might not be so distracted." "Never mind." Hilly turned and walked away, knowing he would follow and apologize. Three, two, one... "Hilly wait, I'm sorry." He said. "You do sing great. And I even think you are pretty in a kid sister sort of way. When we go on the trip you wanna hang out with me on the bus?" She stopped to look him over as if considering what she would say. She already knew, of course. He was the best pron ever kisser in choir. He didn't try to stick his tongue down her throat or twist her boobs like radio knobs. One time, late at night, she put her fingers down into the furry nest inside her cotton panties and thought about him kissing her boobs. It didn't take very long to give herself what she needed to go to sleep. "I guess." The trip would leave on Friday to an amusement park about four hours away. The choir was scheduled to sing three times on Saturday, then stay overnight again to return home on Sunday. There were forty kids in the choir and ten adult chaperons going, which the director thought was adequate to avoid shenanigans. Unfortunately for him, though fortunate for most of the choir members, he totally underestimated the power of hormones. When Friday morning arrived, Hilly dragging a garment bag with her formal dress and a duffel with the rest of her clothes to the hired coach. She had dressed in sweat pants and forgotten to wear a bra under her loose fitting choir t-shirt. Spying Ben at the back room casting couch com when she got on the bus, she stopped to chat with a half-dozen friends while he practically bounced in his seat to catch her attention. She knew it was torturing him, but she enjoyed the anticipation of the long bus ride with his undivided attention. "Hilly! Back here!" Ben called when she finally looked his way. "Thanks for saving me a seat," she said as he got out to let her have the window seat. "I got us some snacks and stuff," he said showing her the bag of goodies like he was presenting her with a treasure chest. He had gotten her some of her favorites, so she graced him with a grateful smile. "That's cool," she said. "Do you know what movie they're going to show?" The coach was two seats to a side with drop down video screens every few seats to watch DVDs on the road. Their seat was in the last row next to the bathroom so it didn't have a seat on the other side. Hilly quickly figured out Ben was hoping to give her a little private attention. She felt a twinge in her panties at the idea, but didn't let on that she knew what he was up to. She stood to chat with the girls in the seat in front of them while the rest of the coach filled up. As soon as they were full, the director grabbed the microphone to explain some last minute details before they pulled away from the school. Just before the bus pulled out, she moved the armrest that separated their seat so she could lean against Ben's arm. Hilly settled in to watch the boring action movie while Ben shifted nervously in his seat. She watched him struggle with himself before reaching over to take her hand. When she left her hand limp, but didn't pull away, he grinned over for a second before returning his attention to the movie. Since her hand was on her leg and his hand was on top of her hand, she felt his fingers shifting to reach her sweat pants. She didn't acknowledge him, but she did move her knees apart slightly. She had to tighten her lips to keep from smiling as his fingers began to circle on her thigh. He was touching her about halfway between her hip and knee, but the gentle motion began to make her respond. Or maybe it was just discharge. She had no way of knowing without checking, but she decided she liked him touching her in either case. When she finally turned her hand over to capture his fingers, he leaned closer until she put her head on his shoulder. She noticed him shifting around in his seat. "You okay?" she whispered as she watched him squirm. "Uh..." When his face turned red she realized what he was doing. "You're getting a boner holding my hand?" she giggled into his ear. He shut his eyes for a moment, like he was contemplating jumping off the bus, then let go of her hand. He looked around to see if anyone was coming up the aisle, then used his right hand to pull his jeans away and stuffed his left hand down into his pants. "Sorry. It really hurts if I don't straighten it." When his left hand came out, she noticed his fingertips were wet. "Did you pee or something?" she whispered in his ear and pointed to his wet fingers. She hadn't meant to ask, but the shock of seeing it forced the question out. Now he looked like he wanted to crawl under the bus wheels while it was moving. "It gets wet when I get horny." Before he could wipe the moisture on his jeans, Hilly grabbed his hand and pulled it over to inspect it. She touched the liquid and frowned, then noticed it made little strings when she pulled her finger away. "Oh." "Oh what?" he whispered, watching her with a thin line of perspiration above his lips. "It's like