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GIVR – The First Timer in Blue

Watching a screen disguised as a broadsheet newspaper, I reclined against the green cushions of the late Victorian style sofa, resting my arm against the gold brushed arm. The screen displayed the Key Teahouse main entrance that opened onto West Boulevard, and through it a man in a blue velvet waistcoat walked, causing the little brass bell above it to tinkle lightly. He licked his lips slightly in perhaps a sign of nervousness or anticipation and I knew, almost instantly, that he was a first timer and a client. After a while you just get to know.

I flexed the broadsheet in my hands audibly, causing one client on a different sofa to look to me for a second away from his waitress, but he soon returned his interests back to her. A bubble of my own anticipation was starting to simmer, I loved first timers. Breaking them in was delicate, but ever so satisfying in its own way. The fact was that, with my repertoire of characters on the menu too, statistically he was going to be mine. To push the odds even more in my favour I decided to escort him personally to the sitting room. One last glance at the broadsheet showed him approaching the reception where Katy stood, his eyes already on the red menu. Flashing a smile to myself, I also stood and prowled over to the oak wood door, sliding through it into the front room.

"Good evening sir" Katy said, her tone low and inviting. She wasn’t new by any means and recognized his purpose as quickly as I did but she was my junior in this particular franchise by several years, so as I sauntered up to her and the first timer, while he perused the red leather menu now in his hands, she demurely backed away to resume manning the reception. He was mine, my body said.

"Sir" I purred. He looked up, and over the lip of the menu I could see him eyeing one of my alternatives, not that he would actually know. My original in fact; Orchid.

"Uh, hi." He said, a slight hesitance in his speech. "I was, uh, recommended to this place by a friend… of a friend."

"I see" I said with a small smile, stepping around the counter and slipping an arm into his, taking the submissive hold but leading him nonetheless. "In that case, sir, would you like to come with me. The sitting room is this way and I can entertain you whilst you choose." I purred again, highlighting my words with a playful noise from the back of my throat, hazel eyes dancing with implied meaning and mischief. My current guise, known by the stage-name of ‘Autumn Rain’, had been crafted with one guiding idea; she was raunchy. She wasn’t shy in the slightest and if left alone for too long would mount the nearest phallic shaped object, or at least that was the implication. Perhaps a bit intense for a first timer, I thought, and this one definitely needed some encouragement without the intimidation by the looks of him. Fine taste in waistcoats aside.

"Hmm… Orchid huh?" I half whispered, half giggled, leaning over his shoulder to spy on what menu option he had open. "She’s a good friend of mine." If you can count an alternative form of yourself a good friend then sure, as much my best friend as my right hand.

"Uh yeah she looks cute." We walked through the oak door arm in arm, and the inviting orange glow of the sitting room enveloped us. The high windows had the blinds down but open, letting in slatted light that barred the room in beams of light that picked out the motes of dust in the air. The ornate lamps upon the side tables lit the rest of the room sufficiently, whilst the small overhead chandelier lit the second level balconies and the central area. The whole effect made the otherwise fairly large room, with its many doors, stairs and hallways, feel closed in, cosy and warm. The dark wooden panelling and richly coloured wallpaper added to the effect, interspersed with bookshelves, trinkets and other pieces of entertainment. The main attraction, however, sat in the many sofas and chairs spread out around the sitting room, the girls on shift that day. Three other clients were currently being entertained by giggling waitresses delivering food and beverages, and idle chatter. However this room was for light touching only.

We sat down on a free couch, the first timer again burying his nose into the menu. All the girls and characters in total gave him 14 options today, 4 of which were me. Pressing myself against the arm which I had yet to disentangle from, the hint of breasts and low cut clothing right under his nose, I said

"So would you like me to fetch her or…" giggling I rubbed slowly against his arm "would you want to play with me a while?" A nervous smile broke out, showing perfectly even white teeth. Ah, the digital world.

"I… I wouldn’t mind meeting her to be quite honest." A finger on Orchid’s slowly rotating picture.

