Xxx Pon Free - Nine Little Known Ways To Make The Most Out Of Casting Couch X

by MaryannStabile242 posted Oct 16, 2015


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I went to a massage parlor in Shanghai last night and it was so worth it. I’ve been in Shanghai for the last 10 weeks away from my wife. Sex was uncommon even when we were in the same country. But I've never cheated. She did several years ago. In China, just about any foreigner is treated like a rock star. I have gotten way more attention from attractive younger women than I'm used to. I've flirted a bit, and I think one or two women would have been willing if I had not chickened out. Truth is, I don't want a relationship with a Chinese woman.I am not willing to complicate my life with that kind of drama. All this explains how I found myself extra horny with no real outlet, and a long pent up "if-my-wife- cheated-why-shouldn't-I' attitude. I began looking into professionals. I was really skeptical. If relationship drama scared me, the thought of getting arrested for solicitation, contracting an STD, or getting involved in gang land bullshit in a foreign country had me pretty edgy An opportunity appeared yesterday afternoon as I was walking around a new neighborhood. A digital sign said "massage". I noted the location and came back after dark. The Internets said that in large cities, if a massage parlor is open after 9pm and charges over 200 RMB, you can expect the Happy Ending. I figured I could stop by, check it out and worst case scenario, get a decent back rub. But it was pretty obvious that they did more than back rubs. The 3 guys up front were super friendly and ushered down the hall. I passed several empty rooms and peeked in- twin beds covered by towels, low watt bulbs, shower stalls. I was nervous about just getting mugged or extorted, so my guard was up, but they couldn't have been nicer. Brought me tea, and asked me to wait. They were more like earnest waiters than Triad thugs. After 5 minutes, a young woman lightly knocked. She was mid 20s, wearing a short black skirt, hose, and white button down top. She looked professional rather than slutty. And I thought maybe it was just a back rub. She kind of stepped back and gestured at herself and said, "Okay?" She was so damn cute. I was like," yes, of course, of course. Come in." She stepped into the room carrying a little basket of oils and towels. She closed and bolted the door and gestured me to the shower. I took off my clothes and she started giggling and talking in Chinese. I could only catch a word here or there, but I got "don't speak English", "American" and "big". That last must have been because I'm 6'2" and weigh 245. She wasn't taking about my penis, which is not even big by Asian standards. I showered while she prepared the room- clean sheet, oils accessible, etc. She toweled me off and gestured me to lie face down. Then she poured oil and started to really work my back. It was a nice deep pressure massage. Everything I had read told me to expect a light rub down and a quick hand job. But this was a quality massage that hit all my knots. She was still fully clothed and wasn’t really doing anything very erotic. Once again I was thinking that I might just be getting a normal massage. But then the mood changed. She dimmed the lights and moved behind me, pushed my legs apart and kneeled between them. She started lightly touching my lower back and hips. It was almost a tickle, but so slow and deliberate. She continued to run her fingers along my hips, across my butt, down my thighs, behind my knees. I don't think anyone has taken that much time exploring my body since those first clumsy high school groping sessions. But this was both arousing and relaxing. She was just so intent on my pleasure. After a good 5 minutes of this treatment she repositioned me. Still face down, with her between my legs, she sat with her legs slightly spread and my upper thighs free nude videos over her upper thighs. So basically my ass was up in the air a few inches and almost touching her stomach. Kind of like a supported up-dog yoga pose. The oil came back out. She poured it on my ass and let it slide down the crack. The sensation of the warm oil slowly coating my asshole was something I had never even dreamed of. It was warm and gentle and such a pleasurable texture and pressure over that sensitive spot. Then she put her hands on my lower back and started a circular motion around each cheek, then bringing her palms together in prayer position to glide between my cheeks. She repeated that a dozen times, feeling my ass with the outwards motion, and spreading my cheeks and gliding over casting couch x youporn my asshole on the