mine, that's all." She wiped her fingers off on his thigh and let go of his hand. "What do you mean it's like yours?" he asked, suddenly serious and interested. She glanced around, then pulled her sweats away and slipped her hand into her panties. Definitely not discharge, she thought as she felt the slippery heat he had brought out in her. When she pulled out her hand, she showed him her own damp fingers. "See?" He looked at her with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, then gripped her fingers. Staring at the glistening fingertips, he brought them to his nose first, then stuck out his tongue to lick one clean. The sight of him tasting her made her core muscles clench hard enough to make her gasp. He shut his eyes and licked the next one. "So good." One by one he licked her fingers off until she was panting with the kind of desire she'd never felt before. She put her hands on both sides of his face and pulled him in for a kiss. Tasting herself on his lips made the kiss so powerful she allowed his tongue to explore her teeth and lips. After a few moments they slowed until he panted against her neck. "I've never been this hard in my life," Ben whispered against her damp skin. Hilly was confused and horny. She rarely lost control of herself and had never wanted to do more than she did just then. The fantasy of him putting his mouth on her breasts had been replaced with the dream of him tasting her source. She knew her little bud was hot and swollen, craving the touch of his fingers and lips and tongue. "What do you do? When you're alone?" she whispered. He chuckled. "I get some hand lotion and stroke it up and down until I cum." "I'm cold. Did you bring a blanket?" She hoped her abrupt change of subject didn't require she explain what she had in mind. He looked over at her with a spreading grin. "Yeah." Reaching up in the overhead storage shelf, he pulled down a soft blue blanket. They covered their laps and resumed leaning against each other's shoulders. Under the blanket Hilly moved her right hand into Ben's lap to feel his stiff erection through his jeans. She'd never been willing to touch a guy before, but the idea suddenly had an electric appeal. "Oh God, Hilly," he whispered as he helped her with his button and zipper. It was hard to tell what it looked like from the feel alone, but when he tucked his briefs down under his balls, his long shaft felt hot and very slippery. She allowed herself some time to explore with her fingertips to try and make sense of the diagrams she'd seen back in health class. Based on the way he twitched and hummed, she figured out he liked being touched everywhere. His skin was as soft as her own and just as hairy. back room casting couch kayla She liked his balls particularly and he seemed to casting Couch mobile Porn enjoy the attention as long as she was gentle. When she tried to grip her hand around his shaft, she was shocked to discover it was too large for her fingers to encircle it. Since she could only reach part of the way around, she started at the tip and used his slippery emission to stroke him up and down. "Like this?" she asked. "Yes," he gasped. "Perfect." Ben leaned his head back and shut his eyes. She noticed he held his breath at times before panting a bit, straining against her hand like she was hurting him. The most remarkable thing for Hilly was her own physical reaction to giving him pleasure. She knew that boys always wanted this, but she never expected to enjoy it so much herself. Part of it was the excitement of something new and secret with Ben, but there was also power here. She could see his desire when he licked his lips or shuddered when she brushed that soft spot on the front of his shaft. She wanted to talk to him about how it felt for him. How different was it from what she did for herself? Did he get that same kind of release that she found? Then she remembered something she hadn't considered from her health class. "This going to make a mess, isn't it?" she whispered. "Yes." He looked over and down at her with a helpless look on his face. "And soon." She suddenly wanted to see. Feeling him was amazing, but her curiosity and arousal made her willing to take more dangerous risks. She looked past him down the aisle to see if anyone was coming, then without stopping her steady stroke she moved the blanket aside to look. Either he was enormous or the health book was totally wrong. She could tell he was big from feel alone, but now she could see he was twice as long as her palm was wide. His shaft had blue veins visible under the pale skin, but the head was an angry red, like a baby about to cry. Each stroke brought a drop or two of a slippery clear liquid up. Knowing he had tasted her, she glanced around before leaning over in his lap to taste him back. "Fuck," he muttered as her tongue touched his quivering head. It was slick, with a salty-sweet flavor. She brought up another drop as she placed her lips over his head. He shook and strained for a moment, then her fingers