With a playful, non-serious, harrumph I replied "Alright then, I’ll bring her down right now. Would sir like something to eat or drink in the mean time?" A quick smile playing across my lips, eyes tingling, "There are lots of things to take a bite out of that I can have served for you." He laughed a short, quick laugh, his nervousness abating slightly,

"White wine please, effective."

"Coming right up!" throwing on an over the top waitress’ cadence, skipping off to a different door located in the corner. Effective was digital-speak for simcohol, which, as you might guess, simulated the effects of alcohol as well as its flavour. That this was possible at all is a miracle of neutron signal manipulation but I shan’t bore you with those details.

I slipped past the door and closed it behind me. The corridor I was in, lightly decorated and better lit than the sitting room, lead only to another door at the opposite end that itself lead straight out of Little Adamson, the room-town the teahouse was located in. Gesturing rapidly with a raised right hand I brought up the interface, which appeared silently in the air. It hovered in front of me, glowing a soft white light, as I glided through the clear-cut interface. My current clothes disappeared without effect as my body changed. My breasts grew ever so perceptibly, only a half inch outwards, whilst my height shrunk several inches. My face morphed, eyes changed and you porn back room casting hair shrank from its barely controlled tumble, into short dark brown curls that framed my now round with ever-so-slightly chubby cheeks, with two large blue eyes set in it. My Latina hue lightened into a pale creamy white and new clothes settled on my new frame and the transformation was over, taking just a few seconds. My blue lacquered shoes had modest two inch heels, and I clacked them together satisfactorily.

I sent a quick message to Matron, informing her of my new client and that we would be taking a room momentarily. Checking myself in the interface’s mirror function I smiled, satisfied with my appearance, and dismissed it. Quickly straightening my sky blue dress that flared just above the knee, hemmed with white lace, I summoned a waitress’ tray and a tall glass of white wine generously filled. After fidgeting for a brief minute I received the OK from Matron, notified by a quiet ping in my ear that would be totally inaudible to anyone else. I then about faced and re-entered the sitting room.

The client was now browsing the extensive list of rooms, exactly where I had left him not 5 minutes earlier. The other three girls were still playfully gossiping with their clients, and after a brief moment I recognized all of them, if not intimately then at least by their faces. Regulars were far more inclined to just chat for a while and pay for the privilege, just as inclined as we were. Even if it was impossible to get physically tired in this world, fucking was mentally hard work. One girl had already entertained three clients today and I was surprised that she was willing to keep at it, but then again Olivia Orange, as her original stage-name went, was also a pretty raunchy one herself.

"Hello sir" I said demurely, bending over low in front of him, placing the wine on the end table next to his position. Orchid is arguably one of my most feminine alternatives, and I let my cleavage do a little convincing, and I saw his eyes linger. One’s like this were always entertaining, enticed by femininity, but thrilled by the totally none feminine object hanging between my legs. "Your wine."

"Thank you, gorgeous." He responded, suddenly smooth and assured. I was in. Giggling in response I sat down slowly, brushing my skirts underneath my legs as I sat, at a distance that was too close to be innocent, but not at the skin-touching-skin distance that Autumn Rain would have done, and indeed did. He took a sip of his wine and made an appreciative noise.

"Has sir had enough time to view the rooms?" I asked, voice falsetto, quite at odds with Autumn’s lower playful growl.

"Well there’s just so much choice…" taking another sip of wine he continued "what would you recommend, lovely?" Giggling again I leaned over, closed the half foot of distance to peer at the menu that I knew by heart, my shoulder pressing against his chest for a second of warm contact.

"Well…" I said, letting the pitch lower slightly, dragging out the sound, keeping the volume low and intimate. "I hear that the purple room" I said, pointing at the option on the menu, leaning again against his chest, "is really cosy and a great place to… rest." I giggled, turning my head to glance into his eyes for a second. I held the gaze for a shy moment, keeping myself very close to his face. I saw his eyes flicker downwards and dilate slightly, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Ah, putty in my hands.

