Hot Girl Sex - Sexy Amateur Nudes

by AlvaroMullis7743411 posted Oct 16, 2015


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Hey, everyone. I recently shared the story of my first MMM threesome and people seemed to want more so here we go. As I shared in my last story, amateur sex I am 23 yo, blonde hair, blue/green eyes, and a little over 5 foot 8. amateur wife porn My sexual orientation is romantic interest naked wife pics is in females but I love hooking up with anyone in the bedroom. My first real MM experience was in college but it all started back in middle school. I was 12- 13 years old and had just begun masturbating. I was in a really weird developmental phase were I could experience the pleasure of a climax but no cum came out. This ex girlfriend nude stage seemed to go on for a very long time. One night, I was having a sleepover at my friend's house with one other guy. Two of us (not the hosting friend...he was in his own bedroom) shared a guest bedroom. We were in two separate beds but they were very close to each other. Somehow we got to the topic of masturbation. I told him I masturbated but no cum came out. He seemed very intrigued by this and told me that he had cum every time. I got concerned that something was wrong with me. After talking for a little while, he asked if he could investigate me... almost like he wanted to figure out why I did not cum. I hesitated. He took my lack of response as a "yes" and reached his hand down my pants. I let him do it. He rubbed me for a few minutes. I slowly became curious and reached over my hand to grab his. He wasn't fully hard but was getting there. I remember being surprised because he had hair and I didn't yet at that point. Neither of us orgasmed that night but we spent a good half hour or so touching each other. I still see and talk to this friend today but we have never talked about, not even once. I am not even sure if he remembers it. This is incidentally the same friend that introduced me to porn. I guess we talked about sex/porn/masturbation a fair amount. By the end of middle school, I was a pretty heavy porn-watcher and remain so to this day. I love watching all types of porn but developed a taste very early on for watching men preform oral on other men. For a very long time, this bisexual-side of me remained strictly to porn-watching, I never had thoughts of doing anything with a man in "real life". This began to change in college. I slowly began to realize how badly I wanted to try out what I had been watching in porn for so long. I fantasized about having a cock in my mouth...the taste...the smell. During my junior year of college I broke up with a long-time girlfriend and thats when I had finally had enough. I couldn't take it any longer. I just needed to have a cock and I no longer had anything holding me back. I downloaded Grindr and started chatting around. I felt safe with the potential of meeting up with most of the people since they were fellow students at my university. Finally, I decided it was time to do it. I arranged with a fellow student to meet outside the local bar around 10:00 PM. Neither of us could host but we decided that at such a large university we would be able to find a location outside. He was very tall and Asian. That is about all I remember about him. After some awkward introductions we began walking around campus looking for a spot. We decided on a dark, secluded grassy area up against a fence. There was a road very close by but we thought not too many cars would drive by that time of night. We were wrong...we had to stop a few times when we saw headlights. I leaned against the fence and pulled his body into mine. We locked lips and started making out. It almost felt surreal to be making out with a man so many years after my first experience with a guy in middle school. I switched spots with him, pushed him against the fence, and started grinding up against him. I could feel his cock pushing on my ass. It felt so dirty and so hot to be grinding up against a guy in such a public space. I had grinded with girls before of course but had never been on this side of things. We then switched spots again. He got on his knees, pulled my hard cock out of my shorts, and began sucking. His mouth felt so warm. I never cummed or even got close but it still felt really nice. Then I pulled him up and kissed him again. I could taste my cock on his lips and that turned me on even more. I then got on my knees, pulled his cock out, put the tip of it in my mouth...and then chickened would be a long time yet before I was ready to actually suck a cock. At that point we made out for a few more minutes and then split ways. I never saw him again. Between this being my first time with a guy and the danger of doing it in a public space, the entire experience was so incredibly hot and I still think about it to this day. Hope you enjoyed my story. helljoe