felt a pulsing deep inside. The next thing she knew he had thrust his tip into her mouth and was jetting spurts of fluid. Despite the shock, her hand was still moving, but now his hips were pushing his shaft through her fist more forcefully. Worried his labored wheezy breaths would draw unwanted attention, she held still until he finished. Her mouth was full of his cum but it was mostly just thick and slimy, without much of a flavor at all. She was afraid if she tried to swallow it she would gag, so she reached down to her purse and got a tissue to spit it out. By the time she had composed herself, Ben was giving her the kind of smile that said he would do anything she wanted forever. She was still trying to understand what had happened when he pulled her close and sighed deeply. "Do you have any gum," she whispered. "Yeah," he said and pulled the bag of snacks off the floor between his feet. He found some spearmint sticks and opened one for her. The flavor of the gum drove away the slick feeling in her mouth. Satisfying Ben had been intensely satisfying for Hilly. She hadn't expected that at all. While she always enjoyed playing around, she got something now that she hadn't realized before. Before this experience, the point of fooling around had been to enjoy the excitement, but getting Ben off brought it to a new level. "I want to do that for you," Ben whispered without moving. "But I don't know how." Hilly looked up in his eyes and craved that same kind of release he'd just enjoyed. Pulling up the blanket over her lap, she drew his hand under it. "I'd like you to play with me," she confessed with heat rising in her face. When his fingers slipped down her sweat pants, she felt her stomach pull away from his tickling touch. He kept his fingers on the outside of her satin panties, but she opened her legs to let him touch her lower. She put her hand on top of his and showed him how to press all his fingers down to put pressure on the top of her slit. Moving his hand slowly in a circle, he quickly got the idea which allowed Hilly to relax and enjoy his touch. "That's all you need?" he asked with a tremor in his voice. "Yeah, for now," she whispered as she hugged the arm that led into her sweats. She twitched as he moved, the excitement growing enough to close her eyes. "It takes a while sometimes." The gusset in her panties was slick from her leaking arousal making the soft fabric perfect for bringing her along. Her reactions as he pressed into her guided his pace and pressure, giving her electric jolts of pleasure. Hilly blinked slowly, biting her lip to keep from making noise when she realized her hips were rocking with his motions. In her own explorations she focused on her swollen nubbin, but his touch was making her ache for more. He must have sensed her need because while he kept up the circular motions, he began to work the gusset over to expose her furry lips. He changed the motion to include dragging a slippery fingertip between them. "Yes," she whispered as she pushed her hips out even more and hugged his arm harder. Encouraged by her reaction, he moved the gusset completely out of the way and rubbed circles directly against her slick hair and skin. She whimpered and rocked her hips faster, hoping he'd increase his pace as well. He was panting into her hair while he slipped a finger deeper between her lips with each pass. "Don't stop," she murmured. "Oh, Ben." Then he began to rock a finger in and out, using his whole hand to keep the pressure on her sensitive nub as he penetrated her a bit at a time. She was so close, but she didn't want it to end. She knew there was a tightness just at her entrance that she'd never dared to pass, but she was so wet and slippery that Ben got past it without any pain at all. Her body was on the edge and she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. When Ben finally got his whole middle finger inside her, he began to squeeze while his palm continued to press against her. She had to bite down on his arm to keep from crying out. It was his thick finger filling her that finally pushed her over the edge. She whined deep in her throat as she pulsed around his finger deep inside her. Her hips continued to move on their own to increase the stimulation throughout her orgasm, which seemed to last for minutes. Eventually she was left with nothing but aftershocks and a sense of peace. She slumped against Ben's arm, rubbing her face against the teeth marks she'd left with sighs to express her approval. When she realized his finger was still inside her, she let go of his arm with a chuckle. "Did I do it right?" Ben asked as he withdrew carefully. Hilly pulled her legs up in the seat to curl into a warm ball next to him. "I can't talk right now," she purred and patted his chest. She could feel him smile when he kissed her hair, then he settled his arm around her shoulders to draw her closer. Then she fell asleep in his arms. hilly_and_ben comment

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