"All right then." He said, a tad nervous again at my sudden confidence. I pouted, letting my full lips become the centre of his attention for a split second.

"Well if sir doesn’t like it I don’t mind."

"No, no. It’s fine. Let’s go to the purple room." I grinned, grabbed his hand and pressed the picture. The menu rippled like water and changed into a neat block of writing, the service contract. At the bottom was room to write in the number of hours and to sign from both parties. Shifting, I stopped leaning against him, and he scanned the passage. With a quick smile and a gesture from him the contract wavered again and his signature alongside the number ‘2’ appeared in the hours section, a fairly typically number for first timers I mused. I also flicked my finger towards the contract and a loopy ‘Orchid’ appeared on the contract. With a quiet jingle the contract faded and the red menu returned to its default state, the rotating faces and profiles of available girls visible once again. Orchid was now missing from the list. A large smiled stretched across my face and I stood up, still holding his hand, dragging him up from the sofa, wine forgotten.

"Let me show you the purple room, sir" I giggled, casting my eyes down slightly, feigning nervousness my self. In truth my anticipation was now simmering strongly and coursing through my veins. He returned my smile, grinning from ear to ear like a kid at Christmas about to open the present too large to fit under the tree.

"Please call me Bates". I skipped across the sitting room towards the left wing of stairs, dragging Bates by the hand, slaloming through the sofas and chairs. Just in front of the stairs I skipped back a step. Now suddenly pressed up against him I leaned up on my tip toes and whispered into his ear.

"I’m all yours Bates."

The purple room’s purple door, a wooden whorled item that looked as if the very wood itself had been grown purple, swung shut with just enough creaking to seem real, thudding to a close with a clack of the door’s mechanism. Shoes and heels were quickly discarded and giggling like a thirteen year old girl I walked backwards towards the bed, the quilt of which was a royal purple striped with grey, dragging Bates by both hands. His boy-at-Christmas smile had, since the journey upstairs and inside, transformed into something nothing short of wolfish, all of his perfectly even teeth flashing in the low light.

The back of my knees hit the edge of the bed and I tumbled down onto it, the hem of my dress swirling in the turbulence, and I let go of him. I giggled again, sliding my tongue along my teeth enticingly, locking my baby blue eyes to his grey ones. Grey eyes, the thought briefly crossed my mind, a relatively uncommon choice for a natural colour.

"So what does Mr Bates want to do with little old me?" I quietly called, pulling my legs in just enough to cause the hem of my dress to rise, the lace trailing up my perfectly shaved and smooth legs. It whispered across the skin almost silently.

"Oh I was thinking of a couple of things…" Bates replied, his voice now cocksure and confident. "Like how about we messy up that bed there."

"Oh-ho-ho." I giggled in reply, ftee por n brushing a hand across said bed. Bates rapidly unbuttoned his waistcoat, a somewhat unnecessary gesture but definitely in the spirit of things. Giggling more I retreated up the bed as he advanced, putting one leg onto the bed, dropping his waistcoat on the floor and working on the under shirt.

The curtains hanging from the ceiling mount were a darker shade of purple, and I pulled one free and started to partially conceal myself behind it, continuously giggling, slowly dropping my pitch castinc couch little by little to a more coarse level, igniting his lust.

"And what else, might I wonder, Mr Bates?" His shirt was now half undone, with the starchy white of it contrasting pleasantly with his tanned skin. Hidden beneath that shirt, now visible, was a lightly carpeted chest of dark black curls. I let my eyes slowly wonder over his chest, itself muscled but not overly so, and let him bask in my admiration. He let the shirt slowly fall off his shoulders and onto the bed.

"Well for starters I was wondering if what my… friend of a friend, said was really true. That down there…" He said, advancing on me on his knees across the bed, eyeing where my crotch would be if he could see it. The quilt crumpled and shifted under his passage and I retreated right up to the bed board, pulling the certain up until only my eyes were above it. Hidden, with one hand, I undid my thin white bra, sliding it out and into my hand. Revealing it from behind the curtain I said.