upwards motion. She pulled my hips up higher and started caressing my balls every second or third pass. Then she inched me up a little higher and started grabbing my dick every couple of passes. She was slow, and careful with each pass. It was blissful. I am having trouble even describing the feeling. Not, "my God, I'm coming!" overload. But soft, slow, with each pass designed to gain the maximum amount of pleasure. I swear it was better than PIV sex. So imagine how I felt when she stopped suddenly and headed for the shower to wash her hands. Remember, she was still fully clothed, although her skirt was hiked up her thighs. I watched her clean and dry her hands. She turned on the AC and again asked me to wait as she left the room. I didn't know what to expect. She returned 2 minutes later with another basket, this one carrying two cups of water and what looked like a cosmetics jar. She set those items on the night stand, and motioned for me to lie on my stomach again. I heard her high heels hit the tile floor and she stood on the bed behind me. She waived a hot towel over me before placing it on my back, and using it to massage my neck and shoulders. She used second towel on my lower back. While I relaxed, I heard her unbutton her blouse, take off her bra and unzip her skirt. There was an awkward moment when she lost her balance removing her pantyhose. I used it as an excuse to prop up on an elbow and get a good look at her. She had an amazing little body, so common in this area of China, with a slim waist, perky round pornuhb videos free boobs, dark, puffy nipples, and a full black bush. Some guys are turned off by pubic hair, but I actually prefer it to the shaven look. She smiled and looked a bit embarrassed that I'd caught her being clumsy. She opened the little jar, and began rubbing a thick silky lotion all aver my back and her body. Then she rubbed herself all over me. She made contact with different parts of herself- tits, tummy, and thighs. She gently brushed her pussy hair along the back of my legs, then brought my foot up to touch her pussy, and ground into it for just the briefest moment. Then another surprise. I had never even heard of this. The 2 glasses of warm water contained some sort of soft plastic shaped almost like a baby bottle nipple, but used basically as an artificial tongue. She popped it into her mouth, and used it to "lick" my whole body. While I was face down, she lingered at each ear, breathing heavily and giving me goosebumps. Then my neck, and down my back. She went down my ass, and did the back of my knees and soles of my feet. Then she pulled me to all fours, and went after my asshole. Fuck! Only once before had someone ever played with my ass, and that was kind of reluctantly. This was just the opposite. It was like she had been waiting all year for the chance to lick my ass with a fake tongue. I think if she had touched my dick at that moment, I would have come like a freight train. But instead she rolled me over onto my back. Now finally facing her, I could really appreciate her beauty. My hands were free to wander and I caressed her breasts, and ass. I love a tight, flat tummy and I let the back of my hand glide over her bellybutton while she was hovering over me. I knew our time was growing short, but she didn't seem to be in any hurry. She spit out the little plastic, and put in the second one. She repeated the licking, concentrating on my neck, nipples, and the tip of my penis. After just a few minutes, she spit out the plastic, retrieved the oil, and lay down beside me. She slowly began to stroke my cock. Every time I thrust, or moved my own hands faster along her body, she slowed down or stopped altogether to feel my balls. She alternated her gaze between my eyes, and my cock. What is it about watching a woman watch you that is so fucking hot? She started to build speed, but never too fast. When I finally came she made it last forever. She milked it, squeezing the base so I couldn't shoot all at once, then finally letting me fully release. She finished by pumping it furiously, and laughing at how I squirmed 18 year girl porn sex away from the over sensation. She showered first while I was still on my back. I got up and showered while she was dressing. She turned the lights back up to full which brought me back to the real world. She was just as cute and shapely in the harsh light. I have no idea what I looked like, but I felt zero guilt or remorse. I will never tell my wife, brothers or closest friends, which is the secret to keeping secrets. tl;dr I got a slow, sensuous massage and my asshole licked using a fake tongue for 235RMB in Shanghai. No ragrets. 1S5tKDV tossmaway 1HJSYbq 1HJSYbq[1 comment]