"Well I do use one of these…" I said throatily. His wolfish grin flashed back across his face again and, as I tossed the bra aside, replied.

"That means nothing." Shirtless, bound only in trousers of grey flannel material, he closed the distance. His breath mingling with mine, minty but distinctly masculine and of its own scent, this fellow was clearly a deep diver and had paid to have a full sense scan, washed over me. I felt my own breath hitch involuntarily. Where had this guy’s nervousness gone? Maybe Autumn Rain might have been a better choice after all.

He snapped his hands up and pulled the curtain away, breaking that last barrier between us, and kneeled in. I eagerly accepted his kiss, and his tongue danced across my lips. Hungrily, with perhaps not enough hesitation as I should have given Orchid, I took his tongue and danced with him. He tasted like clover and his musk, intoxicating, filled my nostrils. Beneath my dress I could feel the material of sex videos on porn my white panties strain against my growing erection, and the tip of my dick pressing tightly for escape.

His body pressed against mine and I ran a hand through his chest curls, feeling the heat of his body. As I leaned back against the headboard he then pressed his whole body against me as my hands eagerly roamed across it, whilst he used his hands to support his weight. I felt him press his erection, itself straining against the trouser material, against my curled up legs. I moaned into his mouth and after a long minute he broke the kiss. Grey eyes opened to meet my blue ones, and he glanced down at my bulging dress, and smiled a small smile to himself.

"So it is true." He shifted his weight to support himself on one hand, and with the other moved up my thigh, pushing up my dress. As it crossed my waist line he revealed pure white panties which contained a small, yet straining, bulge. He chuckled and I, remembering Orchid’s shyness, looked to my side and blushed heavily. With a thumb he pulled pack the panties and, freed from confinement, my four inch erection waved in the air, pink and red in the light of the lamps.

"Don’t look." I whispered, pulling my hands from his body to cover my face, feigning innocence whilst my erection throbbed in the air.

"Now, now." He said, taking one of my hands. "No need to act like a virgin, I’m not into disillusion. Don’t be shy." I peaked behind my remaining hand and gave him a small smile. My other hand was still in his as he guided me to the button of his trousers. Under the band I could feel his own erection, much larger than mine. At a guess it was 8 inches. He leaned in again and kissed me deeply, pushing my covering hand aside. In the middle of the kiss, saliva mixing and tongues tangoing, I started unbuttoning his flies, pretending to need two hands.

He broke the kiss as his cock burst free into the air, and I pushed his trousers off with my hands. He leaned back to allow me to do so, and the action brought my head towards it. It was easily 8 inches long and 1 and a half in circumference by my guess. The thick purple head, and veined shaft, aimed directly at my face. Kneeling now, legs splayed either side, I whispered seductively, dropping the shy visage.

"Hello big boy." I kissed it quickly, the drops of pre-cum smothering their salty taste across my lips. I glanced upwards, giving him that view that all men love, eyes staring upwards into his from bellow, his cock inches from my face.

"May I?"

With a smile he gently pushed my head towards his cock, physically giving permission. I took the tip of his penis in my mouth, tasting him across my tongue. I slid my tongue around the head and along the ridge of the helmet, letting one small hand trace his entire length whilst the other cupped a testicle. Ever so lightly I started to suck and bob, teasing him with tiny movements, massaging his balls. I was rewarded with a deep groan, and I saw, after glancing upwards, his head tilt backwards in pleasure. I continued to move slowly, teasingly, my tongue exploring every piece of his cock, every square millimetre, sliding along the ridges and teasing his urethra. As my hands started to stroke his shaft his own hands started to move.

Released from the need to support his body weight against the head board he let both hands roam across my body. Busy as I was he couldn’t remove my dress, but both hands found a nipple each with ease, as perked as they were. The small mounds that were my breasts, tipped with large pink nipples whose sensitivity was set very high, yielded to his kneading and I moaned onto his dick. The vibration and my continued tonguing caused him to moan in return, and I increased the pace of my pumping and bobbing.

"Ah you’re good." He whispered, to which I favoured him with a long look of me staring into his face as I slowly slid my head down his cock, taking his entire length into my mouth. I felt the tip push against my throat and, without any gag reflex, took it into my throat. Bottomed out I stilled for a few seconds, massaging his balls with the spare hand. His own still kneaded my nipples, which now were at full attention and hardened significantly thanks to his administrations. Pulling back I then repeated, staring deep into his eyes, and took his full length again, and again. In and out and in. He moaned longer and his hands fell away from me. I returned my eyes to my task and concentrated, licking and sucking and bobbing, feeling my own small erection bob and sway in the breeze, small testicles still cupped in my white panties. He groaned even harder after five more minutes of my affections.

"I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum!"

A split second beforehand I felt his balls strain, his cock went rock hard in my mouth, and he jerked forward. I started sucking continuously as he sprayed all inside my mouth, thick strings of gloop that I swallowed noisily. Its strong smell, one that I am very used to now, filled my nose and its stronger taste bathed my palate. Looking up again I bobbed a few more times, sucking and licking up every last drop, swallowing audibly.

I leaned back and smiled shyly at him, letting that façade return, his eyes slowly returning to me after his orgasm. My hands were now behind me, supporting my weight, my body arched forward for him. His gaze roamed over me and I could almost feel his sight on me, taking in my feminine form. My own penis, small but free, still bobbed at attention out of my panties, my dress falling behind it. He fixed his gaze on it, then leaned in, one hand heading to my penis. His own, waving at half mast, glistening wetly from my saliva, hung in the air. He kissed me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth to taste the mix that was my spit and his jizz and we moaned into each others mouths, with my own suddenly hitching in intensity as his roaming hand encircled my dick and started to stroke. He quickly increased his tempo and I moaned in unrest into his mouth, with him kissing me incessantly. We continued making out for several minutes, with him masturbating me.

Breaking finally, but not stopping his hand, I stared at him with hooded eyes and let another small moan pass my lips.


"Orchid." His other hand caught the edge of my dress and pulled it over my head, and I offered no resistance. Now entirely naked to him, he gazed freely at my body. Not a hair stood on it apart from my head, and he lingered on my nipples. Still masturbating me, he leaned further in and took my left nipple into his mouth, and starting sucking like a babe. His free hand circled behind me and slipped under the thin material of my underwear, and took the meat of my buttocks into it, squeezing it and kneading it. With his index he ventured a little further and I felt him circle around my asshole, teasingly, his mouth still working my nipple, and his hand my cock.

"Bates!" I cried. "Bates, I can’t take it. Bates!" I could feel my balls stirring, hot in their cloth confines. "Bates, quickly, fuck me! I can’t last much longer." He stopped suddenly, one still hand encircling my smaller dick. His own was now very much standing at attention again, a single globule of sperm leaking from the tip. He was apparently ready to go again. I laid down full on the bed, lifting my legs for him, giving him a full view of my panty clad butt, my marble sized balls held in place by the fabric, my cock pointing now at my own face. I stared deeply into his grey eyes, now clouded with lust and animal desire.

"Fuck me Bates."

He pulled back and in a matter of moments had whipped his trousers fully off whilst I pulled my own panties down and threw them to a corner of the room, revealing a perfectly smooth, full butt with a pink and perky arsehole, dripping clear secretion. Natural ass lube, another wonder of the digital age. The both of us were now in nothing at all, naked as the day we were born. Sweat glistened on his brow and I gave him the cutest smile I could muster, juxtaposing my next line.

"Fuck me hard, Bates." He smiled once more, positioning his fully erect manhood at the entrance to my boy pussy.

"Gladly, Orchid. My shy little slut." I smiled at that, and then gasped, that same smile transforming into a little O as he pushed inside of me.

His meaty girth pressed against my sphincter and insides, and the heat of him suffused me. He immediately began pumping and fucking me, a hand massaging my nipples again. I moaned, and moaned, and moaned; my pitch all over the place, but still professionally within Orchid’s high range.

"I can feel you Bates, I can feel you pushing me from the inside!" I said in panted gasps, patterned by his rough tempo.

"You feel so good, Orchid. Ah, fuck!" He cried back to me. I put a hand to his face and he kissed me quickly, savagely, with animal need and desire, and I kissed him back just the same. His cock pushed and rubbed my prostate repeatedly, swollen with my desire and his administrations, and my own little cock waved madly in the air, unattended.

"Bates, you’re, so, gooood" He grunted, increasing his pace. I started moving my own body in response to his, building an intense rhythm, my legs flailing in the air, rendered useless by his intense fucking. I moaned a mindless animal noise, and I could feel my own orgasm building.

Judging by the increasing pace and his panting he was approaching climax too. Controlling my own orgasm is an incredibly difficult skill that I had attained only after intense practice, but now I held it in, the sensation of him fucking my tight little asshole almost driving me over the edge, my pink cock leaking pre-cum across its shaft.

"Bates, I’m gonna cum!"

"Orchid!" He bellowed, and he thrust once more powerfully, bucking my whole body and slamming the head board against the wall with a loud bang. His cock, deep inside me, pulsed and twitched and then sprayed my insides with his cum. I finally let myself go and my little dick danced with our tempo, spraying jizz across my stomach and chest. With one long moan that slowly petered out I finished coming, and Bates’ cock finished painting my insides off-white. We lay still for a few seconds, locked together intimately.

"Orchid." He said again, quietly this time and into my ear. He slowly stopped supporting his weight and lay on top of me, our sweat and fluids intermingling. Quite used to this I bared with him, stroking his back, talking into his neck.

"I feel so full and good with you in me Bates." I replied, and gave him a small girly giggle again. I could feel his cock slowly shrinking as his erection faded. "But it seems I’ve made a bit of a mess on us." It was true. My cum was now all over the front of both of us. He barked a short laugh and climbed off me, pulling out with a wet slop-noise, sitting next to me on the bed. A small pool of my ass juices and his cum stained the quilt a darker purple than even the curtains.

I leaned across to him, then starting at his naval, in his trimmed bush of dark pubic hair, I licked the trail that my own cum had made. Slightly sweeter than his, and some-what less salty, I tasted myself and his sweat. In short order I worked my way up, cleaning him with my tongue. I finished up, licked my lips, and swallowed with a satisfied little smile. Then I pecked him on the lips with a quick movement, giggling as I returned to a kneeling position, my cum still glistening on me.

"Let me return the favour" Bates said, and pushed me back onto my back, causing me to giggle once more as I fell. He then proceeded to imitate me.

"You don’t mind?" I asked, enjoying the sensation of his tongue gliding across my skin, leaving a cool trail of saliva against me. Two naked bodies lying on top of the covers.

"Not at all. Its sweeter than normal isn’t it?" Ah, so he perhaps he already did swing both ways.

"Mm hmm" I giggled. He finished, kissing each of my nipples once, and then my lips. To my surprise he had kept most of it in his mouth, and pushed it all back into mine. With a surprised, chocked, noise I swallowed my congealing cum and his saliva mix, and batted him on the chest.

"What was that for!?" I shot at him, to which he just smiled a little smile.

"Just returning it to where it belongs." He said. I giggled in response. "And we still have like more than one and half hours don’t we?" Glancing at the wall mounted clock I saw he was right. I nodded, a playful smile on my salted lips. This one didn’t need breaking in at all.

"We do."

A/N: First submission, let me know what you think. Edit, damn reddit has weird formatting, should be fixed.

submitted by Bellaby [link] [comment]

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